Black cumin oil for face use

The problem of unhealthy, aging facial skin has plagued more than one generation. Many oriental beauties know about the miraculous transformation of the skin after using cumin. Even the queens of Egypt Cleopatra and Nefertiti did not miss the opportunity to use black cumin oil for deficiencies and diseases of the dermis. Therefore, the capabilities and medicinal properties of the drug cannot be neglected. How to use black cumin oil for the face against wrinkles, all its secrets will be revealed further.

Subtleties of preparing the product

Black cumin or Roman coriander is an annual plant that grows mainly in hot countries of the Middle East, and is also found in Russia. Initially, it was used in cooking and medicine in the treatment of many diseases (for example, diseases of the endocrine and digestive system). For cosmetic purposes, an oil extract of the plant is used, which is obtained by mechanically squeezing selected and dried caraway seeds. An oily liquid without sediment is used in anti-aging and anti-inflammatory face masks, in products for healing and stimulating hair growth. By regularly using the extract in combination with self-massage, young and tightened facial skin, like Queen Cleopatra’s, is guaranteed.


Cumin seed oil is a golden to brown liquid with a pungent aroma. Possessing a large number of useful components, fatty acids and microelements, it is indispensable in the fight against wrinkles and defects not only of young, but also mature dermis. In addition, the use of the drug guarantees a positive effect on the body as a whole.

Composition and medicinal properties of black cumin oil

According to leading doctors, the composition of the elixir is considered truly royal, thanks to the content of over 100 types of useful components. In addition, about half of the components enhance the processes occurring inside cells.

The composition of the drug is multifaceted:

  1. fatty acids - Omega-6, Omega-9, linolenic, stearic;
  2. about 15 important amino acids (arginine in particular);
  3. vitamins C, D, E, group B;
  4. micro-, macroelements – calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc;
  5. carotenoids, which help activate the synthesis of new collagen fibers;
  6. phytosterols with anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.

The whole complex guarantees an effective and quick result in the improvement of individual systems and the immunity of the body as a whole. Black cumin oil is also used on the face for wrinkles, stretch marks and acne.

Thanks to its unique components, the following properties of black cumin oil are undeniable:

  1. antibacterial - successfully used for inflammation of the epidermis and treatment of many infections;
  2. a high content of antioxidant substances helps slow down the aging process and activate the regenerative function;
  3. analgesic – reduces pain;
  4. immunostimulating – strengthens the body’s immunity, increases resistance to infections;
  5. sedative – the product calms and normalizes metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  6. relaxing – natural ingredients soothe and relax muscles.


Black cumin oil - benefits for the face

Black cumin oil for facial skin is an essential source of vitamins, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and enzymes. They stimulate collagen production, nourish and normalize cell function.

The glutathione contained in the drug has a beneficial effect on cell regeneration and slows down aging. Due to its antibacterial and soothing properties, black cumin oil is used for acne, inflammation, redness and itching.

Zinc and vitamins A, C, E neutralize the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on tissue and help eliminate stretch marks and wrinkles.
A combination of vitamins A, B and unsaturated fatty acids helps normalize the water-lipid balance in epidermal cells. The dermis is noticeably transformed, it becomes soft, moisturized, the color evens out and acquires a pleasant, healthy shade.

Regular use of the drug guarantees:

  1. normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  2. increases blood and lymph circulation;
  3. alignment of relief and complexion;
  4. acceleration of the regenerative abilities of the epidermis;
  5. reduction of inflammatory processes and swelling of the dermis;
  6. high-quality, deep cleansing of pores;
  7. eliminating the appearance of pimples and acne on the face;
  8. reducing skin problems;
  9. deep nutrition and hydration of tissues;
  10. smoothing and partial elimination of facial and age wrinkles;
  11. increasing the protective function of cells.

In many European countries, black cumin oil is used for the face against wrinkles as the most effective cosmetic product; all kinds of nourishing, rejuvenating face masks are prepared from it, and even added to the main lifting cream for enrichment.


Contraindications for use

Black cumin oil, the harm of which is not commensurate with the benefits, still has some limitations in use:

  1. individual allergic reaction;
  2. pregnancy at all stages;
  3. breastfeeding period;
  4. recent organ transplant operations.

Be sure to conduct a rapid test for an allergic reaction before using cosmetics based on black cumin extract. To do this, apply a few drops of liquid to the inside of your elbow and observe. Irritation, discomfort and itching are signs of intolerance by the body to the components of the drug. Its use will have to be postponed.

When consuming liquids orally, consult your doctor first about the correct, safe dosage.

If you want to replace black cumin oil with another product, you should pay attention to: rose oil, sandalwood oil, jojoba oil.

Black cumin oil for face against wrinkles

A large arsenal of useful and effective substances allows the extract to be used in cosmetology as:

  1. the main component of all kinds of masks and skin care creams;
  2. an effective addition to a cleansing cosmetic product;
  3. component of creams for the neck and décolleté area;
  4. vitamin supplement to basic skin care cosmetics.

It is not recommended to use black cumin oil for the face against wrinkles, acne, or as a prophylactic agent in its pure, concentrated form. To enhance effectiveness, it is useful to combine the drug with other essential plant extracts. Find out more about them here.

The best mask recipes will help you avoid premature aging, solve the problems of young skin and eliminate the existing shortcomings of mature skin:

  1. Queen Cleopatra's mask with a lifting effect: 15 g of oatmeal crushed into flour, 2-3 drops of purified water, 4 ml of caraway seeds, 6 g of natural honey and 1 yolk. Mix all components thoroughly, apply the composition to the surface of the face in a thin layer, and rinse after 10 minutes.
  2. Black cumin oil for the face against wrinkles for oily dermis can be used in the following mask recipe: olive oil 7 ml, cumin remedy 5 ml, rosemary essential extract 4 drops, juniper and bergamot extract 3 drops each, mix basil juice. Heat the mixture slightly in a bathhouse, then apply to the face for 30 minutes. Remove any leftovers.
  3. Mask for problematic surfaces: mix 30 ml of tea tree extract with 7 ml of cumin oil, add 12 g of oatmeal. Mix and spread over problem skin for 30 minutes.
  4. Anti-wrinkle mask for dry skin types: mix full-fat sour cream (15 ml) with caraway elixir (7 ml) and cinnamon powder (4 g). Apply the resulting mixture generously to the dermis for 15-20 minutes.
  5. 5. A mask of 10 ml of olive extract and 7 ml of caraway will help to cleanse oily skin and give it a healthy glow. The oil composition is distributed over the surface for 30-40 minutes.

To achieve maximum results, steam your skin with chamomile decoction before applying the mask.



Vegetable oils are widely used in home cosmetology to care for facial skin, hair and nails. Cumin has a large number of beneficial properties and characteristics. The healing properties of black cumin have been used by people for thousands of years. Archaeologists have been able to find many artifacts that confirm its use in ancient cosmetology, medicine and cooking.

It is also written about in Ayurveda, the Koran, in the works of Hippocrates, Dioscorides, and also Avicenna. The Koran says about him: “Heals everything, but not death.”

Many people know cumin under other names: black or Roman coriander, nigella, cumin, cumin, blessed seed. The plant reaches a height of one meter. Small flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences. Anthracite seeds with a camphor aroma ripen in special boxes in the second year of growth.

Use of cumin oil in cosmetology

Cumin is considered a valuable cosmetic product due to the large amount of nutrients in its composition, and there are more than 100 of them.

Thus, regenerative and metabolic processes in the cells of nails, hair and skin can be influenced by:

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    Fatty acid
    . More than half of the fat (about 58 percent) in black cumin oil is monounsaturated Omega-6 acid (linoleic). This product also contains a large amount of Omega-13 (linoleic), Omega-9 (oleic), as well as peanut, palmitic, palmitic and myristic acids;
  2. Presence of phospholipids. They are needed to restore the state of the cell membrane and activate metabolic processes in cells;
  3. Amino acids. There are about a dozen of them in the product. A more significant amino acid in oil, from the point of view of cosmetology itself, is arginine;
  4. Minerals and vitamins. These are vitamins - groups A, E and D, ascorbic acid, carotenoids and B vitamins;
  5. Microelements. The composition of the product includes: iron, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, nickel, copper, sodium, manganese, as well as other important elements;
  6. Sahara. The monosaccharide composition of cumin includes fructose, xylose, glucose and other sugars. The product also contains polysaccharides;
  7. Tanning components;
  8. Essential oils;
  9. Saponins;
  10. Alkaloids;
  11. Flavonoids.

There is a fact that the beauties of Ancient Egypt used this method to take care of their appearance. And healers in the Far East used it as a medicine against the bite of poisonous snakes.

The drug contains a wide variety of biologically active substances.

To get rid of diseases and cure your face, hair and nails, you need to use such product properties, How:

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  2. Moisturizing;
  3. Bactericidal;
  4. Antifungal;
  5. Anti-inflammatory;
  6. Anti-aging.

Caraway oil helps eliminate wrinkles, sagging skin, hives and various inflammations of allergic origin, dry out acne, eliminate psoriasis and eczema, solve problems with increased hair loss and dandruff.

Cumin against wrinkles

Masks with this product help give the skin lost youth and freshness..

  1. Wrinkles on the skin occur because the cell at some point begins to lack moisture and nutrition, in which case the process of metabolism and restoration in it slows down significantly;
  2. Such symptoms indicate skin aging. To eliminate this problem, you do not need to undergo plastic surgery or buy expensive anti-aging cosmetics;
  3. You can create a very effective product from recipes offered by cosmetologists.


After using such a mask, the oval contour of the face is tightened and turgor in the epidermis is restored. At the end of treatment, you can conduct a course of caring sessions for ten days:

  1. One tablespoon of cumin;
  2. 2 teaspoons starch;
  3. Egg.

Cooking method: Potato powder must be combined with an egg and nutrient liquid. Using a special compressor, you need to steam the skin well, distribute the mixture in a dense layer, without touching the area under the eyes and lips. After 5 minutes, wash your face with cold raspberry tincture.

Anti-aging masks

1. Olive-cumin mask

To make it you will need: vegetable oils - cumin and olive, 1 tablespoon each, tea tree, citrus fruit and juniper oils - about two drops.

  1. Olive and cumin remedy are mixed;
  2. They are heated using a water bath;
  3. Essential oils are added to the base;
  4. Using a cotton pad, apply to the entire face;
  5. The skin is massaged in such a way as not to stretch or injure it;
  6. The procedure ends with washing with acidified water and wiping the face with ice cubes from a herbal decoction.

2. Anti-aging mask with yogurt.

To prepare it, take yogurt without additives - 2 tablespoons, butter - 1 tablespoon.

  1. Yogurt and butter are mixed;
  2. Afterwards the product is heated in a water bath;
  3. Apply the product to the skin of the face using a simple brush;
  4. The rejuvenation procedure should be continued for 20 minutes;
  5. The remains of the mask are removed with a special sponge soaked in chamomile decoction.

3. Take caraway oil (1 teaspoon), oatmeal (2 tablespoons), honey (one tablespoon), and one egg yolk.

  1. Oatmeal is ground into flour using a coffee grinder;
  2. Oatmeal should be mixed with slightly beaten chicken yolk;
  3. Honey and cumin are added to the mixture;
  4. After applying the product to your face, you need to rub it into the skin;
  5. The mask is kept on the face for about fifteen minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

After such masks, the skin begins to look more toned, smooth and moisturized.

Black cumin oil for acne

It should be noted that the effect of cumin oil can be enhanced by other folk remedies that are used in home cosmetology to treat acne, for example, mumiyo and clay.


An anti-acne remedy based on black cumin can have the following effects on the skin:

  1. Normalize metabolism in the cell;
  2. Stabilizes the process of sebum production;
  3. Do not allow bacteria to actively multiply on the face;
  4. Clay-oil mask against skin rashes.

1. Use: white or blue clay - 2.5 grams, water, cumin - 1 teaspoon.

  1. The clay must be brought to a sour cream consistency, then water is added;
  2. The clay mask is enriched with caraway seeds;
  3. To dry out pimples, you need to apply the mixture for twenty minutes;
  4. To prevent the clay from quickly turning into a crust, you need to spray your face with special water in a spray bottle.

2. To make a mask with cumin oil for acne, take four tablets of mumiyo, chamomile decoction, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of cumin.

  1. Mumiyo needs to be diluted with chamomile decoction so that it does not become thick and does not run off the face;
  2. You need to add honey and cumin oil to this mass;
  3. The mask should be applied to the face for twenty minutes;
  4. Afterwards it is washed off with water.

It must be remembered that before applying a cumin mask to your face, you must first clean it well. In this case, acne treatment will be more effective.

Benefits for the face

Reviews report that the drug is not only no worse in its effectiveness, but in some cases it is often superior to the coconut, almond and other cosmetic oils used.

  1. Women use it for anti-aging procedures. They are amazed by the results of the therapy: the skin becomes hydrated, smooth and elastic, wrinkles on the face are smoothed out and become almost invisible;
  2. Teenagers, as well as people with problem skin, speak well of this product. This product helps clear up acne;
  3. Some claim. that to improve the effect of black cumin, it should not only be applied to the face, but also eaten;
  4. The drug has a positive effect on the liver. As you know, the condition of such an organ is reflected in the condition of the skin.

Despite the great benefits of cumin, not everyone can use it, as there are special contraindications.

Thus, pregnant women should not only not take the drug orally, but also should not use it as a component in facial preparations:

  1. It activates the synthesis of prostaglandins, which threatens premature dilatation of the cervix, the development of premature birth or miscarriage.
  2. The drug negatively affects the thymus gland and enhances the process of immune reactions in the body. Its use increases the possibility of developing Rh-conflict and immunoconflict during the process of bearing a child.

Application for hair


Preparations with cumin oil that are used against hair loss:

  1. Visibly strengthens hair roots;
  2. Nourish them;
  3. Stimulate blood flow to hair follicles.
  1. Coconut-cumin mask.

To do this, take coconut oil - 1 tbsp. l., black cumin - 1 tbsp. l., ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon.

  1. Cumin and coconut oils need to be mixed and heated over a fire.
  2. You need to add cinnamon to the warm consistency.
  3. The mask is applied to the hair with a special comb.
  4. A special polyethylene cap and towel are put on the head.
  5. After one hour, the mask can be washed off with acidified water.
  1. Oil remedy with chicken egg.

Take 1 tablespoon of black cumin, oils: castor (1 tablespoon), burdock - 1 tablespoon, blood orange - a couple of drops, chicken egg (yolk) - one piece.

  1. The product is mixed and heated.
  2. The yolk is weakly beaten.
  3. You need to add an egg to the oils.
  4. Citrus essential oil is added to the mask.
  5. After applying the mask to your hair and warming your head, you need to sit for half an hour.

Due to increased blood flow in the scalp, cumin oil prevents hair loss.

Hair growth stimulation

With the help of biological substances in the composition of black cumin, the body accelerates metabolic processes in the scalp and hair roots. Thus, the hair receives all the necessary minerals and vitamins for further active growth.

To do this, you need to prepare olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons, black cumin - 1 tbsp. spoon, apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon.

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    First you need to make an oil mixture.
  2. Vinegar is added to it.
  3. After applying the mixture to the surface of the hair, you need to gently massage the head.
  4. Then the product is left on the hair as a mask for half an hour.
  1. Mask with garlic and cumin.

You need to take - one tablespoon of cumin oil, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, garlic - 4 cloves.

  1. Garlic must be passed through a press;
  2. Garlic juice and cake are added to the oils;
  3. This mixture is applied to the hair and left for 15 minutes;
  4. If there is a burning sensation on the scalp, the mask is washed off ahead of time.

Reviews about the oil

I’m ashamed to go out into the world because acne has appeared on my face. I tried everything. A colleague recommended using anti-acne oil. You need to apply it exactly to the problem area, I also added the product to the face cream - I smeared it on my face at night. The acne disappeared from my face after a short time.

I suffered from irregular periods for a long time; the attending doctors could not find the main cause of the problem. During the next trip to the doctor, the gynecologist advised me to undergo a course of treatment with a product containing cumin - as tampons. And I decided to take his advice, there was still nothing else left. Several cycles intermittently returned normal menstruation.

Because of sinusitis, I had a very bad headache. Treating with antibiotics is not helpful. I found a recipe with the ingredients - black cumin. I put it in my nose and inhaled it. I tried drinking it internally in the morning. The headache went away the next day after this remedy, and mucus began to come out of the nose.

The seeds of this annual plant contain valuable liquid and are widely used for medical and aesthetic purposes. Cumin oil restores beauty and lost youth to the face and is well used in the fight against problem skin.

How to use black cumin oil on your face to make your skin glow and radiate health and beauty? First, let's talk about its beneficial properties that make it a real miracle cure.


Firstly, caraway extract is rich in many acids necessary for our skin, which often cannot produce them on its own. These are stearic, oleic, linolenic and palmitic acids. They, in combination with the vitamin and mineral composition of the oil, help nourish the skin, moisturize it and improve complexion, help restore firmness and elasticity, and also treat purulent inflammation, eliminate swelling and remove signs of fatigue. Of course, it is important to take into account possible contraindications, namely individual intolerance, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Black cumin oil for the face is a universal product that is suitable even for problematic and sensitive skin.

Black cumin oil face masks

Helps with various skin diseases. Containing antibacterial components, black cumin oil for facial skin will soothe the skin, cleanse it, and, therefore, improve complexion. Natural procedures will whiten pigmented areas and smooth out facial wrinkles.

Black cumin oil for face against wrinkles

Wrinkles appear due to the fact that we lack moisture and nutrition; metabolic and restoration processes in the body slow down or are disrupted. This is, unfortunately, how aging manifests itself. But don’t rush to make an appointment with a plastic surgeon and spend money on expensive anti-aging products. We offer a popular recipe that is very effective in the fight for youth.

Anti-aging actions will tighten the oval contour and restore the structure of the epidermis. At the age of 45+, caring sessions should be carried out over a ten-day course and with a light massage.

You will need 1 tbsp. spoon of caraway oil, 2 tsp. starch and egg. Mix the ingredients and after the skin has been steamed with compresses, apply an even layer to the skin (and do not get it on the eyelids). We rest for 15 minutes and it is advisable to wash with a cool infusion of viburnum.

Using black cumin oil for the face: Recipes

For blackheads: 2 ml of cumin extract, a couple of white charcoal tablets, ten drops of myrrh essential oil. After crushing the sorbent, add moisturizing oil and myrrh, dilute with strong black tea. Apply the medicinal mass to the steamed dermis for 20 minutes. Afterwards, remove the remains and wipe the skin with lime juice. The effect is to narrow pores and prevent comedones.

For dry skin: 10 ml of oil, 1 banana, a little oatmeal. Pour boiling water over the flakes for 20 minutes, then stir them with banana and butter. We also wait 15-20 minutes and remove with a damp cotton swab. The effect is to replenish the lack of moisture and lipids.

For oily skin: 5 ml of cumin oil, 10 grams of tooth powder and about 20 drops of tangerine extract. We dilute the white powder with plantain decoction to make a paste, add oil and tangerine. Treat your face with micellar water, distribute the mask; Wash after 20 minutes with cool mineral water. The result is that the surface is refreshed and disinfected.

Rejuvenation: mix 15 ml of oil with 20 grams of seaweed. Pour the algae powder into warm tea with fruit and leave for 30 minutes. Then pour in the nourishing liquid and distribute it over the entire face with a brush. Relax for 30-40 minutes, then rinse off first with hot and then with cold water. Effect – smoothes, refreshes, evens out tone. It is better to use once a week.

Moisturizing: cucumber, tbsp. a spoonful of our butter, a teaspoon of semolina. Grind the cucumber in a blender, then mix with the rest of the ingredients. Leave on the skin for 15 minutes and remove with a damp sponge. The result is that oxygen metabolism is activated.

Cleansing: a teaspoon of cumin extract, a tablespoon of yeast, twenty drops of salicylic acid. Dissolve the yeast in a warm herbal decoction in advance, add the rest. Apply to clean skin for 15-20 minutes and wash with green tea. The effect is the removal of old epidermal cells, fresh skin, removal of age-related pigment formations.


The use of black cumin oil in cosmetology is a topic for a separate discussion, because the healing properties of this drug are based on its high effectiveness in the following areas:

  1. humidification
  2. nutrition
  3. rejuvenation
  4. anti-inflammatory effect (stabilizes sebum production)
  5. antifungal and bactericidal.

But let’s still say that this is an excellent anti-cellulite product, an integral component for caring for weakened hair (with seborrhea and loss of entire strands), and also an excellent element for caring for the skin of the hands.

As we found out, this herbal medicine can successfully replace a night cream. It is also used to care for the décolleté and chest area. Sometimes massage treatments for the whole body are prescribed with this remedy. Its use is relevant for combating skin diseases, beautifying the face, hair and nails.


Some experts believe that for a complete therapeutic effect on the skin, it is better to use caraway extract internally, since it helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, eliminates dysbacteriosis, and normalizes metabolism. And as we know, a healthy intestine and uninterrupted digestion are the key to the beauty and freshness of our face. But here it is important to first familiarize yourself with the contraindications and keep in mind possible side effects. It is better, of course, to consult a doctor to begin your recovery fully equipped.

You can read about the benefits of calamus root for beauty and health in our other article - Using calamus root for hair.