
As mentioned earlier, studying people's specific interests can help us understand their motivations, expectations, and overall personalities. Among the wide range of unusual behavioral traits and individual characteristics of a person, the tendency to coprophagia is one of the most exciting and provocative issues. It must be emphasized that the term "coprophagous" does not only describe users who eat other people's feces

Coprophagy is the eating of excrement (feces) and/or parts thereof by animals (endozoophagy), including humans (exozoogagy and excretophagy, respectively) - one of the forms of inversion cannibalism. This is a kind of eating disorder. Moreover, it is a serious mental disorder. There are hundreds of thousands of patients with such deviations in the world.

Animals typically eat mainly gametes and various components of the germ cells of their relatives. Any component of different tissues, organs and derivatives can be taken as a basis for organizing a food object (substrate) for zoophages (humans). The main candidates for the role of food component are skins, fats, urine, feces, mucus, saliva or bile. They can enter the human body directly, but can be included in other products (bread