Oil for peeling facial skin


Often the problem begins with peeling of the skin after washing. Of course, at first you can cope with this problem using a regular moisturizer, but if the peeling does not go away, but only intensifies, then it is best to use such an indispensable cosmetic product as a mask for peeling facial skin.

Homemade masks for peeling facial skin with oils

Oil based mask

Rubbing with oil works well; for this it is better to use olive, almond or apricot. Use a cotton swab, well soaked in oil, to massage the skin for 2-3 minutes, leave for another 5 minutes. then blot with a napkin.

Tolerance to oils consumed in their pure form is very individual. Olive oil is suitable for some, but for others it clogs the pores, so that they become inflamed, and this applies to any oil used for cosmetic procedures. Therefore, be careful and monitor at first to see if you have any rashes or comedones.

Rub well one teaspoon of one of the following types of oils: peach, apricot or grape seed, almond or wheat germ.

The resulting mass is applied to the flaky areas, you need to massage them a little, and do not wash your face for ten minutes. Remove with a cotton swab moistened with warm water.

Creamy mask for peeling facial skin

To do this, use a nourishing cream that you can easily make at home. For this purpose, mix 1 table. a spoonful of banana pulp and soft butter with one teaspoon of honey. The created composition is applied to the flaky areas, slightly driving it into the skin, and remains for 20-25 minutes, then wash with slightly warmed water.

Face peeling mask: how to overcome peeling

Homemade anti-peeling mask with cream

The recipe is prepared according to a very simple recipe. Take cream, or if it is unavailable, butter, and grind it with honey. All components (honey, cream or butter) - in equal parts.

Then add the pulp of a ripe banana or any other fruit, and then thoroughly stir the entire resulting mixture and apply it to the face, and then drive it deep into the skin with patting massage movements for 3-5 minutes.

Linen mask for perfect smoothness

I also want to recommend you a good recipe that will save you not only from flaking, but also from dryness, as well as to improve your complexion.

  1. Take one egg yolk, then add 1 tsp. honey and flaxseed oil.
  2. Mix everything thoroughly and heat in a water bath.
  3. Apply the warm mixture and rinse off after 10 minutes.

After this, your skin will be like a baby’s - smooth and even.

Homemade scrubs - masks for flaking facial skin


Anti-flaking mask-scrub with oatmeal

The scrub should be applied to a pre-moistened face with massage movements.

Mask-scrub against peeling skin with cottage cheese

The most gentle homemade scrub in such a situation would be honey, which is simply applied and gently massaged. You can use curd peeling. 1 tbsp. Soak oatmeal in water, mix with one spoon of cottage cheese, 1 tsp sea buckthorn oil, 1 tbsp. l milk powder.

Apply the composition for 10 minutes before rinsing, massage lightly with gentle circular movements. This scrub exfoliates very well.

Mask-scrub for facial peeling: video recipe

Exfoliating mask-scrub based on oatmeal

If your skin is flaking, it is important to remove dead cells with your next scrub. Grind the oatmeal a little in a coffee grinder, then mix a tablespoon of these flakes with a small pinch of baking soda.

Pour a small amount of cool boiling water into the mixture to form a paste. This paste is applied to a damp surface and gently massaged for about 2-3 minutes, especially those parts that are very flaky.

Moisturizing masks for flaking skin

Vitamin A for peeling

Since this misfortune is often caused by a lack of vitamin A, taking a vitamin complex can help. At the same time, a mask with vitamin A will have a beneficial effect on the deep layers of the epidermis.

To do this, take a teaspoon of grated carrots, an egg yolk, a tsp. sour cream, add a few drops of vitamin A and apply for 10 minutes. If you have flaky skin, washing with cold water is contraindicated, so rinse with warm water.


Anti-flaking mask with cucumber

1 tbsp. spoon of grated cucumber pulp and sour cream or milk, and apply for 10-15 minutes. Then wash and lubricate your face with a moisturizing or nourishing cream. If you are prone to peeling, you can prepare a composition whose components you can purchase at the pharmacy.

1 tbsp. apricot, grape or peach seed oils and mineral or boiled water, stir with one teaspoon of glycerin or 2-3 drops of ammonia.

Raw potato mask

Grind grated raw potatoes with oil - you can use vegetable oil, or you can use any other oil. Apply to flaky areas and then wait 10 minutes. After this, wash your face and use cream.

Nourishing masks for flaking skin at home


Carrot face mask

For flaky and chapped skin, a mixture consisting of two tablespoons of carrot juice, 1 tbsp. cottage cheese, 1 tsp. cream. Treat the desired areas with the resulting mixture and after 15-30 minutes. wash.

Soda and oatmeal scrub

A mixture of baking soda and oatmeal will help cope with flaking. To do this, take two teaspoons of oatmeal with one teaspoon of soda, add warm water, and make a homogeneous thick mass. You can also add peroxide to soda.

  1. Mix two parts baking soda and one part hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Apply and leave for ten to fifteen minutes.
  3. Then wet your fingertips in warm water and carefully remove the composition in a circular motion.

After this, apply moisturizer.

If you follow our advice, you will forget about peeling forever!

Anti-flaking skin mask: personal experience


Without any exaggeration, olive oil for the face is an excellent moisturizer and protectant. It will improve the condition of dry skin, eliminate flaking, make the skin velvety and soft, and protect from harmful environmental influences.


So why not use such a wonderful cosmetic product that is completely accessible to everyone?

Properties of olive oil for facial skin

The magic of olive oil for the face lies in its composition, most of which consists of various fatty acids that gently care for the skin. The remaining components are only additional and enhance the effect of fatty acids:

  1. fatty acid quickly envelop the skin with an oily thin film that perfectly reflects ultraviolet radiation, wind, pollution, temperature changes, and the salt of sea water;
  2. the same fatty acids make olive oil the best moisturizer for facial skin, since this same protective film performs another function - it prevents moisture from evaporating from the skin cells;
  3. Another substance in the oil has a moisturizing effect - squalene;
  4. vitamin E, which is so abundant in olive oil, fully justifies its name “vitamin of youth”: protected by an acid film, it penetrates deep into the skin, normalizes the process of collagen and elastin production, resulting in smoother skin, beautiful complexion, smoothed wrinkles;
  5. vitamin D effectively exfoliates dead cells, thereby cleansing the skin;
  6. Another substance in olive oil makes it so beneficial for the skin - iron, which normalizes subcutaneous blood circulation and provides all cells with a sufficient amount of oxygen, providing cells with high-quality “breathing”.

Judging by the active chemical composition of this product, the benefits of olive oil for the face are obvious and indisputable. You can see this for yourself if you start using it regularly as a skin care cosmetic.


Olive oil for the face: indications and contraindications

In order for olive oil for the face to be truly useful and effective, you need to be able to use it for cosmetic purposes at home. Many people refuse to use it because of its thick, oily consistency, which leaves a greasy feeling on the skin and is difficult to wash off. But if you know the rules for using olive oil, indications when it is best to use it, and contraindications when it is not possible, all these problems can be avoided. It is recommended to wipe your face with olive oil and use various cosmetics based on it in the following cases:

  1. if the skin is very dry;
  2. if flaky spots appear;
  3. after sunbathing or solarium;
  4. after a holiday at sea;
  5. if you notice the first signs of aging on your face;
  6. if the skin is exposed to constant stress in the form of high or low temperatures (working in the kitchen, for example).

If we talk about contraindications, olive oil for the skin has practically none. It is mistakenly believed that oily skin cannot tolerate this product: if you use it in combination with low-fat fermented milk products, the skin will acquire a healthy color and look great after the first use.


Options for using olive oil for the face

You can simply regularly smear your face with olive oil, and your skin condition will improve significantly in a very short time. You can make compresses and lotions from it, all kinds of masks, supplemented with various components. There are a huge number of application options, so choose what suits you best. For cosmetics, it is better to choose unrefined virgin oil.

  1. 1. Daily rubbing with olive oil

Rubbing your face with olive oil can be done daily, even twice a day. To do this, you need to heat a small amount of oil in a water bath until warm, soak a piece of cotton wool in it and wipe your entire face, including the skin around the eyes. If this is an evening procedure, you can leave the oil on the skin overnight; if it is morning, it can be removed from dry skin after half an hour, from oily skin - after five minutes. It is easily washed off with water acidified with lemon juice.

  1. 2. Mild peeling with olive oil

Mix olive oil and wheat bran in equal proportions and massage the skin for two minutes.

  1. 3. Refreshing olive oil tonic

Mix olive oil with apple cider vinegar in equal proportions. Wipe your face with tonic once a day.

  1. 4. Hot compress with olive oil

Mix olive oil (two tablespoons) with orange essential oil (five drops), apply to clean skin, cover the face with a terry towel soaked in hot water. Leave until the towels have cooled completely. Wash off any remaining oil with lemon water.

  1. 5. Rejuvenating olive oil eye lotions

Heat olive oil in a water bath, soak cotton pads in it, and apply to closed eyes for five to ten minutes.

  1. 6. Refreshing face mask olive oil with honey and mint

Mix olive oil in equal proportions with mint and honey (one teaspoon each), beat with a mixer.

  1. 7. Olive oil mask for oily skin

Mix olive oil (two tablespoons) with chopped cabbage leaves (50 grams).

  1. 8. Protective cream mask with olive oil

Mix olive oil (two tablespoons) with avocado puree (two tablespoons).

Knowing how and what olive oil to use for the face to improve the condition of your skin, you can say goodbye to your complexes due to skin problems once and for all. Now you can enjoy the reflection of a beautiful, clean, refreshed face in the mirror. Those around you will also not be able to help but notice your radiant appearance and such significant changes in your appearance.

Skin peeling causes irritation and itchingthat cause discomfort. All this is the result of dry, sensitive skin caused by water deficiency. However, in some cases, it may occur excessive peeling skin on the hands, face, and other parts of the body.

Folk remedies for peeling skin of hands and face

This can happen when the skin is exposed to sunlight for a long time. At the same time, harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays damage the top layer of skin. In this article we will tell you about 10 Best Home Remedieswho can help rid you from peeling skin of your hands and face.

First, let's figure out what the skin consists of?

Our skin consists of:

  1. outer layer or "epidermis";
  2. middle layer or “dermis”;
  3. inner layer or "hypodermis".

Periodically, the epidermis or outer layer is completely replaced by new skin cells. During this time, dead skin cells begin to flake off. This is a critical step in the skin's natural healing process. Most of the time, it doesn't attract people's attention.

What to do if your skin is peeling? It will help us:

1. Mint

This is an effective remedy for peeling hands and face. Mint is a natural ingredient, which is very useful for combating skin flaking. This herbal remedy soothes the skin, moisturizes it, and makes it look younger and refreshed.

  1. Prepare fresh mint leaves and extract the juice from them.
  2. Use mint juice to apply directly to affected areas before going to bed.
  3. Rinse your skin with water and dry with a soft towel.
  4. Apply moisturizer.

Treat your skin with this treatment every day until your dry and flaky skin improves its appearance.

2. Yogurt

Yogurt is also one of the best foods for effectively cooling the human skin and body, which provides a noticeable reduction in itchy skin and other signs of flaking skin. Trace elements, minerals, acids and enzymes contained in yogurt speed up the healing process. Additionally, it acts as an excellent moisturizer that can penetrate deep into the skin and improve its appearance.

Choose one of the following two home remedies to cleanse your skin, and repeat until you see your dry and flaky skin improve.

Recipe for peeling skin with yogurt

  1. Prepare a mixture of 2 tablespoons of yogurt and the pulp of half a banana (ripe).
  2. Use the mixture to apply directly to the affected area of ​​skin.
  3. Allow the mixture to absorb into the skin for about 15 minutes.
  4. Use warm water to rinse your skin.

The second recipe for combating peeling skin:

  1. Mix 10 grams of honey with 70 grams of yogurt.
  2. Use this mixture to directly apply to the affected skin area.
  3. Let it dry.
  4. Remove with warm water.

3. Honey

Honey helps eliminate flaking skin. It contains enzymes, water, fructose, glucose and oils, making it an excellent natural skin moisturizer. Honey helps reduce irritation and itching caused by flaking skin.

  1. 5 grams of sandalwood powder;
  2. 5 grams of turmeric powder;
  3. 10 grams of honey.

First recipe:

  1. Use the resulting mixture to directly apply to the affected area.
  2. Leave for half an hour.
  3. Remove with warm water.

Second recipe:

  1. Take some honey to rub on the affected skin.
  2. Hold for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove with warm water

Use these treatments daily for a week to make your skin elastic and soft.

4. What is the best remedy for peeling skin on the face? Of course! Coconut oil

This product is very famous for its amazing benefits for skin health and beauty. For example, coconut oil can help your digestive system work better and can also speed up your hair growth. It is one of the best means for cleansing the skin of the face and hands. Coconut oil contains nourishing fatty acids that act as a moisturizer, and the antioxidant properties found in coconut oil help relieve irritation and itching.

  1. Place some coconut oil in the microwave to heat it up.
  2. Rub this warm oil into the affected skin area using gentle massaging movements.
  3. Use this remedy twice a day regularly and forget about peeling skin

The main thing is not to use coconut oil in the bath, so that you don’t end up like the woman in this story 🙂

5. Cucumbers

Cucumber is a natural astringent and moisturizer. It is rich in vitamin C, which helps with sunburn and promotes skin repair, while the cooling effect of cucumber helps reduce itchy skin.

  1. Mix 30 grams of aloe with peeled cucumber in a blender (or on a fine grater, then stir with a fork) until a thick, homogeneous paste is formed.
  2. Apply it to cleansed areas of skin.
  3. Hold for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove with warm water.

6. Sugar and lemon help treat flaky skin in men and women

It is an excellent astringent that can gently remove dead cells and eliminate flaking skin. And the healing properties contained in the ingredients of these citrus fruits are very beneficial for skin health.

  1. Mix lemon juice, half a glass of sugar, 8 g of olive oil.
  2. Apply the product to exfoliating skin and rub for about 5 minutes.
  3. Remove any residue with cold water.

Apply regularly until you see a skin problem eliminated.

*be careful, do not apply to affected areas of skin! If you have wounds on your face, do not use this method

7. Milk

Milk is very effective for treating peeling at home. It contains high levels of protein, so it has a powerful calming effect. Additionally, it is rich in lactic acid, which can help relieve itching and irritation.

First way:

  1. Mix 30 grams of honey with 60 ml. milk.
  2. Apply the product to your skin.
  3. Wait 10 minutes.
  4. Rinse with warm water

Second way:

  1. Prepare icy whole milk;
  2. Dip a napkin into it.
  3. Place the soaked cloth on your skin.
  4. Hold for 10 minutes.
  5. Use clean, warm water to wash your skin.

Use one of these methods regularly until you get the desired result

8. Take an oatmeal bath, this method helps fight peeling skin on your feet, hands and face

Oatmeal is very effective in combating irritation. The soothing properties of this ingredient help your skin remain naturally hydrated.

  1. Add 1 cup of oatmeal to a bathtub filled with warm water.
  2. Take a bath for about 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse your skin with clean, warm water.

Use this tool three times a week before bedtime.

9. Aloe vera

This product perfectly moisturizes, soothes the skin and effectively removes dead cells. Aloe vera can help relieve itchy skin.

Mix a small amount of vitamin E (you can buy it at the pharmacy) with 30 grams of aloe vera.

  1. Apply this mixture to the affected areas of the skin
  2. Leave until dry
  3. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Repeat daily for treatment and prevention skin.

10. Olive oil

This product contains fatty acids that are an excellent natural moisturizer for people with dry skin. Olive oil will coat your skin and lock in moisture. Vitamin E will help your body fight natural skin aging.

First way:

  1. Mix some olive oil and sea salt.
  2. Apply the paste as a scrub on your face or body
  3. Gently massage the affected areas of the skin (Most importantly, do not overdo it)

Use this method twice in a day.

Second way:

  1. Heat the olive oil in a vodka bath (the main thing is not to overdo it, it should not boil)
  2. Rub into affected areas of face or hands
  3. Rinse with warm water, but do not use soap, it dries the skin.

Use this method three times per day for a week

These home remedies give good results. You don't need to be a cosmetologist to help your skin. These products are natural and absolutely safe if you are not allergic to the components.