Massage for Nervous System Diseases

costal neuralgia is one of the most effective methods of treating this disease. Intercostal neuralgia can occur for a number of reasons, such as scoliosis, rib injuries, spinal osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis deformans, influenza, intoxication, diseases of internal organs and others.

The main symptom of intercostal neuralgia is constant or paroxysmal pain on the left side in the back and lateral surface of the chest. The pain can be especially severe at some points and spread in a semicircle along the intercostal nerves from the spine to the sternum.

Massage techniques for the treatment of intercostal neuralgia are performed on the back and chest. Before starting the massage, it is necessary to determine the location of the pain. The massage should begin with the healthy side, then move to the sick side. If the pain spreads across both halves of the back, massage is performed on the half where the pain is less.

Back massage includes the following techniques:

  1. Stroking (done along 3 and 4 lines from the sacrum to the shoulder girdle) is straight and alternating.

  2. Squeeze beak-shaped with the base of the palm along 3 and 4 lines from the sacrum to the shoulder girdle.

  3. Kneading on the long back muscles - circular with the pad of the thumb, circular with the pads of four fingers, circular with the phalanges of bent fingers, circular with the pads of bent fingers, circular with the base of the palm with a roll.

  4. Kneading on the latissimus muscles - ordinary, double bar, double ring, circular with phalanges of bent fingers.

  5. Kneading on the fascia of the trapezius muscle and suprascapular region - circular with the pad of the thumb, circular with the pads of four fingers, circular with the edge of the thumb, “pincer-shaped”, circular with the tubercle of the thumb, straight with the pad and tubercle of the thumb.

  6. Kneading on the intercostal spaces - straight with the pads of the four fingers alternately, straight with the pads of the four fingers, straight with the pad of the thumb, circular with the pad of the thumb, straight with the pads of the middle finger, “stroke-shaped” with the pads of the middle finger, circular with the pads of the middle finger.

  7. Vibration kneading on the back muscles - carried out with light and quick hand movements.

It is important to remember that massage should be performed by a qualified massage therapist who knows what techniques to use in each specific case and what areas to avoid in case of intercostal neuralgia. Also, before starting a massage, you should consult with your doctor to make sure that the massage will not be contraindicated in this particular case.