Use of jojoba oil for wrinkles around the eyes

Facial skin is regularly tested by external factors. Weather conditions, daily use of decorative cosmetics, incorrect choice of cosmetics, and frequent changes of emotions contribute to the deterioration of her condition. All this and much more leads to the appearance of wrinkles, dryness or, conversely, excessive oiliness, and inflammation on the skin of the face. Testing various products from the cosmetology industry to solve such problems costs a lot of money, time and not always successful experiments. While the true secret of beauty and health of facial skin lies in nature itself.


Jojoba oil will help cope with various cosmetic problems. You will find the description, composition, and beneficial properties of the natural “elixir of beauty” in this article.

Jojoba plant

The plant from which jojoba oil is produced by cold pressing is called Simmondsia sinensis, although it has nothing to do with this Asian country. The bush grows wild in America. Cultivated in Mexico and Egypt.

Back in the 18th century, local residents added jojoba oil to food, treated wounds, stomach pains, insect bites, poisoning, and relieved childbirth. The Indians made a hair strengthening product from it.

Travelers brought recipes for medicines and cosmetics to Europe. After which well-known manufacturers of cosmetic products began to add jojoba oil to their products. In folk medicine, this remedy has also become popular due to its healing composition. Recently, jojoba oil is often used for wrinkles around the eyes. Reviews indicate the high effectiveness of this product.

Unique composition

In composition and structure, jojoba oil is similar to whale spermaceti, a waxy substance found in the head of some species of whales. It was widely used as a base for creams and other cosmetics. But after the ban on whale fishing came into force, cosmetics manufacturers began to actively look for an alternative to spermaceti and found it in the form of jojoba oil.


Today, this natural substance is used in many cosmetic products, since the oil has a unique healing composition. Thus, it contains fatty acids, esters, amino acids, protein (resembling collagen), vitamins, including vitamin E, which promotes regenerative processes. All of the above substances have a beneficial effect on skin regeneration processes. In addition, the oil is easily absorbed, penetrates the lower layers of the skin, and does not form a greasy film on the surface. That is why it is believed that the best oil for wrinkles around the eyes is obtained from the seeds of the Simmondsia bush.

Beneficial features

Thanks to its unique composition, the oil can work wonders and cope with a wide variety of facial skin problems. Thus, regular use of products with the addition of a natural component contributes to:

  1. softening and moisturizing the skin;
  2. eliminating peeling and inflamed areas;
  3. reduction of acne and acne;
  4. relieving symptoms of various dermatological diseases - psoriasis, dermatosis, eczema;
  5. tightening the oval of the face;
  6. protection from ultraviolet rays, as well as other external factors unfavorable to the skin - frost, wind, low-quality cosmetics.

Regular use of jojoba oil on the face improves skin color and removes pigmentation.

Indications for use

Considering the properties of jojoba oil, it is used in the following cases:

  1. for dry skin;
  2. excessive oiliness, acne;
  3. decreased turgor;
  4. use jojoba oil for wrinkles around the eyes;
  5. in the treatment of skin diseases;
  6. after removing excess facial hair to prevent irritation and inflammation;
  7. for protection against external irritants;
  8. to rejuvenate the skin and moisturize it, reduce facial wrinkles.


Advantages of the product

In addition to the fact that jojoba oil contains many useful substances, it also has other advantages:

  1. Oil made from the fruits of the Simmondsia bush is hypoallergenic. The likelihood of any allergic reactions after using a cosmetic product containing jojoba oil is minimized. This product is often the basis of cosmetics for newborns. Although cosmetologists still do not recommend using it in its pure form on a large area of ​​skin.
  2. Easily absorbed, penetrating into the lower layers of the skin. Thus, beneficial substances nourish different layers, enhancing the positive effect of using such a product.
  3. The oil is resistant to oxidation, since in its essence it is more like a wax or fat. Therefore, it does not deteriorate for a long time. When oil is added to cosmetics, the shelf life of the latter increases significantly.
  4. Has no contraindications. As mentioned above, it is often used in baby creams and shampoos. In addition, jojoba cosmetic oil is also used in cosmetics for pregnant and nursing mothers. Consumer reviews confirm the high level of safety of this natural product.

How to use it on your face?

In cosmetology, jojoba oil is widely used as an additive to creams and other facial care products. Just add a few drops of oil to your favorite cosmetics and get the maximum effect. So, for 10 g of cream you will need 15 ml of oil.

If inflammation or peeling occurs in a small area of ​​facial skin, you can apply undiluted jojoba oil directly to the damaged area with a sponge or cotton swab.

Is jojoba oil effective for facial wrinkles? Most reviews talk about the high effectiveness of such daily care: add 2 drops of rose, chamomile, sandalwood oil to jojoba oil, previously melted in a water bath, in a 1:1 ratio with almond, olive or peach oil. This bouquet of esters can be used as a daily lotion or facial application.


But most often, jojoba oil is used in the manufacture of homemade masks, compresses and lotions for the face. Recipes for such cosmetics can be found below.

Jojoba oil for face: reviews and mask recipes

In order to solve a particular skin problem with jojoba oil, you need to enrich this main ingredient with other essential oils or nourishing vitamin products. We offer several recipes, reviews of which are mostly positive. The only contraindication to such care products is individual intolerance to the ingredients included in the composition.

Toning mask of cucumber, avocado and jojoba oil

To prepare a refreshing mask, thoroughly mix a teaspoon of oil, chopped cucumber and avocado pulp in a bowl. Apply like any other cosmetic mask. This procedure will perfectly moisturize the skin, enrich it with vitamins, tighten pores and remove excess oil, and refresh the face.

Anti-wrinkle mask

To reduce deep wrinkles on the forehead, a mask made from sour cream, cosmetic clay and jojoba oil is suitable. To make it, you need to mix a third of a glass of sour cream, a tablespoon of clay and a teaspoon of oil. Keep it on your face until it hardens.


Milk mask for oily skin

Add 15 ml of jojoba oil to two large spoons of warm milk. You need to enrich the mixture by adding 2 drops of clove, tea tree or geranium oil. First cut a face mask from gauze with holes for the eyes, nose and mouth. Moisten the prepared fabric base in the milk mixture and apply to the face. This product will help relieve inflammation, cleanse and tighten pores, and reduce oily skin.

Jojoba oil is used in the same way for wrinkles around the eyes. Reviews about the milk compress are simply enthusiastic: the number of fine wrinkles decreases, circles and bags under the eyes disappear. You need to dip the sponges into the milk mixture and place them on your eyelids. No need to rinse off. Just blot the remaining product with a napkin.

Mask with lifting effect

A honey mask with jojoba oil will noticeably increase skin elasticity, tighten the oval of the face, reduce wrinkles, pigmentation, and improve complexion. To make it, you need to melt a tablespoon of honey with a teaspoon of butter. Then stir in 1 beaten chicken yolk and a large spoon of lemon juice into the cooled mass.

Jojoba oil for daily care

There are a variety of recipes for jojoba oil masks for the skin around the eyes. Some are used for daily care, others have a pronounced intense effect, so they should be used no more than once a week. Such products help cope with facial wrinkles, improve the condition of sensitive thin skin in this area of ​​the face, eliminate puffiness, swelling and eye fatigue.

For daily care of the skin around the eyes, use jojoba oil, diluted 1:2 with any kernel oils: peach, almond, grape, apricot. Moisten the tip of your ring finger with the mixture and apply it around the eyes using tapping movements.


This product is effective in preventing the appearance of facial wrinkles and crow’s feet, as well as dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Intensive eye care

Jojoba oil has been successfully used for wrinkles around the eyes. Reviews of industrial cosmetics, as well as homemade masks and applications containing a natural component, indicate that the oil effectively copes with fine wrinkles and crow's feet.

The following recipe will help reduce existing small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes: add one drop of the following oils to a teaspoon of oil: rose, sandalwood, mint, lavender. Apply the product to the desired area with massage movements once a week.

Hygienic natural lipstick

In hot, dry weather, frost and strong winds, not only the skin of the face, but also the lips suffer. They crack and peel. This condition is not only unaesthetic, but also extremely painful. Using a natural hygienic lipstick based on jojoba oil, you can easily cope with this problem and also prevent its occurrence.

To make such a product, you need to melt 2 teaspoons of beeswax and the same amount of jojoba oil. To the resulting composition you need to add 5 drops of various essential oils, for example, chamomile or lavender. Pour the mixture into the mold. At home, you can use, for example, a wide cocktail tube or a lipstick cap, pre-lubricated with any oil. Leave in the refrigerator until completely hardened. Your natural lip care product is ready!

Reviews about jojoba oil

It is difficult to come across negative reviews about jojoba oil. It is suitable for all skin types and hypoallergenic, which means that for most people this product will help cope with various facial skin problems. Jojoba oil is effective against wrinkles around the eyes. Consumer reviews indicate the rapid restoration of dry skin that has lost its elasticity and the reduction of wrinkles. And the low cost of the product is an additional incentive to use such a natural cosmetic product at home.


From the article you learned what beneficial properties jojoba oil has, recipes and reviews about this natural cosmetic product. Whether it’s worth trying on your own skin is up to you to decide. Before use, consult a professional cosmetologist and find out about the characteristics of your skin. When used correctly, jojoba oil will become a real discovery for you in caring for your own body.

In this article you will find reviews on the use of jojoba oil to get rid of wrinkles on the face. You will find out how the composition of the oil affects the skin, what products it is best to combine it with, and what cosmetologists think about this product. And so that you don’t have any difficulties at the stage of preparing masks, this process will be demonstrated on video.


Liquid wax extracted by cold pressing the nuts of the evergreen shrub Simmondsia sinensis, known as jojoba, contains amino acids similar in structure to collagen, which is why it is so popular in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology.

Jojoba oil is included in many lotions, creams and conditioners, whose manufacturers prefer natural ingredients.

It is worth noting the importance of choosing the type of oil suitable for the procedure - in addition to cosmetic, there is essential oil. Since the latter is too concentrated, its use on the skin is unacceptable, as it is fraught with unpleasant consequences such as burns.

The composition of jojoba cosmetic oil includes palmitic, gadoleic, stearic, and venison. erucic, docosahexoenoic, nervonic and behenic acids, eicosene, tetracosene and docosahexoenoic alcohols, as well as collagen and tocopherol (vitamin E).

Known for its restorative properties, the oil has found application in several procedures at once.. Many girls use it to remove makeup, after mixing it with water 1:1. Some people replace it with lip balm, add it to hair conditioner, or apply it to their legs as a base for shaving cream.

Effect on wrinkles

Let's figure out how jojoba oil helps get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. Alcohols accelerate subcutaneous blood circulation, providing cells with the required amount of oxygen. The skin does not tighten, but remains moisturized due to the action of numerous fatty acids that prevent moisture loss.

They not only protect, but also promote the regeneration of damaged tissues. Collagen removes dark circles and smoothes out wrinkles, and vitamin E strengthens the result, slowing down the aging process as much as possible.

Regular use of jojoba oil removes bags under the eyes, dark circles, redness of the mucous membranes and, of course, crow's feet. A course of procedures will significantly reduce rashes and reduce the number of small expression wrinkles to a minimum. You will get hydrated skin around your eyes and a healthy complexion. Regular exercises for the face against wrinkles and healthy daily sleep, at least 6 hours, will help enhance the effect.

You should not use masks containing jojoba oil for more than four weeks in a row. Take breaks.


People with sensitive skin, allergy sufferers, pregnant and breastfeeding women are not recommended to use the oil without first consulting a doctor. It is worth noting a big advantage - jojoba oil is suitable for all skin types, and can also be added to any masks.

Among the side effects, only oily shine is noted. Its disadvantages include its high cost as an organic product.

Always pay attention to the list of contraindications, even if a product has a lot of positive reviews, like retinoic ointment for wrinkles, for example. Its effect is also noticeable after the first use, but its use absolutely cannot be combined with a visit to the solarium. Take care of your health!

Terms of use

Each girl chooses for herself what time of day is most convenient for her to carry out cosmetic procedures. Some people prepare their skin for makeup in the morning, while others apply nourishing masks before bed.

Here A few basic rules on how to properly use jojoba oil for wrinkles.

  1. Wash and dry your face.
  2. If this is your first acquaintance with oil, do an allergy test on your hand.
  3. Mix jojoba oil with other mask ingredients immediately before application.
  4. Use cotton pads to spread the maxi evenly over your face.
  5. If possible, lie down on the bed or sit down, relaxing all the muscles of your face and body. This way the effect will be better.
  6. Wash off the mask 15-20 minutes after application with warm water.

Do not apply such masks more than once a day and 4 times a week.

Mask recipes

Combine jojoba oil with any other oil, except sandalwood and rose oil. Pink clay, honey, cream, avocado - the choice depends on your skin type and goals.

There are a lot of recipes on how to remove wrinkles under the eyes, but after reading reviews about using jojoba oil for eyelids, first of all you will find a recipe for an anti-wrinkle mask with avocado. To prepare it, mix the oils in a 1:1 ratio. Use twice daily.

For those with both oily and dry skin types You should combine light texture oil with jojoba oil in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3. This can be peach, apricot or almond oil for daily masks or for care 1-2 times a week.

Using an anti-wrinkle face mask with jojoba oil in combination with a base oil will bring a quick effect and give you a pleasant feeling after the first procedures. Combine coconut, olive or almond oil with Simmondsia sinensis oil in a 1:3 ratio and completely lubricate your face. If you decide to use the oil in its pure form, then rub it in your palms before applying and do not hold for more than 10 minutes.


Cosmetologists' opinion

Reviews from cosmetologists about jojoba oil as a remedy for wrinkles around the eyes are 99% only positive. This is incredibly high for a homemade skin care product.

— Reviews about the use of Curiosin gel for wrinkles are less clear, so always be careful when studying the initial indications for use indicated in the instructions or on the packaging.

Cosmetologist Svetlana: I have known about this oil for a very long time and always recommended that clients use it for dry skin or the appearance of wrinkles. Jojoba oil is relatively inexpensive, but it can be stored for several years, and the results are noticeable after just a few uses.

Cosmetologist Irina: Jojoba oil is just a miracle find! It is suitable for all skin types, all ages and for different uses. I recommend doing a body massage with it and adding it to your regular facial moisturizer, just a couple of weeks of this treatment and you will feel the difference! Definitely 5+!

Cosmetologist Oksana: As a specialist in my field, I rarely advise girls to get involved in traditional medicine, since people do not follow many of the nuances before starting to use the product. If jojoba oil does not cause you allergies, then I don’t see any other reasons to give it up. The oil helps maintain an even complexion, slow down aging and protect the skin around the eyes well from the effects of ultraviolet rays.

Readers' opinions

Victoria, 52

I can’t imagine my skincare routine without jojoba oil! This is one of the best purchases for a simple but effective way to keep your skin as elastic and hydrated as possible. I already forgot the last time I complained to myself in front of the mirror about the dry skin around my eyes with those crow’s feet. No small wrinkles, no dark circles, I am 100% satisfied, I recommend it to everyone.

Yana, 45

I often felt complex because of the dozens of wrinkles around my eyes. I saw a friend use jojoba oil on her eyelids and decided to try it myself. I was pleased with the results already on the third day! It's a pity I didn't know about it earlier. Now I apply masks with the addition of this oil every day and don’t remember my complexes.

Video of preparing a super mask with jojoba oil

Video with step-by-step instructions on how to prepare a mask that has an incredible tightening effect. If you want to relieve fatigue, remove fine wrinkles, whiten freckles or age spots, then write down the recipe and try it today. And what’s surprising is that you can always find the ingredients for it at home!

Have you used jojoba oil for skin or hair care? How exactly? Share your recipes and tell us how effective this remedy was for you.


Every woman wants to always remain young and attractive. However, age takes its toll and gradually female beauty begins to fade. This especially affects the face: wrinkles appear. Of course, women want to get rid of them and give their skin its former appearance. In such a situation, by the way, you will need jojoba oil for wrinkles around the eyes; people’s reviews speak of its effectiveness.

Reasons for appearance

Before you start fighting wrinkles, you need to know the reason for their appearance. As a rule, the first signs of aging on the facial skin, namely around the eyes, begin to appear around the age of 25.

The causes of wrinkles include the following factors:

  1. maslo-zhozhoba-ot-morshin-sOPbsGY.webp

    Genetic predisposition. If the female half of the family has experienced the early appearance of wrinkles, then the likelihood of them appearing at a young age in the next generation is very high.
  2. Nutrition. Thanks to a proper and balanced diet, the body receives the necessary vitamins and microelements that slow down the aging process.
  3. Lifestyle. The presence of bad habits leads to premature aging of the skin.
  4. An unfavorable environmental situation in the area of ​​residence aggravates the general state of human health.
  5. Various diseases affect a person’s appearance, including the face.
  6. Frequent “squinting” contributes to the formation of facial folds around the eyes.
  7. Ultraviolet radiation dries the skin, causing wrinkles to form.
  8. A person’s emotional state (lack of sleep, stressful situations, fatigue) can negatively affect his appearance.
  9. Using too much cosmetics leads to premature aging of the facial skin.

Getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes

In order to smooth the skin, you can use one of the methods or even all of them in combination: peeling, masks, creams, face-building (facial exercises) or massage. However, you can take a different route and use oil for the eyelids and the area around the eyes. The method is very simple and at the same time effective.


Cosmetologists identify several useful oils:

  1. Coconut,
  2. Peach,
  3. Castor,
  4. Almond,
  5. Wheat germ oil,
  6. Jojoba,
  7. Pink,
  8. Olive.

Systematic use of this or that product makes facial skin more attractive and elastic.

What types of skin oils are there?


Modern cosmetology uses a huge amount of oils. In such a vast variety, it is easy for an ordinary person to get lost. Therefore, before choosing a particular cosmetic product, you should carefully familiarize yourself with its properties. Thanks to this approach, you can get the most effective results, since each oil has a specific effect on the skin.

Main types of oils:

  1. Jojoba oil for eyelids can smooth out wrinkles;
  2. Castor oil is used by mature women;
  3. Olive oil for the skin around the eyes smoothes out crow's feet;
  4. Almond will help refresh your facial skin;
  5. Rosehip nourishes the skin with beneficial substances;
  6. Wheat germ oil for the skin around the eyes moisturizes the face;
  7. Flaxseed has anti-inflammatory and healing effects;
  8. Sea buckthorn helps the skin to acquire a healthy appearance and color;
  9. Shea has a good rejuvenating effect;

  10. maslo-zhozhoba-ot-morshin-jeGBJlL.webp

    Creamy perfectly moisturizes the skin;
  11. Avocado oil removes dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  12. Sesame removes swelling on the face;
  13. Apricot is a wonderful preventative against wrinkles;
  14. Coconut has a tightening effect.

All of the above products have a rejuvenating and moisturizing effect. Moreover, they can be found freely in almost every pharmacy. And the cost of one oil is no more than 150 rubles. The most important thing is, after purchasing, carefully read the instructions for use.

I live in a northern city where constant winds blow. Therefore, it is not surprising that wrinkles appeared on my sensitive skin very early. Oh, and how many cosmetic products I have gone through and everything is useless. Until one fine moment, a pharmacist at the pharmacy recommended jojoba oil to me. To be honest, I was surprised, because its cost was 100 rubles per bottle. In vain, of course, I doubted it, because after just three months there were fewer wrinkles on my face and, moreover, it began to look younger and fresher.

How to use the product

It is necessary to choose an oil for the skin based on individual characteristics. Therefore, which product is best suited for a particular skin is decided based on the nature of the problem. Besides, There are certain rules for oil applications:

  1. Apply only to cleansed skin;
  2. The oil layer should be very thin, 2-3 drops are enough;
  3. The product is applied to the face with light massaging movements of the fingers;
  4. The maximum procedure time is 30 minutes;
  5. The oil is removed using a cotton pad.

Jojoba oil has an excellent rejuvenating effect, reduces inflammation and smoothes wrinkles. The product can be used as an independent unit, applied to the skin, or you can try a recipe.

To do this, take 5 ml of oil, 10 ml of chamomile decoction and 2 drops of aloe juice. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes. After the allotted time has passed, wash off the oil application using a cotton pad.

After turning 30, I began to notice that I had fine wrinkles. I tried a bunch of expensive creams, but the effect was not impressive. A friend, having learned about my problem, advised me to try jojoba cosmetic oil. I applied the product to my face for several months, and then I noticed that the wrinkles were smoothed out. My joy knew no bounds! Now I tell all my friends about the amazing properties of this natural product.

The use of any cosmetic product requires compliance with certain safety rules. This is necessary in order to avoid possible troubles, because in any business it is the “golden mean” that is important.


Precautions when using oil applications are as follows:

  1. Before the procedure, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, a small amount of the product is carefully applied to the bend of the elbow. If after 24 hours no side effects have appeared (redness, inflammation, etc.), then you can safely start using the oil.
  2. Apply the product very carefully to the face to avoid contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes. If this happens, rinse your eyes with plenty of water.
  3. You cannot use other anti-wrinkle cosmetics at the same time as oil applications.
  4. Before starting oil procedures, it is better to consult with an experienced cosmetologist who will select the most effective method of facial care.

I came across an article on the Internet about the benefits of jojoba oil, that it helps get rid of wrinkles and refreshes the skin. I decided to try it on my own. And in vain. An hour later my whole face was red. That's why I don't use it anymore.

Prevention of wrinkles

Of course, it is better to take preventative measures against the appearance of wrinkles than to deal with the consequences later. Therefore, this should be done from a young age.

Preventive measures are as follows:

  1. Facial massage and gymnastics;
  2. Honey masks;
  3. Oil applications;
  4. Clay;

  5. maslo-zhozhoba-ot-morshin-rCxMlo.webp

  6. Dairy products;
  7. Herbal decoctions;
  8. Green tea;
  9. Fruit and vegetable masks;
  10. Seaweed.

In addition, in addition to external use, you need to pay attention to your body. For this, You need to eat the following foods:

  1. Any types of nuts;
  2. Avocado;
  3. Vegetable oils;
  4. Fruits and vegetables;
  5. Lots of greenery;
  6. Fatty fish species;
  7. Cereals.

And, of course, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and healthy sleep. All this together will help the skin remain young and beautiful.