Masks based on hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic face masks have an incredible effect on the skin. They can be done both in a beauty salon and at home. To get the best result, you must adhere to a number of rules for using acid as a cosmetic product.

Benefits of hyaluronic acid for skin

Why is hyaluronic acid so beneficial for healthy and youthful skin? The fact is that it is a natural component of every person’s skin. It is thanks to it that the water balance in the skin cells is maintained. Young women under the age of 25 do not have problems with wrinkles, sagging and dull complexion, since “hyaluronic acid” is actively synthesized, due to which the skin is sufficiently moisturized. But with age, less and less acid begins to be produced. The result of this is skin problems: wrinkles, dryness, dullness, sagging and other signs of aging appear.


Preparations based on hyaluronic acid are successfully used for skin rejuvenation in salon conditions. These are well-known fillers based on hyaluronic acid and biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid. At home, it is possible to use various vitamins with hyaluronic acid, serums, creams and masks based on it.

Cosmetology took a step forward when the production of hyaluronic acid began artificially. Beauty salons offer their clients injections and active cosmetic creams and serums containing this component. You can also use products with hyaluronic acid at home, for example, there are several recipes for effective masks.

Useful properties of acid

This component has the following effects on facial skin:

  1. protects the skin from aggressive environments, forming an invisible protective film on it;
  2. moisturizes the skin;
  3. eliminates any wrinkles and uneven skin, filling and smoothing them;
  4. softens even the driest skin;
  5. eliminates peeling;
  6. has a powerful rejuvenating effect;
  7. increases elasticity and firmness;
  8. enhances the effect of other components included in cosmetic products;
  9. helps treat acne and acne;
  10. has a healing and regenerating effect;
  11. prevents the formation of post-acne and scars after acne;
  12. improves complexion and gives it a healthy glow.

The undeniable advantage of the product is its hypoallergenicity: when using it in facial care, you do not need to worry about possible allergic and other adverse reactions.


Regarding the effect: you won’t have to wait long for it. If a woman has started a facial care program using “hyaluronic acid” in a beauty salon, she will see the effect after the first procedure. At home, the result will also be noticeable very quickly, although not after the first use of the mask or cream.

Rules for preparing and using acid

Hyaluronic acid is sold in pharmacies. It is available in powder or injection form. Both options are suitable for home use. In addition, you can extract the acid yourself. There are 2 options for preparing the component yourself:

  1. From eggshells. Wash the shells, dry them, remove the film, chop them and pour boiling purified water over them. Place the container on low heat and let sit for 12 hours, remembering to add water. After the specified time, strain the broth.
  2. From cockerel combs. Pour water over 5 scallops and simmer for 25 minutes, then strain and boil for another 1 hour.

Products prepared in this way are saturated with hyaluronic acid and are ready for use:

  1. They should be applied to the face, area around the eyes, neck and décolleté;
  2. massage the skin lightly for 5-10 minutes;
  3. after 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Since the skin quickly gets used to being saturated with acid without any effort, it begins to become “lazy.” To prevent this from happening, you need to carry out care strictly in courses, for example, make masks 1-2 times a week. In total, you need to perform from 10 to 15 procedures, after which you take a break for 2-3 weeks.

No matter how miraculous the acid is, there are several contraindications to its use. They definitely need to be taken into account. Here are situations in which you will have to forget about such a tool:

  1. poor blood clotting;
  2. pregnancy, lactation;
  3. infectious diseases in the acute stage, for example, herpes, warts of viral origin;
  4. inflammatory lesions on the skin;
  5. rosacea;
  6. summer period, increased solar activity;
  7. recently performed peeling or skin resurfacing procedures in the salon.

Only after solving the problem can you begin care using hyaluronic acid.

Homemade mask recipes

The product in powder form is most preferable for use at home.

Masks made from powder can be prepared for future use and used several times. They need to be stored frozen. So, how is a classic face mask prepared?

  1. 2 g hyaluronic acid powder;
  2. 30 ml of warm boiled water.

Preparation: dilute the powder in water, mix very well and leave for 1 hour to allow the mass to swell. If lumps appear, they need to be kneaded. This amount of mass should be enough for several masks.

An important point concerns preparing the skin for applying the mask. In order for it to get the maximum amount of nutrients, you must first cleanse the skin with a scrub. You can apply the mask:

  1. precisely on problem areas, for example, wrinkles, areas with reduced tone;
  2. over the entire face, spreading evenly over the surface.

In the first minutes after applying the mask, it feels like a kind of gel substance, but then it is quickly absorbed and is no longer felt on the skin. There is no need to wash off this mask. When it is absorbed by the skin, you must apply a cream with a rejuvenating effect or your usual cream.

Combined masks

Hyaluronic acid can be combined with other active ingredients. So, you can prepare masks according to the following recipes:

  1. With nicotinic acid. Components: hyaluronic acid (1 g) and nicotinic acid powder (30 g), water. Mix the powders and add water so that you get a homogeneous mass of thick consistency. Apply all over the face and leave until completely dry, then rinse.
  2. With glycerin. Ingredients: quinine (60 g), hyaluronic acid powder (2 g), zinc oxide (30 g), glycerin (45 g), water. Mix all ingredients, dilute with water until a homogeneous mass of thick consistency is obtained. Apply to face and leave until dry, then rinse.
  3. With egg white. Ingredients: proteins (3 pcs.), lemon juice (25 ml), lemon zest (from 2 fruits), oatmeal (40 g), hyaluronic acid powder (3 g). Mix all ingredients and apply to face. You need to remove it with a warm compress.


Such masks do not need to be done more than 2 times a week.

The use of hyaluronic acid in ampoules

Masks with acid in ampoules give an excellent effect. But in this case, you must strictly follow the dosage indicated in the recipes. Exceeding the dosage is absolutely unacceptable! Otherwise, you may get a skin burn. Liquid “hyaluronic acid” is used in combination with other components:

  1. Milk mask. Ingredients: yogurt or kefir (36 ml), acid (4-5 drops). Mix well and apply all over the face, neck and décolleté. Dairy products are good for any skin type. Those with oily, combination and normal skin will appreciate this recipe.
  2. Egg mask. Ingredients: yolk (1 pc.), acid (3-4 drops), grapefruit pulp (25 g). Mix the ingredients. First, lubricate your face with grapefruit juice, and then apply a mask. This is a good option for caring for normal and combination skin types. This composition perfectly nourishes and softens the epidermis, smoothes the relief and improves the appearance of thick and porous skin.
  3. Carrot mask. Ingredients: cream (18 g), yolk (1 pc.), natural carrot juice (9 ml), acid (2-3 drops). Mix everything, apply to face and leave until dry. You need to remove the mask using a cotton pad soaked in vegetable oil. Carrots improve cell regeneration, have a rejuvenating effect and are perfect for aging skin.
  4. Curd mask. Ingredients: natural honey (12 g), homemade cottage cheese with high fat content (20 g), acid (1-2 drops). Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the face, neck and décolleté. This mask is suitable for any skin type, especially dry. But you need to remember that if you have an allergic reaction to bee products, you cannot use a mask with honey.

It is important to choose the right room for procedures. It should be dry. The fact is that in a room with high humidity, masks quickly thicken and lose their plasticity - this also affects the resulting effect.

External skin care is a great way to prolong its youth and beauty. But care from the inside is no less important. In particular, we are talking about nutrition. Many foods contain sufficient amounts of hyaluronic acid, so they should definitely be included in your diet. Hyaluronic acid-rich foods include spinach, potatoes, broccoli, brown rice, peanuts, soybeans, and sunflower seeds. It is better to boil, bake or stew these products without hot or spicy spices - this way the benefits from them will be maximum.

Are you terrified of injections and the consequences of injections, but really want to take a course of skin rejuvenation? There is a way out - make a mask with this unique substance at home! Where to get it, how to prepare the best formulations, what contraindications there are for the procedure, we will be happy to tell you in this article!


Masks containing hyaluronic acid will help the skin renew itself.

What information will you find out:

Effect of hyaluronic acid

This natural active substance is found in the connective tissue of every person, but with age its amount begins to sharply decrease, so the main signs of aging of the epidermis appear.


Homemade masks containing hyaluronic acid will help your skin renew and rejuvenate. With their regular use (no more than once a week), you will achieve the following results:

  1. increasing the moisture content of the epidermis;
  2. smoothing out small and medium-depth wrinkles;
  3. eliminate peeling;
  4. strengthening the surface protective layer;
  5. increasing firmness and elasticity;
  6. even out skin color.

Who are these procedures contraindicated for?

Due to their high biological activity, masks containing hyaluronic acid can provoke a number of diseases, so do not use these compounds if:

  1. insufficient blood clotting;
  2. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  3. the presence of infectious/viral lesions of the epidermis;
  4. the presence of large inflammatory foci on the surface of the skin;
  5. visible vascular network;
  6. tendency to allergic reactions;
  7. individual intolerance;
  8. rehabilitation after salon peeling or polishing;
  9. going outside in hot and sunny weather.

You should not overuse the use of such masks, as the skin can react by significantly reducing the production of hyaluronic acid by its cells, as a result of which age-related changes can only worsen.

General Tips

In order not to repeat the same thing in recipes, we have highlighted the following basic recommendations.

  1. Before applying masks, be sure to thoroughly cleanse your facial skin of cosmetics and daily impurities.
  2. Leave the compositions on the skin for at least 20 minutes, then wash them off with soft water (filtered or boiled) at room temperature.
  3. Prepare a quantity of composition that is enough for 1 use.
  4. Before applying each new mask to your facial skin, be sure to do an allergic reaction test.
  5. Avoid applying masks to the areas around the eyes and lips.

The best recipes for making masks with hyaluronic acid

You can purchase this substance in pharmacies, online stores, as well as retail chains that sell similar products. Ready-made hyaluronic acid can be sold both in powder form and in liquid form - in the form of ampoules.


Made from powdered hyaluronic acid

  1. Active nicotine

You will need to take 1 gram of hyaluronic acid, mix it with nicotinic acid (powdered) in an amount of 30 grams and dilute with clean water to a thick paste.

Hyaluronic acid in an amount of 2 grams is diluted in 300 milliliters of clean water, mixed thoroughly and left for about an hour to swell. This composition is completely absorbed by the epidermis, so it does not require rinsing.

  1. With glycerin and quinine

You will need to mix 2 grams of hyaluronic acid with 60 grams of quinine, 30 grams of zinc oxide and 45 grams of glycerin. Mix the mixture well and dilute with water so that the mass remains thick.

  1. With egg white and oatmeal

Prepare 3 egg whites (slightly beaten), 25 milliliters of fresh lemon juice, 40 grams of oatmeal and 3 grams of hyaluronic acid. Mix all ingredients until smooth. It is recommended to remove this composition with a warm compress.


Made from liquid hyaluronic acid

Follow the recipe strictly, as a larger volume of the active ingredient in the mask can cause burns to the epidermis.

  1. With milk protein

You will need 36 milliliters of kefir or yogurt, as well as no more than 5 drops of hyaluronic acid. The components are mixed and the composition is immediately applied to the face.

  1. With yolk and grapefruit

Raw egg yolk is mixed with 25 grams of fresh grapefruit pulp and 4 drops of hyaluronic acid, remembering to mix the composition well until the mass is homogeneous.

  1. Carrot-creamy

Milk cream in the amount of 18 milliliters is mixed with raw chicken yolk, 9 milliliters of carrot juice and 3 drops of hyaluronic acid. It is recommended to remove this composition from the skin using cotton pads soaked in vegetable oil.

  1. Honey and curd

Mix 12 grams of liquid honey with 20 grams of full-fat homemade cottage cheese and 2 drops of hyaluronic acid.

  1. With parsley for oily skin

To prepare such a composition, you will need to take hyaluronic acid powder in an amount of 500 milligrams, which must be dissolved in 10 milliliters of clean water until smooth, as well as 10 grams of fresh parsley, crushed to a pasty state in a blender. Mix all components well and apply the resulting mixture to the face.

  1. With olive oil for normal skin type

Hyaluronic acid powder in an amount of 500 milligrams is dissolved in 10 milliliters of clean water, 10 milliliters of olive oil are added.

  1. For dry, sensitive skin types

Hyaluronic acid in powder form (500 milligrams) is dissolved in clean water (20 milliliters), coconut or cocoa oil (20 grams) is added and everything is mixed well.

  1. With almond oil

Hyaluronic acid powder in an amount of 500 milligrams is dissolved in 20 milliliters of water and the same amount of almond oil is added. After mixing, the mask is ready for use.

  1. With chamomile infusion

Peach seed oil is mixed with chamomile infusion (20 milliliters each), powdered hyaluronic acid (500 milligrams) is added, and everything is mixed well.

Masks made from powdered hyaluronic acid can be stored frozen for a long time.

Video: The whole truth about hyaluronic acid

The skin needs optimal hydration at any time. Not only creams and scrubs will help with this, but also masks with hyaluronic acid. They start the process of cell regeneration, increase the resistance of the epidermis to environmental aggression and guarantee quick results. As a result, the skin is fresh, soft and renewed. It remains to find suitable masks for a specific skin type.

How to choose a mask with hyaluronic acid

When choosing a cosmetic product with hyaluronate, you need to pay attention to the characteristics declared by the manufacturer. A high-quality face mask can:

  1. saturate the skin with moisture;
  2. reduce unevenness and fill wrinkles;
  3. form an invisible film of protection;
  4. remove flaky areas;
  5. treat acne and acne;
  6. prevent the appearance of scars;
  7. even out tone;
  8. heal small scratches.

No need to worry about allergies or side effects. Hyaluronic acid does not cause negative reactions. Therefore, it is important to make sure that the other components are tolerable to the skin. The presence of plant extracts, panthenol, collagen and essential oils in the formula is welcome.

When choosing a mask, it is important to decide on the texture of the cosmetic product:

  1. cream consistencies usually do not require rinsing and are suitable for all skin types;
  2. film is ideal for oily dermis;
  3. fabric ones relieve irritation, swelling and remove dark circles;
  4. Gel formulations perfectly moisturize and nourish dry skin.

To see the effect, you need to regularly use a mask that matches your skin type. The rating of cosmetic products compiled by our experts will help you choose the most suitable product for your budget. When selecting participants, emphasis was placed on certain criteria:

  1. consumer ratings;
  2. availability in stores;
  3. reasonable price;
  4. harmlessness of content;
  5. list of components.
  6. The reputation of the brand played an important role.

Rating of the best masks with hyaluronic acid

Nomination place Name of product price
The best budget masks with hyaluronic acid 1 DIZAO "Hyaluronic acid 100%" 115 ₽
2 Vitex Lift Intense for face, neck and eyelids 113 ₽
3 Black mask-glasses for the skin around the eyes BIOAQUA 83 ₽
The best masks with hyaluronic acid in the mid-price segment 1 L'Oreal Paris Revitalift Filler 1 070 ₽
2 Bioaqua with rose petals and hyaluronic acid 658 ₽
3 LIBREDERM "Cascade humidification", 638 ₽
The best premium masks with hyaluronic acid 1 THALGO 3 450 ₽
2 Matis 2 559 ₽
3 Firming overnight mask MAY COOP 2 850 ₽
The best sheet masks with hyaluronic acid 1 Gold Essence from Japan Gals 531 ₽
2 Mijin Care Mask Hyaluronic Acid 38 ₽
3 Dr.Jart+ Dermask Water Jet Vital Hydro Solution 390 ₽

The best budget masks with hyaluronic acid

Girls who are interested in the beauty of their skin and do not have enough finances to go to a beauty salon can purchase budget products with hyaluronate. Cheap masks, if they don’t get rid of deep wrinkles, will prevent their formation, strengthen local immunity and restore the elasticity of the skin.

DIZAO "Hyaluronic acid 100%"

Open rating awarded to a product with toning, smoothing, rejuvenating and regenerating effects. A two-stage mask is used for the face, eyelids and décolleté. It contains no parabens, chemicals or petroleum products. I'm pleased with the environmentally friendly packaging. Cosmetics provide an instant lifting effect, restore cells, and model facial contours.

The second stage of rejuvenation involves the use of cream, which is contained in the adjacent compartment. In the catalogs of online stores, the mask occupies a leading position, it is called a “bestseller” and is praised for improving blood circulation, smoothing wrinkles, and the absence of allergies. 10 masks cost about 585 rubles. Thus, 1 sachet will cost approximately 60 rubles.


  1. suitable for eyelids and neck;
  2. without harmful components;
  3. includes cream with hyaluronate;
  4. a huge number of positive reviews;
  5. price equals quality.


  1. There are no serious disadvantages.

Vitex Lift Intense for face, neck and eyelids

The rating continues with a budget product from a Belarusian manufacturer, which has won many praises from girls. It contains hyaluronate, ginger, Damask rose and camellia oils, pink and white clay. All these substances help fill the dermis with moisture, strengthen facial contours, and cleanse the skin. As a result, the outer cover becomes elastic and resilient.

The mask has an unobtrusive smell. The consistency does not flow. Please note that the composition contains fragrance and alcohol. On sensitive skin, they may appear as redness and irritation. These nuances confuse some customers. But I'm pleased with the reasonable price. A 100 ml tube costs from 75 rubles.


  1. unique components with a rejuvenating effect;
  2. without obsessive odor;
  3. visible effect after several uses;
  4. low price;
  5. An excellent option for combating age-related changes and preventing skin aging.


  1. risk of irritation.

Black mask-glasses for the skin around the eyes BIOAQUA

Next in the rating is a universal product that is suitable for moisturizing, nourishing, regenerating and relieving swelling. This is a great option for girls who are bothered by dark circles under their eyes. In addition to hyaluronic acid, the composition includes wild oat extract. It reduces bags under the lower eyelid and gives the skin a youthful appearance.

Consumers give the mask high marks. They praise it for its original design, optimal base size and high-quality moisturizing. Price for 15 grams – from 66 rubles.


  1. for all types of skin;
  2. elimination of bags and bruises under the eyes;
  3. unique design;
  4. Ease of use;


  1. the need for regular use;
  2. exclusively for the skin around the eyes.

The best masks with hyaluronic acid in the mid-price segment

In the second category we included cosmetics based on hyaluronate, the price tag of which exceeds 500 rubles. They are indicated in the presence of age spots, increased dryness, pimples and blackheads. This is the best option for women aged 30-35 who are experiencing the first wrinkles and sagging skin.

L’Oreal Paris "Revitalift Filler"

Excellent cosmetic care is achieved through the use of an anti-aging restorative mask from L'Oreal. It is suitable for all skin types. The consistency literally melts on the skin and instantly penetrates its layers, intensely moisturizing and nourishing.

Customers note the visible filling of wrinkles and smoothing out of creases. The product is easy to apply and is not felt on the skin. The result is visible after one application. In combination with the day cream of the same series, the result is amazing. The effect after use is felt within 48 hours. There are almost no bad reviews about the product. A 50 ml jar costs from 650 rubles.


  1. popular popular brand of cosmetics;
  2. delicate texture;
  3. brand products are in great demand;
  4. fills wrinkles well;
  5. long lasting effect.


Face mask with rose petals and hyaluronic acid Bioaqua

The next line in the rating belongs to the pink mask, which perfectly moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin, restoring its radiance and tenderness. The product has anti-inflammatory, regenerating effects. It makes wrinkles less noticeable and facial contours clearer. The composition includes not only hyaluronic acid, but also rose extract. The pleasant-smelling consistency spreads easily and comfortably over the face.

It is acceptable to leave the composition on all night. Most girls prefer to apply the mask for 20 minutes and then wash it off. Customers are delighted with the cute bottle, which softens the effect of the mask. They believe that the cost is fully justified by the quality. Price for 120 ml – 850 rubles.


  1. can be left overnight;
  2. vitamins and carotene in rose petals;
  3. the cost is justified by the result;
  4. comfortable distribution;
  5. a lot of rave reviews.


  1. There are no serious disadvantages.

LIBREDERM Cascade humidification

The category is completed by a mask of cascading effects. It was created by Libriderm specialists to restore radiance, youth and beauty to the skin. The product does not clog pores and is easily washed off with water. The mask quickly reacts to dry skin and “brings to life” tired skin, toning it and making it smooth.

Reviews about the product are quite contradictory. Based on consumer ratings, we concluded that the mask is not suitable for everyone. That is why she was awarded only 3rd place in the category. The product can be easily found in pharmacies and online stores. The price ranges from 520 to 680 rubles. A 75 ml tube lasts for 2-3 months.


  1. light pleasant aroma;
  2. is used economically;
  3. does not clog the openings of the sebaceous ducts;
  4. available for purchase on the Internet, cosmetic departments and stores;
  5. moisturizes dry dermis well.


  1. conflicting opinions (the mask did not suit some girls).

The best premium masks with hyaluronic acid

Many girls are sure that luxury products at exorbitant prices do not always give the desired effect. Our experts found masks at a fairly high cost, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by numerous reviews.

Hyaluronic mask THALGO


The nomination opens with a mask with hyaluronate of marine origin. In addition, the formula contains the latest generation peptide, red algae extract. The product has a pleasant floral aroma. It is suitable for facial skin in any condition. Apply it for 20 minutes. After this time, a smoothing effect is observed. The skin becomes velvety and moisturized. The mask has a gel consistency with no visible color. It does not leak, so you can calmly go about your business. This is a great option for those whose skin is prone to irritation.

It is recommended to apply the product in a thick layer. One tube contains 50 ml of the substance. It lasts less than a month. You will have to pay about 3,000 rubles for a wonderful mask. You can purchase a 20 ml tube complete with a cream and a pencil based on hyaluronic acid.


  1. without smell;
  2. result after the first application;
  3. ease of use;
  4. without chemical inclusions;
  5. pleasant texture;
  6. unique ingredients.


  1. quickly consumed.

Face mask with hyaluronic acid Matis

The best option for aging skin would be a super-moisturizing mask in the form of a transparent gel from a French brand. It actively synthesizes the epidermis’ own hyaluronic acid, accelerates cellular regeneration, and restores water-lipid metabolism. The active components intensively smooth the outer skin and saturate the tissues with moisture.

Use the mask twice a week, applying a thick layer. A 50 ml jar will last approximately 5-7 weeks. Customers are delighted with the stylish packaging of the luxury product, fresh and smooth skin. The girls warn that when ordering online, you can buy a dubious product that has expired or a jar that is half full. Price without discounts – 3530 rubles.


  1. it is consumed quite economically;
  2. high consumer ratings;
  3. does not tighten the skin;
  4. super hydrating.


  1. There are no serious disadvantages.

Firming overnight mask MAY COOP

The mask from MAY COOP is not as well known on the cosmetics market as the previous participants in the rating, but this does not make it any less effective. The composition includes hyaluronate, collagen, ginseng, cactus and blueberry extracts. The product is applied before bedtime and washed off with water in the morning. After this, the skin is transformed, it becomes uniform, soft and moisturized. There is no need to worry that the substance will stain the pillow; the pleasant texture is absorbed into the layers of the outer cover and does not create a filmy feeling.

The product takes a long time to be consumed. A volume of 100 ml is enough for at least 2 months if used 2 times a week. The mask will be appreciated by women whose face swells in the evening. If you apply the consistency to a night cream, the effect will be even better. If you buy a product without a discount, you will have to pay 2800-3000 rubles.


  1. rave reviews from girls;
  2. comfort of application;
  3. plant extracts in the formula;
  4. economical consumption;
  5. visible effect after the first time.


  1. There are no serious disadvantages.

The best sheet masks with hyaluronic acid

Fabric masks are express products. You just need to put the foundation on your face so that the active substances penetrate into the layers of the skin. Immediately after this, you can feel the desired effect.

Gold Essence by Japan Gals

The nomination opens with a mask from a Japanese manufacturer containing golden pollen. In addition to it, the composition contains hyaluronate, ascorbic acid, and arbutin. Girls note tightening and smoothing of the skin, smoothing out wrinkles, and eliminating dryness. They love how the large base fits snugly into every area of ​​the face. Special pockets allow you to work on areas around the eyes, nose and lips.

Excellent results are observed after 7 applications. The price is about 500 rubles. The set includes seven packs. After removing each mask, the bag is conveniently closed, ensuring a perfect seal.


  1. for skin in any condition;
  2. convenient packaging;
  3. the price corresponds to the quality;
  4. golden pollen in the formula.


Mijin Care Mask Hyaluronic Acid


Next in the ranking is a mask from a Korean manufacturer that forms a continuous film on the face. It retains the natural moisture of the dermis, does not cause allergies and is compatible with all skin types. The good news is that the mask does not need to be washed off with water. It is applied to a clean face and after 15 minutes, the residue is distributed with massaging movements.

Judging by the reviews, the skin after use is very soft and pleasant to the touch. Girls recommend purchasing the mask and regularly use it to moisturize the skin. The price for 1 piece is approximately 100 rubles.


  1. nice smell;
  2. moisturizes well;
  3. does not cause a negative reaction;
  4. Ease of use;
  5. overall soft and delicate skin.


  1. not found.

Dr.Jart+ Dermask Water Jet Vital Hydro Solution

Fans of sheet masks will be delighted with the Beauty Capsule product. The product is applicable for any skin type and contains unique beneficial components - seaweed, aquaxyl, flower extracts. After the first use, you can feel the moisturizing effect. As a result, the impregnated microfiber base perfectly moisturizes, soothes and softens the skin, filling it with vitamins.

Judging by the opinions of the girls, the mask was too heavily saturated with the product. It slides off your face if you are not horizontal. Therefore, you need to lie down for the recommended 20 minutes. For 5 sachets you have to pay over 1000 rubles.