How to get rid of sebum on your face

Oily skin is one of the common skin types, which is characterized by excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, a rough, loose texture with enlarged pores, an unhealthy color and an oily sheen. It should be noted that this is one of the four existing types of dermis, i.e. a variant of the norm, and not as a separate disease.

Very often comedones (blackheads), acne, sebaceous gland cysts, seborrhea appear on such skin, i.e. there is a tendency to these negative phenomena, but oily skin does not mean problematic skin; with proper care, all these troubles can be avoided.

Oily facial skin - causes

  1. Genetic predisposition. In this case, the dermis does not change throughout life and remains oily, but such cases are few, only 5-8% of all cases.
  2. Adolescence . Most often, teenagers are the owner of this feature, but by the age of 25-30, oily skin turns into combination skin.
  3. Increased work of the sebaceous glands. This may be due to hereditary predisposition, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, colitis, constipation), hormonal changes, nutrition (indulgence in spicy, fatty, starchy foods, alcohol, soda), work in conditions of elevated temperatures and dust, exposure to cigarette smoke, sunlight radiation.
  4. Hormonal reasons. Oily skin is typical during puberty, the second phase of the menstrual cycle, menopause, pregnancy, and prolonged stressful situations. It also happens against the background of hormonal treatment or long-term use of oral contraceptives, as well as abrupt cessation of taking hormones.
  5. Endocrine system disorders. With hypothyroidism, there is a general dryness of the skin and oily dermis on the face.
  6. Immunity impairment. A decrease in the body's immune defense can also manifest itself as this symptom.
  7. Improper hygienic care: aggressive cleansing of the skin with alcohol-containing cosmetics and scrubs, constant degreasing of problem areas, use of fatty creams, etc. Removal of the surface lipid layer leads to even greater compensatory work of the sebaceous glands. Frequent exfoliation injures the epidermis and activates the production of sebum, which is produced to protect the damaged surface. Oily creams clog pores even more and mix with sebum. Therefore, you should start looking for the answer to the question of why facial skin is oily from yourself.

Diseases in which one of the symptoms is oily skin:

  1. diabetes mellitus is a multisystem pathology that affects all organs and systems;
  2. cachexia, exhaustion in women - lack of building material for the synthesis of female hormones, against the background of which the level of male hormones increases;
  3. obesity – oily skin as a result of poor nutrition and excessive sweating;
  4. ovarian tumors, polycystic ovary syndrome - the phenomenon, again, is a consequence of increased levels of male hormones;
  5. hyperandrogenism in men - increased levels of male hormones in representatives of the stronger sex against the background of a passion for bodybuilding, sports and the use of synthetic testosterone for muscle growth;
  6. hypertrichosis is a disease characterized by excessive hairiness and changes in hormone levels, which, again, causes oily skin;
  7. liver diseases, such as fatty degeneration, hepatitis, since the liver performs an intoxicating function, including removing excess hormones. A characteristic symptom is oily skin of the nasolabial folds and forehead.

When to see a doctor

Actually, you should consult a doctor in all cases when such a symptom occurs for no apparent reason, especially in adulthood. All complications require treatment - boils, carbuncles, phlegmon.

The fact is that sebum is an excellent breeding ground for the development of bacteria, especially Staphylococcus aureus, propionobacteria and streptococcus. By causing local inflammatory processes and actively multiplying, bacteria can infect healthy tissues and spread throughout the body, causing an extensive infectious process that can be fatal.

Characteristics of oily and combination skin


Most often these are the T-zones on the face: forehead, chin and nose. On the body - back and chest. Often accompanied by oily hair.


Oily, thickened, rough, unkempt and shiny and uneven surface of the skin, with a grayish, dull color. Often the appearance resembles an orange peel - the pores are clearly visible and, with proper care, practically gape or are filled with liquid fat. With insufficient or improper care, pores become clogged - comedones, as well as acne and milia, form. Seborrhea and thaleangiectasia are possible.

Oily skin has its advantages: the constantly present natural oily mantle protects the skin from adverse external influences, prevents photoaging and loss of elasticity. It has been proven that people with this type of dermis age more slowly - wrinkles appear later and are less noticeable.

What should those with oily skin do?

  1. First of all, the negative influence of aggressive and inappropriate cosmetics and cleaning methods, which we discussed above, in the causes of the problem (alcohol-containing products, frequent peeling, etc.) is eliminated to the maximum.
  2. Fatty, fried, salty, smoked, pickled and sweet foods are excluded from the diet, or at least limited.
  3. The basis of the diet should be lean fish, white meat, veal, vegetables, fruits, bran.
  4. Under no circumstances should you go to bed with decorative cosmetics on your face. Ideally, you should cleanse your face immediately after returning home.

How to get rid of oily skin on the face - treatment

The solution to this problem is always complex, and there is no universal tablet that would normalize the condition of the skin. Treatment always begins with a blood test (for sugar, hormones), studying hereditary predisposition, medical history, etc.

How to care for oily skin

Daily care has several goals:

  1. removing excess sebum (but not overdrying);
  2. opening and cleansing pores;
  3. decreased activity of the sebaceous glands.

Care for oily skin can be divided into professional, which is carried out in beauty salons and beauty salons, and home, accessible to everyone.

Home Remedies for Oily Skin

Like any other type, oily skin needs cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing.

  1. You should wash your face 2-3 times a week using a special mousse, foam or gel for oily skin. These products have a sebum-regulating and cleansing effect, eliminate inflammation without overdrying.
  2. When cleaning, do not use various washcloths, sponges, as well as alkaline soap and too hot water. Initially, the effect will be very good, and the cleansed dermis will delight you with matteness. But after 10-15 minutes the oily sheen will appear again, because... both hot water and mechanical stress further stimulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. It is ideal to do everything with your fingertips or a cotton pad, without fanaticism, using warm or cool water.
  3. Instead of water, you can use an infusion of herbs: chamomile, mint, nettle, linden blossom, or use bottled water.
  4. After washing, the face is dried naturally and treated with a suitable tonic or lotion.
  5. The final step is to apply cream for oily or combination skin. A good cream has a light texture, absorbs quickly, leaves no residue and must protect against UV radiation.
  6. Deep cleansing - peeling - can be done once a week. But for cleansing, it is not recommended to use scrubs in the form of compositions that need to be applied to the skin and actively massaged. It is better to use film masks that effectively remove fat, dead epithelium, dirt, without injury or activation of the sebaceous glands.
  7. 1-2 times a week you can make homemade masks for oily skin from green or blue clay, which have an adsorbing effect, as well as fruit masks based on apples, kiwi, with the addition of lemon juice, which help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Oil from raw potato pulp has a positive effect.
  8. Weekly lotions with sea salt, which are made using melt water (1 teaspoon of salt per 500 ml of water) and left for 5-10 minutes, have a good effect.
  9. You should choose decorative cosmetics with special care, especially foundation and makeup base - the products should also be light, quickly absorbed and easily washed off. It is best not to use foundations and powders.
  10. During the day, you should not touch your face with your hands, because... dirt and bacteria from their surface easily penetrate the pores and aggravate the situation.

The salon care procedure includes the following steps:

  1. removing makeup using special bactericidal emulsions;
  2. cleansing and toning with tonics and lotions;
  3. deep cleansing of the facial skin and elimination of hyperkeratosis using one of the following methods:
  1. Enzyme peeling – cleansing with a special enzymatic composition that breaks down dead particles of epithelium and impurities;
  2. Disincrustation - galvanic cleaning using special solutions that liquefy old comedones and blackheads;
  3. Vaporization - gentle exposure to a steam jet at 40-50 C for 20 minutes, which leads to the opening and cleansing of pores, softening of dead epithelium;
  4. Ultrasonic cleaning – exposure to ultrasonic waves to cleanse desquamated epithelium and comedones. Ultrasonic waves also provide micromassage, activating blood circulation and increasing tone;
  5. Instrumental cleansing - cleansing the skin of comedones, blackheads and whiteheads using tools - Uno spoon, loop, Vidal needle. In rare cases, a special brush is also used, but selectively, in the most clogged areas;
  6. Dry cleaning - the use of a gel with glycolic acid, which allows you to remove surface “plugs”, tighten pores, and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands;
application of ampoule products, various serums; gentle facial massage (according to Jacquet, lymphatic drainage); applying a mask that has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, sebum-regulating, keratolytic and immunomodulatory effects; applying a special cream.

From hardware cosmetology, darsonvalization, chromotherapy, ultraphonophoresis, non-invasive mesotherapy, mud applications, biorevitalization, laser biostimulation, cryomassage have a good effect. These methods dry the skin, improve microcirculation and tissue nutrition, and also reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.

At the end of the session, the cosmetologist should advise products and methods for home care and determine the frequency of salon procedures.

Drug treatment for oily skin

Preparations containing the following active ingredients are used:

  1. Azaleic acid – antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and exfoliating effect;
  2. Zinc – keratolytic effect;
  3. Sulfur – suppresses the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  4. D-Panthenol, dexpanthenol – recovery after physiotherapy, cleansing, normalization of cell metabolism;
  5. Adapalene – prevention of comedones, anti-inflammatory effect;
  6. Benzoyl peroxide – exfoliating effect, promotes cell renewal;
  7. Copper – regulator of sebum production;
  8. Isotretinoid – breaks down the stratum corneum and inhibits fat synthesis;
  9. Bacteriocins and pyocyanins are metabolic products of microorganisms that increase the immune properties of the dermis and participate in its regeneration;
  10. Vitamins PP and group B have a beneficial effect on the condition of the dermis, blood circulation and fat metabolism.

Hormone therapy

Prescribed for menopause (Livial, Divina, etc.), hormonal imbalance (Belara, Yarina, etc.) for a course of treatment (see oral contraceptives - benefits and harms).

Antibacterial treatment

As a rule, antibiotics are not prescribed either locally or systemically, but only in case of bacterial and purulent complications. Antiseptics and exfoliants are used for local treatment.


Prescribed for local use. Concentrated plant extracts are diluted in cool boiled water and used as a lotion for wiping after cleansing procedures.

  1. Chamomile extract. Has an antiseptic, cleansing and softening effect. Eliminates inflammation.
  2. Sage extract. Characterized by a calming, regenerating, bactericidal effect.
  3. Calendula. Heals damage and has a regenerating effect.
  4. Oak bark has a tanning, drying effect.
  5. Green tea extract. Has an antioxidant effect, cleanses the surface of the dermis from toxins.

Oil for oily skin

The oil is used instead of night cream, applying it in a thin layer to the cleaned surface. It would seem, how can fatty oil itself improve the condition of the dermis? Oil compositions help cleanse clogged pores from dirt and hard fat, regulate sebum production, and help cell regeneration.

  1. Hazelnut oil is a basic base that can be used without additives or with the addition of other oils. Cleanses, tightens pores, smoothes and restores skin;
  2. Grapeseed oil – moisturizes the skin and tightens pores;
  3. Blackcurrant oil – has antibacterial activity, maintains skin elasticity, tones it.
  4. Sesame oil – normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands and tightens pores.
  5. Almond oil – cleanses pores, reduces redness.
  6. Tea tree oil – relieves acne and normalizes the biocenosis of the dermis.
  7. Lavender oil mattifies the skin and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Hazelnut oil is taken as a basis (50% of the mixture) and other oils from the list above are added to it at 10%. You can also use essential oils (sandalwood, rosemary, juniper, bergamot, grapefruit, cedar), but they should be added 1-2 drops to the base oil mixture.

With proper care and a healthy lifestyle, oily skin ceases to be a problem, but rather turns into a virtue, preserving the appearance of youth of the face and protecting it from adverse external influences.

Sebum plays an important role: it protects our skin from pathogenic bacteria, and also protects it from losing excess moisture. But it happens that the sebaceous glands produce excess sebum. Why does this happen and how to get rid of unpleasant oily shine?

Increased sebum secretion: causes

There may be several reasons for malfunction of the sebaceous glands:

· poor nutrition. Usually, changes in the state of skin secretion directly depend on the amount of sweet and starchy foods in your diet. It is worth reducing the consumption of these products, and the condition of the skin improves significantly;

· improper washing. It seems that by washing our face more often, we cleanse our skin of harmful bacteria and its condition should improve. However, this does not happen. The fact is that by our actions we force the sebaceous glands to work more intensely. To maintain the skin in normal condition, two washes are enough: in the morning and in the evening. During the day, excess sebum can be removed using mattifying wipes;

· incorrect rhythm of life. Problems at work, loans, problems in your personal life - all this has become the norm for a modern person. Meanwhile, frequent stress and overwork negatively affect the condition of our body and especially the condition of the skin;

· improper metabolism. Some diseases can cause metabolic disorders in the body. It is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner and not self-medicate.

Having learned more about the reasons for increased sebum secretion, let's talk about how to deal with it.

How to reduce sebum on face

Decoctions of medicinal herbs help bring the skin into good condition due to the tannins, beneficial acids and microelements they contain. By rubbing your face every morning with an ice cube made from a decoction of chamomile, calendula or green tea, you can quickly improve skin tone and tighten pores.

Regular use of simple cosmetic masks will significantly improve the condition of oily skin:

· Mix blue clay with water until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. Apply to cleansed skin and leave for about half an hour. Wash off without using soap;

· In a bowl, beat one egg with a couple of drops of lemon juice. Add oatmeal. Keep the resulting mixture on your face for 20 minutes;

· Grind the cucumber to a paste and mix with two tablespoons of aloe juice. Apply the mask with massaging movements and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. Zucchini can be used instead of cucumber.

The tips discussed above really help improve your skin condition. However, they only fight visible signs and give temporary results. To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the malfunction in the body. Remember that only a dermatologist should do this.

Oily facial skin: how to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands?

Oily facial skin is a problem that many people suffer from. It provokes annoying shine and acne. To eliminate oily facial skin, drying cosmetics are usually used, the manufacturers of which promise a quickly achievable effect.

However, they will provide a stable result if the cause of oily skin is eliminated. Therefore, the first step in solving a dermal problem is to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Signs and origins of oily facial skin

Oily skin is the result of overproduction of oil by the sebaceous glands. These glands are located under the surface of the skin.

Sebum is a substance made up of fats. It's not too bad as it protects and moisturizes the skin and keeps the hair on your head shiny and healthy.

Too much sebum, however, can lead to oily skin, which can lead to clogged pores and acne.

The occurrence of comedones (blackheads), fatty gland cysts, and seborrhea is also not uncommon. The skin is similar to an orange peel because it has pores.

An undeniable advantage for people with oily skin is that wrinkles begin to appear later.

The epidermis shiny from grease is an unpleasant phenomenon for its owners. Due to the excessive work of the fat glands, a rough, porous texture with an unhealthy tone and a greasy sheen is formed on the skin; the surface of the skin can be overdried, like parchment.

Genetics, hormonal changes, or even stress can increase sebum production.

Oily tissue on the face is localized in the T-zone: forehead, chin and nose. On the body, the greasy epidermis is located on the back and chest. The properties of oily skin also appear on oily hair on the head.

This happens for the following reasons:

  1. Genetically determined. Under these circumstances, the epidermis is oily throughout life.
  2. Adolescence. Teenagers are familiar with the manifestations of oily skin, which by the age of 25-30 becomes combination.
  3. Intensive work of fat glands. This is associated with an inherited predisposition to oily skin, disrupted processes in the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, colitis, constipation), and hormonal changes. The reason for the excessive production of fat on the skin surface is diet (addiction to spicy, fatty, starchy foods, alcohol, soda), work at elevated temperatures, being in a room smoked by cigarettes, under UV radiation.
  4. Hormonal. This happens during puberty and the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle. Hormonal disruption occurs during menopause, pregnancy, and stress. This also occurs due to treatment with hormones or their sudden use, or prolonged use of oral contraceptives.
  5. Disorders in the functioning of the endocrine system. This occurs when, with hypothyroidism, both dry skin and oily epidermis on the face are noted.

Reduced immunity also affects the appearance of the sebaceous surface of the epidermis.

7 diseases that cause oily skin

The doctor will be able to find out why the patient’s facial skin is oily. Because sebaceous epidermis also appears in patients:

  1. diabetes mellitus;
  2. cachexia (exhaustion);
  3. obesity;
  4. with tumors, polycystic ovary syndrome;
  5. hyperandrogenism;
  6. hypertrichosis;
  7. with liver diseases.

Poor hygienic care with the use of aggressive cleansing of the skin surface with alcohol-containing cosmetics contributes to the appearance of excess fat on the skin.

This can also be caused by the use of scrubs, regular degreasing of the epidermis, consumption of fatty creams, etc.

You should not rely only on your own knowledge. It is better to trust a dermatologist who will determine the cause of excessive greasiness on the surface of the skin. This will prevent serious health problems.

What to do if your facial skin is oily? How can you help yourself?

10 rules for oily skin

You should adhere to rules aimed at preventing diseases of the oily surface of the skin. Here is their list:

  1. Eliminate (limit) consumption of fatty and fried foods. It is better to say “no” to salty and smoked, pickled and sweet foods. Preferred menu items include dishes made from lean fish and white meat, vegetables and fruits, and bran.
  2. Cosmetics are chosen with a reduced lipid content and those in which antibacterial and antiseptic substances are represented by ethanol up to 10%.
  3. Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.

It is preferable to purchase hypoallergenic cosmetics that include plant extracts to soothe sensitive and irritated skin.

Choose all care products labeled “for combination or oily skin.”

Compliance with the following rules is also important:

  1. Choose the right wash (gel or foam, milk is best avoided). The use of soap, washcloths, and hot water is prohibited.
  2. Once every 7 days, use regular peeling and facial cleansing (for example, salicylic).
  3. Use UV protective cream UVA and UVB all year round (for example, Bioderma AKN).
  4. Do not use foundation frequently, reduce its use to twice a week.
  5. Decorative cosmetics should be chosen wisely, for example, powder with minerals.
  6. It is permissible to use homemade masks no more than 1-2 times every 7 days. For the procedures, white, green, blue clay, apples, kiwi, and lemon juice are used. A positive result is achieved with a mask of porridge-like fresh potatoes.
  7. Sea salt lotions work effectively. They are performed once every 7 days, using 500 ml of melt water and 1 tsp for the solution. salt. Leave the product on for 5-10 minutes.
  8. Moisturize your skin only with creams and serums designed for combination or oily skin.
  9. Consider products with retinol. The drug with vitamin A accelerates cell turnover, making it one of the best ways to combat aging. It also works wonders on acne. Differin recently became available over the counter without a prescription.
  10. Going to the sauna helps.

By following simple recommendations, it is not difficult to get rid of excess oil in the dermis at home.

Green pharmacy (5 healing herbs)

How to get rid of the problem at home? It is advisable to treat sebaceous skin with herbaceous plants.

The presence of flavonoids, tannins, saponins (nitrogen-free and alkali-free organic natural substances), silicic acid, plant hormones and microelements have a positive effect on the sebaceous epidermis.

  1. Chamomile is a natural antiseptic with anti-inflammatory effect. Its extract can cleanse and soften the skin surface of the face, restore elasticity and smoothness.
  2. Salvia officinalis has bactericidal, soothing, regenerating powers. Calendula officinalis has the ability to heal and restore damaged epidermis.
  3. Oak (birch) bark is famous for its antiseptic and tanning qualities. Tricolor violet extract is aimed at cleansing, stimulating metabolic processes and ridding the body of harmful substances.
  4. Green tea extract has the role of an antioxidant, which reduces the effect of free radicals on the skin.
  5. An extract from dandelion root increases the body's protective forces, helps in the functioning of the liver, gall bladder, and kidneys. The plant extract is involved in releasing the body from metabolic products, which has a positive effect on the surface of the skin.

Each patient selects an herb that is effective on the oily dermis individually. Replace water when washing with herbal infusions of chamomile, mint, nettle, and linden blossom.

Oils for oily skin

Oil formulations are used instead of night cream. They are applied in a thin layer to a clean skin surface.

Oils act on pores clogged with dirt and hard fat, regulate sebum production, and affect cell regeneration.

Which oils to use? Here is their list:

  1. Hazelnut in pure form or as part of other oils. Under the influence of the product, the surface of the skin is cleansed, smoothed and restored, the pores are tightened.
  2. Grape seeds, after which the surface of the dermis looks moisturized and without noticeable pores.
  3. Berries, buds, black currant leaves - the product is endowed with antibacterial properties, the skin after it becomes elastic, the tone increases.
  4. Sesame seeds, which influence the normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, narrowing of pores.
  5. Almond kernels, which cope with cleaning pores and irritation of red spots.
  6. Tea tree leaves - oily composition saves from acne and normalizes the condition of the dermis.
  7. Lavender restores dullness to the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the dermis.

Use hazelnut oil (50% of mixing) with the addition of 10% of other selected oils. If you take essential oils (from sandalwood, rosemary, juniper, bergamot, grapefruit, cedar), add 1-2 drops to the base oil composition.

Cosmetic treatments for oily skin

What to do if your skin is oily and acne appears? To eliminate the problem of oily skin, it is permissible to include the following measures:

  1. using scrubs (from almond, apricot, salt, clay, etc.), this will even out and cleanse the skin;
  2. the use of peelings with acids (lactic, fruit, pyruvic, trichloroacetic, glycolic, etc.), this will reduce pH, regulate sebum production and reduce the fat content of the dermis;
  3. consumption of masks (mud, clay, seaweed based), and this will disinfect, soothe the skin surface and remove excess fatty deposits.

It is recommended to contact a cosmetologist in a specialized center to carry out professional cleansing of the epidermis.

Question answer

Do people with oily skin need to use moisturizers?

How to deal with oily shine throughout the day?

Why do many cosmetologists advise wiping your face with paper towels rather than regular ones?

TOP 5 treatment methods

Skin with excess oil content that is prone to peeling requires additional treatment prescribed by a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

The course of treatment is determined by a specialist after receiving the results of a blood test (glucose, hormones), familiarization with hereditary predispositions, medical history, etc.

The skin surface can be cured of oiliness using hardware measures:

  1. Laser biostimulation. The beam induces photochemical transformations in the dermis. During the sessions, the epidermis is smoothed, renewed and regenerated. Its elasticity and tone change for the better.
  2. Microdermabrasion of the dermis. Based on the action of an abundance of microscopic particles. They will polish the skin without pain, eliminate wrinkles, tighten pores, and reduce stretch marks.
  3. Iontophoresis. It acts on the sebaceous dermis with microcurrents. As a result, blood flow to it, nutrition and microcirculation improves. The treatment restores the skin surface due to deep diffusion of nutrients and eliminates oiliness.
  4. Cavitation (ultrasonic) peeling. With a shock wave, it cleanses the skin without pain, removes excess sebum from the pores of the hair follicles, and cleanses the keratinized dermis.
  5. Ultrasonic phonophoresis.Based on mechanical vibrations. The procedure achieves massage, destruction of fibrous tissue, lymphatic drainage (removal of excess fluid). The technique prevents oil from clogging the hair follicles and reduces skin rashes and irritation on the dermis.

Darsonvalization with pulsed high-frequency current affects the skin with vacuum electrodes. As a result, the skin dries out, nutrition and tissue restoration are enhanced.

The doctor decides at the appointment which method of treating oily dermis is suitable for a particular patient.

10 medications that normalize fat metabolism

After visiting a dermatologist at home, you can use medications that include the following active ingredients:

  1. azaleic acid as an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and skin exfoliant;
  2. zinc, which has a keratolytic orientation;
  3. sulfur with the property of blocking the production of oil by the sebaceous glands;
  4. D-Panthenol, dexpanthenol, used in the restoration process at the end of physiotherapy, for cleaning, regulation of metabolic processes in dermal cells;
  5. adapalene, as a preventive substance against the formation of comedones and inflammation on the skin surface;
  6. benzoyl peroxide for exfoliation of keratinized dermis and renovation of cellular structure;
  7. copper, which regulates sebum production;
  8. isotretinoid with a splitting effect on the stratum corneum and suppression of the synthesis of fat formation;
  9. bacteriocins and pyocyanins are products of metabolic processes in microorganisms that increase the immunity of the epidermis and are involved in restoration;
  10. vitamins PP and group B, which have a positive effect on the dermis, blood supply and fat metabolism in it.

Drug therapy against oily dermis at home is carried out, following the doctor’s recommendations.

Expert opinion

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Reducing the consumption of fats in food will not change the situation much. Be sure to use special products when washing your face; water simply cannot thoroughly cleanse the skin. But do not overdo it, as this can lead to excessive degreasing or drying out.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

To wash your face, use gels, foams suitable for your skin type, and cold water. Use toners, and moisturize your skin with cream before applying cosmetics. I also recommend not to forget about sunscreen. Cleanse your skin daily in the evening to remove dirt and makeup. And apply the cream again, only at night. These are simple rules, but they will help maintain the beauty of your skin.

Proper care and a healthy lifestyle will eliminate excess oily skin. It makes the surface of the dermis attractive, eliminates acne and greasy shine. At the same time, it is not difficult to maintain the visual youth of the face.

To do this, you should follow simple rules and take care of your skin. If you cannot solve the problem of excess fat on your own, you should consult a doctor.