Massage and physical therapy for pneumonia

Pneumonia is an infectious disease (inflammation of the lung tissue) that affects all structures of the lungs. The causes of this disease are hypothermia, physical overload or neuropsychic fatigue, which cause a decrease in the body's resistance. Massage for pneumonia is indicated for most patients on bed rest.

Recently, pneumonia has been named the most common lung disease.. A person experiences high fever, chills, cough, side pain, and rapid breathing. As a rule, massage is prescribed at the last stage of treatment of pneumonia to eliminate residual effects. There is an improvement in general condition, an increase in lymph and blood circulation in the lungs and strengthening of the respiratory muscles.

Massage for pneumonia

Massage of the broad muscles of the back for pneumonia

Massage technique

Massage techniques for pneumonia include:

  1. massage of the anterior surface of the chest;
  2. back massage;
  3. neck massage;
  4. repeated massage of the anterior surface of the chest;
  5. breathing massage.

Massage of the anterior chest

First, stroking is performed from bottom to top. The procedure is performed towards the axillary lymph nodes.


Stroking the chest

Next, squeezing is carried out, bypassing the mammary gland in women.


Massage technique squeezing

Next, kneading is performed. Kneading is carried out in the following types: ordinary, circular, double circular, phalanges of bent fingers, beak-shaped.

Beak gap

Beak kneading

Then shaking and stroking.

Stroking the intercostal spaces is carried out with the fingertips of both hands. Alternate, straight, circular and zigzag stroking is performed. The zigzag pattern is carried out with the pad of the thumb.

Massage of the anterior surface of the chest ends with rubbing the sternum and collarbone.

rubbing the collarbone

Back massage

The entire surface of the back is stroked. Next is squeezing.

Kneading is carried out on the long back muscles. Kneading is carried out in the following types:

  1. circular thumb:
  2. circular with four fingers;
  3. circular edge of the thumb;
  4. pincer-shaped.

kneading the long back muscles

The broad back muscles are warmed up as follows:

  1. ordinary;
  2. double ring;
  3. double neck;
  4. circular with phalanges of bent fingers.

circular kneading

Neck massage

Neck massage is performed together with the trapezius muscle. The following techniques are performed:

  1. stroking;
  2. kneading;
  3. squeezing.

Neck massage

Next, a repeated massage of the anterior surface of the chest is carried out (see instructions above). This is followed by a breathing massage.

Contraindications: exacerbation of the inflammatory process.


Physical therapy for pneumonia is an excellent additional treatment and prevention of this disease. An approximate set of exercises:

  1. The patient lies on his back, arms along the body. Calm breathing is performed for 40-60 repetitions.
  2. Starting position lying down. We raise our hands up - inhale, lower them - exhale. Breathing is slightly deeper. Number of repetitions 3-4.
  3. Starting position lying down. The feet are flexed and extended. Breathing is voluntary. The number of repetitions is 8-10.
  4. Starting position lying down. We spread our arms to the sides - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale. 3-4 reps.
  5. The starting position is lying down, hands are placed on the belt. We alternately bend the legs at the knee joint. 3-4 reps. Breathing is voluntary.
  6. Starting position lying down. We perform calm breathing 40-60 repetitions.
  7. Starting position: lying down, arms bent at the elbows, hands to the shoulders. We spread our shoulders to the sides - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale. We perform 3-4 repetitions.
  8. Starting position lying down. Alternately raise the right and left legs. Breathing is voluntary. Number of repetitions 3-4.
  9. Starting position lying down. We perform calm breathing 40-60 repetitions.

A properly performed massage will speed up the patient’s recovery and significantly reduce the risk of complications.