Skin restoration oil

The cosmetics market provides women with a huge selection of products to care for the skin of the face and the entire body. They often turn out to be expensive and ineffective. If you compare the compositions of many of these products, you will find that manufacturers list various skin oils as the main components.

Oils are natural sources of vitamins A and E, as well as fatty acids, which are often insufficient in a normal diet. Ancient women knew about the miraculous properties of essential oils and used them intensively to maintain a beautiful and healthy appearance. So why not now return to the original sources of beauty?

Special facial skin care

Natural oils for the skin are the basis of modern cosmetology. They are able to moisturize, nourish and protect the delicate female body. They can be used to care for both skin and hair, eyebrows, eyelashes. There are also no restrictions on the intensity of use - oils are added to daily care, masks are made from them, and used instead of creams and foams for washing. Oddly enough, you can even remove makeup with this product.

The most significant advantage in favor of natural remedies is that they are practically non-comedogenic. That is, they do not require further care other than rinsing with warm water. Oils are similar in composition to sebum, which distinguishes them from artificial cosmetics. They quickly restore the oxygen balance of the skin and thereby contribute to better hydration and restoration of elasticity. At the age of 25, you can already actively start using oils to keep your skin youthful longer.

Jojoba oil: price and method of use

Jojoba oil actually has the structure of liquid wax. But this does not mean at all that it clogs already tired pores. The finished product is obtained from Simmondsia nuts using cold pressing. This remedy is suitable for most girls, since only in very rare cases does it cause an allergic reaction. It is quickly absorbed and restores moisture balance in the upper layers of the skin.


The proteins in this oil are similar in structure to collagen. Restores water balance, perfectly cleanses, restores elasticity to the skin - all this is jojoba oil. The price for 10 ml of this product averages 1000-2000 rubles. This bottle will last for several months of use, because up to 10 drops are enough for conservative care.

Tea tree oil

Essential oils for the skin are also excellent antiseptics. Tea tree oil will easily dry out problematic and inflamed areas of the skin, and also reduce the appearance of acne. This product is also ideal for girls with oily skin. There is no need to worry that tea tree oil will add oily shine to your face. This is a common stereotype. In fact, when applied to the spot, it is effective for any skin type.


It is important to know that tea tree oil is poisonous if taken internally. It can only be used externally. For these purposes, it can be used as an antifungal and bactericidal agent. If you cut yourself or get burned, for example, then simply apply this oil to the affected area to reduce inflammation and heal the wound as quickly as possible. According to reviews from cosmetologists, this oil is hypoallergenic and will not cause irritation to the skin and mucous membranes even in its pure form.

Application of argan product

What are the benefits of argan oil for skin? The miraculous properties of this substance are manifested precisely in hair care. It is extracted from the fruits of the argan tree, which grows in Morocco, and is even less common in other southern countries. An almost immediate effect will be achieved by using pure oil instead of cosmetics that contain, in addition to it, a lot of silicones and other harmful substances. This is the most nutritious product, so it should be used in minimal quantities. Apply it to clean hair immediately after washing to prevent split ends.


Essential oils for skin from argan fruits are used to combat dry skin and premature aging. This oil contains a huge amount of vitamin E, which nourishes, moisturizes and heals the skin. It can even be applied to the nails and the area around them to strengthen them and moisturize the cuticles. Buyers note that real oil is quite expensive. Therefore, the desire to save money may lead to the purchase of a diluted fake. You should not expect the desired result from its use.

Coconut oil

One of the most popular beauty oils is coconut oil. Consumers claim that it is ideal as an oil for moisturizing the skin. Coconut oil can be used in the morning wash, instead of hair conditioner and nourishing cream. It is better to try it in small quantities and gradually increase the dose, depending on the skin reaction.


As a rule, a refined product is used for cosmetic purposes. But it is not prohibited to use pure cold-pressed coconut oil. It is a thick liquid of a dense white color. Despite the density, it is absolutely non-comedogenic. Suitable for any skin type.

Peach oil: price and benefits

We are all familiar with such a juicy fruit as the peach. Peach oil is also used in the form of applications to imperfect areas of the skin. Its price is more affordable than rare items. For just 50 rubles you can buy 50 ml of a natural product for skin elasticity. You can also make moisturizing masks with peach oil, or you can try adding a couple of drops to your usual care compositions immediately before use. It is also used as a safe makeup remover.

Women claim that this product is a lifesaver during the cold season, when lips are especially sensitive to frost and wind and react to environmental influences with cracks and peeling. Lightly rub peach oil on your lips before going outside, then no bad weather will affect your attractive appearance.


Olive oil

Surprisingly, but true: beneficial oils for the skin are also used during cooking. These include olive oil. It contains a huge amount of natural antioxidants, which helps maintain healthy skin. Olive oil should be used as a base for a cleansing scrub and for everyday washing. It moisturizes even the driest skin without clogging pores.

Olive oil contains vitamins of almost all vital groups - A, E, B, K and D. It is used externally for the skin of the face and body, as well as for healthy hair. This product can also help cope with deep facial skin contamination and remove waterproof makeup. When applying oil to the skin around the eyes, you can even do without rinsing - until the morning this area will be fully saturated with useful microelements.


Oily and porous skin: oil-based recipes

Girls with oily epidermis should select oils for their skin with caution. For some, they can cause irritation, redness, or even burns. Therefore, it is especially important to maintain a balance of base and essential oils as a skincare product. To cleanse oily skin, you can try a mask of steamed oatmeal with the addition of bergamot oil and a few drops of freshly squeezed grapefruit.

For acne on oily skin types, experts recommend using fennel, lemon balm, juniper and citrus oils. Add a couple of drops to cosmetic products several times a week, and the pores will be cleansed of harmful impurities.

If a girl with oily skin also suffers from enlarged pores, then you should pay attention to soothing products. Chamomile, mint, eucalyptus or lemon oils are perfect. The vitamins contained in them block inflammation and tighten pores.

Dry skin care

The best oils for skin that needs softening and moisturizing should be in every girl's medicine cabinet. There are many optimal options for these purposes - lavender, geranium, jojoba, patchouli and Damask rose oil. Any of these products is quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy residue, thanks to its satin structure. Before using skincare cosmetics, you can add a few drops of any oil of your choice to moisturize the skin and make it more elastic. For example, 3 drops of Damask rose oil are enough for 10 ml of cream.

For those with dry skin, experts advise occasionally taking steam baths for the face, adding a few drops of sandalwood or rosewood oil. During this procedure, the pores expand, which will provide the fastest possible effect. The healing properties of essential oils will make themselves felt immediately after the procedure.

For facial skin care, many girls who want to prolong their natural beauty and youth as long as possible use mud masks with the addition of essential ingredients. When mixing medicinal mud with chamomile infusion and a teaspoon of oil, a creamy mass should be obtained. It should be evenly distributed over the skin of the face and neck, except for the area around the eyes. After the mask has dried, rinse it off with warm running water.


Combination skin type

There are also universal oils for skin care. They can be used by both girls with combination and any other skin type. As a cleanser, it is recommended to make a mask based on honey. For 1 teaspoon there is 1 drop each of lavender and jasmine oils. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply to the face, tapping with your fingertips. After 5 minutes, you can remove the residue using a cotton pad soaked in warm water. To soften after the procedure, you can apply ordinary baby cream.

The effect of the night cream will increase several times if you add 2 drops of sandalwood and orange oils to it. It is better to use this recipe before 22 hours. Excess cream should be blotted with a dry cloth. In the morning you will see well-groomed and velvety skin in the mirror.

Anti-aging recipe

Women of Balzac age need oils for their skin even more. At home, you can prepare an effective anti-aging cream based on them. In a glass container, mix 20 ml of cocoa butter and 10 ml each of grape seed oil and beeswax. The mass must be heated in a water bath. Add still mineral water to the resulting liquid cream and beat with a mixer for 10 minutes. Cool and add 10 grams of hazelnut oil and 5 grams of evening primrose. This recipe for natural beauty will help you maintain your health and impeccable appearance for a long time.


Girls fight cellulite and other imperfections in their own bodies in a variety of ways.. One of the most effective is the use of massage oils. You will learn about what natural or essential oils you can use for skin elasticity in this article.


Effect on the skin

The benefits of natural compositions for the body are obvious. They help fight body sagging, stretch marks and the first manifestations of cellulite. Women choose a variety of products depending on the individual characteristics and needs of their skin. The fact is that each product has its own special features. And while one oil simply tightens the skin, another also has a softening effect on it.


But in general, oils are one of the best and proven skincare products.

After using such a product, your skin will literally come to life, because you will nourish and tighten it naturally, without the use of chemical components that can harm the skin and body.


Essential: application features

Esters have a tightening effect on the body and make it visually better. Citrus oils - tangerine, orange, grapefruit and lemon - will help you restore elasticity to your body and make your skin more even. They are present even in expensive cosmetic products, which also confirms the effectiveness of essential supplements.


Tightening essential oils can also be mixed with various additives - spices, flower oils.

Massage with such mixtures is more effective. To obtain visible results, it is advisable to resort to this procedure regularly. If possible, choose a full massage once or twice a week. But you can also limit yourself to self-massage in the mornings and evenings.


In addition to esters, you can also use simple natural oils for body care. Let's look at the rating of the most famous and common oils for body care, which are used by girls and women around the world.


One of the most common oils in cosmetology is olive oil. It has a number of useful properties. This product simultaneously nourishes the skin, moisturizes it, and makes it more even and youthful. Therefore, it is not surprising that you can also restore smoothness and youth to your skin with the help of fresh olive oil. This can be done using a massage product.


The benefits of this oil are also enjoyed by cosmetologists who add it to many products. For example, good milk from Le Petit Olivier is often used for skin care.


Grape seeds

Another popular option is grape seed oil. It has a very good consistency and is suitable for the care of aging skin.



Jojoba oil is also widely known among those who actively care for their body, hair and nails. It can restore the skin, rid it of wrinkles and other irregularities.

The consistency of this product is more like liquid wax. But on the skin it does not feel like a greasy and unpleasant film. This product contains essential acids, which make it so effective.



This product is one of the most popular regenerating body products. However, when using this product, it is worth remembering that it is comedogenic, so if you have problem skin, then pay attention to something else.


Shea Butter

This product has an excellent softening effect and makes the skin softer and more pleasant to the touch. It helps get rid of sagging and stretch marks. This additive can also be found in many well-known creams.



Like burdock oil, this product is comedogenic. But it can be safely used to care for thin and delicate skin. Good coconut oil can be used for massage, or simply applied to the skin in the mornings and evenings to give the body elasticity.



Argan oil is better known as a product that is used for hair care. But this product also works very well and effectively on the skin.. Many cosmetologists call this product liquid gold, which is not surprising, given its composition rich in vitamins and antioxidants.



This product is more suitable for aging skin. It helps get rid of stretch marks and small wrinkles. It can also be supplemented with essential oils for more noticeable results.



The oil obtained from almonds is also rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. It helps not only make the skin more elastic, but also restore water balance.


The advantage of natural oils is, first of all, that you can always be sure of its completely safe composition. Unlike creams and other store-bought products, you can be sure that no chemical components are penetrating your skin.


For body care, you can choose any of the above products. But before you actively use it all over your body, be sure to test how your skin reacts to it. To do this, apply the product to the elbow or wrist - this is where the skin is very sensitive.

How to make your body skin tightened and elastic with the help of argan oil - watch the next video.

Review of famous brands

As already mentioned, the benefits of natural oils are highly valued not only by ordinary girls, but also by cosmetics manufacturers. Let's look at some popular body tightening skincare products from well-known companies.


One of the most famous companies producing affordable personal care cosmetics is Nivea. It is quite possible to find a good product for increasing skin elasticity. This product has a light consistency and is almost transparent in color. The product, unlike many others, does not change its consistency after being in the cold.


The product has a very pleasant aroma. In their reviews, girls note that the smell is reminiscent of good eau de toilette. But this oil causes allergies in some users.

Organic Shop "Mediterranean nut"

If you prefer organic cosmetics, then this product with an incredibly delicious aroma will definitely please you. The smell of the oil is as natural as possible. It is quite sweet, but not at all cloying. The pleasant aroma remains on the skin even several hours after use.

This care product has a thick consistency. But upon contact with a warm body, it melts slightly, so it spreads easily over the skin and is quickly absorbed. It is best applied to the body after a shower or bath, when the skin is steamed.


After using oil from Organic Shop, the skin becomes more hydrated. Despite the fact that the product seems thick and oily, it does not leave a greasy film on the skin. To notice a tightening effect on your body, use it regularly.


The product is used quite regularly, so one jar will last you quite a long time.


The contour filler from this brand is made in Germany. The product is made from cold-pressed almond oil, so it nourishes the skin with beneficial minerals and vitamins. And due to the presence of hyaluronic acid in the composition, it is also considered an excellent product for mature skin.



For body care, this company offers a good concentrated milk based on oils, which is used to give elasticity to the body. The creamy consistency allows you to use this product in any conditions, and the results pleasantly surprise even those who have already tried a huge number of different products.

The product from this company is based on almond oil proteins. Therefore, it perfectly fights against skin that is sluggish and loses its natural elasticity.


In addition, you will feel the moisturizing effect within the next 24 hours after application.


This company is also considered a manufacturer of budget cosmetics. They produce both skincare and decorative cosmetics. Garnier oil, consisting of a large number of essential additives, is perfect for body care.

The composition is based on lemon, grapefruit and tangerine oils. Namely, these supplements, as already noted, best help fight the first signs of cellulite.


Each of them is effective in its own way and helps solve certain problems. Thus, lemon oil effectively stimulates blood circulation and metabolism. This component perfectly tightens the skin, and as a result of its use, the body becomes elastic and velvety to the touch.

Mandarin, in turn, prevents the formation of any scars, and also removes noticeable stretch marks on the body. Grapefruit extract removes excess fluid from the body and restores nutrition.

The combination of all these elements works great. Especially if you use it regularly for several weeks.





The experience of using oils to increase skin elasticity can best be told by those who have actively used them for a long period. Girls and women of different ages note that the body after procedures using oily compounds becomes visually better and more toned.


But in order to get rid of cellulite and a few extra centimeters on the body, it is not enough to simply apply pure oil to the body. You will feel the effectiveness of the chosen product only if you combine the selected products with regular exercise and proper nutrition. In this case, the centimeters will really go exactly where needed.

In addition, natural oils also help give the skin a more even tone, thus hiding unsightly stretch marks and other imperfections that may be on the body.



Choose the right product that works for your skin and you won't be disappointed.

In the video below, you can see anti-cellulite procedures for body elasticity at home.

The best oils for skin rejuvenation

With age, facial skin loses its ability to regenerate, sags, and the first signs of fading appear in the form of facial wrinkles. For more than one millennium, women have been using all kinds of natural oils to prevent such changes; the most ancient civilizations knew a lot about this. Oil extracts have a beneficial effect on the epidermis, nourish and moisturize the dermis, increase its firmness and elasticity, thereby slowing down aging by at least 10 years. We present to your attention the TOP 20 best oils for facial skin rejuvenation.

Almond oil


What allowed this product to be in the TOP is its wide capabilities in restoring the process of cell regeneration, on which the number of wrinkles on the face directly depends. It fills the tissues with moisture, nourishes them from the inside with vitamin A, which is important for the dermis, restores its pH balance and prevents ultraviolet radiation from aggravating the situation.

Almond oil helps eliminate signs of aging in the body due to the presence of the following substances:

Vitamin F. This is a complex of unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the construction of cell membranes and normal blood circulation in tissues. Without this, wrinkles will definitely not be able to smooth out at least to some extent.

Beta carotene. It accelerates tissue regeneration and protects against the harmful effects of UV rays, which lead to so-called photoaging.

Alpha tocopherol. Vitamin E traditionally functions as a humectant. With its help, the skin receives the right amount of moisture necessary to smooth out expression lines and age wrinkles.

B vitamins. Each of them has a positive effect on metabolic processes, increases tissue resistance to wind, cold, and sun. Their presence in the composition allows you to eliminate moisture deficiency in the skin, making it radiant and youthful.

Grape seed oil

It is obtained by cold or hot pressing of dried grape seeds, mainly white varieties. The most useful is the one that has not been subjected to heat treatment. Its color is light yellow, its consistency is greasy, and there is practically no smell.

The benefit of this oil for rejuvenation lies in its ability to moisturize the skin from the inside, accelerate the production of collagen and elastin, thereby making the dermis more elastic. All this is provided by vitamin E, numerous organic acids, flavonoids and plant lecithin included in the product.

Rosemary essential oil


This option is mainly suitable for those with oily and problematic skin. The product stimulates cell regeneration, the production of collagen and elastin, which form the framework of the dermis. In addition, it takes on the task of cleansing, eliminating blackheads, inflammation and acne, and toning.

In its composition, rosemary essential oil for skin rejuvenation is not inferior to almond and grape. There are vitamins A, E, C, B, various fatty acids (linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic). It is quickly absorbed and acts instantly.

This is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs. That is why it is recommended to use it not in its pure form, but to add it to anti-wrinkle creams; 5 drops per 1 tbsp is enough. l.

Jojoba oil

Externally, the product looks like olive or grape oil and has the same rich yellow color. But, unlike them, it acts like wax, making the skin silky and smooth. Its soft, delicate texture and abundance in the composition of the most important “friend” of the dermis - vitamin E - allow it to smooth out wrinkles.

It is also worth singing its praises because it contains special peptides that resemble collagen. Fabrics saturated with them acquire elasticity and say goodbye to fine wrinkles.

Olive oil


This is the most affordable product that is sold not only in cosmetic stores, but also in the market or in a pharmacy. For facial care, you need a raw product that has not been heated during the production process.

The oil has a high percentage of fat content, so it is poorly absorbed. But there is also a plus - after using it, moisture reserves are restored in the skin, a deficiency of which simply causes the skin to sag.

Rose essential oil

It has proven itself excellent in the fight against shallow age-related wrinkles that appear as a result of the harmful influence of various external factors. Its use is relevant when there is a lack of moisture in the tissues and roughness of the face, which certainly appears over the years.

For aging skin, it is important to restore the water-salt balance in time and normalize the production of the main components of the dermis (collagen and elastin). This is exactly what lavender essential oil helps to do, but it is not recommended to use it if its integrity is violated and irritation occurs.

Lavender oil


The product is effective against wrinkles due to the presence of almost all existing vitamins, except D and B12. This is also facilitated by the removal of harmful toxins from tissues, saturation with moisture, and cell regeneration.

The product refreshes the face, gives it a healthy color and tones it. Improved blood circulation in the dermis and elimination of the negative effects of exposure to the sun, wind, and low temperatures also have a positive effect on rejuvenation.

Jasmine oil

It is one of the most expensive and difficult to obtain, since it takes a long time and is difficult to produce. The starting product is fresh Egyptian jasmine leaves. It has a pleasant, sweet aroma, and the texture is also very delicate.

This is the optimal choice for people with dry and normal skin types. The main effect of the product is aimed at smoothing out shallow wrinkles. At the same time, there is an improvement in complexion, cleansing, normalization of the sebaceous glands, and narrowing of pores.

Jasmine oil is very quickly and almost completely absorbed into the skin, leaving no greasy residue behind.

Essential sandalwood oil


The product is produced by processing the fruits of sandalwood, which grows mainly in India. It has become one of the best oils for facial skin rejuvenation due to its strong regenerating, soothing, anti-inflammatory, and softening properties.

But the most striking effect obtained with its help is rejuvenating. The oil works well on skin folds under the eyes, near the lips, and nose. By improving blood circulation in the tissues, it smoothes them and gives the dermis a natural, healthy appearance.

Neroli oil

By regularly adding this product to creams, lotions and other cosmetics, after just a few weeks you will notice a reduction in the number of wrinkles, softening of the dermis, its smoothness and silkiness. As a result, pigment spots lighten, acne disappears, cells are saturated with moisture, which helps improve complexion. A natural, beautiful blush appears on it due to the restoration of blood circulation.

The best “colleagues” for this component will be other natural oils - olive, coconut, avocado, peach. In this combination, the skin will become more elastic, get rid of rosacea, begin to heal faster after damage to its integrity and recover from stress experienced under the influence of the sun, wind and cold.

Geranium essential oil


This is one of the rarest oils, which is practically never found on sale in its pure form. Most often it is added to various anti-aging masks, creams, lotions, milk, and tonics. The product has the most striking effect on sluggish, energy-deprived skin. It is famous for its ability to restore the firmness and elasticity of the dermis and strengthen its frame.

You can find the product in a pharmacy in a glass bottle. It can be recognized by its almost transparent color and the pungent smell of alcohol. It is recommended to use the product no more than 1-2 times a week.

Castor oil

This is a fairly popular skin rejuvenation product. It is actively used not only in facial care, but also for hands, feet, and body. To do this, add oil to the bath and take it for about 10-20 minutes.

It can be applied to the face either in its pure form or as part of masks, creams, and lotions. Mixing it with vitamin E and egg white is very popular. In this combination, it penetrates deeply into the skin and restores it at the cellular level.

Sea buckthorn oil


It is recommended to use it starting from the age of 25, when the tissues have less collagen and elastin, which are responsible for their elasticity. The main objectives of the product: cleansing the skin of toxins, nourishing it with moisture, vitamins E, A, B and toning. This complex action ultimately leads to a reduction in the number of wrinkles.

Its ability to restore metabolic processes and accelerate the formation of new cells is also important. With it you can also count on eliminating acne and pimples, and more active healing of scars.

For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to warm the composition before use.

Coconut oil

This is one of the healthiest and most versatile oils. It is suitable for absolutely any skin type and helps not only in the fight against wrinkles.

Externally, it looks like butter, has the same white color and thick texture. These characteristics are inherent only in the raw product; when processed, it becomes liquid and yellow.

The product is very greasy, does not absorb well into the skin and leaves behind an unpleasant thick film. But he can correct shallow wrinkles of various origins, properly moisturize the skin, eliminate inflammation and redness, and improve color.

Avocado oil


It is valued primarily because it contains a lot of squalene, which stimulates blood circulation in tissues and metabolic processes. Vitamins C, E, A, which are necessary for collagen production and cell regeneration, are also of great importance. Without such actions, the dermis becomes sluggish and uneven, and loses its elasticity.

Phytohormones, which are also included in the product, lighten age spots, eliminate flaking and increase the level of local immunity.

Peach oil

This oil is natural, safe and practical to use. It is instantly absorbed, has a pleasant smell, does not contaminate clothes and is easily washed off if necessary. It is also important that it can be safely combined with other oils and not only with them.

With its help, skin turgor improves due to the activation of metabolic processes, cell renewal, and restoration of water-salt balance. To do this, the product should be used at least 2-3 times a week in its pure form.

Apricot oil


Recipes with apricot oil involve adding it to ready-made anti-aging creams or mixing it with other anti-aging ingredients - aloe and lemon juice, egg yolk, honey.

Unlike its competitors, this product is very delicate, gently cares even for problem skin, and allergies to it almost never occur. Thanks to it, the skin is provided with deep nutrition, vitamins C, E, A, magnesium and potassium, which improve blood circulation in the tissues. As a result, small wrinkles are smoothed out, acne, blackheads, and sagging disappear.

Palm oil

The use of this product in cosmetology is very common due to its complex effects. It is available in both liquid and creamy form, if it undergoes heat treatment. In the first case, its color is rich yellow, and in the second, it is white.

This is one of the few oils containing such rare substances as Q10, vitamins K and D. This composition allows you to minimize damage to DNA, cleanse the skin of blackheads and toxins, start the process of its regeneration and thereby smooth out fine wrinkles.

Pumpkin oil


This oil is obtained by cold pressing pumpkin seeds. It is rich in carotenoids, tocopherol, phospholipids, which slow down the aging of the body and activate cellular metabolism. This increases skin turgor, firmness and elasticity.

In addition to everything, the product effectively moisturizes, nourishes and soothes irritated dermis. It is especially recommended for people with sensitive and problematic skin.

Pumpkin oil is not resistant to heat treatment; as a result, more than half of all beneficial substances perish.

Sesame oil

Sesame oil is the least beneficial for the face of all those included in our TOP 20. But its use can make small defects in the form of crow's feet and wrinkles near the lips not so noticeable. It smoothes out roughness and saturates the skin with phospholipids, which penetrate deep into the tissue and moisturize it. Thanks to this, sagging disappears and a natural framework of the dermis is formed.

Additional effects include anti-inflammatory, soothing, stimulating.

Which oil is best for facial skin rejuvenation - watch the video: