How to get rid of a deep pimple

Deep acne is one of the most unpleasant cosmetic defects of the face. Compared to ordinary comedones and pustules, they are much larger in size and more painful. After a deep pimple is healed, a scar may remain on the previously affected area of ​​the skin.

Most often this is due to improper therapy or lack thereof, so it would be wise to figure out how to get rid of such a problem with minimal losses.

What it is

A deep (or subcutaneous) pimple is a formation located in the deep layers of the skin. Its formation is associated with blockage of the pores, the development of pathogenic bacteria inside them and the subsequent filling of the hair follicle with pus and secretion produced by the sebaceous gland.


Visually, instead of a regular pimple, a person can only observe an inflamed and swollen area, the touch of which causes pain. You can squeeze out the contents of such a tubercle yourself only if the pus has already reached its top.

But in some cases, the pimple gradually “dries out” inside. Then the inflammation goes away, but a small tubercle still remains.

The formation is called differently depending on the number of follicles included in it:

  1. boil – when one hair follicle is affected;
  2. carbuncle - if the inflammatory process involves several adjacent follicles, united into one common pimple.

Causes of deep acne

The area of ​​localization of deep acne is often the face (nose, cheeks, forehead, chin), neck or back. This is due to the presence of large sebaceous glands in these areas. There are several reasons that lead to the formation of foci of inflammation in these areas.

On the face

The appearance of deep acne on the face can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Hereditary predisposition.

The likelihood of developing skin problems in adolescence is much higher in those people whose parents also suffered from such disorders.

  1. Improper skin care.

This includes the use of inappropriate or low-quality cosmetics, their abuse and excessively frequent water treatments, which cause the epidermis to dry out. Similar problems can arise with a complete lack of facial skin care.

  1. Hormonal imbalance.

Significant hormonal changes may be associated with adolescence, menopause or pregnancy (in women). This can equally be facilitated by sexually transmitted diseases and other disorders in the body, which can lead to hormonal imbalance.

  1. Failure to follow the rules of a healthy diet and gastrointestinal diseases.

Active consumption of excessively fatty, sweet or salty foods, smoked dishes, and baked goods not only leads to the appearance of deep acne, but also provokes increased swelling, weight gain and other health problems.

  1. Infectious effects.

The appearance of subcutaneous tubercles is often associated with exposure to staphylococcal infections. Also, the development of the inflammatory process is provoked by a subcutaneous mite (Demodex), but its presence can be accurately determined only by the results of special laboratory tests.

The effect of all these factors increases if a person is under stress, suffers from increased sweating, weakens the body’s defenses, or is under excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

On the chin

There are two additional reasons for the appearance of subcutaneous formations on the chin (in addition to those already listed above):

  1. Incorrect shaving.

Microtraumas of the epidermis caused by inept handling of the razor allow the infection to penetrate into the subcutaneous layers. Shaving using old blades gives a similar result.

In addition to toxic substances, the smoke exhaled when smoking contains resins that clog the pores around the mouth and on the chin. This significantly increases the likelihood of deep acne.

Features in children

The appearance of deep acne in newborns is considered a special disease. These formations are formed in the first 3-5 months of life, but not due to disturbances in the functioning of the sebaceous gland, but under the influence of maternal sex hormones, which enter the child’s body with milk.

The rash usually appears on the forehead, cheeks, back of the head, and nasolabial folds and goes away within a few weeks or even days on its own without drug intervention.

A prerequisite for recovery is to provide the baby with proper hygienic care. In addition, it is strictly forbidden for children to squeeze out deep pimples on their own.

About watery pimples on the hands. More details here.

Treatment with folk remedies

To remove the unpleasant symptoms associated with the development of the inflammatory process, you can use one of the following folk recipes:

  1. squeeze the juice out of the prickly tartar grass and use it to wipe acne (at the same time, you must take the product internally - 1 teaspoon after meals);
  2. apply tea tree oil to the inflamed area (if the skin tingles after using it, the product can be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio);
  3. pour white lily (petals) with vodka (component ratio 1:1), then let it brew for two weeks, and use the finished medicine to wipe the skin before going to bed;
  4. wipe the formations with a cotton swab that has been moistened with fir oil (can be purchased at a pharmacy);
  5. prepare a tincture of sage leaves (1 tablespoon of raw material and 250 ml of boiling water), strain it, add honey (1/2 teaspoon) and use for acne lotions;
  6. mix one teaspoon each of honey and calendula tincture, and then dilute them in warm boiled water (250 ml) and use to wipe oily skin;
  7. in a ratio of 1:4, mix fresh raspberry leaves and butter (can be replaced with Vaseline), use for daily application to problem areas of the skin.

Drug therapy

Drug treatment of subcutaneous acne involves working in several areas at once:

  1. decreased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  2. preventing the spread of infectious disease;
  3. stimulation of acne maturation process;
  4. relieving inflammation;
  5. preventing the formation of a scar on the affected area.

To achieve the desired effect, you can use any of the following pharmaceutical products:

  1. Klindovit, Zinerit (give an antibacterial effect, but are used only as prescribed by the treating specialist);
  2. Differin (reduces inflammation, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, prevents keratinization of the skin);
  3. 2% solution of Salicylic acid (used externally, has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects);
  4. Salicylic-zinc paste.

The last drug is applied to the affected area for half an hour in the form of applications. The procedure must be repeated daily, once a day.

Video: How to get rid of rashes at home


Squeezing unripe pimples is not only useless, but also harmful. The consequences of such self-medication may have to be eliminated through surgery.

To stimulate the process of maturation of the abscess and avoid surgery, you can make a special compress:

  1. with Vishnevsky ointment or Levomekoli;
  2. with honey, salt, turmeric and grated ginger;
  3. with an aloe leaf (it needs to be cut lengthwise, applied with the cut to the affected area, secured and left overnight);
  4. with iodine (apply the active substance in minimal quantities, so that it covers only the top of the tubercle).

Without such preliminary preparation and compliance with minimum hygiene standards, squeezing a pimple will only intensify the inflammatory process or lead to the spread of infection to healthy areas. Even after successful elimination of purulent formation, scars and age spots may remain.

The most reasonable method of treatment would be to contact a professional cosmetologist (after a preliminary examination and with the test results in hand).

If there are no contraindications, the specialist will prescribe a suitable anti-inflammatory drug and carefully cleanse the face.

It should be taken into account that even professionals do not squeeze out immature deep pimples. However, they have a special method that allows them to speed up the maturation process - ozone therapy. This procedure greatly simplifies the work of removing formations.

Acne on the face or various parts of the body is often a consequence of internal disorders that arise due to errors in lifestyle, exposure to adverse factors or developing diseases. One of these problems is subcutaneous formations, which are not just an unpleasant aesthetic defect, but also a possible symptom of pathological processes occurring in the body.

What are subcutaneous acne

The process of formation of subcutaneous skin is directly related to the excessive production of sebum, which accumulates in the sebaceous ducts. It is a breeding ground for bacteria that multiply inside the sebaceous glands and provoke subcutaneous inflammation. As a result of the inflammatory process, a hard ball (bump) appears on the skin, which hurts when pressed and, unlike skin rashes such as pimples or acne, is not squeezed out in the usual way.

Inflammation affects the inner layers of the skin, and its superficial keratinized layer creates an obstacle to the normal cleaning of the sebaceous ducts. For this reason, it is difficult to get rid of subcutaneous acne, whether it is small white rashes or one large inflamed subcutaneous area. Such formations are located in the deep layers of the skin and “ripe” for a very long time, and therefore it is impossible to remove accumulations of sebum and pus from them using conventional methods.

Reasons for appearance

Having understood what subcutaneous acne is and what is the mechanism of its formation, it is necessary to find out what causes it. The main reason for the appearance of such rashes is a disruption in the process of sebum secretion, and it develops under the influence of a number of internal pathologies or external adverse influences. Why do subcutaneous lesions appear? Experts name the following factors that contribute to or provoke their formation:

  1. improper or insufficient skin care;
  2. hormonal imbalance associated with puberty, pregnancy, contraceptives, or endocrine diseases;
  3. overheating or hypothermia of the body;
  4. poor nutrition;
  5. abuse of peeling or tanning;
  6. disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
  7. reduced immunity;
  8. metabolic disease;
  9. hereditary predisposition;
  10. gynecological diseases;
  11. subcutaneous mite;
  12. bad habits (tobacco use, alcohol use).

On the face

Problems with facial skin, manifested in the form of subcutaneous acne, often indicate hormonal imbalances in the body:

  1. If small bumps appear on the face that do not go away for a long time, this may be a consequence of developing endocrine pathologies or temporary hormonal imbalance due to natural causes (adolescence, pregnancy).
  2. In women, white pimples on the face can occur due to ovarian dysfunction caused by polycystic disease. In this case, they are localized on the chin and on the lower cheeks.
  3. In people with oily or thick skin, internal acne on the face appears due to excessive sebum production and can be located anywhere - on the forehead, nose, cheekbones, chin.
  4. Painful lumps on the lips that initially look like pimples may be a sign of herpes.

On the back

The appearance of subcutaneous lesions on the back can also be a consequence of sudden hormonal changes, but this phenomenon is often observed in athletes or people leading an active lifestyle. During physical activity, the back constantly sweats, and this contributes to the contamination of the sebaceous ducts and the accumulation of sebum in them, leading to the development of the inflammatory process and the appearance of acne. Find out how to remove acne on a woman's back.

On the neck

Rashes on the neck, located in the deep layers of the epidermis, rarely occur, since the skin in this part of the body is thin. If such pimples appear in this area, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive medical examination, since they may be associated with diseases of the internal organs or the beginning of the development of pathological processes in the body.

On hands

The appearance of subcutaneous rashes on the hands may indicate endocrine disorders, allergies, and hereditary diseases. If acne appears below the elbow or in the area of ​​the hands, this should be especially alarming, because in these areas there are fewer sebaceous glands and the appearance of skin formations on them can indicate serious pathologies and malfunctions of the body.

On the labia

Subcutaneous formations in the genital area in many cases occur due to hypothermia of the body. They may appear after a cold, swimming in cold water or improper hardening. Other possible causes are microtraumas that occur during hair removal in the bikini area, as well as wearing synthetic underwear, which irritates the skin and causes it to overheat.

Subcutaneous bumps all over the body

If subcutaneous rashes are located throughout the body, this may be a manifestation of a genetic disease - hereditary lipomatosis. With this disease, bumps can appear on any part of the body - neck, arms, legs, stomach, back. This disorder requires careful examination and long-term complex therapy, and sometimes surgical intervention.

How to get rid of internal pimple

If there are a lot of subcutaneous formations and they do not go away for a long time, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of them on your own. In such cases, consultation with a dermatologist and special therapy are necessary. The same applies to such an unpleasant manifestation as acne on the face located deep under the skin, the treatment of which must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

However, if the pimple is single and has appeared recently, you can try to remove it without seeking medical help by using available pharmacy and home remedies. How to remove the subcutaneous tissue? Such pimples “mature” for a long time, over several weeks, so attempts to squeeze them out will be unsuccessful. How to treat the skin to speed up this process and prevent complications from developing?


An excellent remedy for combating subcutaneous skin are Vishnevsky ointment, Levomekol, and zinc ointment. How to pull out a pimple using these drugs? Ointments should be applied to the affected areas at least 2 times a day. In addition, compresses made from ichthyol ointment have a good effect, drawing the contents of the subcutaneous tissue out. It is recommended to apply them at night.

Cream for subcutaneous acne

When treating subcutaneous rashes, creams with an antibacterial and healing effect are helpful, allowing you to quickly stop the inflammatory process and accelerate tissue regeneration in the affected area. The most effective products in this category, recommended for the fight against subcutaneous skin, are the creams “Baziron”, “Differin”, “Skinoren”, “Klenzit-S”.

Treatment with folk remedies

Simple folk recipes that are available for use at home will help eliminate subcutaneous formations:

  1. Aloe compress. It helps well to get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon as a long-lasting purulent pimple that cannot burst on its own. Cut an aloe leaf, apply it to the site of inflammation and secure with a bandage. It is most convenient to apply the compress at night.
  2. Tea tree oil. Apply it to your pimples every 3-4 hours for a few days until you notice improvement.
  3. Mask of oil and garlic. Lubricate the problem area with vegetable oil, and then precisely apply chopped garlic to the area of ​​inflammation and place gauze soaked in hot water over it. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse off.

How to squeeze a pimple

When deciding to squeeze out a pimple located deep under the skin, it is very important to remember the high risk of infection, even wider spread of rashes or scarring on the skin. A fully mature pimple can be squeezed out after first disinfecting your hands and treating the wound with an antibacterial solution. However, the removal of multiple formations must be entrusted to a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Video: how to cure an internal pimple

Once and for all, special video materials will help you deal with the problem of subcutaneous rashes, in which this topic is covered in as much detail as possible. Experts talk about the main reasons for the appearance of such formations, provide photos of common types of rashes, explain how to deal with them and how to properly remove a pimple located in the deep layers of the epidermis.

The most unpleasant cosmetic defect can be considered the appearance of a deep pimple on the face.

Unlike ordinary ones, this pimple is large, does not go away for a very long time, and hurts.

After it, a mark almost always remains on the skin, which is difficult to get rid of, especially if the treatment was incorrect.

  1. All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  2. Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  3. We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  4. Health to you and your loved ones!

Why do deep pimples appear and how to treat them correctly?

There are many types of acne, as well as the reasons that can trigger them.

Any person in his life has dealt with the following varieties:

  1. comedones. They represent a clogged skin pore; they can be black (black dots) if the plug is located at the exit of the duct, and white if the pore is severely narrowed and the secretion of the gland cannot come out. In this case, the pimple resembles a colorless small bump;
  2. pustules. These are pimples with white heads. They can be called the next stage of white comedones, when bacteria begin to multiply in the sebum closed in the follicle. The pimple itself may be red, inflamed, and painful;
  3. subcutaneous. These pimples are also formed by blockage of pores and the development of bacteria; pus is formed in the follicle, but it is not visible on the surface of the skin, since the pouch expands into the skin layers. A person observes a large inflamed and painful lump.

What is this

A subcutaneous pimple forms in the deep layers of the skin. The exit to the outside is tightly clogged, the pore is greatly narrowed.

As the sebaceous gland continues to produce secretions, the pimple increases in size, while signs of inflammation are visible on the skin, and the person feels pain.

It is very difficult to squeeze out such a pimple yourself.

Sometimes the pus gradually comes out to the top of the tubercle and then you can get rid of it.

But it often happens that it remains inside, gradually drying out. Then a bump remains on the skin, but without signs of inflammation.

  1. Deep pimples on the face are usually located in the nose, cheeks, chin and forehead.

Photo: localization of the subcutaneous inflammatory element on the cheek

  1. They may appear on the neck and back.

In all these areas there are large sebaceous glands, blockage of which can lead to the formation of subcutaneous acne.

Reasons for appearance

The causes of deep acne are varied.

Very often they form in the T-zone of the face: on the forehead, chin and nose.

This is facilitated by:

  1. oily skin of this area;
  2. improper or insufficient cleansing;
  3. infection if you have a habit of touching your face with your hands;
  4. disruption of metabolic processes in skin cells.

When inflammation begins in the follicle, the swelling of nearby tissues independently narrows the pore so much that the release of pus to the outside becomes impossible, so the purulent sac expands inward.

Photo: oily skin is a predisposing factor for the appearance of deep subcutaneous rashes

Provoking factors

Other factors that provoke internal inflammation include:

  1. increased sweating – deep pimples can be found on the back, neck, armpits;
  2. improper squeezing of acne - they say that they were “squeezed in,” that is, the purulent contents go into the deeper layers, and the duct becomes clogged;
  3. hormonal imbalance leading to increased sebum production;
  4. stress;
  5. poor nutrition;
  6. excess ultraviolet rays;
  7. hypothermia - cold pimples often appear on the nose and chin.

If deep pimples appear frequently, this is a reason to consult a doctor and get examined.

They are difficult to treat, so it is better to take measures to minimize the likelihood of their occurrence.


A deep pimple takes a very long time to mature. The process can take from two weeks to a month.

Of course, there is no way to wait for the situation to resolve itself, especially if such a pimple is located in a noticeable area: on the cheeks, chin, nose.

How to treat deep acne correctly?

The main principle to remember is that such formations cannot be squeezed out.

This will not help remove the pus out, but it is fraught with complications, which may include scars after a pimple.


To combat deep acne, you can use pharmaceutical products.

Photo: pharmaceutical products for relieving inflammation

Those that have an anti-inflammatory effect are suitable:

  1. Differin – has not only an anti-inflammatory effect, but also helps to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, prevents excessive keratinization of the upper layer of skin;
  2. Klindovit, Zenerit – these are antibacterial agents, so they should be used as prescribed by a doctor;
  3. Salicylic acid – has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, it should be applied only to the area of ​​the inflamed element and it is better to use a 2% solution, which does not dry out the epidermis so much;
  4. Salicylic-zinc paste – it is used in the form of applications on an inflamed pimple for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed off with water, it is better to apply it once a day;
  5. Tincture of propolis, calendula – have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties, should be applied pointwise. If a pimple appears on the face (on the nose, on the chin), then after half an hour, traces of the tincture can be wiped off with a cotton swab dipped in warm water, since both products stain the skin yellowish;
  6. Tea tree oil – relieves inflammation well and does not dry out the skin; can be used 2-3 times a day. If you feel a tingling sensation during application, the oil can be diluted in half with water.

Pharmacy products relieve symptoms, but they will not remove the pimple itself.

Clinical procedures

The choice of clinical procedures for deep acne is not so wide.

Photo: manual cleaning for deep acne is ineffective

Superficial effects (peelings, cleansing) in this case will not be relevant, because they do not solve the main problem.

How to get rid of deep formations in a beauty salon?

The following procedures may help:

  1. ozone therapy – the method consists of subcutaneous injection of an ozone-oxygen mixture, which not only improves metabolic processes in all layers of the skin, but also relieves inflammation with all accompanying signs (swelling, redness), and also stimulates regeneration;
  2. mesotherapy – introduction of small doses of drugs and their mixtures under the skin. The composition of the administered “cocktail” is selected by the doctor individually.

Both methods are good because they ensure the supply of active substances directly to the area where they are required.

In this case, there is no negative effect on the entire body.

Photo: mesotherapy procedure

  1. Ozone and mesotherapy are suitable for you if subcutaneous pimples appear frequently in this area or are adjacent to purulent rashes on the face.
  2. Elos technology (electro-optical combination) is also used in the fight against acne. It uses electromagnetic and light radiation. Treatment occurs due to the antibacterial effect and normalization of sebum production. This technique can be used both to treat single elements and rashes.

But any of the above methods is not indicated for every person and has its own contraindications.

Therefore, you should first consult a doctor.

Video: “How to get rid of acne”

How to quickly remove

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to remove deep pimples in a couple of days, but you can at least reduce the time they stay on the skin.

The following methods will help you quickly cope with inflammation, redness and swelling:

  1. Grind an aspirin tablet into powder, drop a little water or glycerin and apply to the tubercle. Leave on for 30 minutes, then remove any residue with a damp swab. After 2-3 hours you can repeat;

Photo: aspirin relieves redness and inflammation

  1. Apply tar soap to the pimple. Lightly wet it, put it on a cotton swab and gently rub the tubercle with it. Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse off. Birch tar is a natural antiseptic and relieves inflammation very well;
  2. apply compresses to the tubercle from decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage, string). They can be used several times a day;
  3. adjust your diet at least for the duration of treatment. Avoid sweets, fatty foods, spicy foods, pickled foods, coffee and alcohol. Take a course of adsorbent drugs (activated carbon, Polyphepan, etc.).

How to speed up maturation

The longer the pus does not come to the surface, the longer the pimple will hurt and rise as an inflamed lump on the skin.

How to relieve inflammation from acne on the face? Find out here.

To get rid of it faster, you can speed up its maturation.

How to draw pus closer to the surface of the skin?

The following measures will be effective:

  1. make a compress on the tubercle at night using a cotton pad and Vishnevsky or Levomekoli ointment;
  2. cut a small piece of aloe leaf, split it lengthwise with a knife and apply the cut to the pimple, secure it with a band-aid overnight;
  3. Iodine promotes the rapid ripening of pimples, but it dries the skin very much and stains it; it should be applied with a cotton swab only to the area of ​​elevation on the skin;

Photo: spot application of iodine on rashes

  1. mix honey, fine salt, grated ginger and turmeric, make a compress from this mixture on the sore area, it has good stretching properties;
  2. If deep pimples appear not on the face, but on the back, buttock, or groin, you can speed up their maturation with daily baths with sea salt.

All these remedies will help the pus reach the upper layers of the skin, then it will be possible to carefully free the follicle from it.

How to get rid of it at home

There are also folk remedies for deep acne that will help the pimple go away without leaving marks on your skin in the form of scars or spots.

You can use them at home, but do not forget that these methods will only help if used regularly:

  1. dissolve 2 tbsp in a glass of hot water. l. sea ​​salt, dip a cotton pad and apply to the problem area, hold until it cools. After that, repeat again;
  2. mix birch buds, oak bark and mint leaves in equal proportions, pour boiling water over it and let it brew. Dip a piece of gauze or a cotton pad into the broth and, without squeezing, apply to the pimple for 15 minutes. You can repeat up to 5 times a day;

Photo: a clay mask has a drying and anti-inflammatory effect

  1. Mix white clay with lemon juice, add a little calendula tincture. Apply the mask to the problem area for 20 minutes, then rinse with water;
  2. The following mask will help relieve inflammation and draw out pus: grate half a medium potato on a fine grater, add egg white, a quarter tsp. fine salt, tsp. small oat flakes. Apply the mixture to the pimple for 20-30 minutes, then remove with a cotton swab moistened with water;
  3. mix a tablespoon of honey with half a tsp. aloe juice and apply to the inflamed area. The action of the components - antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, regenerating - is perfectly suitable for the treatment of deep acne.


Treatment of deep acne is a long-term undertaking, so it is better to prevent their occurrence.

Photo: Doctors do not recommend squeezing out acne on your own

What can be done for this?

  1. Review your diet, remove acne-promoting foods from it, and enrich it with healthy ones.
  2. Do not squeeze out comedones and pustules. This action can cause an infection and push the pus deeper.
  3. Maintain good hygiene, use products that suit your skin type and do not dry it out.
  4. Change your face towel and pillowcase frequently. They are the most common sources of infection.
  5. Get rid of the habit of touching your face with your hands, unless we are talking about caring procedures.

Questions and answers

What to do if your skin is oily

  1. It is advisable to understand the reasons for this condition. It may be caused by poor diet or hormonal imbalances.
  2. Externally, you can use special products that regulate sebum production, for example, Klenzit, Baziron, etc.
  3. You can make a simple lotion at home: stir the juice of half a lemon in a glass of water. It tightens pores, removes excess oil and refreshes well.

Is it possible to squeeze out deep pimples?

You should not squeeze any pimples, and in the case of subcutaneous pimples, this is also dangerous.

Pus can spread to neighboring areas, causing them to become inflamed. The result will be disastrous.

Photo: the presence of a white head is a sign of a ripe pimple

  1. It is necessary to wait until the pimple matures and a white head forms on its top, while the tubercle itself should be painless.
  2. Only then can you try to carefully clean the pouch of purulent contents.

What not to use

When treating deep acne, you should never use sharp objects to pierce it.

This guarantees that a scar will appear in the future, but you still won’t be able to get rid of the formation this way.

If the pimple is located on the face, you cannot use hot procedures (steaming). The infection can spread quickly, and this is extremely dangerous.

If there is a deep pimple in the armpit, applying a compress with Vishnevsky ointment is prohibited.

Due to the proximity of the lymph nodes, the infection can quickly spread throughout the body.

What to do if acne on your knees itches? Find out here.

Can acne appear due to liver problems? Read on.

But it should be remembered that any radical methods can do more harm than alleviate the condition.

If the pimple is large, severe pain, or if such a formation appears in a child, it is better not to hesitate to consult a doctor.

The accumulation of pus deep under the skin can harm the entire body.

Video: “Acne treatment at home”