
Mechanical receptors and their significance in human life. Mechano receptors

Mechanical - passive organisms, simple animals, which also includes the simplest organism - the common amoeba. Furs have a predominantly passive character, they do not have a central nervous system, they lack consciousness and motor skills (motor activity). With the help of mechanical nature, a person learns to manage his life. In addition, the mechanical nature helps a person in the treatment of various diseases. For example, those who suffer from excess weight, as well as in cases where there is swelling of various organs, should learn about the beneficial effects of therapeutic procedures based on mechanics, such as hand massagers. Mechanomyostimulation through the use of massagers has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, helps muscles relax and relieves symptoms of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system. During the use of massage products and during manual massage, the microstructure of the skin changes, blood circulation and the process of exchange between blood and tissues are accelerated, which has a beneficial effect on overall well-being and normalization of the functioning of all organs and systems.

Before going to bed, massage the skin from the ankles up, towards the head. Before going to bed, massage your foot from bottom to top. If your head, neck, or back hurt, massage the skin without using force. The massage starts from the ankle, then goes up to the knee, then up the legs and at the end of the arms, fingers. This requires less time and effort and allows you to avoid many health problems, and the effect of the session occurs immediately after its completion, and there are almost no headaches or related problems, and if they do appear, they go away much faster than