Mechanical Electrical Coefficient

Mechanical Electrical Coefficient (IEC): Basics and Applications


Mechanical Electrical Coefficient (MEC) is an important characteristic in the field of electromechanics. It describes the relationship between mechanical stress, strain, and electrical charge in a material. IEC is a key indicator for understanding and predicting the behavior of materials when subjected to mechanical and electrical forces. In this article, we will look at the main aspects of mechanoelectric coefficient and its applications in various fields.

Definition and formula:

The mechanoelectric coefficient (MEK) is designated as d and is expressed in Coulomb/Newton (C/N). It is defined as the ratio of the electrical charge generated in a material to the amount of mechanical stress that causes this charge. Mathematically, IEC can be expressed by the following formula:

d = Q/F,

where d is the mechanoelectric coefficient, Q is the electric charge, F is the mechanical stress.


The mechanoelectric coefficient is widely used in various fields of science and technology. Some of the important applications of IEC include:

  1. Piezoelectric Materials: High MEC materials such as quartz, ferroelectrics and piezoceramics are used in piezoelectric devices such as piezoelectric sensors, actuators and piezoelectric oscillators. Piezoelectric materials convert mechanical energy into electrical energy and vice versa.

  2. Ultrasound technology: IEC plays an important role in the development of ultrasonic systems and transducers. Ultrasonic transducers use high MEC piezoelectric materials to generate and detect ultrasonic waves.

  3. Sensors and Actuators: IEC is also used in creating various types of sensors and actuators used in automobiles, medical devices, robotics and other fields. For example, piezoelectric actuators are used to precisely position and move objects.

  4. Energy: The IEC is also important in the energy sector. It is used in piezoelectric generators, which convert mechanical energy, such as vibration or pressure, into electrical energy. This could be useful for harvesting energy from the environment, such as powering wireless devices or sensors in remote locations.

  5. Acoustic technology: IEC is also used in the field of acoustic technology, including the development of acoustic microphones, speakers and hydrophones. Piezoelectric materials with high IEC enable efficient conversion of sound waves into electrical signals and vice versa.


Mechanoelectric coefficient (MEC) plays an important role in various fields of science and technology that require the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy and vice versa. It is used in piezoelectric materials, ultrasonic systems, sensors, actuators, piezoelectric generators and other devices. Understanding and using IEC allows you to create new technologies and devices that contribute to the development of modern science, medicine, energy and industry. Continued research and development of high-IEC materials will be key to achieving new technological breakthroughs in the future.