Medicine Magic

Magical medicine is an integral part of ancient Russian religion and culture. Treatment of diseases is based on spells and magical techniques.

Magical medicine has its roots in ancient times. The ancient Slavs believed that diseases were caused by spirits, and to expel them it was necessary to use spells and magical techniques. These traditions were preserved in ancient Russian culture and became part of the religious and medical tradition.

Magic was an integral element of ancient Russian society. Pagans practiced magical rituals and ceremonies for healing, protection and well-being. Mythological tradition associated the disease with the intervention of evil spirits or other forces that could be expelled or defeated by magical actions.

In folk medicine, the magical element was especially noticeable. A healer is a magician who knows how to cast out diseases and injuries with the help of spells, incantations and other magical rituals. Healers widely used amulets, amulets, talismans in their practice - magical objects that affect

Magical medicine was one of the important aspects of priestly medicine, which covered various types of spells and rituals in ancient civilizations. It developed in parallel with other areas of religious knowledge and played an important role in the life of society.

Magical medicine differed from conventional medicine in that it used magical techniques and spells to treat diseases. Some tribes and peoples used magic to protect against illness, while others were willing to pay money or give gifts to magicians in exchange for health and recovery.

One example of how Magic worked in medicine can be seen in the story of the ancient Egyptian "Great Goddess" - the goddess Ihiyet, whose name meant "Spell Woman" and she specialized in magic to heal the sick. Specifically, one of her spells included the following steps:

- Choose a suitable item and bring it to the sick. - Keep this object on the patient’s body while he says a prayer. - Ask people who participated in this process to pray for the patient; they all had to stand close to him. - Give the patient juice from a lotus flower, which will promote healing.

Other cultures, such as ancient Greek, ancient Roman and Celtic, had other methods of using magic in medicine. Many doctors and healers knew the healing properties of herbs, oils, elixirs and even precious stones. The mere smell of certain herbs could have a healing effect, and gemstones could heal wounds and promote rapid healing. All of these methods were based on the ancient people's belief that magic and spells could help them cope with illness and injury.

Thus, Magical Medicine is an important aspect of priestly medicine. Although modern doctors and scientists do not accept the existence of magic, traditional healing methods continue to be used in different parts of the world, helping people get relief from pain and illness.