Medical Property for Special Purposes

**Medical equipment for special purposes**

Special-purpose medical equipment is one of the most important components of medical care for the population. It is used to provide assistance to sick and wounded military personnel, as well as to treat and prevent various diseases.

According to the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of the Russian Federation, special medical property is property used for the purpose of providing timely and effective primary and secondary medical care. This includes diagnostic and treatment facilities, procedural equipment such as stretchers, resuscitation kits and other supplies.

Thus, medical equipment allows you to provide assistance not only in a hospital setting, but also on the battlefield. Developed and produced by the Russian Federation

Specialty medical equipment are large and complex objects that are used in medical facilities to provide patient care. These include various devices, devices and equipment, including artificial respiration machines, surgical instruments, sterile rooms and much more.

Medical equipment is intended for the treatment of infectious diseases and injuries. One of the most important medical items is the X-ray machine, which is used to diagnose wounds, fractures and other injuries in patients. The X-ray machine produces intense radiation, which allows you to see the patient’s internal organs and identify any pathologies.

Medical items such as orthotics, crutches, and wheelchairs are designed to aid the recovery of patients with injuries and illnesses. These items help the patient avoid pain and stress while walking or moving around.

In addition, medical institutions also have huge stocks of medicines and instruments for performing operations. Medicines and medications are used to treat various diseases,

Medical property for special purposes is medicines, medical devices and other materials and equipment used to provide medical care. They are intended for use in extreme situations where conventional medical equipment may not be available or usable.

Special medical equipment differs from ordinary equipment in that its characteristics are focused on working in conditions of serious medical disasters, large infectious patients, chronic disease, severe traumatic cases, and so on.

For example, in emergency cases, it is necessary to use special antibiotics, painkillers and anticoagulants. For children with serious illnesses, special solutions, gastric lavage devices, and portable resuscitation devices may be needed.

The concept of special-purpose medical equipment

Special-purpose medical property is a combination of special property of a medical organization (MO) and property used to provide medical care to the population, intended for the needs of the healthcare organization. Special things are needed to organize the work of medical institutions, necessary when treating patients, that is, first of all, these are medical equipment, furniture, equipment for offices, laboratories, pharmacies, medical clothing, etc. All this must be strictly stored, regularly updated, spent economically, be registered and strictly comply with GOSTs. In short, work well and conserve resources.

What is the legal status of public municipal property? There is general application MO property in addition to special ones. These are household items