Eye massager


Vision is an invaluable gift of nature, thanks to which a person can perceive the world around him in all its volume and colors. But, unfortunately, we ourselves deprive ourselves of this gift by constantly using a variety of devices that are harmful to the organs of vision - a TV, a computer, a mobile phone and other gadgets. The situation is aggravated by aggressive natural factors, in particular, ultraviolet radiation, polluted air, poor diet, stress and lack of sleep.

An eye massager is one of the few modern devices that is not harmful, but beneficial for the eyes. The device helps relieve tension in the organs of vision, improve blood supply and oxygen saturation of tissues, correct minor defects, and in some cases even get rid of the first signs of aging on the face. The massager is completely safe, can be used at home without medical supervision and has almost no contraindications. You can buy it at a regular pharmacy or order it online.

For reference: The first eye massager, which helps restore vision and blood microcirculation, was invented at the beginning of the last century by the American scientist, ophthalmologist William Bates. Of course, that device was not much like today's massagers. but in combination with eye gymnastics, also developed by Dr. Bates, it already gave good results.

Description and principle of operation

A massager for improving vision is a goggle-mask that is placed on the head, covering the eyes and part of the face. The device is secured using straps; for convenience, fabric and silicone inserts are provided on the inside to ensure comfort and optimal fit of the device during the session.

Numerous rubber “fingers” are attached to the inside of the classic device. When you turn on the massager, they begin to vibrate and gently massage the sensitive skin around the eyes. At the same time, the muscles responsible for eye movement and the optic nerves relax, and blood circulation is stimulated. As a result:

  1. reducing tension in the extraocular muscles;
  2. eliminating visual fatigue;
  3. getting rid of such unpleasant symptoms as pain, burning, feeling of “sand” in the eyes;
  4. improvement of visual acuity and brightness of the visual image.

A magnetic acupuncture massager allows you not only to restore the functions of the visual apparatus, but also to get rid of headaches, insomnia, bags and wrinkles under the eyes. This is done by stimulating acupuncture points responsible for blood circulation, muscle tone and nerve endings. On the most modern models, miniature magnets are attached to the tips of the massage “fingers”. It is their microfields that influence the desired points with optimal intensity.

And finally, the most advanced models are equipped with infrared heating. Infrared rays are able to penetrate tissue depths of up to 4 cm. This effect activates blood microcirculation in small capillaries, stimulates metabolic processes at the cellular level, promotes the launch of natural regeneration processes, and restores the functioning of the immune system.

There are also ultrasonic massagers designed not only to restore vision, but also to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes. Under the influence of ultrasound, the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis is exfoliated without traumatic mechanical impact. Skin cells begin to renew and self-rejuvenate more intensively.

The massagers are powered by a mini-electric motor, which is powered through a cord from the mains or from AA batteries. Control is carried out via a remote control; the patient can independently regulate the speed and intensity of vibration of the silicone “fingers”. During the session, a person experiences only pleasant sensations; no discomfort, tingling or stinging occurs.

For information: the benefits of eye massage were known in ancient times, for example, the Egyptian queen Cleopatra had a personal massage therapist who performed a similar procedure. Of course, there were no magnetic massagers then. But on the other hand, special oils and fats were applied to the skin in the eye area, which also promoted rejuvenation and provided clear vision and a pure shine to the queen’s eyes. Massage is widely used today as an affordable and good way to improve visual functions and skin condition. But since the skin around the eyes is very thin and sensitive, incorrect, careless manipulations can only cause even more harm. This will never happen with a massager. It acts gently and delicately, while at the same time intensively stimulating metabolic processes in tissues.

What are the benefits of using a massager?

Ophthalmologists, neurologists and cosmetologists emphasize the following advantages of modern magnetic eye massagers:

  1. a noticeable improvement in the quality of vision without medications or surgery;
  2. relaxation of the oculomotor muscles;
  3. toning the optic nerves and muscles;
  4. improvement of metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  5. elimination of pain, redness, sensation of a foreign body in the eyes, glare, lightning and spots before the eyes;
  6. relief from migraines;
  7. normalization of sleep;
  8. restoration of impaired lymph flow and blood circulation in the vessels of the head and, in particular, the eye area;
  9. reduction of bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  10. smoothing facial and age wrinkles;
  11. tightening the eye contour, restoring skin firmness and elasticity.

Note: if the goal is not to restore the functions of the visual apparatus, but to get rid of wrinkles, it is recommended to start using a massager regularly at the age of thirty. If you are not lazy to regularly carry out procedures, use additional anti-aging cosmetics, and also do not forget about a healthy lifestyle, you can visually lose 5 to 10 years of real age in one course of massage.

Who is recommended to use the device?

The use of a magnetic massager is recommended for everyone without exception, even those who do not yet have vision problems and do not suffer from the first signs of aging in the skin around the eyes. But it will be especially useful in such cases:

  1. for schoolchildren and students during periods of intensive study - before an exam, session, or simply under heavy study loads;
  2. with a diagnosis of astigmatism, myopia of various degrees, presbyopia, spasm of the oculomotor muscles, etc.;
  3. with increased eye strain caused by professional activities (programmers, web designers, copywriters, seamstresses, drivers, etc.);
  4. people over forty years of age who suffer from frequent migraines and headaches;
  5. everyone who would like to get rid of wrinkles, swelling and circles under the eyes.

And also this device is worth purchasing and using for anyone who is predisposed to visual impairment, and not to be lazy in doing eye exercises.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Despite the fact that the effect of the massager cannot be compared with surgical methods for treating eye diseases or plastic surgery, during massage no aggressive toxic substances enter the bloodstream, as with drug therapy, this innovative device cannot always be used by everyone.

Contraindications to the use of eye massage glasses are as follows:

  1. any inflammatory processes of the organs of vision;
  2. cataracts and glaucoma of all forms and degrees;
  3. retinal detachment or rupture;
  4. head injuries;
  5. implanted lens;
  6. surgical interventions on the eyes performed in the last six months;
  7. violations of the integrity of the skin in the face and upper part of the head;
  8. any infectious diseases in the acute stage, accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  9. low blood pressure;
  10. malignant formations, regardless of location and stage.

If a person suffers from any neurological disorders, before using a magnetic acupuncture massager, you should consult with your family doctor and neurologist.

How to use it correctly

Eye massage glasses should be used daily for at least 10 minutes, but no more than half an hour. Instructions for use are extremely simple:

  1. Take a position that is comfortable for you, sitting or reclining. If you want, you can lie down completely, placing a pillow or cushion under your head.
  2. If you use contact lenses, you should remove them before starting your session.
  3. Apply your favorite product to the area around the eyes - anti-wrinkle cream with a tightening effect, moisturizing gel or just massage oil.
  4. Put on the massager, secure it tightly, but so that the straps do not press, turn on the device, relax and enjoy the pleasant procedure.

It is enough to conduct sessions once a day. Nothing bad will happen if you massage not every day, but every other day. It’s just that in this case the effect will not be as fast and pronounced. If necessary, when the eyes are under heavy strain, massage sessions can be performed several times a day to relieve eye strain.

Brief overview of the most popular models

The most convenient, easiest and cheapest way is to order an eye massager via the Internet. But before you complete and pay for your purchase, you should conduct a little marketing research. It would not be superfluous to study the comments of doctors and experienced users, and familiarize yourself with the list of the most popular manufacturers. And you should also first decide what you expect from your massager.

The functionality of all models is different. The action of some is aimed more at a cosmetic rejuvenating effect, while other models are designed to massage not only the eyes, but also the head and collar area of ​​the neck. There are multifunctional massagers even equipped with a built-in MP3 receiver. The set of functions is reflected in the price of the device. If you don’t need some of them, then there is no reason to overpay for the most fashionable device; it’s enough to buy a regular massager with two or three functions that you will actually use. Our brief review of the most popular models of magnetic exercise machines will help you make the right choice.

1. Healthy sight eye massager - suitable for use by the whole family, affects acupuncture points, helps relieve eye strain and headaches, improve the clarity and brightness of the visual image. This device is recommended by professional ophthalmologists.

2. Pangao is an inexpensive but multifunctional device. 20 silicone fingers work in six different modes, including tapping, pressure and even pinching. It has a relaxing, tonic and rejuvenating effect and is compact.

4. Fitstudio - an affordable multifunctional exercise machine for relaxing the eyes and improving vision. For just 990 rubles you can get the same functions as expensive, “advanced” devices.

5. Sleep professor - a modern, multifunctional device with a complete set: headphones, remote control, charging cable, instructions in Russian and even batteries. It copes with the assigned tasks perfectly, the minus is the cost of 10 thousand rubles.

6. The healthyeyes eye massager is the best, according to most doctors and patients, for non-surgical vision improvement. The glasses have 22 fingers, several vibration modes and speeds are possible, the device is conveniently fixed on the head, and runs on two small batteries. The only negative is the high cost of 2900 rubles.

7. Gezatone bem iii is a multifunctional device in the form of compact glasses-mask, designed to relieve stress and train the visual organs. Gezaton is ideal for those who spend more than three hours at the computer every day.

8. Yamaguchi axiom eye - a multifunctional device for relaxing the eyes, improving vision, and eliminating cosmetic skin defects. Powered by mains or batteries, audio accompaniment is provided. Disadvantages: very high cost.

9. Bradex is an inexpensive device for those who are not ready to spend more than 500 rubles. It runs on one battery, is attached with a Velcro elastic band, and has two vibration speeds. Judging by the reviews, for such a price the effect is quite satisfactory.

10. Zimber – a compact massager from a Chinese manufacturer for eliminating wrinkles and circles under the eyes. Eliminates the first signs of skin aging; according to reviews, it can be used to lift the entire face. The quality of vision is slightly affected.

Reviews from doctors and patients

Negative reviews, compared to positive ones, are much less common. Most patients are satisfied with the results obtained, continue to use it with pleasure even after achieving the desired result, and recommend it to their friends and acquaintances.

Summary: Excellent vision, vigor, no headaches, insomnia, a fresh look and not a hint of wrinkles or bags under the eyes - all these are the results of regular use of a magnetic acupuncture eye massager. The device will not solve serious vision problems and will not replace surgery, but it can enhance the effect of medications and speed up the healing process in the complex treatment of various eye pathologies. It should be used only after consultation with an ophthalmologist and his approval.




Massagers for wrinkles around the eyes

With constant use of the devices, blood flow improves, metabolism is normalized, which increases the elasticity of the skin.

The Gezatone company offers magnetic acupuncture eye massagers and other cosmetology equipment that allows you to carry out safe and effective procedures at home.

Magnetic eye massager: main advantages

An acupuncture eye massager combines two techniques: mechanical and magnetic acupuncture, which effectively affect the points around the eyes. Magnetic therapy and vibration massage have a good effect on facial skin, improve cellular metabolism, and relieve vascular spasm.

The cosmetic device has the following advantages:

• Stimulates the necessary points around the eyes.
• Strong vibration effect on the skin.
• The combination of several modes provides a relaxing effect.
• Has a cosmetic effect.

You can take the device with you anywhere, because it takes up little space.

Although the lymphatic drainage eye massager is used for the eyes, it can also be used for the face.

Lymphatic drainage massager for eyes: features of use

Professionals recommend combining a comprehensive approach to eye care. Before using a magnetic eye massager, you need to massage the periorbital area. It will improve the effect of using the device, relax the skin and prepare it for the procedure.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the eyelids perfectly tones the skin, fights swelling, improves capillary function, and improves the penetration of cosmetics.

Eye massagers from the Gezatone company will help maintain youthful facial skin and normalize the functioning of the visual organs. Among the huge selection, you can choose an effective device that will eliminate all signs of eye fatigue and stress.


A massager for the skin around the eyes is another “weapon” that helps fight problems familiar to every woman without exception. Today Podglazami.ru will talk to you about the tasks that are set for these devices.

Who will need it?

Typically, the device is chosen by women after 30 years of age, when age-related problems arise with the skin surrounding the eyes.

However, everyone who suffers from problems with delicate eyelid skin is interested in the device, not only for age-related reasons.

So what do we have? Hard work “until you turn blue,” and specifically, the area under the eyes turns blue. Due to fatigue and lack of sleep - bags. Yes, and vision is deteriorating.

The “diagnosis” is clear: the eyes are tired and need to rest.

How? Some people do familiar gymnastics, others are lazy to do all this, and it’s easier to buy a thing that will massage the eyelids on its own.

Now the market is replete with offers to purchase various massagers: Chinese, Oriflame and what not. There are oxygen ones - a kind of alternative to ice cubes. Indeed, many who not too carefully tried to use ice on the area surrounding the eyes could notice that the eyelids were covered with red stars: small blood vessels had burst. This is not what you expect from a facial. But the massager, as they say, does not lead to such an effect. Well, let's check.

Care: at home or in the salon?

Many people have heard about salon devices for skin rejuvenation, but not everyone has access to this. Or there is not enough time. And the eyelids look completely different than they did a few years ago. Everyone wants to remain beautiful and young.

When the eyes are surrounded by expression lines and age-related wrinkles, girls and women are ready to believe any advertising statements. Almost every massager is accompanied by information that it increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin surrounding the eyes.

Therefore, they say, it is profitable to buy a massager. That is, pay once and at least every day pamper your eyes comparable to salon care. Instead of spending money on visiting salons.


What does a massager look like?

A massager for the delicate skin around the eyes is a compact device. May vary depending on the manufacturer. Often has a metal tip. It is equipped with a vibrating mechanism that starts at low speeds so as not to damage the delicate skin of the eyelids or stretch it.

Some devices are exposed to infrared rays. There are massagers with germanium as part of the massage head. At the same time, you may feel a light touch that gives you goosebumps.

In addition to the device itself, the package may include a charging stand, an adapter, and instructions. It will describe in detail how to use it, although there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is there would be a result.

When can you use a roller massager for the skin around the eyes:

  1. at the end of the working day, so sometimes you carry it with you in your purse,
  2. after a long stay at the computer, which causes the eyes to become red, swollen and tired,
  3. during the flight – the roller massager can be easily taken in hand luggage and used by the time the flight ends.

Will the eyes say “thank you”?

Interest Ask. Everyone’s eyes and the skin around them are those “capricious ladies.” Different care suits everyone.

But, according to the manufacturers of these devices, the effects are as follows:

  1. skin structure improves,
  2. it becomes elastic, elastic,
  3. areas with pigment spots disappear,
  4. cell renewal processes are accelerated.


Needless to say, the skin surrounding the eyes is the thinnest, ultra-sensitive, and very delicate, so caring for it should be delicate. And it’s hard to believe that some miracle device will get rid of all your problems “cheaply and cheerfully.”

As you know, podglazami.ru is not a project that seeks to sell you something. We inform our readers, so we always conduct independent research for each article. Therefore, now we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages, but we will not name models and manufacturers so as not to make advertising.

  1. a light weight,
  2. simple design with a rotating metal ball,
  3. nice color - the massager can be white, golden, etc.,
  4. comfortable handle with a recess – it is comfortable to hold, the device does not slip, the hand does not get tired,
  5. comfort in use: first we cleanse the skin, then apply moisturizer to the eyelids, apply it in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples and back, then do this again.

Do not press too hard on the skin surrounding your eyes. Care should be as careful as possible. The sensations should remain pleasant, like a light massage, with a relaxing effect.

The cream with this manipulation is absorbed faster, and the skin seems to become more even.

But one of the disadvantages is sometimes noted that dark circles do not go away, and in general deep wrinkles remain.

You can understand whether a massager is suitable for caring for your skin around the eyes if you try it in action. But is the “game” worth the candle? Some devices cost 2000 rubles. Not that expensive, although if there is no effect, it turns out that money is wasted.

It's up to you to decide anyway. Share, did the massager help you cope with problems like bags, darkening around the eyes and wrinkles?