Fir oil properties and use for the face

In the taiga and endless Siberia, one wonderful tree grows - fir. Native Siberian women have always been distinguished by excellent health and had stunning youthful skin. Did they know the secret of youth? No, they owned the secret of fir oil, which played a very important role in their lives. For many centuries, this healing oily liquid has been used to care for facial skin. It’s our turn to learn about this unique product.

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The mysterious power of the taiga beauty


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Fir oil is a valuable gift of nature. The miracle remedy is obtained by steam distillation from the immature cones, needles and young twigs of this evergreen tree. Considering that fir trees grow only in ecologically clean areas, everything that it gives to people is the purest natural product. Fir oil is multifaceted and versatile; it is a reliable assistant for all occasions. Do you want to know the benefits of fir oil for the face?

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Talented healer

Especially for skin prone to oiliness, inflammation, and acne. Possessing excellent anti-inflammatory properties, fir resin perfectly relieves all irritations, stabilizes the overactive functioning of the sebaceous glands, and deeply cleanses the epidermis. What else can this doctor treat?

And also the most severe fungal and infectious skin diseases quickly recede under the onslaught of fir oil. It will protect you from frostbite and burns, and will quickly heal wounds, cuts, and bruises.

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Great cosmetologist


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Using fir oil for your facial skin, you are guaranteed to have fresh, radiant, tightened skin. Smooth and velvety, which will be the envy of sixteen-year-olds. Fir extract can penetrate deeply and instantly into the layers of the epidermis, where it works real miracles.

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  1. The high content of carotenoids maximally protects the epidermis from the effects of free radicals. Stimulates the formation of new, stronger and healthier cells.
  2. A high percentage of tocopherol stimulates the formation of collagen, reduces vascular fragility, which affects the external condition of the epidermis.
  3. The action of ascorbic acid, which is very abundant in fir oil, plays a huge role in the complete rejuvenation of the skin at the structural, cellular level, and also improves the color of the dermis.

It’s not for nothing that the healing extract of fir is called “resin”; it is generous with gifts and selflessly gives the skin a second youth and forever young life.

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Smart psychologist

Using fir oil on the face is beneficial not only for the skin. Its aroma has a beneficial effect on the state of a person’s soul. Zhivitsa relaxes and calms. It will help you get out of a state of anxiety and emptiness, return joy and love to life. But the resin acts intelligently: without leading to a state of indifference and lethargy, it has a gentle effect on the subconscious. It tones and actively pushes a person to live more actively, to be able to make their own, conscious and correct decisions.

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Be careful! Fir oil should not be used undiluted - it can cause a severe allergic reaction. The exception is its targeted use in the case of skin treatment for acne, blackheads, boils, herpes, burns, wounds, etc. The oil is not recommended for expectant mothers.

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Magic beauty recipes


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  1. Against psoriasis and eczema

We need badger fat (54 g) which we will mix with fir oil (16 ml). A compress of this mixture should be applied to the affected areas and covered with parchment on top. The procedure is designed for 3 times a day, its duration is a quarter of an hour. The course is for two weeks.

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  1. Treating oily skin

A couple of times a week, make this mask for your face: beat the chicken protein well and add fir resin (4 drops) to it. Then immediately apply this mixture to your face several times, layer by layer, leaving an interval of 4 minutes. After three layers, wait until the mask dries and wash it off. This product will also help even out your skin color.

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  1. Moisturize dry epidermis

Boil one potato in its jacket and mash it thoroughly. Mix cream (10 g) and fir essence (3 drops) into the puree. Keep the mask on for a quarter of an hour. This product is especially good for tired, dry aged skin.

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  1. Deep nutrition

We need the following magical composition: grape seed oil (16 ml) and resin (2 drops). Mix everything thoroughly and carefully apply a thin layer on your face. We rest with this drug for 40 minutes.

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  1. Enrichment

Fir resin added to usual creams (especially night creams) in the amount of 2-3 drops per serving will significantly improve their effect.

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  1. Anti-wrinkle mask

Add fir resin (5 drops) and an ampoule of tocopherol (vitamin E) or retinol (vitamin A) solution to wheat germ cosmetic oil (32 ml). Keep the mixture for half an hour.

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To achieve an ideal complexion, apply products with fir resin to a warm face (you can simply wash your face with hot water). The impact of all components will be as effective as possible.

This is especially true in very hot times. Prepare ice in advance with the addition of resin. Heat distilled water (1/2 cup) and add fir oil (7 drops) to it. Pour the mixture into molds and freeze. Every morning, half an hour before applying cosmetics, wipe your face with ice. Soon your skin color will become more matte and you will stop sweating.

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Bergamot essential oil

Jojoba oil for facial skin

Sea buckthorn oil

Palm oil for facial care

Cedar oil

Neroli essential oil

Juniper essential oil

Apricot kernel oil

Fir essential oil is a unique storehouse of natural vitamins and biologically active substances found by nature in the evergreen tree. This product is an environmentally friendly product because it is made from trees that grow in areas with crystal clear air. They simply do not grow in other areas. All parts of the plant are used for production: needles, buds, young branches, bark. Fir oil contains camphor, safran, cineole, camphene, and camphorene. Also acetylaldehyde, organic acids and a huge amount of vitamins C and E. Fir, rich in useful substances, makes fir oil a simply irreplaceable component in cosmetology.

Great cosmetologist

Using fir oil for your facial skin, you are guaranteed to have fresh, radiant, tightened skin. Smooth and velvety, which will be the envy of sixteen-year-olds. Fir extract can penetrate deeply and instantly into the layers of the epidermis, where it works real miracles.

  1. The high content of carotenoids maximally protects the epidermis from the effects of free radicals. Stimulates the formation of new, stronger and healthier cells.
  2. A high percentage of tocopherol stimulates the formation of collagen, reduces vascular fragility, which affects the external condition of the epidermis.
  3. The action of ascorbic acid, which is very abundant in fir oil, plays a huge role in the complete rejuvenation of the skin at the structural, cellular level, and also improves the color of the dermis.

It’s not for nothing that the healing extract of fir is called “resin”; it is generous with gifts and selflessly gives the skin a second youth and forever young life.

Methods of using fir oil for cosmetic purposes

The use of fir oil in cosmetology has become quite common. The oil is added to the base of many creams, masks, and lotions for skin care. It is included in products that help fight pimples, acne, and blackheads.

It is also used in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases and helps relieve the symptoms of rashes. Copes with eczema, herpes. It can also cure psoriasis of absolutely any etiology.

Use of fir for cosmetic purposes:

  1. used for oily skin;
  2. helps fight acne;
  3. used for aged, tight skin, against wrinkles;
  4. with hyperhidrosis;
  5. used as a matting agent;
  6. treats skin diseases of various etiologies.

Fir oil recipes for the face

Fir oil also takes good care of facial skin: it restores its structure, heals wounds and abrasions, eliminates acne and fights aging.

Mask for oily skin

A mask with sea salt is suitable for oily skin. Add a few drops of oil to a small amount of salt, 1 teaspoon each of ground oatmeal and milk, and mix everything well. The mixture is applied to the face for 15 minutes and washed off with warm water.

For oily and combination skin

For oily and combination skin, a mask that consists of 5 drops of fir oil and egg white (beaten) will help you. After using this mask, your skin's oily sheen will disappear, any inflammation will also stop, and enlarged facial pores will narrow.

Acne oil

For acne on the face, fir oil should be applied pointwise using a cotton swab. We do not recommend overusing oil - the course is no more than 3-5 days.

Moisturizing masks with fir oil for face

You can also make moisturizing masks with fir oil for your face. To do this, mash well one medium-sized potato, pre-cooked in their skins, add 10 grams of cream and three drops of fir oil. Apply the mask to your face, wait about fifteen minutes and wash it all off with warm water.

For acne

A compress will help combat acne. Take fir oil (2-3 drops) and mix with half a teaspoon of cocoa butter. Soak gauze or cotton wool in the liquid and apply to the problem area twice a day. This method will help cleanse pores, tighten them, cure acne and prevent the appearance of new rashes.

Mask for oily skin

Mix 1 tablespoon of grape seed oil with 2 drops of fir oil and apply to clean facial skin. Rinse off after 30 minutes with a cotton swab soaked in warm water;

Another mask for oily skin

Oatmeal with milk and fir oil in equal proportions will also serve as a good remedy for getting rid of fat and puffiness. Mix all the ingredients of the mask, keep the mixture on your face for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Cosmetic ice

You can prepare this cosmetic ice: Add 2 drops of fir oil to honey (1 teaspoon), dilute the resulting mixture in a glass of boiled warm water. Freeze into cubes and wipe your face and neck with them in the morning and evening.

Fir oil is a truly healing remedy that is widely used in cosmetology and dermatology. With its help, you can not only maintain the beauty and health of your skin, but also cure some skin diseases that cause pain and discomfort. Regular use of fir oil will relieve you of many skin problems!

Olive oil

Patchouli essential oil

Almond oil

Rose essential oil

Linseed oil

Peppermint essential oil

Hello, dear ladies! The main winter holiday has long passed, but in my house at home there are still fir branches left over from the New Year in a vase. They stand without water, but are still so fresh, as if they had just been picked.

What is the key to the eternal youth of this taiga beauty? But won't it help you and I stay young? But living fir branches will now be difficult to find, so I will write how to use fir oil for the face against wrinkles.

Live oleoresin

It is not for nothing that the resin of coniferous trees is called resin. From time immemorial it is believed that it cures all diseases. And the proud beauty of fir rightfully ranks first among conifers in terms of its healing properties. Its needles contain:

  1. Phytoncides
  2. Flavonoids, terpenoids
  3. Tannins
  4. A huge amount of vitamin C (in the past, pine needles were used to treat scurvy)
  5. Beauty vitamins A and E, as well as D and P
  6. Vitamins B1 and B2 for “strong nerves”
  7. Microelements (calcium, manganese, iron)

The oil, which is obtained from the young twigs and needles of this tree, contains an incredible amount of useful substances. It is recommended for use by both professors in white coats and traditional healers. This product is always on sale: you can buy it at a pharmacy, supermarket and aromatherapy store.

Camphor is obtained from ethereal extracts of fir, which stimulates the activity of the heart, disinfects, and heals the nervous system. Some kidney medicines include fir oil; it is also known for its antiviral properties: it is used for both influenza and herpes. It is also included in shampoos and medicinal hair masks, creams and body gels.

What effect does it have on the body?

  1. Immunomodulatory – boosts all the body’s defenses
  2. Antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal - due to phytoncides
  3. Deodorizing
  4. Painkiller
  5. Antitussive, stimulating breathing
  6. Decongestant
  7. Improves vision and helps prevent crow's feet
  8. Tonic
  9. Smoothing and rejuvenating

In general, fir is a tree of health and youth; it is not for nothing that in alternative medicine it is considered a donor tree.

How to use

Fir oil can be used in its pure form (but only for treatment, not for cosmetic purposes), or in combination with other oils. You can make creams and masks with it. Thanks to its disinfecting properties, it helps against both regular pimples and acne. It is useful for oily, normal and dry skin.

Its rejuvenating effect will help smooth out fine wrinkles, improve skin tone, stop aging and prevent the appearance of deep wrinkles. The great thing is that it is also great for the skin around the eyes.

Attention! Do not apply pure fir oil to your face. This is too strong a drug, and in its pure form can cause irritation, peeling and other negative reactions.

Well, now – my favorite recipes.

Cream of youth

If you add four to six drops of fir oil to 10 g of baby cream, then the luxury of nutrition, beauty, radiance and firmness of the skin is guaranteed to you.

Anti-wrinkle oil

Add 3-5 drops of fir oil to a tablespoon of base oil (olive, peach kernels, etc.). For application to the skin of the face, this is just right, but for delicate skin around the eyes, reduce the amount of fir to 2-3 drops.

Oil resuscitator

Take a tablespoon of base oil, add 2 drops of rosemary, lemon, and fir “essentials”. The use of this product will help with swelling, smooth out fine wrinkles and give the skin smoothness and health. You can try other combinations, but be careful here.

Attention! Not all oils are compatible with each other. Before experimenting, read the sub-chapter about their compatibility.

Mask "Zhivitsa"

We will need one tablespoon of aloe juice, one egg yolk and three drops of fir oil. Moreover, the juice for this mask is best obtained not from fresh leaves, but from those that have been left in the refrigerator for several days. Why? Yes, because the rejuvenating substances of aloe juice are best extracted in the cold, and such juice will be extremely saturated with the antioxidants of this prickly plant of youth.

Mix, apply to face and leave for 20-30 minutes. OK it's all over Now. We wash it off and admire ourselves. The skin became smooth, radiant, the oval tightened - five years off the face.

Oil compatibility

“Do no harm” has been the main principle of medicine since the time of the famous Hippocrates. It is also applicable in cosmetology. And in order not to cause harm, you need to know how to properly combine the strong ingredients of homemade cosmetics with each other.

There are no problems when choosing a base oil: olive, flaxseed, peach pit - whatever you like! But you have to be careful with ethereal ones. So, fir “essential” is combined with essential oils:

  1. cedar
  2. pine trees
  3. cypress
  4. eucalyptus
  5. lemon
  6. orange
  7. basilica
  8. myrtle
  9. cumin
  10. incense
  11. lavender
  12. rosemary
  13. marjoram
  14. rosewood
  15. nayoli

But cinnamon is complementary to fir. This means that when used together, the properties of both oils may change beyond recognition and it is not recommended to use them together. You need to be careful when using fir with fennel - these are too strong oils to take into account all the effects of their combined use.

Let's be careful

Contraindications to the use of fir oil are:

  1. individual intolerance
  2. increased skin sensitivity
  3. open wounds on the face
  4. drinking alcohol
  5. acute and severe chronic diseases
  6. pregnancy
  7. sharp pains
  8. seizures, epilepsy

I hope you find the information in this article helpful. Goodbye, my dear beauties. Look younger, look better and subscribe to blog updates.