Shower massage for cellulite

To combat cellulite, cosmetologists recommend water procedures. They often advise women to give hydromassage for cellulite. This service is provided by many cosmetology centers and SPA salons.

What is hydromassage

Hydromassage is done in special baths. This procedure combines the therapeutic effects of a bath and directed water jets. Some people confuse Charcot's shower and hydromassage - these are different procedures. In Charcot's shower, the body of a woman standing in a special cabin is treated with water, which is supplied under pressure. Hydromassage is carried out by supplying a strong water jet in a filled bath.

The design of a hydromassage bath is similar to a jacuzzi. Special nozzles are installed in its walls and bottom through which water is supplied. Using the regulators, the temperature, pressure intensity and nature of the water supply are set. It can flow continuously or in waves.

To make the procedure as beneficial as possible, mineral water is used in SPA salons; if this is not possible, plain water is artificially saturated with useful elements. Thanks to the combined effect on the body, it is possible not only to get rid of cellulite, but also to improve metabolic processes, accelerate the removal of fat deposits, and normalize the condition of the skin.

The procedure is recommended not only for cellulite. It is useful for women who:

  1. muscle tone is impaired;
  2. stagnation of fluid in tissues and cells;
  3. swelling;
  4. saggy, loose skin;
  5. the functioning of the peripheral nervous system is disrupted.

The procedure requires a large bath into which the patient is immersed. Due to its relaxing effect, it is better to do hydromassage in the 2nd half of the day.

How does the procedure work?

In a hydromassage bath, the patient's body is treated with powerful, directed jets of water. To perform an underwater massage, you must first immerse yourself in a bathtub, which differs in depth and width from the usual home baths. The optimal volume is 580 l. The water temperature in it should be no more than +36°C. In winter, in most salons it is heated to +34°C, and in summer to +26… +28°C.

The patient is given a few minutes to relax and get used to the water. Then the treatment of problem areas with powerful jets begins. Depending on the equipment, a directed water jet is supplied through nozzles or a special hose. Using a hose controlled by a massage therapist, the water flow is directed to problem areas. Modern models of hydromassage baths are equipped with rotating nozzles, in which the direction of water flow can change.

Particular attention is paid to the area of ​​the buttocks, hips, and sides. The pressure intensity can vary from 1.2 to 6 atm. The greater the pressure, the more pronounced the pain. The duration of 1 session can vary from 15–20 to 40 minutes.

Course duration

To reduce the appearance of cellulite, you must undergo a hydromassage course consisting of at least 10 procedures. It is not necessary to do them every day; experts advise going to hydromassage 3 times a week. If the orange peel is pronounced, more sessions are required.

To achieve maximum effect, massage therapists gradually increase the strength of the effect. In the first 2 days, a gentle massage is done, and then the pressure increases. If you set the jet power to 4–5 atm from the first session, you will not be able to avoid bruises. And performing a massage under low pressure for 10 days will not give the desired result.

Women note that 10 sessions are not enough to achieve the desired effect. For severe cellulite, 15–20 procedures are performed. To maintain the results, their courses are repeated 2 times a year.

Expected effect

During hydromassage, the body relaxes, all sweat glands are cleansed. The procedure activates metabolic processes in the body, thanks to which the active process of burning fat begins.

Hydromassage improves blood microcirculation and has a pronounced lymphatic drainage effect. After just a few procedures, the lifting effect of the massage is visible. An underwater shower also contributes to:

  1. activation of the body's defenses;
  2. tightening the skin, giving it firmness and elasticity;
  3. eliminating muscle tension;
  4. restoration of mobility to the spine;
  5. improving performance;
  6. relaxation;
  7. stress relief;
  8. getting rid of edema;
  9. normalization of sleep.

Hydromassage is also used as a way to relieve headaches and joint pain. If sea salt, essential oils, and algae extracts are added to the hydromassage bath, the skin renews itself faster. It takes on a healthy appearance, becomes soft and elastic. All components that are added to the bath during hydromassage are completely absorbed by the body, so the benefits of this procedure are maximum.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of hydromassage. Under the influence of directed water pressure:

  1. lymphatic and venous circulation is activated;
  2. vascular walls are strengthened;
  3. swelling disappears.

Women note that after a massage they feel light, relaxed, and their mood improves. Hydromassage helps not only in the fight against cellulite, it improves metabolic processes, helps strengthen the immune system and promote relaxation.

After just 10–15 sessions, the skin becomes smooth, cellulite disappears from the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and other treated areas. Along with cellulite, volumes decrease and fat folds disappear. Cosmetologists advise women to do hydromassage in the fall and spring. After all, during this period the body experiences stress and needs additional relaxation.

Before signing up for a SPA salon or cosmetology clinic, it is better to look for reviews about hydromassage in the chosen institution. It is important that the pressure water pumps, hoses, nozzles and the bath itself are thoroughly washed. Otherwise, pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in them, which enter the human body and into the air. Immunocompromised patients may become ill after this procedure.

The disadvantages of the procedure include the fact that you always need to carry a swimsuit with you; you will have to wash it at home after each procedure. If mineralized waters are used for hydromassage, then it is better to find an old swimsuit that you don’t mind. In salt water it will quickly lose color; salt corrodes the dyes that are used to dye fabric.

The disadvantage of hydromassage is the high cost of the session. And to achieve the desired effect you will need 10–20 procedures.


You cannot do hydromassage if there are contraindications:

  1. hypertension;
  2. thrombophlebitis;
  3. phlebeurysm;
  4. kidney and liver diseases;
  5. skin infections;
  6. dermatitis of various etiologies, incl. allergic;
  7. urolithiasis disease;
  8. exacerbation of gynecological diseases;
  9. increased fragility of blood vessels;
  10. severe cardiovascular diseases;
  11. malignant and benign tumors.

Experts advise checking your health status and consulting with a doctor before signing up for hydromassage.


Veronica, 37 years old, Kemerovo

I had hydromassage done at a beauty salon. After the 5th procedure, my husband noted that my legs became smooth, and now I can safely wear short shorts.

Ilona, ​​27 years old, Moscow

I have been struggling with cellulite for 5 years now, I went for massages, body wraps and hydromassage. An underwater shower is the most pleasant and effective procedure; my massage therapist adds scented lemon and kelp oil to the water. Thanks to this, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic after just 1 procedure. I get massages regularly 2 times a year.

Irina, 34 years old, Tomsk

Before the vacation, I decided to get myself in order and signed up for a hydromassage. I did the procedures on the advice of a specialist every other day; after a course of 10 sessions, the bumps on the skin of the buttocks and thighs disappeared.

Ruzanna, 29 years old, Barnaul

Hydromassage is my favorite procedure, I love that tingling sensation on my thighs when the massage therapist points the hose at them. Thanks to the underwater shower after giving birth, I got into shape within 3 months.

Maria, 41 years old, Omsk

To keep fit, I take a hydromassage course every 5-6 months. After it you feel only lightness, all work and family troubles fade into the background.


Do you want to get rid of excess weight and cellulite? An ordinary shower will help you solve the problem! Massage master Elena Tkachenko reveals her professional secrets and shows her movements anti-cellulite massage complex. It will take you only 15 minutes to perform such a massage, and the result will exceed all expectations.

How to massage against cellulite using a shower. Watch online

Salons offer different types of anti-cellulite massage. Massage using a Charcot shower is very popular. If we talk about the Charcot shower massage, we must admit that it is very painful and very difficult to endure, and it also leaves bruises. A massage with a regular shower does not have all these disadvantages! Its secret is that it accelerates blood flow, metabolic processes go faster, thanks to this we lose weight and get rid of cellulite, the skin regains firmness and elasticity. While standing under the shower, you can turn around and expose any part of the body where there is a problem to the stream of water.

Contraindications for shower massage are the same as for regular massage - high blood pressure, general weakness. It is also not recommended for use by people with varicose veins and skin disorders.

If you have a strong enough jet pressure, it will be just enough for such a massage and you can do the massage with a shower with a watering can. If the water pressure in the shower is weak, it is better to remove the shower head and partially press the hole with your finger to increase the pressure.

Set of exercises

The massage complex, analogous to Charcot's shower, will consist of 4 exercises. These are stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. We start with stroking – this will be a kind of warm-up. We take the hose in our hand, set the water pressure to maximum or almost maximum - and direct the stream of water towards ourselves at an angle of 30-40 degrees, moving from the periphery to the center. We work this way on the arms, legs, stomach and chest for 3 minutes. The distance between the skin and the hose nozzle is from 10 to 30 centimeters.

Next we need to give a greater load. Let's move on to rubbing, or, in general, to regular washing in the shower. This stimulates an active flow of blood to problem areas - mainly the thighs and abdomen. We take a washcloth, depending on how sensitive your skin is, you can use a hard or medium hard washcloth. In general, the one you usually use will do. The hose nozzle must be held so that the stream is perpendicular to the skin. Wash as usual with a washcloth, linger on problem areas for 3 minutes, making rubbing movements. First, the movements should be rectilinear, and then circular movements with the shower, while at the same time helping yourself with a washcloth in the other hand, making straight and circular rubbing movements. The distance between the skin and the hose nozzle is from 3 to 10 centimeters. Do it for 3 minutes.

The next exercise is kneading. To do this, take the shower in one hand, and grab the massaged tissues with the fingers of the other hand and knead them. We apply a stream of water at an angle of approximately 45 degrees, making circular movements with the shower. Then, after releasing, with the other hand we run a stream of water over this area. Or we simultaneously apply kneading and direct the jet to the fold being massaged to enhance the effect. The distance between the shower head and the skin is from 10 to 30 centimeters. Do it for 5 minutes.

The last exercise is vibration. To do this, we direct a stream of water to the massaged area and make oscillatory movements with the hand holding the nozzle from top to bottom and bottom to top, as well as from left to right and right to left. The distance between the skin and the hose nozzle is from 10 to 25 centimeters. Do it for 3 minutes.

Double efficiency

There is also a special set of three exercises that will significantly increase the effectiveness of shower massage and reduce the amount of time needed for weight loss by half. This method is quite old. It is based on the principles of vacuum massage, and our grandmothers used it. For this we need a jar. It sticks to the body, the vacuum draws a section of skin into the jar, thereby intensively massaging the tissue. Moreover, blood circulation improves not only in the skin itself, but also in deeper layers. Effect – cellulite goes away! You get the same effect as from a massage therapist, only if he kneads your skin with his hands, then the jar does it with a vacuum. The only caveat is to create this vacuum inside the jar. Previously, it was possible to use only glass jars - they put a piece of paper into a half-liter jar, set it on fire, and quickly applied the jar to the skin - the combustion burned oxygen. Fortunately, there is now a modern alternative - so-called silicone jars for vacuum massage. They are sold at any pharmacy and are sometimes called massage cups. They are made of elastic material, and by squeezing them, we release air. Then we apply the jar to the skin. No special preparations are needed - just a lubricant and a couple of jars. If you use such a jar in the shower, shower gel is perfect. Or anti-cellulite cream or massage oil.

The first movement is longitudinal movements from bottom to top with a small vacuum force (preparing tissues for more intense effects). To do this, we only lightly press the jar. The second exercise is spiral movements from bottom to top with greater suction force (kneading). And third, pay attention to the near-knee area, massaging the jar from the center (above the knee) back to the popliteal area, that is, to the lymph nodes. We do not massage the popliteal area itself.

This anti-cellulite massage tightens the skin, increases its elasticity and tone. And if you shower every day, the result will not appear in 2-3 weeks!

Shower massage is especially effective immediately after physical activity: in this case, it stimulates metabolic processes especially well, due to which weight loss occurs. In addition, it promotes rapid recovery of tired muscles.


Among the set of measures to eliminate orange peel, anti-cellulite massage is considered one of the most effective measures. There are several varieties of it; you should choose the one you need taking into account contraindications and individual characteristics.

Does massage help against cellulite?

At the initial stage, when cellulite is not visible during a general examination, you can limit yourself to massage in combination with physical exercise. This will also help prevent orange peel.

With the progressive and advanced stages, everything is much more complicated - a massage alone is not enough to get rid of cellulite. It should be supported by a contrast shower, proper nutrition, exercise and the use of cosmetics. All these activities are important during elimination, but massage is the main one. When performing it, it is important to do it regularly, strictly following the instructions.

Indications and contraindications

Information about who is recommended to perform anti-cellulite massage, as well as contraindications, is displayed in the table.

Indications Contraindications
  1. Cellulite in the initial and progressive stages;
  2. to prevent the formation of orange peel;
  3. with increased body weight;
  4. if you have intestinal diseases;
  5. osteochondrosis, back and neck pain;
  6. impaired metabolism;
  7. disorders in the circulatory system.
  1. During breastfeeding (lactation) due to hormonal changes;
  2. throughout the course of pregnancy (some experts allow vacuum and honey massage, but there is an opinion that any type may not bring results);
  3. after Caesarean section - throughout the entire rehabilitation period (up to 6 months);
  4. in case of varicose veins, vacuum massage is strictly prohibited, but other types are allowed provided that the massage is not performed too intensely; rubbing with a spoon made of silver or cupronickel has a beneficial effect;
  5. during menstruation, anti-cellulite massage itself is not a contraindication, but it is necessary to take into account the high sensitivity to pain during this period, and the use of warming aids can provoke heavy bleeding;
  6. after mammoplasty;
  7. for gynecological diseases (such as fibroids, ovarian cysts), massage of the abdomen, buttocks and lower extremities should not be performed;
  8. In case of vascular mesh, massage is also recommended to be avoided;
  9. during exacerbations of viral and colds (especially at elevated temperatures);
  10. if there is damage to the skin - abrasions, wounds, cuts, hematomas, bruises;
  11. diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  12. benign and malignant tumors;
  13. You should also always take into account possible allergies to oils or creams with which anti-cellulite massage is performed.

Different types of anti-cellulite massage differ in the quality of the effect, the need to use one or another device or product, and the ability to perform it at home.

Vacuum massage

This is done by creating a vacuum using a special device. In this way, all tissue cells are involved, blood circulation is improved, and metabolic processes are activated.

Cupping massage

This is done using a silicone jar, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. The advantages of this type of anti-cellulite massage include the low cost of the silicone device and the ability to carefully work out the necessary areas.

Execution technique

  1. Steam the body (take a bath with sea salt or medicinal herbs), treat the skin with a scrub.
  2. Take a lying position.
  3. Perform massage with vegetable oil. The best products for removing cellulite are almond, peach, apricot and jojoba; if you warm them up a little before use, they will interact more actively with skin cells.
  4. Squeeze the jar tightly on both sides and apply it to the body. It should stick tightly, pulling the skin no more than 2 cm.
  5. Make circular movements from bottom to top clockwise, going around the area under the knees, armpits and inner thighs.
  6. Treat each problem area for 7-8 minutes.

The diagram shows the lines along which the can must be moved. This is due to the flow of blood and lymph in the human body; if this rule is not followed, it can cause harm to health.

How often can I do it?

A full course of vacuum anti-cellulite treatment consists of 10 procedures, which should preferably be done every other day. You can repeat the course itself after six months.



Using a special device, anti-cellulite massage is also performed by salons that provide cosmetology services. The session is carried out on cleansed and warmed skin, to which special vacuum cans are suctioned. A hose is attached to them, through which air is sucked out or supplied, thereby creating the required degree of pressure. A significant disadvantage of the technique is the difficulty of performing it at home and the correspondingly high cost in salons.

Execution technique

  1. The body is warmed up by patting and stroking actions; it is also recommended to steam the skin.
  2. Apply massage oil or special cream.
  3. Apply the device to cellulite according to the blood and lymph flow lines.
  4. Duration: no more than 10 minutes per zone.
  5. Finally, apply nourishing cream.

How often can I do it?

To get rid of cellulite, hardware massage needs to be done 12-15 times with intervals of 1 or 2 days between sessions. As a rule, the first result can already be seen after the 6th time (despite the visible worsening of the orange peel). The course can be repeated after 6 months.


Honey massage or manual

Manual massage can be done with oil or honey. The bee product allows you to draw out waste and toxins through the skin, simultaneously improving tissue metabolism and restoring elasticity to the skin.

Execution technique

  1. Soak in a relaxing bath for 15 minutes.
  2. Cleanse your body with a scrub.
  3. Carry out anti-cellulite massage with smooth circular movements in the direction from bottom to top according to the blood flow (clockwise).
  4. At the very beginning, the skin needs to be warmed up. Introduce honey at the stage of transition to the main actions.
  5. After the massage, lie down under a warm blanket for 5-7 minutes without moving.
  6. Apply moisturizer.

Basic techniques of manual massage

  1. stroking - light movements with fingertips to warm up and prepare the skin for massage. They should also end the session;
  2. rubbing manipulations - you should press harder, using the entire palm, at this stage the blood flow accelerates;
  3. pressing movements - to capture large and small layers of skin, these manipulations are aimed at destroying fat;
  4. patting - performed with fists by intense, uniform tapping on problem areas;
  5. pinching - the epidermis in problem areas is collected by hand and smoothed. They can be light and strong, monotonous and alternating.

How often can I do it?

Since manual anti-cellulite massage requires more time to perform (from 30 to 60 minutes), the breaks between sessions should be longer. If performed 2 or 3 times a week, the course lasts a total of 4 weeks, with a 10-day break between them.


At home

There is a great misconception that massage against cellulite at home is less effective than in salons. The presented varieties can be performed even at an advanced stage of cellulite, giving a positive result.

The main thing is to strictly follow the technique, avoiding severe pain and the formation of bruises.

Dry brush massage

Dry anti-cellulite massage has recently become widespread. Its action is aimed at activating metabolic processes, tightening the skin and toning muscles. It is performed with a brush or mitten made of natural bristles, the rigidity of which should be gradually increased. If your skin is hypersensitive, this type of cellulite massage is not recommended.

Execution technique

  1. The massage is performed on a dry body without adding oils or creams.
  2. Use the brush in a circular motion clockwise, starting from the bottom (heel or shin), gradually moving higher.
  3. The groin area, popliteal and armpits, and mammary glands should be avoided.
  4. The abdomen should be treated less intensely than the rest of the body.
  5. Treat each zone for no more than 3 minutes.
  6. Lastly, the hands are massaged.
  7. After the massage, it is recommended to take a contrast shower and rub in nourishing cream.

How often can I do it?

To avoid possible damage to the integrity of the skin, dry anti-cellulite massage is done 2-3 times a week. Session duration is 10 minutes.



If cellulite forms in places that can be worked on independently, then at home you can perform the following exercises (they should be done on an already warmed up body):

  1. pinch the skin between your fingers and the base of your palm (you should get a noticeable fold), it should be gradually moved higher and higher, thus working each leg (excluding the area of ​​the inner thigh);
  2. from bottom to top on each thigh, move the skin fold in the same way, but with the help of a fist, alternating them with patting and stroking;
  3. part of the fat layer is grabbed between the thumb and forefinger, moved upward in a circular motion, and finally, areas affected by cellulite are treated by pinching.

The basic techniques of manual massage are described above; they are also recommended to be included in the process of manual removal of cellulite.

Vibrating massager

A special massager helps relieve yourself of the inconvenience of performing anti-cellulite massage at home. It puts stress on problem areas, similar to the effect of silicone devices. The electric device operates on mains power and can have a point effect (myostimulators) and a zonal effect (belt or pillow). Their action is based on constant vibration and contrasting changes in cooling and heating modes.

Execution technique

  1. The body is steamed with a bath and cleansed with peeling or scrub.
  2. The device is plugged into a power outlet; the operation of each device is described in detail in the instructions.
  3. It takes about half an hour to work on areas prone to cellulite.
  4. Finally, a nourishing cream is applied to the body.

How often can I do it?

The vibrating massager can be used in courses of 3 weeks, separated by breaks of 10 days. Frequency: 5 procedures per week.


Rolling pin

Cellulite massage can also be done using a rolling pin - a wooden kitchen one or one adapted for a session of getting rid of orange peel. It is better to wrap a device made of wood in food grade cellophane to avoid splinters and damage to the skin.

Execution technique

  1. Pre-warm up the body muscles with simple and not too intense physical exercises.
  2. First, you should move the rolling pin without pressing it too hard. This should be done from the bottom up, starting from the front of the thigh, avoiding the groin area and popliteal hollows.
  3. Further, the pace becomes faster, the pressure is stronger.
  4. Finally, the pace must be slowed down again, working the front of the thigh last. Walk with your hands, making soft circular movements.

How often can I do it?

The total duration of the anti-cellulite massage with a rolling pin is 15 minutes. You need to alternate massage days with rest. The length of the course is no more than 15 sessions.


Other massage techniques

There are also less familiar, but no less effective types of anti-cellulite massage.

Lymphatic drainage

It is based on the direction of movement of lymph in the body. It is done with careful study of each zone, its most active part is performed with the edge of the palm, and an integral part is a contrast shower.

Bamboo chopsticks

Getting rid of cellulite occurs through the use of hollow bamboo sticks - they are rolled over the body. It is believed that such a massage can well relax and tone the muscles. It is better to do it after a sauna or hydromassage


It is done by hand using basic techniques. It is based on a thorough study of each zone with a constant change in the intensity of pressure.

Benefits and harms

The disadvantages and positive aspects of cellulite massage are reflected in the table.

Benefit Harm
  1. Improving lymph flow and blood circulation;
  2. elimination of stagnant processes;
  3. activation of tissue metabolism;
  4. removal of waste and toxins;
  5. cell renewal;
  6. increasing skin firmness and elasticity.
  1. You can injure the epidermis, which is characterized by increased sensitivity;
  2. in the presence of damage and dermatological diseases, there is a high probability of aggravating the situation or causing an infection;
  3. when undergoing an anti-cellulite massage session from an inexperienced specialist, you can get sprains or even dislocations;
  4. many types do not give immediate results;
  5. With regular cellulite massage, the skin gradually becomes thinner.

Bruises after massage

After the first procedures after anti-cellulite massage, bruises may appear on problem areas. Moreover, most often they are characteristic of girls with a thin layer of fat. This happens due to the absence of a fat layer, which is a kind of buffer when the massage therapist interacts with parts of the body. The first time, you may not accurately calculate the required pressure force.

Bruises can also appear when cellulite is advanced - this is how muscle tissue reacts to the invasion of stagnant processes.

Why does it hurt during a massage?

Painful sensations indicate decreased tone and stagnation in the muscles. As you get rid of cellulite, the pain will gradually disappear, and the massage will become more comfortable.


Photos before and after

Anti-cellulite massage is a mandatory measure in a set of procedures aimed at getting rid of orange peel. A successful result depends on the regularity of its implementation and the stage of cellulite. It is also important to arrange rest days between sessions so that the body has time to recover after a noticeable load.