
A masticatiogram is a graphic representation of the chewing process, which allows you to evaluate the efficiency of the masticatory muscles and identify possible problems in the dental system.

Chewing is a complex process that involves many movements of the jaws, teeth and tongue. In this case, a mechanical effect occurs on the food, which is crushed and mixed with saliva.

In order to obtain a masticatiogram, it is necessary to conduct a special study - masticacyography. It includes several stages:

  1. Patient preparation: before starting the study, you must ensure that there are no contraindications, such as acute inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, pregnancy, allergies to anesthetics, etc.
  2. Administration of anesthesia: to ensure that the patient does not experience discomfort during the examination, local anesthesia is administered.
  3. Taking impressions: impressions are taken of the upper and lower jaws using a special material.
  4. Application of labial electrodes: special electrodes are placed on the patient's lips, which allow recording the electrical potentials that occur during chewing.
  5. Carrying out masticationography: the patient begins to chew food, and the recorder records changes in electrical potentials.
  6. Data processing: the obtained data is processed using special programs, which makes it possible to obtain a graphic image of chewing.

Masticography helps identify the following problems:

– malocclusion;
– incorrect position of teeth;
– scoliosis;
– shortening of one of the jaws;
– disease of the temporomandibular joint;
– improper growth of teeth.

Thus, a masticogram is an important tool in the diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases. It allows you to identify problems at an early stage and prevent the development of complications.