Evening primrose oil for skin

Evening primrose or primrose is better known as evening primrose, which blooms after sunset. Despite its own homeliness, the plant is capable of revealing the potential of our beauty.

  1. Evening primrose: what is it?
  2. Features of the composition
  3. Beneficial features
  4. Application in cosmetics
  5. Precautionary measures
  6. Evening primrose oil product

Evening primrose: what is it?

The beneficial properties of primrose (also known as evening primrose, biennial aspen, evening primrose) were known back in ancient times. The Incas and Mayans treated this modest-looking flower with respect and sacred awe. It was believed that primrose could “drink blood,” and therefore its infusion was used to treat wounds, give water to women after childbirth, treat colic, headaches, and much more.

In the Scandinavian sagas, primrose was called the keys of the goddess Freya, opening spring. And the Celts dreamed of hearing the singing of fairies hiding in these flowers - according to legend, this promised a person a happy and long life.

These are all, of course, beautiful legends. However, the long-noted property of primrose to quickly respond to even slight changes in temperature is still valued and used on the island of Java. If the evening primrose suddenly blooms long before the due date, the residents know that the volcano has begun to awaken, which means they need to quickly move away from the mountain.
Evening primrose oil is obtained from the seeds by cold pressing. Collecting them is not easy, so this oil is far from the cheapest. But you will understand that it is worth it if you get acquainted with the composition and beneficial properties of the product.

Features of the composition

Pale yellow, with a barely noticeable nutty odor, primrose seed oil is unique because, despite its plant origin, its composition is close to fish oil. It contains:

a lot of fatty acids: 80% is linoleic acid, enhanced by alpha and gamma components, as well as palmitic, stearic, oleic and rare eicosenoic acid, which well moisturizes the skin, strengthens hair follicles and is a natural UV filter;

almost all the minerals we need (sodium, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc);

vitamins E, C, group B, carotene;


Beneficial features

The rich composition of evening primrose oil also determined its numerous beneficial properties:

antioxidant (protects cells from the aggression of free radicals);

occlusive (protects tissues from dehydration);

stimulating metabolism and regeneration;

Evening primrose oil is good for women's health © iStock

anti-inflammatory (suppresses the production of substances that provoke inflammation);

immune-strengthening (stimulates the production of special immune proteins).

In addition, the organic combination of beneficial substances and elements makes the oil natural biostimulant, as well as an enhancer of the action of essential oils. The oil also stabilizes hormonal levels (participates in the synthesis of prostaglandins, the deficiency of which threatens menstrual irregularities). Gynecologists prescribe evening primrose oil: to stimulate conception; pregnant women before childbirth, to prepare the uterus for active work; to alleviate the condition of PMS and menopause.

Application in cosmetics

Creams, lotions, masks - evening primrose oil is included in products of various categories, intended for the skin of the face and body, as well as for the scalp and hair. It is useful:

for dry, sensitive and irritated skin — its nutritional properties and ability to retain moisture are important here;

for aging skin — the antioxidant effect is especially important;

for damaged skin (after peeling, for example) - Primrose seed oil accelerates the recovery and healing process.

In the formulas of shampoos, conditioners, balms and hair masks, oil, firstly, heals the scalp, and secondly, it has a beneficial effect on the hair shaft itself - it restores the structure, smoothes it, and gives a healthy shine. Helps solve hair problems:

Precautionary measures

Since evening primrose oil has active biostimulating properties, it should be used with caution. So, oral administration is excluded:

for those suffering from mental illness and psoriasis;

during pregnancy and lactation;

if you are intolerant to this oil or (extremely rare) allergic to it. In this case, of course, the oil cannot be used externally.

Evening primrose oil is used as a complement to basic care © iStock

As for the cosmetic use of pure evening primrose oil, as an additive (2-3 drops) to the usual evening cream, in the absence of contraindications, it is useful for dry skin types, noticeable age-related changes and pigmentation.

Cosmetologists do not recommend applying pure evening primrose seed oil to your face every day, as it stimulates sebum production.

Evening primrose oil product

Midnight Recovery Concentrate, Kiehl’s, intensively moisturizes and restores skin at night. In addition to primrose oil (there is a record amount of it - 15%), the composition contains squalane in a concentration of 9%, as well as geranium, lavender, rose hip and rose oils. Gives skin firmness, elasticity, radiance and freshness.

Bergamot essential oil

Jojoba oil for facial skin

Sea buckthorn oil

Palm oil for facial care

Cedar oil

Neroli essential oil

Juniper essential oil

Fir oil

Primrose oil has a whole range of beneficial properties and is actively used in the treatment of many diseases. But first I would like to say a few words about the use of evening primrose oil in cosmetology, because primrose oil is useful, first of all, for the face. It has a positive effect on our skin and helps get rid of many cosmetic problems.

Evening primrose oil is rich in vitamin E, also called the vitamin of youth. This oil also contains fatty acids, the main percentage of which is linoleic acid. It has been scientifically proven that it is the lack of this acid in the body that leads to dryness and increased sensitivity of the skin.

Primrose in cosmetology

The cosmetic effects of primrose oil are best reflected on dry or irritated skin. The substance can quickly soothe, relieve inflammation, and soften problem areas.

As a nutritional supplement to the main ingredients, the oil can be used daily.

Constant use of the drug has a beneficial effect on patients with varicose veins.

It tones the skin and triggers regenerative processes in cells. This promotes epithelial renewal and, accordingly, rejuvenation.

The oil reduces skin pigmentation and increases the effectiveness of therapeutic massage.

Positive effects of primrose oil on facial skin

The oil contains linoleic acid in sufficient quantities, which is responsible for the degree of oiliness of the skin. The absence of this acid leads to irritability, dryness and inflammation of the skin. That is why this oil is recommended for use as a treatment for sensitive, dry, and aging facial skin.

Primrose oil is characterized by excellent softening, nourishing and moisturizing properties, which subsequently eliminates flaking and dry skin.

Long-term and regular use of oil leads to stabilization of the level of moisture in the facial skin. Moreover, the above oil is perfect for treating irritation, inflammation and redness of the skin. This oil gives the skin elasticity and freshness, so it can also be applied to aging, wrinkled skin.

Various skin diseases that are characterized by itching, redness and dryness are also recommended to be treated with primrose oil.

Recipes for face with primrose oil

A caring blend for dry, aging skin

Primrose oil - 1 teaspoon

Shea butter - 1 teaspoon

Jojoba oil – 2 teaspoons

Avocado oil - 1 teaspoon

Geranium, chamomile, lavender oils - 2 drops each.

Connect the components. Apply the composition to cleansed skin as a day and night cream.

Mixture for age spots and freckles

Primrose oil - 2 teaspoons

Cocoa butter - 1 teaspoon

Safflower oil - 5 drops.

Lemon, rosewood, petitgrain oils - 2 drops each.

Combine the ingredients into a homogeneous mixture and apply to areas of pigmentation.

Nutritious mixture

Mix 10 ml primrose oil, 20 ml warm shea butter, 15 ml avocado oil and 15 ml jojoba oil. Add two drops each of geranium, lavender and chamomile esters. Can be used as a day and night cream, as well as under makeup.

Cosmetic mask for freckles and age spots

To 50 ml of primrose oil add 3 drops of rosewood and lemon essential oils. This pleasant-smelling cosmetic mixture should be applied to the skin before bed. You will have radiant and smooth skin. Excellent care at an affordable price -

Oil moisturizing for everyday skin care

Add essential oils of ylang-ylang, jasmine and sandalwood to evening primrose oil with jojoba oil (1:1) as a base. The skin acquires an even velvety tone and becomes elastic.

Skin whitening

The mask recipe is simple - mix cocoa butter and evening primrose in a ratio of 2:5, and then add a couple of drops of lemon and rosewood oil. Apply to areas of severe pigmentation, leave for 15 minutes and then wipe off with a damp cloth.

Facial Serum

  1. Evening primrose oil capsules
  2. Pure jojoba oil
  3. Lavender essential oil

And instructions on what to do:

  1. Open evening primrose oil capsules and pour contents into a small bowl
  2. Add a tablespoon of pure jojoba oil. For enhanced skin benefits, add one or two drops of lavender essential oil
  3. Apply a thin layer to skin before bed

Using serum will help you cleanse your skin, make it more hydrated, and nourish your skin with useful minerals. It is also important that the serum is suitable for any skin type.

Tips from cosmetologists

Cosmetologists do not recommend applying pure evening primrose oil to the face, as it activates the production of sebum, increasing the oiliness of the skin. Therefore, it is better to mix it with a base oil (olive oil, almond oil, avocado oil, peach kernel oil), or several oils. But many people apply evening primrose oil in its pure form to their face and are satisfied with the result; an individual approach is needed here, so it’s worth experimenting, trying it undiluted and in mixtures, your skin will tell you what’s best for it.

Undiluted oil can be used in autumn and winter, replacing day cream with it. If your skin reacts negatively to undiluted evening primrose oil, then make a mixture of oils, selecting them individually, depending on your skin type.

Olive oil

Patchouli essential oil

Almond oil

Rose essential oil

Linseed oil

Peppermint essential oil

Primrose oil is a miraculous and effective oil for treating a wide range of both internal and external beauty issues. The oil is widely used in cosmetic products and has been proven to be a wonderful remedy for acne, eczema and other skin related problems. The fatty acid and GLA content in this oil is very beneficial for the health of your skin. Extracted from primrose seeds, this oil works as an excellent moisturizer and helps keep skin hydrated. By boosting your blood circulation, it also helps in treating and treating tired and dull skin. If you are still confused about how to use evening primrose oil on your face, read this article.

Purchasing Primrose Oil

Evening primrose oil is easily available in most pharmacies and you can buy it from any nearby pharmacy or health store. If you can't find it in your area, you can even order it online from any part of the world. You can either buy it in pure oil form or buy supplements. If you purchase the supplement, you will receive it in ampoule form. You can break the ampoules and pour out the oil. Wherever you buy it, make sure it is pure and organic if you want to use evening primrose oil on your face.

Treatment of various skin conditions with primrose oil

Evening primrose oil will work great on your face by stimulating blood circulation in your skin, thereby helping your skin cells become nourished and healthy. As your cells become healthier, the bad cells are eliminated and replaced with fresh skin. The new skin cells you receive are fed with more nutrients and oxygen, making them less susceptible to infection. Evening primrose oil has been found to be effective in treating a number of skin conditions, including:

  1. Acne: Take a drop of evening primrose oil on your left palm, dip the front finger of your right hand, and apply it to the pimples. Sleep with this oil on your blackhead all night. Let it sit overnight and you will see your acne spot improve significantly the next morning. Repeat the next night. Your acne will subside after no later than 3-4 nights of continuous use. This will not only remove existing acne, but also prevent other acne from appearing in the area.
  2. Eczema: if you suffer from eczema, then you need to apply the oil to a large area of ​​skin. To combat this, mix a few drops of primrose oil with your regular face cream or moisturizer. Take a bath or wash your face with warm water and pat dry. Apply evening primrose oil face cream as usual. Apply this cream 2-3 times a day, and also before bed.
  3. Rosacea: If you have rosacea, you have to deal with red, small, pus-filled bumps on different parts of your face. Take a soft cotton ball, pour a couple of drops of primrose oil on it and apply gentle strokes to your face. Leave on for 30 minutes and then rinse off. Apply moisturizer to hydrate your skin. Repeat every day for 15 days and see the difference.
  4. Psoriasis: Prepare an ointment by mixing a few drops of evening primrose oil with cocoa butter or shea butter. Allow the oil to harden and then apply it to your skin like any other cream.

Evening Primrose Oil Recipe for Skin Lightening

If you are looking for a solution for textured skin, make an evening primrose oil lotion using the following instructions to use evening primrose on your face:

Composition of the product
1 teaspoon evening primrose oil
2 tbsp. l. argan oil
1 teaspoon watermelon
5 drops frankincense
Lavender oil 3 drops
5 drops geranium essential oil

Steps to follow

Take a 4 oz bottle for the dropper.
Pour in 1 tsp. evening primrose oil.
Add 2 tbsp. l. argan oil, 1 tsp. watermelon seed oil, five drops frankincense essential oil, three drops lavender essential oil and five drops geranium essential oil.
Mix well and store.
Pour 2-3 drops of this lotion into your palm.
Gently massage your face.
Go to bed.
Rinse off in the morning.

Treating Eczema with Evening Primrose Oil

Eczema is a serious skin condition that affects many people. As we read above, Evening primrose oil is a great ally to fight this disease. Take a look at the following recipe to help relieve swelling:

Composition of the product

  1. 30 drops primrose oil
  2. 10 drops tea tree oil
  3. 10 drops bergamot essential oil
  4. 10 drops thyme essential oil
  5. 1/2 cup sweet almond butter
  6. 30 drops borage essential oil
  7. 2 ounces water
  1. In a glass full of water, pour all the ingredients mentioned above, except almonds and grape oil. Mix well.
  2. Add remaining ingredients and place in a topped container.
  3. Shake.
  4. Apply to skin with clean fingertips and gently stroke the affected area.

Use this evening primrose oil recipe for external eczema several times a day.

Evening Primrose Oil for Skin Tightening

Another of the most common benefits for primrose oil on the face - for skin tightening and toning. Here we would like to suggest making a recipe for the skin using an oil that is full of all the ingredients that will help solve problems in this area.

Composition of the product

  1. 1/2 ounce primrose oil
  2. 1/2 ounce grapeseed oil
  3. 5 drops grapefruit essential oil
  4. Juniper berry essential oil 3 drops
  5. 1 capsule vitamin E
  1. Mix all the ingredients mentioned above, open the vitamin E capsule and pour its contents into the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Apply gently to skin with clean fingers, patting gently.
  3. Leave it overnight and wash your face in the morning.

Treatment of wrinkles with primrose oil

The last way to use primrose oil on your face is to get rid of wrinkles. Take a look at this treatment that offers you ways to avoid premature aging and unsightly wrinkles.