Make up dolls for Halloween

Creating a creative Halloween costume turns into a real puzzle every year. However, not for everyone. You can easily choose a Halloween doll look for girls who want to look strange, unusual, but at the same time feminine and charming. Just a little analysis of ideas, a little practice, and you will get a real work of art. You can turn to a professional makeup artist for help, but it’s much more interesting to create the look of a Halloween doll with your own hands, following step-by-step instructions.


Minimum required set of cosmetics

When creating the look of a doll for Halloween, take a certain list of makeup products. You simply cannot do this without them. This list is indicative and varies depending on each new stylistic decision. However, it will be useful in preparing for the holiday. So, you will need:

  1. corrector and foundation;
  2. eyebrow pencil;
  3. beige eye shadow or primer as close as possible to your skin tone;
  4. bright eye shadow;
  5. blush of the desired shade;
  6. pencil or lip liner (the look of a doll for Halloween requires stylizing attractive lips with a “bow” or “heart”);
  7. bright or dark lipstick (optional);
  8. black eyeliner;
  9. two sets of artificial false eyelashes;
  10. setting powder.

Image of a scary doll

Most Halloween doll designs can be described as scary, but there are characteristic features that will make onlookers freeze with horror. No one has yet managed to calmly react to huge, frightening eyes, and they will become the highlight when creating makeup. The technique is quite simple and involves the use of a beige primer and corrector. The products must be applied to the area above and below the eyes. It is worth powdering the lines so that they do not “run” when applying further makeup. Using a soft black contour pencil, large, round, new shaped eyes are drawn. Then artificial eyelashes are drawn or glued to these lines below. The procedure is repeated on the upper eyelids. The artificial eyelashes on them should be long and fluffy. You can draw new eyebrows or highlight existing ones, depending on personal preferences.


Image of a cracked porcelain doll

The key to a spectacular image of a porcelain doll is a delicate, light, almost transparent skin tone without flaws. Against this background, the cracks look even worse. For makeup, you need to do a preliminary soft peeling, and then apply a moisturizer. To ensure an even shade, use a primer set with light powder. Use a soft sponge to apply it. The skin will look like velvet. Now, on such an ideal light tone, expressive eyebrows, eyes and “doll” cracks will look good. The image of the Halloween doll (see photo below) with its porcelain skin tone, bright red lips, delicate blush and deep black cracks will be a great source of inspiration.


Killer doll image

This style may haunt your nightmares. A characteristic accent that should be given priority attention by everyone creating the image of a killer doll for Halloween is the bloody red color in makeup. It will act as an additional intimidating factor. This could be red eyes, abrasions on the forehead or cheekbones, streaks of blood on the face, or other ideas of your choice.

The earthy tone of the skin on the face as a base, the lines of cracks on the forehead, cheeks and chin, the bruises protruding from under the hair, and the red circles under the eyes distinguish the image in the photo. The long stitches at the corners of the mouth make it even more intimidating. Eye makeup is feminine, beautiful and sexy, thanks to the deep black shade of the shadows. Overall, the image is elegant and intimidating, also played out in contrast with the hair color.


Dead doll image

White skin tone, deep sunken eyes and blue, thin lips distinguish this makeup style. Hair color should also be dark. The image uses a minimal number of colors, the key palette being white, black, and blue shades. Red, inflamed eyes also create a zombie effect. Match your makeup style with a black and white vintage dress so as not to disrupt the color palette. A traditional doll hairstyle will complement the scary look.


Image of a broken doll

A distinctive feature of the style is not just cracks in the style of makeup, but entire “lost pieces” on the face and décolleté. First, regular makeup is applied with a gentle blush on the cheeks and large doll-like eyes. Then cracks and “broken pieces” are drawn in with a contour pencil and white cream shadows. The more realistically you can play with chiaroscuro in the “falling off” areas of makeup, the more frightening the image will be.


Doll image in patchwork style

This style is limited only by the flight of your imagination. You can “assemble” the image of a doll from various drawings connected by black stitching lines made with an outline pencil. Experiment with different prints and shade combinations. Lines, hearts, dots, polka dots, seams, diamonds, and other geometric shapes will intertwine in a chaotic and frightening pattern. This image of a doll for Halloween (the photo is presented below the description) is the optimal solution for those who cannot decide on the final makeup option and want to experiment in the process of applying it.


An image of a strange doll with freckles

For everyone who wants to look not scary, but just weird, the pretty makeup described below is ideal. The highlight of this look is the combination of huge eyes with blue lenses and long eyelashes, white hair with delicate skin, and cute dotted freckles on the cheeks with bright red lips in a bow. It is necessary to achieve a perfectly even skin tone using a light foundation and powder. The lips are completely shaded with primer. Then, using powder, a velvety effect is achieved. After this, the red lipstick applies well and does not smear.


Doll image in the style of Tim Burton

The famous director's cartoons are a rich source of inspiration for creating spooky effects in Halloween makeup. The image of the doll in the style of Tim Burton is in many ways similar to the appearance of his drawn heroines. Characteristic features are frightening eyes, thin thread-like eyebrows soaring high above them, a long, “torn” line of lips with a red accent - a heart in the center, and a “sewn-up” chest.


A universal Halloween doll look for a girl. Step by step photo

How to look perfect this night? Round eyes, a “cracked” face and heart- or bow-shaped lips are essential attributes for anyone who needs to create a universal doll look for Halloween. Let's look at the process of applying holiday makeup in more detail.


You will need bright pink eye lenses (or any other color you wish). Apply blue-black eyeshadow to the crease of your eyelid and use a brush to create a semicircular arch shape. Blend its edges in the direction of the eyebrow arch. Do the same under the lower eyelid, leaving a small light space along the lash line. Blend the arch downwards. Make the lines more expressive by adding black eye shadow to them.


Apply white foundation to the entire upper eyelid from the lash line to the dark arch. Do the same along the lower eyelid. The area between the lash line and the black arch should be filled. Set the effect with white eye shadow.

Define the line of the upper and lower lashes by combing them with a brush. Apply mascara in one layer. Glue long artificial eyelashes on the upper eyelid, and short ones on the lower eyelid. Attach along the line drawn under the eye with black arch shadows.

Tip: To accentuate the rounded shape of your eyes for a Halloween doll look, use a curler to curl your fake eyelashes at the corners.

First, apply a matte beige base with a velvety effect on your lips. For convenience, use a soft, rounded sponge. Choose the same foundation tone as for your face so that there are no sharp color transitions. Set with loose powder. A voluminous puff will help to distribute it evenly.

Draw the contours of your lips using a pencil. Emphasize the Cupid's arch along the top line. Blend the color from the outline to the center. Do the same with your lower lip.


Paint the inside with red or red lipstick. Fix the form. Add shine with a matching or pink lip gloss.

Cracks on the face

You can create the distinctive look of a dead doll for Halloween using well-placed “cracked lines.” This stage is the most time-consuming in doing makeup and will require a little practice.


It is assumed that before applying your holiday makeup, you have already done your usual makeup, with a light blush and outlined cheekbones. Now you need to draw the planned cracks using a soft white pencil. Arrange the lines as you wish. Get creative with the process.

Emphasize the white lines of the cracks using a black pencil, drawing them as closely as possible or directly along the first light strokes. Using a brush and black cream shadow, blend the existing sketches to create depth in the play of color. Use the small stroke technique. Using the same creamy white eyeshadow, create a chiaroscuro effect near the black lines.

You will get a bright and spectacular image of a scary doll for Halloween.

Abrasions, bruises and bruises on the face are appropriate only in masquerade makeup. In this material you will find a dozen and a half ideas for thematic makeup

it will take 4 minutes to read

Text: Editorial staff of August 11, 2018



A cute “doll” appearance can suddenly become frightening - you just need to add a couple of touches. This is what they focus on when creating makeup for Halloween. We'll tell you how to repeat this make-up.


The set of basic images for Halloween practically does not change from year to year - these are still the same zombies, skeletons and other monsters, dead brides, broken porcelain dolls and sinister clowns. The image of a doll is what is needed for a girl who, even on a holiday like Halloween, would like to look attractive; the transformation will not be too scary and will allow you to remain “yourself” to some extent. There are a lot of options for doll makeup for Halloween, and it is important to simply adapt them to your appearance. In this article we will tell you what cosmetics and other materials you will need to prepare, and also offer step-by-step instructions for creating a doll's makeup. By the way, we can find some useful tricks in this video.

What do you need to make up a doll for Halloween?

If, when choosing an image for All Saints' Day, you decided to do the makeup of a scary doll, then a basic set of cosmetics is unlikely to be enough, although ordinary beauty products will also come in handy. It is best to buy makeup - special products that are thick and durable. White makeup will help make your face deathly pale, which is what you need for Halloween, black makeup will help accentuate your eyes, and red makeup will be needed not only for lip makeup, but also for drawing “bloody” wounds.


Strips of long and fluffy false eyelashes will also come in handy - they are one of the characteristic features of the doll's makeup. For a zombie doll, you may need colored lenses - in case the image is still planned to be creepy. Some makeup artists also suggest using paper tape and a bandage as decoration; they will be useful in the makeup of a “broken” doll - they will create the impression that they tried to “glue” it back together.

Image of a broken porcelain doll for Halloween

Doll makeup without scary details is chosen quite often for themed parties. He is distinguished by white porcelain skin, bright lips with a bow, blush and sometimes freckles, as well as large, “open” eyes with long eyelashes and a childish, naive look. All this is usually present in the makeup of an evil doll for Halloween. Only in the latter case there are more additional elements that make the image look like it came out of a horror movie. The options may be different, we will tell you about each in more detail.

Makeup of a “broken” doll

Perhaps the most common technique when creating doll makeup for Halloween is adding cracks and holes that imitate voids where porcelain has broken off.



The easiest way to draw them is either with a brush with a special black makeup, or with gel eyeliner.


By the way, you can draw wounds in unusual shapes. For the eyes, for example, repeat the Harlequin makeup from this video.

Makeup of a doll with a web

One way to make a doll's makeup theme is to add a cobweb or spider design to a bleached tone, which can be easily created using regular eye liner.


Choose products with waterproof formulas.

Cute doll makeup with scary details

Try to play with contrast: create a deliberately sweet and touching makeup for a doll that seems to be blinking its eyes in bewilderment. Complete it, for example, with a pink wig, and then paint on drops of blood, scratches and wounds, seams (by the way, you can glue real threads to them).


Another idea is to bandage part of the head, “grabbing” the face where there are red blood marks.

And if you want to get even more dramatic makeup, you can add some of the details used to create one of these looks:

Annabelle doll makeup

The doll from the movie Annabelle is one of the most recognizable and popular role models on All Hallows' Day. All the typical doll features that usually look cute are so exaggerated in him that they are terrifying.


The eyes are not charmingly wide, but literally bulging, the blush seems more feverish than tender, the smile looks evil. When working on the make-up of the Annabelle doll, you should literally “copy” its features by looking at footage from the film.

Detailed instructions for creating a scary Halloween doll makeup can also be found in this video.

Makeup in the style of Billy the doll from the movie “Saw”

As for the doll from “Saw,” Billy’s makeup is completely different: he will need to portray a white mask with a massive nose, spiral blush, crazy red eyes (you can’t do without lenses), red lips and a “retractable” jaw. Another characteristic feature is the white tone, which cannot be created without makeup. When choosing such an image, you need to be prepared for a full-fledged transformation and completely change your face, covering it with paint in several layers.

Makeup in the style of a scary voodoo doll

A voodoo doll is radically different from those dolls that we talked about above - it is a fabric toy with button eyes and a mouth “depicted” using thread stitches. It looks like it's sewn up. In makeup it is this detail that will have to be repeated.


You don't have to use white makeup as a tone. Instead, apply regular foundation to your skin. Use it (or a more durable and dense concealer to match) to paint over your lips - then use a black pencil to draw the marks from the threads. Darken your eyelids with black, or better yet, outline your eyes with black in a circle to imitate those same buttons. You can add black lenses to this makeup, which will seriously enhance the intimidating effect. The completion of the image should be such details as needles and pins - of course, also drawn. Thanks to them, there will be no doubt that the makeup was intended to look like a voodoo doll.

Halloween Makeup Ideas: Evil Gothic Doll Look

The gothic style doll's makeup will be limited in color - only black and white will be used. White skin, black “frowning” eyebrows, eyes, also outlined in black, black lipstick on the lips (by the way, this can be replaced with a “smile” of the skull). Black or, on the contrary, white lenses will add a characteristic color. If desired, you can complement the image with blood-red accents - for example, highlight the inner contour of the eyes with burgundy kajal or draw blood-red tears flowing down the cheeks.

The make-up of a doll for Halloween can be different; everyone who creates it has their own vision of the image.


You can find even more interesting and unusual Halloween makeup options in our beauty dossier - and in the photo below.


Halloween is a popular holiday associated with various evil spirits and the souls of the dead. An integral part of the holiday are costumed processions, where characters from horror films act as the main characters. The most popular are dolls. You can dress like Chucky's girlfriend, a broken doll or Samara from the movie "The Ring", but the image will not be complete unless you do the appropriate make-up.

What do all the creepy dolls have in common?


No matter how hard the writers try to avoid clichés, all their dolls have one main similarity - a gothic appearance, which is characterized by a special make-up. This is always an unnatural deathly pale face, a shocking look, which is achieved with the help of carnival lenses and coal-black eyeliner with smoky eye elements, as well as black, dark plum or burgundy lips.


Creating terrible dolls, make-up artists added even more nightmarish notes to the classic goth makeup - scarring, cadaveric spots, open wounds, bloody eyes. In everyday life or on the eve of a concert, even representatives of subcultures do not use so many shocking attributes, but Halloween is the time when you can show creativity and give free rein to your wildest fantasies.

Spooky Halloween Makeup Essentials


Even if your skin has the required bluish tint, you will have to stock up on white makeup or a very light foundation and loose powder. It is important to achieve perfectly smooth, porcelain skin. To do this, a base must be applied under makeup.

If there are traces of pimples and other blemishes on the face, they should be disguised with concealer.

You can apply foundation in any convenient way. If you plan to give your face an “afterlife charm,” then there is no need to do it perfectly evenly, and if the future Halloween doll is in the anime genre or antique style, then it is better to apply the makeup with a damp sponge, so the tone will be perfectly even. Makeup is set with very light powder. If you can’t get it, then ordinary talc will do.


Signs of biological death may have a bluish-violet, red-pink, cherry, or gray-brown color. Therefore, when creating the look of a gothic babe for Halloween, you can use any palette you have. To make a face look terrible, you need to use a brush to paint all the deep folds with the chosen color: nasolabial folds, between the eyebrows, eye sockets, walk along the cheekbones and lower jaw. Blend the color thoroughly.

How to make real doll eyes

The horror frozen in the eyes and the charming open toy gaze are effects that will have to be worked on. While contacts can help change color and create a creepy limbal ring or sclera, only makeup can make your eyes look unnaturally large.


Use pink or fuchsia eyeshadow to give your eyes an inflamed look. To do this, carefully draw with them the lower eyelid, the inner corner and the area above the eyebrow. Using a black pencil, you need to carefully go along the growth line of the upper and lower eyelashes, as well as the inner eyelid. Using a brush, blend the pencil according to the smokey eye principle, paying special attention to the lower eyelid.

The darker the color of the eye socket, the more expressive and terrible the look will be.

Whether to dye your eyelashes depends on which gothic babe is closest to you. Tiffany, Chucky's bride, has gorgeous eyelashes like a true doll. To achieve this effect, you will have to use lengthening mascara and glue false eyelashes in the corners. But Samara’s eyelashes from the bell are almost invisible.

Toy lips for non-childish Halloween makeup


Makeup will not be complete unless you create real doll lips. They should be plump! But the color may be absent or very dark. After all, a Halloween doll should be creepy.

Foundation or theatrical makeup is applied to the lips. Then, using a pencil to match the lipstick, new lines are drawn. They should extend beyond the natural limits by 2-4 mm, while being small, visually looking no wider than the wings of the nose. This is what is called a bow sponge.

Halloween makeup requires some skill, so it's best to practice in advance. Re-watch your favorite horror films with dolls, perhaps you will notice some nuances in their appearance that previously eluded you.