Meaningful Pregnancy or Preparing for Pregnancy

Rarely does a woman come to the gynecologist with the words “We are going to have a baby,” but the doctor hears the phrase “I think I’m pregnant” several times a day. In other words, pregnancy literally overtakes the woman who was running away from it. Naturally, we are no longer talking about any preparation for pregnancy. Maybe we can carry it to term and give birth to a normal child.

Everything would be fine, but only if pregnancy is discovered unexpectedly, this means that in the first weeks of the child’s development no one suspected its existence. At this time, when the laying of all organs occurs, the expectant mother could drink, take a drag on a cigarette, swallow handfuls of pills and commit other acts that would be fatal to the health of the unborn baby. Meanwhile, pregnancy must, cannot but be planned. Effective contraception should be used until the beginning of the menstrual cycle in which conception is planned, that is, you need to make a decision about having a child 3-4 months in advance. This is how long periconceptional prophylaxis will take. This unpronounceable phrase denotes a whole system of measures aimed at creating the best conditions for the development of the fetus and preventing severe congenital diseases in the child.

Which doctors should I contact?

First, see a therapist. Even if you consider yourself absolutely healthy, it’s worth checking this again. Measuring blood pressure, complete urine and blood tests can reveal hidden chronic diseases - for example, anemia, kidney disease, hypertension. Be sure to undergo fluorography. If you live with chronic diseases, consultation with an appropriate specialist is necessary. And one more thing - you must remember: the time of conception should not coincide with the stage of exacerbation of your illness. If you are taking medications, be sure to consult your doctor who prescribed them. Some medications are absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women and should be discontinued or replaced with safe ones (or perhaps the dose changed).

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