Hand skin softening oil

During frequent interaction with water, the epidermis suffers from a lack of moisture. The skin of the hands becomes thinner, less smooth and elastic. Also, a problem such as peeling and the appearance of a rough layer on the surface of the skin often arises. To restore your hands to their former beauty and preserve it for a long time, it is not necessary to turn to professionals. In this article we will tell you how to soften the skin of your hands at home. Of course, store-bought creams bring tangible results, but the use of folk remedies implies the availability of ingredients and proven recipes.


Taking care of the beauty of your hands

It is necessary to constantly take care of the skin of your hands. Regular care helps maintain softness and velvety feel. A woman’s hands are daily exposed to various factors that affect the appearance of the skin. To prevent dryness, you can use pharmaceutical drugs and various cosmetics. To keep your hands soft, all household chores must be performed with rubberized gloves. Hands are an important part of the human body, so it should not be neglected.


Available care creams

Many women want to know how to soften the skin of their hands in winter. The answer to this question can be found in store windows and pharmacies. First of all, you can use protective creams with natural composition. The most effective remedy in the fight against dry epidermis is a regular baby cream. You can buy it at absolutely any hygiene store. It is recommended to purchase the following drugs at the pharmacy: "Radevit", "Pantoderm", "Bepanten". To use the pharmacy cream correctly, it is recommended that you carefully read the instructions. It is important to remember that some components may cause an allergic reaction, so initial testing is necessary. An excellent lifesaver is a cream that contains natural calendula. After using any cosmetic product, you must wear cotton gloves.


Beer bath to soften hand skin

The answer to the question of how to soften the skin of your hands at home lies in the availability of the components. First of all, it is important to select ingredients for baths and prepare your own remedies from those products that are always on hand or are not difficult to purchase. For example, beer is easy to buy, but this product works real miracles in the field of cosmetology. To prepare the bath you will need 50 grams of dried chamomile flowers and a glass of beer. This mixture needs to be heated for 15 minutes. Afterwards, cool and put your hands in it for 15-20 minutes. Then be sure to lubricate the skin of your hands with moisturizer. After just two or three procedures, the condition of the epidermis will noticeably change. Hand baths that soften the skin are the leading method of combating imperfections.


Baking soda to save rough skin

In this section you will learn how to soften rough skin on your hands. Many people face a problem that is popularly called “household eczema.” This is a skin condition that occurs after washing dishes or doing laundry for a long time. Soda baths can save the situation in such a situation. To prepare, you will need a teaspoon of soda and 1 liter of boiled water. It is necessary to immerse your hands in this resulting solution for 15-20 minutes. After this, you need to lubricate the skin with olive or sunflower oil and let it absorb on its own. After half an hour, remove excess oil with a sanitary napkin and apply a softening cream to the skin. This effective recipe will help make your skin beautiful and save it from flaking.

Bath with oil and starch for velvety skin

This unusual recipe answers the question of how to soften very dry skin on your hands. It is necessary to prepare jelly from potato starch and cool it, mixing it with lemon juice. After this, you should place your hands in a container with jelly for 15-20 minutes. You can do a gentle massage during the process. After the procedure, lubricate your hands with olive oil. The next step is to rinse your hands in cool water. The final step is to lubricate the skin of your hands with moisturizer. This method will help restore softness and smoothness to the skin.


Homemade lotions according to folk recipes

Our ancestors knew how to soften the skin of their hands quickly and safely. They knew how to make natural cosmetics themselves. One of the folk remedies for hands is lotion using wine, which saves the skin from dryness and tightness. To prepare a healing lotion, you will need half a glass of strong tea leaves, a glass of dry wine, sage, mint and rose petals. All components must be mixed in one container and placed in a cold place for two weeks. After this, strain and apply every day after waking up and before going to bed on the exhausted skin of your hands. After this, you need to use a nourishing cream to consolidate the result.

How to soften the skin of your hands at home

To effectively combat the problem of dry skin on your hands, constant monitoring of its condition is required. Below are recipes that will be useful to every person for simple daily care:

  1. After washing thoroughly, wipe your hands with a hard cloth, then rub in a mixture of bee honey and olive oil with rhythmic movements. To achieve the best effect, it is advisable to wrap your hands in cellophane and apply them to a heat source. After half an hour, complete the procedure.
  2. There is milk in every refrigerator, but not all people are aware of the healing effects of warm milk on the skin of the hands and the condition of the nail plate. Five-minute milk baths brighten and soften the skin, and also have a strengthening effect on nails.
  3. Regular Vaseline. This is a miracle remedy to relieve dryness and irritation on the skin. It is recommended to apply it to your hands before going to bed under cotton gloves.


Hand masks

Having a little free time, you can spend it usefully and make hand masks at home. They will be a real find for people who are puzzled by the question of how to soften the skin of their hands at home:

  1. One of the most fashionable and widespread masks is glycerin. By adding a little lemon juice to a jar of pharmaceutical glycerin, you can get a ready-made composition to save your hands from dryness and dehydration.
  2. An oatmeal mask is a simple, straightforward recipe made from affordable products. To prepare it you will need five tablespoons of traditional oatmeal, milk and vegetable oil. Heat the mixture and apply to your hands, leaving for half an hour. Repeat the procedure three times, three times a week.
  3. Egg mask. Apply the beaten egg mixture to your hands for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Aloe mask. Keep the fleshy part of the plant in the cold for one week, then squeeze out a couple of tablespoons of juice, mix with nourishing cream and add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Before applying the mask, steam the skin of your hands in a salt bath. Keep for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


How to avoid dry and flaky hands

In this article we talked about how you can soften the skin of your hands. But what can you do to avoid knowing about such problems? Let's answer below:

  1. It is recommended to avoid direct contact with household chemicals and chlorinated water.
  2. Wash your hands not in hot, but in cool or warm water. Moderate temperatures will prevent the skin from drying out.
  3. When going out into the frosty air in winter, you must wear gloves.
  4. Use nourishing cream several times a day.
  5. Periodically undergo a peeling procedure, which helps remove a layer of dead cells.
  6. Protect your hands from direct sunlight by using sunscreen creams.


It's no secret that a person's main wealth is his health, and maintaining beauty at the proper level is a real art. The smooth and silky skin of girls' hands has always attracted the attention of men, causing pleasant impressions on the stronger half. Today on store shelves there is a huge selection of brush skin care products. Hand oil, which is available in a wide range, is particularly effective among the products offered.


How are they different from cream?

First of all, it differs from cream in consistency and composition. Oils are fattier, and therefore more nutritious, and better moisturize the skin of the hands, reliably protecting it from the negative effects of the environment. In addition, creams are mainly made from oils, so it is better to use it in its original form than the product on which it is based. The main mistake when applying to the skin is using too much product, which causes stains on clothes. Natural oils are much more effective and efficient than creams.


Beneficial effect on the skin

The use of oils becomes especially significant in winter, when the upper layers of the epidermis are subject to constant temperature changes. The task of this substance is to create reliable protection for the hands, which they can handle successfully.

Currently, the fair sex is offered many expensive hand skin care products and procedures advertised by clinics and beauty salons. However, not all women can afford all this. It is comparatively more profitable to purchase natural oils, the use of which is economical and highly effective. They are ideal for softening and moisturizing hands, and are also useful because they create an excellent anti-aging and protective coating for the skin and nails.



The list of these substances is quite extensive; depending on the composition, there are differences in purpose. Some serve to moisturize and nourish, others promote the regeneration of epidermal cells, and others have incomparable protective properties. They are often included in solid or liquid soaps and scrubs.

All of them can be basic and ethereal. Essential oils are very concentrated, so it is not recommended to use them in their pure form, as there is a risk of burns. They are extracted mainly from the bark, leaves, flowers and roots of plants. They usually have a strong aroma. Basic ones are not so concentrated, the aroma is either completely absent or very subtle, so they can be safely applied in their pure form without worrying about negative consequences. Such products are obtained from grains, fruits and plant seeds.



The most popular of them are: olive, coconut, maize, hemp, almond, avocado and olive oil. Base products can be used as a base to which essential components are added. They are also actively used as an independent care product.


Based on consistency, they can be divided into light and heavy:

  1. The first ones are very gentle, absorbed quickly enough. The main representatives of this group are: macadamia oil, black currant oil, apricot oil, grape seed oil, borage oil, almond oil, peach oil and others.
  2. The texture of the latter, on the contrary, is thick, so they are used as natural preservatives and antioxidants. These include: cottonseed oil, flaxseed oil, walnut oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil, wheat germ oil, avocado oil and others.




It is these oils that penetrate deep into the structure. Quite often, essential compositions and various mixtures are made from this species. A huge number of compositions can be made with your own hands, improvising, choosing exactly what suits and likes the most. The quality of the result depends on the correct selection of the components.

A procedure such as a manicure is not complete without the use of sandalwood oil or tea tree, because after their application the following effect is observed:

  1. rough skin of the hands and cuticles soften;
  2. nails become stronger and stop peeling;
  3. the nail plate is whitened;
  4. wounds caused by manicure heal;
  5. Thanks to the aroma, the procedure becomes as pleasant as possible.



Which one to choose: description and properties

On the shelves of pharmacies and stores you can find a wide range of different essential oils. Such a rich variety contributes to gentle hand care. When choosing, it is recommended to pay due attention to such features as:

  1. healing properties of components;
  2. consistency;
  3. essential, base or mixture;
  4. smell;
  5. price.


Let's get acquainted with the most famous representatives of the product.

Almond oil. Basic almond oil can be used as a stand-alone product or mixed with essential oils. Has a delicate delicate aroma. Penetrates deeply into the skin, due to this it very well nourishes and moisturizes the hands, providing an excellent smoothing effect.


Olive oil. Quite often olive oil is used in food. Due to its high content of vitamin E and natural antioxidants, it has a positive effect on the skin when applied externally. It has a deep nourishing effect, smoothes wrinkles and relieves irritation.


Argan oil. Cosmetics containing argan oil are in constant demand. This fact is explained by the rejuvenating effect that this product has. A mixture with argan and lemon oil provides a whitening effect, so this composition is good to use for nourishing and whitening the nail plate.


Shea butter. Originally from Africa, it has a thick consistency, quite oily consistency and is suitable for moisturizing rough skin. By applying the product at night, under special warming gloves, you can make the skin of your hands soft and silky. It has healing properties, so it is suitable for treating cuticles after a manicure.


Avocado oil. Helps heal wounds, that is, it has regenerating properties, perfectly nourishes dry skin, rejuvenates and smoothes, helping to increase the elasticity of the skin, as well as increasing the protective functions of the epidermis.


Sea buckthorn oil. A well-known remedy for wound healing, it deeply nourishes dry skin and helps improve the appearance of hands. A night mask made from sea buckthorn oil helps to achieve maximum results. Contains natural antioxidants, vitamins E and A.


Cacao butter is a rather expensive product because the process of obtaining it is quite expensive. The product is famous for its rejuvenating effect. It increases the flow of oxygen to skin cells due to fatty acids, so after several days of regular use, the skin of the hands becomes silky and very soft.


Tea tree oil – a natural disinfectant, as it has an antimicrobial effect. Very concentrated, which is why it is enough to add a couple of drops to the base product to get the desired effect. The use of baths with tea tree oil is popular, which helps to destroy microbes from the surface of the epidermis and also promotes relaxation after a hard day at work.


Jojoba or shea butter known for its healing effect. It has a beneficial effect on the cuticle after manicure, promoting rapid cell regeneration. Vitamin E penetrates into the cells of the epidermis, the skin becomes soft and takes on a well-groomed appearance. Helps get rid of increased brittleness of nails.


Peach oil has a wide range of actions. It deeply nourishes, increases the protective properties of the epidermis, saturates the skin with oxygen, moisturizes and softens. A mask made with a combination of peach, olive and hemp oils will help give your skin a radiant appearance.


Hemp oil. The amino acids, vitamins and minerals included in this product help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood and lymph flow, slow down the aging process of the skin, enriching cells with oxygen, as well as moisturizing and smoothing it.


Sesame oil. It has medicinal properties and can, in combination with other remedies, help in the treatment of psoriasis and eczema. It is easily absorbed, relieves irritation and flaking, and also perfectly moisturizes and rejuvenates.


Sandalwood oil. It has an antimicrobial, antiseptic effect, restores damaged layers of the epidermis, fights aging, soothes irritated skin areas and relieves inflammation.


Grape seed oil. Due to the content of tannins, it has an antiseptic effect. Suitable for those with oily skin and helps fight excess sebum. Helps strengthen brittle nails, moisturizes and tones the skin of the hands.


For information on the benefits of oils for hands and nails, using grape seed oil as an example, see the following video.

Homemade mask recipes

Based on the characteristics of each type, it is recommended to choose the most suitable options and create useful masks from them without leaving home.

Many housewives have grape seed oil, as well as olive or corn oil in their kitchens. It is from them that you can make a light soothing mask in between household chores. To do this, you need to mix a tablespoon of each ingredient, apply to the skin of your hands and wait 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This wonderful moisturizer can be used day or night. Its regular use fills the structure with useful substances and gives the surface a certain velvety feel.



By combining lemon, almond, tea tree oil, sea salt and a small amount of water, you can prepare an excellent bath to strengthen nails and soften cuticles. This is the best boiling product for the care of dry and brittle nails.


By combining grape seed oil (17 drops), peeled and ground small cucumber (1 pc.), starch (8 grams) and olive oil (4 drops) This makes a wonderful moisturizing hand mask.


Some representatives of the fair sex prefer to use a mask based on essential oil, petroleum jelly and yolk.

And now the video is a recipe for a hand mask using olive oil.

Popular manufacturers

Among the well-known manufacturers are the following:

  1. Velvet handles “Luxury macadamia”. Turns every care procedure into a relaxing session. Perfectly strengthens nails, softens cuticles, makes skin smooth and velvety.
  2. Black Pearl. Deeply moisturizes each layer, preventing nail brittleness. The skin structure is restored, and the surface smoothes and becomes elastic.
  3. Fruit bowl "Soap makers". Pleasant aroma and delicate consistency make for comfortable application. Absorbs well, leaving the skin soft and beautiful.
  4. Avon. Restores water balance, quickly eliminating dryness and flaking. Hands become well-groomed and tender.
  5. Hongik Skin. Creates reliable protection for hands and nails. The skin is smoothed, and the nails become strong and shiny.
  6. Family de Olive. Enriches with a complex of vitamins and microelements, and also relieves inflammation and irritation. The skin becomes elastic and looks young.
  7. Gehwol. Strengthens the structure of the skin and nails, filling them with strength and natural radiance.
  8. Ciel. It has an antioxidant effect, effectively smoothes the skin surface, nourishes and moisturizes well.







The quality of cosmetic products from the above companies is always at its best, which is why they occupy high positions in the popularity ranking.


Almost the entire female half of society speaks positively about such a product as hand oil. This is quite natural. In particular, there is an incomparable moisturizing, smoothing and rejuvenating effect. Natural ingredients have a positive effect on the skin of the hands and the entire body as a whole. The presence of a large amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in the products helps to cope with problem skin or give a well-groomed appearance to the epidermis. A wide variety of these cosmetics helps you choose your ideal combination of properties and scents for each.

In winter, when winds and frosts do not spare the skin, there is an urgent need for additional care. The skin of the hands suffers especially, since day after day it is exposed not only to weather factors, but also to drying cleaning products used in everyday life. Sometimes the damage becomes so serious that regular creams no longer cope with their functions. It is in this case that it is necessary to change your care: hand oil will come to the rescue.


  1. What oils are suitable for hands?
  2. Recommendations for using oils
  3. Moisturizing oils
  4. Oils with nourishing, protective and healing effects

Basic and essential oils for hands can not only revive damaged skin, but also rejuvenate it and accelerate nail growth. In addition, they help to maintain your manicure longer, because moisturized cuticles grow back much more slowly and look better. At the same time, care products prepared at home have a completely natural composition, rich in vitamins and minerals, which makes them incredibly useful.

What oils are suitable for hands? ↑

It is believed that a woman's hands can be used to determine her age. This is why caring for this area is so important. Modern cosmetics help deceive nature, rejuvenating the skin and eliminating the signs of aging. However, the compositions of creams often raise doubts about the benefits of their use, and the effect is not always what we would like to see. Essential oils are real storehouses of valuable substances that can transform even the most damaged epidermis at home. After using them, your hands will become soft, smooth, and tender to the touch. Brittle and peeling nails will turn into healthy and strong ones.

In fact, the list of oils suitable for hand care is quite extensive. Among them there are nourishing ones, and those that will relieve dryness, as well as protective and healing ones. They are used both undiluted and with various additives. In addition, you can use each type either independently or in mixtures with other oils. Here are the most effective and popular of them: sea buckthorn, coconut, burdock, argan, olive, almond, rosehip, castor, shea (karite), peach, jojoba.

For example, olive, peach, almond, coconut, argan and shea butter will moisturize the skin and relieve it from dryness, sea buckthorn and jojoba oil will quickly heal existing wounds, and castor and rosehip oil will protect against the harmful effects of external factors. In order to choose the right product for yourself, you should make sure that you are not allergic to it. To do this, a special small test is carried out: the substance is applied to the inside of the arm for 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed off. If there are no reactions, you can safely use it.

Recommendations for using oils ↑

  1. It is possible that not every oil is suitable for specific skin care. It may not cause allergies, but it may not act properly. Fortunately, all of the listed remedies are accessible and inexpensive; you can buy them at any pharmacy and use trial methods to select the one that will give the best result.
  2. Both base and essential oils are used in hand care. The essential essence of lemon is considered the most suitable, as it is known for its whitening properties, valuable for the skin and nail plates. The essences of tea tree (disinfects well), orange, grapefruit (tone, moisturize), ylang-ylang (gives elasticity, protects) are also often used. They are included in baths, masks, and oil mixtures. They perfectly complement any natural cosmetic product, making it even more valuable and useful.
  3. The effect of oils directly depends on the regularity of their use in care. Of course, you can make a mask prepared using them just once, but it is important to understand that this will most likely only give an external and rather short-term effect. For example, peach, coconut or shea butter will moisturize the skin well, but only constant procedures with them will help achieve real skin rejuvenation.
  4. Many basic and essential oils can have a positive effect on the skin. Moreover, even those that are not recommended for use undiluted on the face (for example, castor and burdock) are perfect for hands. It is worth considering the properties of each of them, as well as how to use them.

Moisturizing oils ↑


Since ancient times, coconut oil has been used by beauties around the world to care for their face, hair, body and hands. It gives an amazing moisturizing effect that lasts a long time, as it contains hyaluronic acid. It also takes care of nails, nourishing the cuticle, preventing it from growing quickly and drying out. Coconut oil is also known for its ability to heal cracks and burns and quickly eliminate peeling.

You can take a few drops of the pure substance and apply it to your hands with massaging movements, paying special attention to dry areas and cuticles. It will be useful to regularly make the following mask: a mixture of warm coconut, almond and hemp oils (one teaspoon each), glycerin (dessert spoon) and 4 drops of orange oil. Mix, apply to hands, put on gloves and leave overnight.

Argan oil

Currently, argan extract is at the peak of its popularity. On the shelves of cosmetic stores you can find a very large number of products containing it. This is explained by the fact that it has a noticeable anti-aging ability. The result will be visible after a couple of uses. A popular method of use is baths: two tablespoons of argan oil and the same amount of fresh lemon juice are mixed together. We put our hands in it and hold it for 20 minutes. The result is skin hydration, strengthening and whitening of nails at home. You can also apply a small amount of the product to the skin and massage it for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, it is not recommended to wash your hands for at least an hour. This treatment will make the skin very velvety.

Olive oil

The composition of olive essential oil primarily includes a huge amount of vitamin E. It is due to this that the effect of deep hydration is achieved. And acids and antioxidants complement the main effect, toning the skin and making it more even.

You can use the product on its own as a cream (with or without adding a couple of drops of lemon essential essence). In addition, you can use it to make an olive hand scrub by mixing the oil with fine salt. To whiten nails, baths with a mixture of coconut, olive, argan oils and lemon juice are suitable.

Almond oil

The convenience of using almond oil is that it is absorbed very quickly, but at the same time it is not inferior in its ability to moisturize the skin to many expensive cosmetic products. It can be added to store-bought products to enrich them, or it can be used in its pure form, applied to hands at night or to the cuticles after each manicure. Almond oil softens the skin, makes it velvety, and in combination with the essential essences of lemon and ylang-ylang flower it will acquire whitening and protective properties. A mixture of argan and almond oils and jojoba essence provides life-giving hydration even to damaged hand skin.


The composition of peach extract is rich in iron, phosphorus, calcium and other useful microelements. First of all, it is a moisturizer, but its smoothing and softening properties cannot be diminished. A particularly effective mixture is obtained by combining peach, almond and hemp oil: it can replace cream or use as a mask, applying in a thick layer and washing off after 20-25 minutes. If the skin on your hands is peeling, then these two methods of application will quickly revive even very damaged skin.

Shea Butter

Unrefined shea butter has a solid consistency, but melts instantly upon contact with the skin. It is quickly absorbed, moisturizes the skin and protects it from aggressive external factors. It is perfect as an emergency way to restore rough and damaged skin. Shea butter applied in a thick layer overnight will make the dermis soft and smooth and heal wounds. It can be used as a cuticle treatment after a manicure, either alone or combined with sea buckthorn, jojoba, burdock or argan essential oils.

Oils with nourishing, protective and healing effects ↑

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn extract contains a large amount of vitamins A, C and E, and saturated fatty acids. It has a strong regenerating effect, heals wounds and cracks, removes peeling, eliminates dryness, and slows down the aging process. It heals brittle nails, making them strong. You can apply it yourself (under a nourishing cream), putting on gloves on top and leaving it overnight. In the morning, the skin of your hands will be transformed, soft and smooth. In addition, you can apply sea buckthorn oil to damaged areas in the form of compresses, leaving for 20-30 minutes.

For very dry, cracked skin, the following mask is suitable, which can be prepared at home: combine one raw egg yolk, a teaspoon of full-fat milk, a teaspoon of sea buckthorn and rosehip oil essence. Apply to hands, wrap them in cling film, wrap them in a towel, hold for 15 minutes, rinse.


Burdock oil is a wonderful supplier of valuable substances to the deep layers of the epidermis. It contains various vitamins, minerals, and protein, which allows it not only to nourish the skin, but also to launch regeneration processes in it. Another useful property is a noticeable strengthening and acceleration of nail growth. It is recommended to rub the oil into the cuticle area a couple of times a day for a month.

Burdock oil is used for hand massage and also as a night cream. It will be especially useful to mix it with peach and castor oil in equal quantities, apply and leave overnight, repeating the procedure several times a week. Another recipe: add hemp oil to burdock oil, as well as freshly squeezed aloe juice. This mixture can also replace a care product.

Rosehip oil

Rosehip is rich in vitamin C. Its extract nourishes and rejuvenates the epidermis. The use of this oil in winter will be especially useful, because it perfectly protects the skin from winds and frost, soothes, heals it, and eliminates dryness. For cracked hands, you can use baths with it and sea buckthorn oil, mixed equally. Protective hand cream is easy to make at home; you just need to make a mixture of shea butter, rosehip butter, peach butter and olive oil in equal proportions.


The effect of castor oil is unique: with its help you can even solve dermatological problems on the skin of your hands. It has antifungal effects and acts as an antioxidant. A targeted method of applying castor oil will help get rid of warts, without drying out the skin, but moisturizing it. It is worth noting that the product has a specific smell and a greasy consistency, so it is better to apply it at night and under gloves. If you mix it with rosehip essence, you get an excellent night cream that improves skin immunity.

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil perfectly nourishes the skin. It is especially valuable for brittle and peeling nails. Thanks to the vitamin E it contains, the product has additional healing ability, so it can be used in the form of compresses for damaged areas of the skin. When you mix jojoba extract with castor and burdock oils, you get a wonderful finger bath, and with olive oil you get a nourishing night cream. A mixture of jojoba, rosehip and shea oils is used to massage the hands at home.

In any case, whichever product from the above is chosen for hand care, it will give amazing results and will be absolutely natural. You may be interested in an article about healthy oils for nails at home.

It is not at all necessary to use the specified recipes; you can mix any essential oils with each other, experiment until the result fully satisfies all your needs.