
Mechano - a mechanism, tool or structure for performing a specific job. The term can be used in various fields of knowledge, for example, in mechanical theory, physics, and computer science. It may also be the name of the company that manufactures or sells such devices.

Mechano is an abbreviation for the word "mechanism". Meh

Mechanical is a derivative of two words – mechanics and fur. Efremova’s explanatory dictionary gives the following definition of this term: “As applied to a person or an animal: having a slender physique, graceful movements.” But don’t make a cult out of it! “Mechanic” is just a part of “mechanoman”.

The mechanical world exists beyond human understanding and everyday experience, but many of us use various mechanical devices in our daily lives. For example, the complex mechanisms of modern cars, laptop computers and mobile phones have a lot of knowledge and problems available, in areas that can be studied in various fields of life - for example, science, technology and economics. Let's take a closer look at the basic definitions and concepts of the mechanical world.

Definition of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical technology is any artificially created system or device that is driven by the interaction of structural elements acting as a result of various interaction forces. The main properties of mechanical devices include mobility, movement and stability. The term "mechanization" can refer to the use of large numbers of small, precise parts combined to perform an important task. While process mechanization should not always be used solely to achieve high productivity and cost savings, it can also improve accuracy, increase efficiency, and reduce the potential for failure.

The use of mechanical technology in many sectors of the economy is an important component of the development of the modern world. Mechanical manufacturing enterprises range from large plants and factories producing agricultural, industrial and transport equipment to small enterprises specializing in