Bags under the eyes after sleep reasons

Swelling under the eyes in the morning occurs as a result of the accumulation of a large amount of fluid in the tissues.. An unsightly, unpleasant manifestation can occur anywhere: on the arms or legs, on the torso, on internal organs or on the face. The peculiarities of the processes and the composition of the accumulated liquid differ depending on the causes of formation.

Few people can boast that they have never wondered how to quickly remove puffiness under the eyes in the morning. Especially often, everyone encounters such a nuisance after a stormy night, or vice versa, after a serious emotional shock, accompanied by tears. To distinguish severe swelling under the eyes that occurs as a result of natural physiological processes from symptoms of serious pathologies, it is worth carefully understanding the reasons for their formation.

Causes of swelling

When studying why there is swelling under the eyes in the morning, users mean swelling of the upper or lower eyelid due to an increase in the amount of interstitial fluid. Our body consists of 60% water. The overwhelming amount of fluid is concentrated inside the cells, and the rest is in the space between them. Water-electrolyte balance, uninterrupted operation of individual organs and systems, allows you to maintain this ratio without changes. When the balance in the body is disturbed under the influence of any reasons or diseases, bruises and swelling appear under the eyes.

Why does it swell under the eyes in the morning, and not in another area? This is due to the anatomical properties of the tissues located in this area. Here the skin is quite thin, and the subcutaneous fatty tissues are distinguished by a rather loose constitution and the absence of sebaceous glands. In this zone, muscle activity is also quite low. It is also worth noting that bags and swelling around the eyes are two different concepts.

Bags form as a result of loss of skin elasticity. Edema causes the accumulation of intercellular fluid, which is formed as a result of an imbalance.

Serious symptoms

When your face swells in the morning and there are bags under your eyes, you should consider the possibility of a failure of internal systems. Often, excessive fluid accumulation indicates pathology in the kidney area. In this situation, the lower eyelid suffers more:

  1. the swelling has a watery consistency;
  2. a bronze tint appears;
  3. As a concomitant symptom, it is worth talking about rapid weight gain as a result of fluid accumulation in all organs.

In an adult or child, swelling under the eyes in the morning may appear due to a nasal infection. After removing the nasal infection, the swelling will go away without additional exposure.

Pathologies of the endocrine system can cause swelling under the eyes in women and men. The cause is insufficient hormonal stimulation, leading to the accumulation of mucous formations under the skin.

Cardiovascular disorders lead to the formation of swelling in the evening. Some attribute this to general fatigue. However, if the phenomenon is constantly repeated, it is worth considering the need to visit a specialist.


When considering dark puffiness under the eyes, you don't always need to rush to the doctor. In some situations, it is enough to reconsider your lifestyle. Among the bouquet of reasons provoking such phenomena, the leading ones are:

  1. alcohol (drug) consumption;
  2. heavy consumption of carbonated drinks with sugar;
  3. short sleep that does not bring rest;
  4. bright lighting that blinds the eyes.

When looking at how to get rid of puffy eyes in such situations, apply the following measures:

  1. control of daily diet;
  2. walk, airing the bedroom before bedtime;
  3. sufficient physical activity;
  4. complete rest.

In addition to the above recommendations, professionals advise maintaining a drinking regime, consuming at least 1.5 liters of water daily. If there is edema, 65% of the liquid should be drunk before 14-00. Moreover, you cannot replace it with drinks or sweet soda. If there is not enough clean, non-carbonated water, the body begins to store it.

Dangerous cosmetics

When starting treatment for morning puffiness under the eyes, pay attention to cosmetics that can provoke such phenomena. The use of cosmetics in itself should not lead to a negative reaction. In such aspects, the culture of their application is of greater importance. To avoid swelling, you should follow simple rules:

  1. Carefully remove any products applied in the morning. At the same time, the cleansing ritual should not be postponed until bedtime. The skin should breathe a little after washing.
  2. To remove stubborn cosmetics, use special products. Don't get carried away with toilet soap. This leads to negative consequences.
  3. Read carefully and study the composition and effect of the night cream. When a film forms as a result of its use, swelling may appear in the eye area in the morning.

One of the most important rules in the fight against puffiness is moderation in everything. By generously applying decorative cosmetics in the eye area and removing it poorly in the evening, you can get irritation, allergies, and other troubles.

How to get rid of swelling

Practice shows that the treatment of swelling under the eyes, which is not a symptom of a serious disease, is quite easy. You can get your face into proper shape without the help of specialists, at home. For this purpose, no major material investments are required. Simple procedures will not take much time or require much effort.

Preventing swelling is always easier than treating unsightly swelling. An active lifestyle combined with proper nutrition will ensure a fresh look for many years. It is also important to arrange for yourself the correct position while resting. The head should be slightly higher than the rest of the body. It is recommended to sleep on your back rather than on your stomach or side.

Bags under the eyes are a sign that can be a signal for the detection of any disease. However, healthy people are not immune from their occurrence. This cosmetic defect occurs due to the accumulation of adipose tissue that retains liquid substances. Bags under the eyes are a kind of swelling, which in itself is not dangerous. There are many reasons for its formation.

The main causes of bags under the eyes

If the cause of puffiness under the eyes is accumulated fluid, this indicates a problem with the kidneys. With age-related changes, such a cosmetic defect becomes the result of a decrease in the elasticity of the skin. The appearance of bags under the eyes, associated with the pathological growth of fatty tissue around the eye sockets, is rare. This manifestation is associated with hereditary pathologies. The most common causes of these factors are:

  1. Poor nutrition. Salty, smoked or overly seasoned foods can cause water to accumulate in the body. The same effect is observed with alcohol. In addition, if a person does not drink enough fluids, the kidneys reduce their activity, thereby creating a supply of water in the body.
  2. Lack of proper sleep. If a person sleeps less than 8 hours a day, his skin loses elasticity.
  3. A surge in hormones such as estrogens. They prevent the removal of fluid from the body.
  4. Lack of vitamin B 5. In this case, symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue, muscle and head pain, and numbness of the feet are observed.
  5. General diseases of the body. Diseases of the kidneys, liver or cardiovascular system may be detected.
  6. Banal allergy. If you find and remove the cause leading to the swelling, it will go away on its own.
  7. Pathological changes in the visual organs. This may be blepharitis, conjunctivitis, ectropion, scleritis or ptosis.
  8. An inflammatory process located in the sinuses or mouth. In this case, edema manifests itself as a one-sided process.
  9. Physiology. This may be excess weight or hereditary excess fat in the subcutaneous tissue.

Bags under the eyes also form if human life is poorly organized or when showing excessive interest in cosmetics.

Household reasons

Swelling as an everyday phenomenon is provoked by the following factors:

  1. Fatigue of the eye muscles from prolonged strain while working on a computer, reading, or concentrating on small details.
  2. Rest interrupted at night or incorrect sleeping position.
  3. Crying caused by overstrain of the nervous system.
  4. Being in a place where there is a lot of smoke.
  5. Contact with foreign objects or chemicals in the eyes.

If we talk about bags under the eyes during injuries, this is a kind of protective reaction that prevents the visual organs from mechanical influences. However, such a reaction can lead to infection.

Abuse of cosmetics

Women, using cosmetics incorrectly, create additional conditions for the appearance of bags under the eyes:

  1. Applying decorative cosmetics in a thick layer and incompletely removing it from the face before resting.
  2. Using inappropriate or low-quality products.
  3. Abuse of moisturizers.
  4. Addiction to Botox procedures.

These factors cause excessive saturation of the body with water and impaired lymphatic drainage.

Why do healthy people have bags under their eyes?

Abuse of salt and alcohol is one of the reasons leading to the formation of edema in healthy people. In this case, swelling occurs during the daytime, being practically absent in the evening. The cause of bags under the eyes in the absence of any diseases is also insufficient rest, age-related changes and genetic predisposition. If we talk about excessive sun exposure, then bags under the eyes appear as a defensive reaction. It lies in the fact that due to drying of the skin, additional fluid resources are formed under it. Here's what internet users say about bags under their eyes:

Here we see a description of the main causes of edema and methods of treating them.

Red bags under the eyes as a result of the inflammatory process

If the bags under the eyes have acquired a red tint, this indicates that an inflammatory process is occurring in the body. It is characterized by swelling, pain and redness of the affected area. Very often bags under the eyes are the result acute respiratory infection. Among them, adenovirus is a consequence of conjunctivitis or inflammation of fatty tissue. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. The eyes hurt, become irritated, itch, and turn red.
  2. The nose is stuffy. Discharge appears from it.
  3. My throat feels sore. I have a cough.
  4. Body temperature rises.

Treatment is carried out in accordance with the prescription of the therapist.

A bag under one eye is a symptom of unilateral sinusitis. Associated symptoms look like this:

  1. A person has recently suffered a viral infection.
  2. There has been discharge from the nose for a long time. It's constantly pawned.
  3. General fatigue is noted. Body temperature is kept within 37C.

If you have sinusitis, you need to consult an ENT specialist. An acute disease is treated with antibiotics and physiotherapy, a chronic disease is treated with a puncture of the abscess.

If, when bags appear under the eyes, there is pain and itching in the eyes, excessive lacrimation, then the person is sick conjunctivitis. Prescribing treatment then becomes the responsibility of the ophthalmologist.

When bags under the eyes indicate a person’s illness

Bags under the eyes are inseparable from illness in the body under the following circumstances:

  1. One night became a period of swelling, the temperature rose, the lower back ached, urine output was impaired - the kidneys suffered from inflammation.
  2. The period for the appearance of swelling is several days, the temperature has risen, the frontal and eye areas are sore, the nose is not breathing and fluid is leaking from it - the nasal sinuses have undergone an inflammatory process (sinusitis).
  3. A couple of hours or minutes and bags have formed under the eyes, the eyes have turned red, the person has sneezed, his nose itches and discharge has appeared, he cannot breathe normally - an allergy.
  4. The appearance of bags became noticeable after the neck increased in size, swallowing and breathing became difficult - the pathology is associated with the thyroid gland.
  5. The formation of bags under the eyes is accompanied by symptoms such as general weakness of the body, depression, weight gain, or the woman’s menstrual cycle has gone wrong - decreased functionality of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).
  6. Bags under the eyes appear along with severe swelling of the facial area, pain in the head, bleeding from the nose, hoarseness in the voice or cough - a violation of the outflow of blood from the head through the superior vena cava (superior vena cava compression syndrome).
  7. For several weeks or months, bags under the eyes have formed; they are more pronounced in the evening, accompanied by swelling of the legs, shortness of breath, decreased performance - heart failure.

Only a doctor can name the exact cause of bags under the eyes. Therefore, if you suspect that you have the disease, contact a specialist immediately.

Bags under the eyes in pregnant women

Most often, bags under the eyes in pregnant women manifest themselves as a physiological feature that is the norm in this condition. This occurs due to the accumulation of salts and fluids in their body. A minor cosmetic defect appears along with weight gain and increased skin moisture. If swelling increases in size, this indicates the following abnormalities:

  1. Failure of the kidneys due to pyelonephritis or other diseases.
  2. Heart failure due to excessive stress during childbearing.
  3. Preeclampsia, which manifests itself in the second half of pregnancy. Such a complication can greatly affect health or cause the loss of a child.

To distinguish harmless bags under the eyes from those that indicate the presence of a disease during pregnancy, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Weight gain. You should be wary if you quickly gained more than 10 kilograms.
  2. The food you ate. If it is saturated with salts, then swelling will be normal; if you followed a diet, then suspicion should fall on the presence of a disease.
  3. What happens to swelling? If there is no positive dynamics or increased swelling after giving up salty foods, this indicates pathology.
  4. The presence of chronic diseases of internal organs. If such diseases exist, then bags under the eyes may indicate their exacerbation.

In some cases, a pregnant woman may feel normal even if she has some disease. Therefore, if the bags under the eyes become pronounced, in any case you need to contact an antenatal clinic.

How to get rid of bags under the eyes

If bags under the eyes are not the result of a malfunction in the body or illness, the following tips will help get rid of them:

  1. Limit your intake of salts and seasonings. Eat only healthy foods.
  2. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. The main part of it should occur during the daytime.
  3. Do not abuse alcoholic beverages.
  4. After a night's sleep, cool the area around your eyes with an ice cube. Thanks to this, the blood vessels will narrow and the swelling will disappear.

If bags under the eyes are the result of a disease, you must undergo a course of treatment in accordance with medical prescriptions.

Swelling of the area under the eyes is a very common problem that causes a lot of inconvenience. The subcutaneous tissue in these places has a very loose structure and contains almost no collagen fibers. In addition, the skin under the eyes is constantly subject to compression and stretching - when a person closes his eyes, blinks, etc. All this creates the preconditions for the appearance of so-called bags, which give the face a tired and painful appearance and visually add age.

The immediate causes of fluid accumulation in the under-eye area can be very different - from easily removable flaws in the daily routine to serious diseases of the internal organs.

Power supply errors

People suffering from swelling of the areas around the eyes often attribute this to excessive fluid intake. This reason does indeed occur, but not always. The body only retains excess fluid that was drunk immediately before bed - then the kidneys simply do not have time to remove the water. However, swelling is observed both in “water drinkers” and, on the contrary, in people who limit fluid intake: because of this, the body begins to reduce the activity of the kidneys in order to create water reserves in the tissues.

Fluid retention in the body is also facilitated by excessive indulgence in smoked, spicy and salty foods, and alcoholic drinks.

Household reasons

Puffiness of the undereyes often occurs as a result of the most common life events. It can be caused by:

  1. fatigue of the eye muscles after prolonged work at the computer, reading, sewing, doing small handicrafts, driving a car;
  2. lack of sleep or interrupted night rest;
  3. prolonged crying (especially against the background of severe nervous strain);
  4. incorrect posture while sleeping. Thus, the habit of sleeping without a pillow contributes to the formation of bags under the eyes;
  5. being in a smoky room (including active or passive smoking);
  6. entry into the eye of a foreign body or contact with an aggressive agent (acid, hot fat, caustic vapors).

A bag under the eye can be the result of a head injury (most often in the forehead, bridge of the nose or temple). Moreover, swelling sometimes plays the role of a protective cushion, protecting the eye from force. However, this phenomenon should not be considered positive, since the subcutaneous tissue, oversaturated with fluid, is easily infected.

Excessive passion for cosmetics

Abuse of cosmetics by representatives of the fairer sex creates additional factors contributing to the appearance of bags under the eyes. The reason may be:

  1. excessive amounts of foundation, powder or shadows on the eyelids and area around the eyes, as well as incomplete removal of decorative cosmetics before bedtime;
  2. use of poorly selected or low-quality cosmetics;
  3. improper use of moisturizers. Each such product contains from 80 to 90% water. When applying too thick a layer of cream to the face, some of the liquid may be absorbed into the skin and create swelling;
  4. cosmetic procedures. So-called beauty injections based on botulinum toxin (“Botox”, “Dysport”) create temporary disruptions in the lymphatic drainage system and contribute to the appearance of subcutaneous fluid accumulations.

Puffiness under the eyes can occur in women at the end of the menstrual cycle due to excess estrogen. In expectant mothers, swelling is often observed in the later stages of pregnancy, when the kidneys have difficulty coping with the increased load and do not remove water from the body quickly enough.

Physiological features

Some people have a hereditary trait - excess fat content in the subcutaneous tissue. Because of this, their eyes always look slightly swollen, which has nothing to do with their state of health.

Swelling of the area under the eyes can also appear if you are overweight, as well as in old age due to changes in the structure of the skin and a decrease in the tone of the eye muscles.


If swelling under the eyes is accompanied by lacrimation, pain in the eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing, photophobia and redness of the eyelids, the cause may be an allergic reaction. Tap water, pet hair, plant pollen, food products, and medications often act as aggressive agents.

In this situation, discomfort and bags under the eyes disappear when contact with the allergen ceases. Antihistamines and anti-itching creams or gels will help speed up recovery. But medications must be prescribed by a doctor.

Eye pathologies

Edema often occurs against the background of eye diseases, such as blepharitis, conjunctivitis, scleritis, ptosis, ectropion and malignant neoplasms.

Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity or sinuses

If an unsightly bag forms under only one eye, this often occurs due to infection of nearby tissues - an abscess in the oral cavity, flux, inflammation of the gums, a purulent process in the nasal sinus, inflammation of the facial nerve or lacrimal gland.

Intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine

When the cause of swelling is a herniated disc, the cosmetic defect is accompanied by:

  1. impaired coordination of movements;
  2. weakness;
  3. persistent headaches and other pains;
  4. feeling of “goosebumps” all over the body;
  5. pain in the cervical spine;
  6. stiffness;
  7. disruption of the peripheral nervous system. This is manifested by a change in the sensitivity of certain areas of the body.

The listed symptoms appear gradually, and in the initial stages of the disease, puffiness under the eyes may be its only sign.

Kidney diseases

Edema due to dysfunction of the urinary system is sometimes called free-floating due to the ability to move from one area of ​​the body to another. At the same time, bags under the eyes regularly appear in the morning. Uniform swelling of the face is also observed (patients notice imprints of the folds of bed linen on the skin after sleep).

As the disease progresses, other symptoms develop: a decrease in the amount and change in the color of urine, dysuria, and increased blood pressure. “Renal” edema is considered particularly difficult to treat.

Liver pathologies

Liver diseases are manifested not only by accumulations of fluid under the eyes, but also by swelling of the hands (especially fingers). In addition, patients complain:

  1. for nausea, belching;
  2. a feeling of bitterness in the mouth;
  3. for pain in the hypochondrium on the right.

People suffering from liver pathologies may experience changes in the color of the skin and sclera (yellowness), as well as urine (darkens) and feces (becomes light). Such conditions are dangerous because they clearly manifest themselves when the disease is already thoroughly advanced.

Problems with the heart and blood vessels

Cardiovascular pathologies are manifested by cyanosis or pallor of the skin, unilateral swelling of the face, instability of blood pressure, tachycardia, shortness of breath, weakness, dizziness, pain in the heart, and a feeling of coldness in the extremities.

If bags under the eyes are accompanied by evening swelling of the lower legs (legs, ankles and feet), as well as the listed symptoms, this is an alarming sign that requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

Vitamin deficiency

Swelling under the eyes may indicate a lack of vitamin B5 in the body. Along the way, headaches and muscle pain, fatigue, numbness of the feet, insomnia, and depression are observed.

In this case, you need to take vitamin preparations or brewer's yeast, as well as include in the diet milk, eggs, green vegetables, buckwheat and hazelnuts, which are natural sources of this vitamin.

The causes of swelling under the eyes are not always harmless. Such a cosmetic defect can be a consequence of serious problems in the body. If bags under the eyes occur regularly, this is a good reason for a medical examination.

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