Mastic (Lute)

Lute - (in dentistry) a thin layer of cement inserted into the small cavity between the tooth and the crown to permanently hold it in place.

Mastic is a special cement material that is used in dentistry for dental prosthetics. It is used to fix artificial crowns on the patient's natural teeth.

The mastic is inserted into a small cavity that is formed between the prepared tooth and the inner surface of the crown. This thin layer of cement fills the micro-gap and securely connects the crown to the tooth, providing a strong, immovable fixation.

Thanks to the use of mastic, the crown does not move or fall off the tooth. This allows you to achieve stable long-term prosthetic results. In addition to its fixing properties, the mastic also protects the tooth from irritation and prevents moisture from penetrating under the crown.

Mastic is a special substance that is used in dentistry to strengthen the crowns of teeth and secure other dental prostheses, such as crowns or bridges. It is a thin layer of material that is inserted into the cavity between the crown of the tooth and the gum. The purpose of using mastic is to permanently hold the crowns in place and prevent them from moving or breaking. In addition, mastic can be used to correct cosmetic defects in the dentition, such as gaps between teeth. Mastic can be made from a variety of materials, including cement and glass polymer. It is used in cases where conventional fixation of crowns is not reliable enough or, in some cases, not possible at all. It is important to note that you must consult your dentist before using mastic, as improper use can lead to unwanted consequences. In general, the use of mastic in dentistry can increase the durability and reliability of the restored dentition.

Mastic is a polymer cement adhesive made on the basis of acrylic resins. It is used to temporarily fix crowns on teeth. Indications for use: carrying out medical procedures using light-curing fillings or installing crowns; the presence of chips and small cracks on the crown; a small chip of a part of a tooth or filling that does not affect living tissue; installation of implants. In the process of making the root, mastic is placed under the crown, which, being exposed to light until it hardens, creates a strong seam that fixes the filling with the installed prosthesis outside the cavity.

Mastic (or Lute, English Lute - a thin strip of cement; Latin macula - stain) is a material made of cements or metal alloys, intended for temporary filling of bone pockets and for the treatment of non-carious lesions of hard dental tissues. Subtype of adhesive used in dental practice