Anti-wrinkle masks with jojoba oil

Many exotic plants are sources of unique products that become indispensable in cosmetology. Jojoba oil for the face is one of the most popular remedies for wrinkles, acne and age spots.


Jojoba is an evergreen shrub native to Africa. Its fruits are dense nuts, which, when processed (crushed and pressed), yield dense oil or wax. The consistency of the product resembles shea butter or shea butter it is noteworthy that the properties of these products are very similar to each other.

Benefits of using jojoba oil on the face:

  1. This wax (as cosmetologists call it because of its dense structure) is saturated with vegetable fats and essential amino acids. They deeply nourish the epidermis, saturating the cells with the necessary fats
  2. Jojoba contains vitamins E and A, which contribute to intense skin hydration. This helps eliminate peeling and cracks. Due to this property, jojoba is also used to restore hair after dyeing or other chemical exposure
  3. Thanks to amino acids, this product promotes increased collagen production by the skin. Due to this, the skin renews itself faster, wrinkles are reduced, and age spots become less noticeable.


Reviews from cosmetologists about jojoba bush oil for the face claim that this is practically the best remedy for wrinkles at home. With regular use of this product up to 50 years of age, there will be no urgent need to use professional cosmetic procedures (resurfacing, peeling or lifting).

Using anti-wrinkle oil

Jojoba cosmetic oil is very easy to use: despite its dense texture, it begins to melt under the temperature of the human body. This allows you to reduce the consumption of the product and significantly simplify its use, compared with liquid ethers.

For the skin around the eyes and eyelids It will be enough to apply the jojoba butter with light tapping movements. It is recommended to do this along massage lines: around the eyes, slightly going over the eyelids and under the eyebrows and returning down.

It will be useful instead of night cream also use this ether, because the main processes of regeneration of epidermal cells occur precisely at night. Apply a small amount of jojoba to clean skin and spread it over your face with your fingertips. From the nose you need to move to the temples, from the middle of the forehead to the hairline. You don’t just need to rub the oil, you need to drive it into the pores. Don't worry, it's non-comedogenic.


Photo - Applying oil to the face

This product mixes well with many other products, complementing their properties or even enhancing their effect.

Recipes for anti-wrinkle masks with jojoba oil for the face:

  1. Avocado and jojoba oils should be combined in equal quantities and heated in a water bath. Distribute the resulting mixture over problem areas - this will help get rid of small wrinkles. Use as a cream, leave overnight
  2. Coconut oil and jojoba are ideal for dry, aging skin, because these products can saturate cells with various acids and promote their intensive nutrition and hydration. Take 2 parts of coconut, 1 part of African nut. Please note that these products have different melting points, so you need to heat them carefully - it is very easy to overheat coconut ether, depriving it of its beneficial qualities. Can be applied both morning and evening. Wash off after 40 minutes
  3. A potato mask with jojoba perfectly tightens the skin. Peel fresh potatoes, grate them on a fine grater and combine with pre-melted wax. For 2 tablespoons of grated root vegetables, take at least 1 tablespoon of oil. The mixture is applied in a thick layer to the neck, décolleté and face and left for 30 minutes. The first results will become noticeable after 3 sessions: the epidermis will tighten, fine wrinkles will disappear, and pigmentation will become less noticeable
  4. Despite the positive properties of grape seed oil for aging skin, it is not recommended to use it together with jojoba. It is quite comedogenic, and due to the high density of the wax, these qualities are only enhanced. Instead of grapes, it is better to take wheat germ ether - they also intensively moisturize and smooth the epidermis, making it look fresh and healthy.

For oily aging skin A mask with kaolin and jojoba is suitable. White clay is mixed in equal proportions with water (preferably mineral or herbal decoction of chamomile, sage). Add half a teaspoon of wax (melted) to the mixture. If desired, you can enrich the product with liquid vitamin E. Apply the mask to the face and neck, leave until completely hardened. Can be repeated every day.


Oil brands

Many anti-aging recipes also include egg yolk. This is another universal component: it has excellent nutritional properties. At the same time, the egg is known for its excellent lifting qualities. You need to beat one egg yolk with half a grated apple, adding 5 grams of melted wax to the mixture. Apply to places where the skin has suffered the greatest age-related changes - this is an “emergency” mask. After just 20 minutes, the epidermis will be much fresher and tighter than before using the product.

Video: recipes for face masks with jojoba oil

Using oil for skin problems

Jojoba essential oil for face is an excellent antioxidant and moisturizer – these properties allow it to be used for a variety of deficiencies. This component can be added to any mask recipes for problematic or dry skin, used as an additive in professional cosmetic products, etc.

For example, if you add almond or peach oil to it, the wax will help moisturize lips and relieve painful cracks on them. The same mixture saves the face from the effects of chapping or sunburn.

How to use jojoba for acne, blackheads and other blemishes:

  1. The easiest way to get rid of small acne is to combine blue Cambrian clay and walnut wax. Mineral powder is mixed with water in equal proportions, then oil is added to the mixture. You can also add rose or rose hip extract, which will help relieve inflammation and soothe the epidermis
  2. You can mix oatmeal with kefir and leave it to brew for 20 minutes. The ratio of components should be 2:1:0.5 (kefir, flakes, jojoba). Apply to all problem areas and leave for at least half an hour
  3. Apricot oil, jojoba wax and coffee grounds for the face are great for comedones and purulent pimples. Coffee is a natural antioxidant that effectively exfoliates dead cells and relieves inflammation. Take half a spoon of esters per spoon of grounds. The mass is mixed and then thoroughly rubbed over the face. It should be left for 15 minutes, then rinsed off. Repeat no more than twice a week.

But the most popular application is jojoba oil for facial massage. It has very low consumption and a convenient form for application. High fat content allows hands to glide easily over the massaged area. Therefore, this is practically the most famous natural remedy for anti-aging massage (including Asahi).

You can buy jojoba oil at any pharmacy (there is no difference in products for face and hair), the average price of the product is $2 for 30 ml. It is best to choose butters of Israeli origin, but, naturally, the highest quality product is obtained only in the homeland of wax - Africa.


Features and chemical composition

The beneficial effect on the skin is caused by the components of the oil. One of its valuable components is eicosenoic acid (Omega-9), a rather rare substance. It promotes rapid restoration of damaged skin tissue, restores elasticity and firmness, and gives a healthy appearance.

In addition, the oil contains:

  1. Fatty acids (such as oleic, docosenoic, palmitic and others). These components provide the epidermis with moisture and protect it from frost, wind and ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Alcohols (such as tetracosene, eicosene, docosahexane). The substances have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, accelerate blood flow under the skin, and saturate the epidermis with nutrients and oxygen.
  3. Collagen. This ingredient is the main building material of skin cells, improves complexion and lightens dark circles under the eyes. In combination with eicosenoic acid, collagen regenerates cells and evens out wrinkles.
  4. Tocopherol (vitamin E). Together with other components of the oil, the vitamin has a strong rejuvenating effect.

Oil efficiency

The result of external use of jojoba oil largely depends on the type and condition of the skin:

  1. For those with dry skin, the product is useful because it maintains the necessary moisture balance. This property is especially valuable when caring for eyelids.
  2. The use of oil on aging skin improves its structure, eliminates age-related changes that manifest themselves in the form of bags, morning swelling, wrinkles, and pigmentation.
  3. For sensitive skin, this product provides reliable protection and restores elasticity.
  4. The oil soothes irritated skin.
  5. The use of oil on problem skin helps to achieve a therapeutic effect the skin is cleared of peeling, pustular rashes and other defects.

Basic rules of application

Before using jojoba oil to make your own cosmetics, you should familiarize yourself with the rules and features of its use:

  1. To rejuvenate the skin, it is recommended to use pure oil. Before applying it, you need to warm it slightly so that the temperature matches your body temperature. This will ensure better penetration into the skin structure.
  2. Complex cosmetics are practically not prepared from oil. In most cases, it is combined with other essential oils or simple products.
  3. The oil in its pure form or compositions made from it are distributed in a thin layer. This allows the oil solution to be completely absorbed into the skin. After waiting the time specified in the recipe, blot the face with a napkin to remove any remaining mixture. If there are too many greasy marks left on the napkin, then next time you need to cover the skin with a thinner layer.
  4. Rejuvenating procedures in the area around the eyes should be carried out with great care. The oil should not get on the mucous membranes.
  5. The duration of the procedure depends on the mask recipe. Usually the composition is kept on the face for 15 to 40 minutes. If only an oil solution is used, then it is enough to blot the skin with a paper towel or napkin to remove any remaining fat. To clean your face from a mask that contains ingredients such as honey or eggs, you need to use a special soft sponge or cotton pad soaked in warm water.
  6. The regularity of the procedures depends on the goals. To prevent the early appearance of wrinkles, it is enough to repeat the procedure 3-4 times a month. To reduce already formed wrinkles, you will need to carry out procedures at intervals of 3-4 days.
  7. To achieve a cosmetic effect, you need to carry out a full course of procedures, which includes 12-15 sessions. After this, a month-long break is taken, the skin should rest.

Cooking recipes

  1. Application of pure product

Jojoba oil has such strong anti-aging properties that to combat deep wrinkles that have long formed on the face, it is used in its pure form (without additional components). Apply to areas susceptible to age-related changes, spreading in a thin layer.

  1. Classic oil composition

Mix avocado, almond and jojoba oils in equal volumes. After mixing thoroughly, the oil solution is applied to cleansed skin. Repeat the procedure twice during the day.

  1. Banana and clay remedy

In one container you need to combine jojoba oil, yogurt, liquid or melted honey, cosmetic clay (the type depends on the needs of the skin). All components are taken in the same proportion, for example, one tablespoon, dessert or teaspoon.

Stir until the mass becomes a homogeneous mixture. Add one small banana, mashed into a puree, and one chicken white (lightly beaten).

The prepared composition is kept on the face for 30 minutes. The use of this mask makes the skin elastic and soft.

Dry peas are crushed in a coffee grinder. Pour two tablespoons of pea flour with a small amount of warm water and stir thoroughly. The result should be a paste, into which the remaining components are added one at a time: two dessert spoons of jojoba oil and the same amount of olive oil.

The composition is washed off after leaving it on the skin for at least 20 minutes.

A mask prepared according to this recipe nourishes the skin with valuable elements, saturates it with moisture, and helps preserve youth.

  1. Based on beeswax

Mix a tablespoon of jojoba oil with one chicken or two quail yolks, a teaspoon of homemade sour cream, a teaspoon of beeswax and seven drops of lavender essential oil. The result should be a homogeneous mixture with a consistency convenient for application to the face.

Keep the mixture on the skin for no longer than half an hour.

  1. Oil blend for tired skin

To a tablespoon of jojoba oil, add just two drops of chamomile essential oil and two drops of patchouli oil. Mix the oil solution and spread it in a thin layer on the skin.

  1. For additional skin nutrition

A mask is prepared from two dessert spoons of jojoba oil, chicken yolk, two teaspoons of turmeric spice and yeast.

The yolk is separated from the white, lightly beaten and the remaining components of the mask are added one at a time, stirring each time so that the mixture is homogeneous.

Keep the mask on the face until a feeling of tightness appears.

  1. Oil composition for skin rejuvenation

The basis for the anti-aging composition is jojoba oil. To two tablespoons of the product add two drops of essential oils of chamomile, patchouli and malaleuca (oil from the leaves of the cajeput tree). Mix everything thoroughly and use it similarly to the cream, treating the skin twice a day.

  1. In addition to ready-made products

By adding a few drops of jojoba oil to the finished cream or lotion, you can not only increase its effectiveness, but also extend its shelf life. You need to add oil at the rate of one and a half tablespoons per hundred grams of cosmetic product.


Recipes for caring for the eye area

The skin around the eyes is prone to the formation of wrinkles, dark circles and swelling, it is very thin and sensitive, and therefore requires careful and gentle care. Therefore, in this area it is important to carry out procedures that provide additional nutrition, hydration of the skin, and have a lifting effect. Not all even professional cosmetics are suitable for this, but jojoba oil is recommended by experts.

Vitamin E, contained in the oil, provides protection against free radicals at the cellular level, and also has the property of tightening the skin and restoring its elasticity.

Oil can be considered not only as a finished cosmetic product, but also as its component. It gives a good rejuvenating effect in combination with other essential oils, for example, rose, lavender or sandalwood.

To rejuvenate the skin around the eyes, you need to carefully treat it with an oil composition. The movements should be patting and pressing. Regular repetition of such procedures helps reduce wrinkles and even eliminate crow's feet, which affects the skin regardless of a woman's age.

To remove deep wrinkles, jojoba oil should be mixed in equal proportions with almond oil. This composition should be applied to problem areas of the skin regularly.

To refresh dry eyelid skin and make it beautiful, you need to use a composition of jojoba, chamomile and patchouli oils. Add a few drops of patchouli and chamomile to a tablespoon of jojoba oil. The oil mixture is distributed with careful movements on the skin under the eyes in a thin layer.

Another product whose component is jojoba oil is famous for its high efficiency.

A teaspoon of oil must be thoroughly mixed with two teaspoons of apricot oil (can be equivalently replaced with peach oil). A homogeneous oil mixture is applied to problem areas of the face. When the mixture is absorbed, remove the residue with a paper towel or napkin.

Contraindications and precautions

Due to the fact that the oil contains toxic elements, it is used only externally.

Concentrated oil should be used with great care. It may cause a side effect, which is manifested by slight swelling and swelling.

Jojoba oil should not be mixed with oils that are used to treat comedones. Having a high density, jojoba oil does not cleanse pores, but clogs them.

Despite being hypoallergenic, in rare cases the oil can cause allergies. To exclude such a reaction, any product used for the first time needs to be tested. To do this, try the mask solution on a small area of ​​skin, preferably on the inside of the elbow. The skin here is delicate and reacts faster to external irritants. If after a couple of hours no redness, rash, or itching appears on the body, then the solution can be used.

Jojoba oil is not cheap, but considering its properties, it is worth it. Cosmetics made with jojoba oil support the natural beauty and healthy appearance of the skin.

In this article you will find reviews on the use of jojoba oil to get rid of wrinkles on the face. You will find out how the composition of the oil affects the skin, what products it is best to combine it with, and what cosmetologists think about this product. And so that you don’t have any difficulties at the stage of preparing masks, this process will be demonstrated on video.


Liquid wax extracted by cold pressing the nuts of the evergreen shrub Simmondsia sinensis, known as jojoba, contains amino acids similar in structure to collagen, which is why it is so popular in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology.

Jojoba oil is included in many lotions, creams and conditioners, whose manufacturers prefer natural ingredients.

It is worth noting the importance of choosing the type of oil suitable for the procedure - in addition to cosmetic, there is essential oil. Since the latter is too concentrated, its use on the skin is unacceptable, as it is fraught with unpleasant consequences such as burns.

The composition of jojoba cosmetic oil includes palmitic, gadoleic, stearic, and venison. erucic, docosahexoenoic, nervonic and behenic acids, eicosene, tetracosene and docosahexoenoic alcohols, as well as collagen and tocopherol (vitamin E).

Known for its restorative properties, the oil has found application in several procedures at once.. Many girls use it to remove makeup, after mixing it with water 1:1. Some people replace it with lip balm, add it to hair conditioner, or apply it to their legs as a base for shaving cream.

Effect on wrinkles

Let's figure out how jojoba oil helps get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. Alcohols accelerate subcutaneous blood circulation, providing cells with the required amount of oxygen. The skin does not tighten, but remains moisturized due to the action of numerous fatty acids that prevent moisture loss.

They not only protect, but also promote the regeneration of damaged tissues. Collagen removes dark circles and smoothes out wrinkles, and vitamin E strengthens the result, slowing down the aging process as much as possible.

Regular use of jojoba oil removes bags under the eyes, dark circles, redness of the mucous membranes and, of course, crow's feet. A course of procedures will significantly reduce rashes and reduce the number of small expression wrinkles to a minimum. You will get moisturized skin around your eyes and a healthy complexion. Regular exercises for the face against wrinkles and healthy daily sleep, at least 6 hours, will help enhance the effect.

You should not use masks containing jojoba oil for more than four weeks in a row. Take breaks.


People with sensitive skin, allergy sufferers, pregnant and breastfeeding women are not recommended to use the oil without first consulting a doctor. It is worth noting a big advantage - jojoba oil is suitable for all skin types, and can also be added to any masks.

Among the side effects, only oily shine is noted. Its disadvantages include its high cost as an organic product.

Always pay attention to the list of contraindications, even if a product has a lot of positive reviews, like retinoic ointment for wrinkles, for example. Its effect is also noticeable after the first use, but its use absolutely cannot be combined with a visit to the solarium. Take care of your health!

Terms of use

Each girl chooses for herself what time of day is most convenient for her to carry out cosmetic procedures. Some people prepare their skin for makeup in the morning, while others apply nourishing masks before bed.

Here A few basic rules on how to properly use jojoba oil for wrinkles.

  1. Wash and dry your face.
  2. If this is your first acquaintance with oil, do an allergy test on your hand.
  3. Mix jojoba oil with other mask ingredients immediately before application.
  4. Use cotton pads to spread the maxi evenly over your face.
  5. If possible, lie down on the bed or sit down, relaxing all the muscles of your face and body. This way the effect will be better.
  6. Wash off the mask 15-20 minutes after application with warm water.

Do not apply such masks more than once a day and 4 times a week.

Mask recipes

Combine jojoba oil with any other oil, except sandalwood and rose oil. Pink clay, honey, cream, avocado - the choice depends on your skin type and goals.

There are a lot of recipes on how to remove wrinkles under the eyes, but after reading reviews about using jojoba oil for eyelids, first of all you will find a recipe for an anti-wrinkle mask with avocado. To prepare it, mix the oils in a 1:1 ratio. Use twice daily.

For those with both oily and dry skin types You should combine light texture oil with jojoba oil in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3. This can be peach, apricot or almond oil for daily masks or for care 1-2 times a week.

Using an anti-wrinkle face mask with jojoba oil in combination with a base oil will bring a quick effect and give you a pleasant feeling after the first procedures. Combine coconut, olive or almond oil with Simmondsia sinensis oil in a 1:3 ratio and completely lubricate your face. If you decide to use the oil in its pure form, then rub it in your palms before applying and do not hold for more than 10 minutes.


Cosmetologists' opinion

Reviews from cosmetologists about jojoba oil as a remedy for wrinkles around the eyes are 99% only positive. This is incredibly high for a homemade skin care product.

— Reviews about the use of Curiosin gel for wrinkles are less clear, so always be careful when studying the initial indications for use indicated in the instructions or on the packaging.

Cosmetologist Svetlana: I have known about this oil for a very long time and always recommended that clients use it for dry skin or the appearance of wrinkles. Jojoba oil is relatively inexpensive, but it can be stored for several years, and the results are noticeable after just a few uses.

Cosmetologist Irina: Jojoba oil is just a miracle find! It is suitable for all skin types, all ages and for different uses. I recommend doing a body massage with it and adding it to your regular facial moisturizer, just a couple of weeks of this treatment and you will feel the difference! Definitely 5+!

Cosmetologist Oksana: As a specialist in my field, I rarely advise girls to get involved in traditional medicine, since people do not follow many of the nuances before starting to use the product. If jojoba oil does not cause you allergies, then I don’t see any other reasons to give it up. The oil helps maintain an even complexion, slow down aging and protect the skin around the eyes well from the effects of ultraviolet rays.

Readers' opinions

Victoria, 52

I can’t imagine my skincare routine without jojoba oil! This is one of the best purchases for a simple but effective way to keep your skin as elastic and hydrated as possible. I already forgot the last time I complained to myself in front of the mirror about the dry skin around my eyes with those crow’s feet. No small wrinkles, no dark circles, I am 100% satisfied, I recommend it to everyone.

Yana, 45

I often felt complex because of the dozens of wrinkles around my eyes. I saw a friend use jojoba oil on her eyelids and decided to try it myself. I was pleased with the results already on the third day! It's a pity I didn't know about it earlier. Now I apply masks with the addition of this oil every day and don’t remember my complexes.

Video of preparing a super mask with jojoba oil

Video with step-by-step instructions on how to prepare a mask that has an incredible tightening effect. If you want to relieve fatigue, remove fine wrinkles, whiten freckles or age spots, then write down the recipe and try it today. And what’s surprising is that you can always find the ingredients for it at home!

Have you used jojoba oil for skin or hair care? How exactly? Share your recipes and tell us how effective this remedy was for you.