Facial massage for forehead wrinkles

Girls masterfully know how to hide facial imperfections with the help of decorative cosmetics. Remove a suddenly popped pimple, add blush to pale cheeks, and even “tint” a scratch. But such flaws as wrinkles are completely beyond the magical effects of makeup. We need “heavy artillery” here. For example, what methods are there to remove wrinkles on the forehead? This is done with the help of massage and gymnastics, in a beauty salon and at home.


It is a mistake to think that wrinkles on the forehead arise only as a result of natural aging of the body. Yes, most often telltale folds on the forehead appear in women over 35-40 years old. However, this problem often worries even twenty-year-old young ladies who are accustomed to frowning or raising their eyebrows in surprise.

5 reasons for wrinkles

In addition to age, there are a number of factors that influence the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead. Below are five main reasons.

  1. Genetics. Experts in the study of hereditary processes have long proven that structural features of the skin or the same wrinkles on the forehead at 20 years old can be passed on from mother to daughter.
  2. External factors . Every day, the skin on the face is exposed to sunlight, wind, dust, and car exhaust fumes. Of course, this has a detrimental effect on the dermis and gradually “ages” it year after year.
  3. Smoking, alcohol. Bad habits are the most famous enemies of beauty and youth. Smoking, for example, prevents the skin from breathing normally and actively producing collagen. And frequent alcohol consumption contributes to the formation of edema, which makes the skin become loose, saggy and wrinkled.
  4. Harmful products. The skin of your face loses its healthy glow, elasticity and smoothness if you overuse fatty, sweet, salty foods and fast food. And, conversely, a balanced, fortified diet, as well as a sufficient amount of drinking water in the diet, will prolong youth for a long time.
  5. Incorrect care. Due to constant external influence, our skin needs not only internal, but also external nourishment. Creams with an ultraviolet filter, homemade masks and herbal washes will protect the skin.


We determine a person’s illness and character by the folds on the forehead

Even ancient Chinese healers were able to diagnose diseases based on the condition of a person’s face. Thus, vertical and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead may indicate serious health problems. What exactly do wrinkles on the forehead mean?

If the first transverse wrinkles on the forehead appear at an early age, this is a sign of probable problems with the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland. Frequent headaches provoke the appearance of horizontal folds, and a small vertical groove above the bridge of the nose may indicate liver disease.

Have you ever used the expression “it’s written all over your forehead”? The frontal area of ​​the face can truly tell a lot about each of us. Physiognomy (the art of “reading the face”) pays special attention to wrinkles on the forehead. So what personal characteristics of ours can they reveal?

  1. Long transverse fold. It appears on the bridge of the nose. It indicates a person’s selfishness, superficial attitude and inattention to the problems and actions of other people. If this fold is short, then the person is probably highly dependent on the opinions of others.
  2. Small wrinkles. Those that are scattered throughout the frontal zone. A forehead dotted with horizontal wrinkles can mean one thing: before you is a versatile, creative person, he is excellent at expressing himself in different professional and everyday guises. However, you should not trust such an individual too much - he has a penchant for intrigue and deception.
  3. Transverse wrinkles on the forehead. Mainly in the lower part. This feature suggests that in front of you is a courageous and persistent person, accustomed to achieving his goals at any cost.
  4. Wavy folds across the entire forehead. And between them there are short wrinkles. This feature reveals a kind, sympathetic person. He understands people, has excellent intuition, and it is unlikely that you will be able to deceive him. Distinctive character traits are also gentleness and sociability.
  5. Horizontal grooves. Which are located close to the hair. Their owner is proud and calculating, and can be cruel.
  6. Clear wrinkles all over the forehead. Irregular shape. Both vertical and horizontal. They give out a person as rude and harsh; it is difficult for him to get along with other people.
  7. Long horizontal fold. What does this wrinkle on the forehead mean? It means that a person is popular, respected and loved in society. Two such wrinkles promise their owner success in life, and also speak of developed intelligence and resourcefulness. Three horizontal folds indicate the person's artistry and positive attitude towards life.
  8. Vertical wrinkles in the center of the forehead. This is a sign of danger, the presence of constant health problems and difficulties in personal relationships; it is not for nothing that a vertical wrinkle is called a “hanging arrow”. This trait often characterizes people who are successful in business or politics.

How to remove wrinkles on the forehead yourself

When we see the first wrinkles appearing on the forehead, we begin to feverishly look for ways to solve the problem. These treacherous grooves spoil all the beauty and freshness of the face, but you really want to stay young and lovely longer. But the experience of our predecessors and contemporaries shows that there are plenty of options for combating wrinkles on the forehead. From professional cosmetology to folk remedies.


Leveling massage: 7 steps

How to remove expression wrinkles on the forehead? Self-massage is a fairly effective thing in this matter. The procedure will not take much of your time and effort, but the payoff will be colossal. You will learn to relax your facial muscles and after just a few sessions you will feel freshness and elasticity returning to your skin. So, let's start taking steps.

  1. Cleansing. Before starting the massage, clean your face of cosmetics with your favorite product (not soap!), rinse with water, and pat dry with a towel.
  2. Preparing your hands. During the massage, your hands should be warm and not rough. Hold your hands under running warm water. Then, apply any oil (olive or coconut works great).
  3. Smoothing. Gently and softly with our fingers we make stroking movements from the center of the forehead to the temples, where we linger for a couple of seconds. Repeat 10-15 times.
  4. Drawing numbers. Again we move from the middle of the forehead to the temples. We draw units with the fingers of both hands. We repeat seven times. In the same way, only vertically we draw the number two, then three, four and so on until nine.
  5. We massage the bridge of the nose. We place our fingers on the bridge of the nose and move it up and down. repeat ten to fifteen times. This will help remove wrinkles between the eyebrows.
  6. Tingling. We grab the skin of the eyebrows with the fingers of both hands and pinch along the line of their growth. We repeat ten times.
  7. Tapping. Use your fingertips to randomly “run” across your forehead for 30 seconds.


3 face building techniques

What to do if the first wrinkles appear on the forehead? Do not rush to immediately address this problem to medical offices. To begin with, it’s worth trying all the options for independently combating the first signs of aging. One of these effective methods at hand is facial gymnastics or, as it is fashionable to call it now, “face building.” That is, special exercises for wrinkles on the forehead.

If you do the exercises for five minutes in the morning and evening, then within a month there will be no trace left of the first expression wrinkles. How to do facial exercises? We suggest you master three basic exercises.

  1. Resistance effect. Place your fingers above your eyebrows. Pressing your fingers against the skin, lower it down. At the same time, raise your eyebrows up, resisting the movements of your hands. Hold this position for three to five seconds. Repeat ten times. Then, on the contrary, lift the skin of your forehead up with your fingers and lower your eyebrows down. Repeat also ten times.
  2. Up down . Raise your eyebrows as much as possible and open your eyes wide. Lower it. Repeat ten to fifteen times at different speeds. This exercise will not only help get rid of wrinkles on the forehead, but also relieve tension in the facial muscles.
  3. Movements in a circle. Sit upright, back straight, arms hanging down freely. Close your eyes and lower your head forward, then to your left shoulder, to your right and finally back. Repeat the exercise for three minutes. This exercise perfectly relaxes the muscles and has a tightening effect on the skin.

Homemade mask recipes

You can also smooth out wrinkles on your forehead at home with the help of nourishing masks made from natural ingredients. This method is accessible and inexpensive, and the result of regular nourishment will be your glowing, smooth skin. Below are the recipes for the most effective, according to reviews from fashionistas online, and the easiest to prepare homemade masks.


Lemon healing

  1. Beat the juice of half a lemon with one egg white.
  2. Add a pinch of salt.
  3. Apply to the forehead, preferably before bed.

Yeast rejuvenation

  1. Mix seven teaspoons of dry yeast with three tablespoons of sour cream.
  2. Apply to entire face and neck in layers. This “cream” effectively helps in rejuvenating the entire face.

Paraffin lifting

  1. Treat your facial skin with olive oil.
  2. Heat the paraffin in a water bath.
  3. Dip a multi-layer cloth napkin into paraffin and apply to the face for 10 minutes.



  1. Mash one ripe banana with a fork.
  2. Add two tablespoons of natural honey and four tablespoons of cottage cheese.
  3. Apply to problem areas. You can treat your entire face—banana contains skin-healthy vitamins C and B6, so giving your entire face a boost won’t hurt.

Masks against wrinkles on the forehead will be more effective if, before starting the procedures, you cleanse your facial skin with your favorite cleanser and regularly exfoliate the skin (once a week is enough) with homemade or store-bought scrubs.

About Botox, lifting and mesotherapy

If all of the above methods do not help you, and the folds on your forehead are becoming more and more noticeable, you can turn to professionals for help. You can remove deep wrinkles on the forehead in a cosmetology office. One of the most popular procedures for eliminating problems is botulinum therapy (Botox injections). This procedure is mainly recommended for women over 35 years of age. The effect of therapeutic injections lasts up to six months. Then the injections need to be repeated.

Thread lifting will also help smooth out the dermis - introducing thin threads under the skin that prevent the dermis from sagging and, as it were, “stretch” it. However, do not rush to resort to this method at a young age; it is recommended to use thread lifting between the ages of 35 and 55.

There are almost no contraindications to such a medical method as mesotherapy. This is also an injection. A vitamin cocktail is injected under the skin in problem areas, which contains antioxidants, hyaluronic acid and other active substances that rejuvenate and nourish the epidermis.

You can also remove unwanted flaws using hardware methods, for example, laser treatment or hardware lifting. Only plastic surgery can eliminate deep wrinkles.


Why water and good mood are important

And finally, some simple tips on how to remove wrinkles on the forehead between the eyebrows or prevent their appearance altogether. First, don’t forget to “water” your skin. Without sufficient water intake, it dries out, which contributes to the appearance of hated lines on the forehead, near the eyes and lips. The amount of water per day is one and a half to two liters.

Secondly, do not neglect sunscreen for your face, because ultraviolet radiation is the first enemy of skin radiance and elasticity. Are you wondering how to get rid of wrinkles on your forehead? Don't think, but act. Avoid excessive tension and stress, be more balanced. After a hard day's work, relax by taking a warm bath with essential oils. This lifestyle will help you quickly get rid of facial wrinkles on your forehead or even delay their appearance for a long time.

Every girl dreams of always looking perfect.

And for this she resorts to various cosmetic procedures. But the main enemy of all women, and what about women, even young girls, is wrinkles.

Especially wrinkles on the forehead.

Since they are the most insidious, they can appear at a young age, thereby ruining the entire appearance.

This especially affects overly emotional girls who develop a longitudinal wrinkle between the eyebrows quite early.

But how to get rid of these wrinkles?

Is it really necessary to completely eliminate active facial expressions? Or are there other ways to get rid of hated wrinkles?

We will analyze one of the methods in detail.

Preparation for the procedure

This point should not be ignored. It plays an important role in massage.

  1. Firstly, you need
Thoroughly cleanse your facial skin of all impurities.

It is best to use soft facial foam or milk for washing for these purposes.
Don't forget to wash your hands thoroughly. After all, they are our main tool for massage.

And it will be completely bad if we start doing facial massage with dirty hands.

But also don’t forget about massage cream or regular oil that suits your skin. Do not massage on dry facial skin under any circumstances. So you just stretch it. And you may end up with even more wrinkles.

How to massage the forehead?

  1. Warm-up exercise. This exercise is taken from a Japanese massage technique called Asahi massage. You need to apply massage cream or oil to your face and hands. After this, we place two palms on the forehead so that their fingers touch and, with slight pressure, move the palms to the temples.

Having brought the palms to the temples, we turn them 90 degrees and then, reducing the pressure, we move them to the very collarbones. We repeat this exercise 3 times.

Rubbing the forehead. Dipping your fingers into the oil, we begin to draw vertical figure eights on your forehead, pressing slightly on the skin. Don't do it with too much force. Just press lightly on your forehead with your fingers. Repeat up to 10 times. This exercise trains the forehead muscle very well. It is not a massage treatment, but it is still advisable to include it in a set of wrinkle removal procedures. Place your palm on your forehead, pressing it firmly against the skin. Now forcefully raise your eyebrows. The main thing here is to press your palm on your forehead so that your skin does not wrinkle. This exercise must be repeated up to 15 times. Tapping. Complete the massage procedure with light tapping movements of your fingertips on the skin. Move across the entire forehead. Feel the pleasant warmth on your skin.

Application of anti-wrinkle cups

There is another type of massage - cupping forehead massage. It is very effective, but for it we will need a special small silicone jar for the face, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Here also You need to generously lubricate your forehead with oil and begin the massage.

  1. We move the jar over the forehead from top to bottom. Go over all surfaces of the forehead. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
  2. Now we also pass the jar over the entire forehead. But this time we make horizontal lines. We also repeat 20 times.
  3. Wave motion. It's similar to the second exercise. But here you need to move the jar from temple to temple in a zigzag motion. We also repeat up to 20 times.
  4. Now we do the same wave movement but vertically from top to bottom. We go over the entire forehead.

Jacquet method

This facial massage is most common in beauty salons. It is based on pinching movements, which may not cause the most pleasant sensations. But if you do not pay attention to pain factors, the results after a course of massage are simply amazing. The skin becomes firmer and tighter, and the wrinkles that we struggle so hard with disappear.

Here you no longer need to use oil, but talc.

  1. First of all, you need to start the massage with light stroking from the middle of the forehead to the temples. It’s the lungs, you don’t need to put pressure on the skin, but just lightly touch it with your hands.
  2. After this movement, we move directly to pinching the forehead. We make light pinches along vertical lines from the middle of the forehead to the temples. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to worsen your situation.

Rubbing your face with spoons

This is a long-known method of rejuvenating our face, which has been popular even with our grandmothers. This massage can achieve a good rejuvenation effect. You'll actually have to do a little work.

Preparing for a massage. Our massage will require a couple of spoons. It would be better, of course, if they were made of silver, but ordinary dessert or teaspoons will also work. Spoons must be disinfected.

We will also need an oil that suits your skin type. You also need to prepare two glasses of water. One glass should contain hot water and the other cold. We will lower our spoons into these glasses, heating or cooling them.

Massage technique. This massage has three different techniques. It's best to do them all at once.

  1. Take two heated spoons and move them in a spiral motion across your forehead from one temple to the other. Now use the second spoon to do the same, but start from the other temple.
  2. Now we lubricate our spoon with warm oil and move it in a circular motion from one temporal lobe to the other.
  3. To perform the last technique, we need to move warm spoons from the middle of the forehead to the temples. AND The final stage is to repeat this exercise with cold spoons.

As we can see, spoon massage is quite simple in its use. His technique is very simple, and this type of massage is accessible to everyone. Therefore, do not be lazy, but go ahead and perform a spoon massage.

  1. Contraindications. All of the above massages have their own contraindications that you need to pay attention to. If you have at least one of them, then you are strictly prohibited from having a massage. Better yet, contact experienced specialists.

And for clarity, watch a video on the topic:

Final manipulations

If you want to get the maximum benefit from a massage, then it is useful to make cosmetic masks after it. After all, our the skin is warmed up as much as possible and receives nutrients much better. Therefore, the effect of the mask will be many times greater.

The most effective are honey masks, masks made with sour cream or heavy cream, as well as masks based on yeast or glycerin. The main thing is to choose your own mask that will suit your skin perfectly. Then wrinkles will not bother you.

Don't forget about cleansing. It is necessary to regularly scrub your skin and thoroughly wash off makeup from your face. Try to avoid bright sun. Use a cream with high sun protection. After all, everyone already knows that excessive exposure to the sun has a detrimental effect on the condition of your skin. Moisturize it and make masks.
AND the most important thing is to smile! Smile more often. No need to frown. After all, this is one of the main reasons for the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead, including between the eyebrows. And a face that radiates a smile will always be a pleasure to look at.

Thus, we learned several techniques for performing facial massage. The main thing is to choose your own methodology and strictly follow it. Then the results will not take long to arrive.

Facial massage is the only real method of partially getting rid of wrinkles on the forehead at home. Women over 40 need to regularly perform the manipulations described in this article to maintain an attractive appearance.

Following the recommendations, wrinkles on the forehead will become less noticeable, and the condition of the skin will significantly improve.

What are frontal wrinkles?

Before you make facial massage a daily “ritual,” it is important to study its varieties. To achieve maximum results, a woman should determine the type of wrinkles she has. In addition to the main types (superficial, deep, facial, gravitational, age-related), there are other subtypes of wrinkles.

Localized in the frontal area of ​​the face:

  1. horizontal (“alarming wrinkles”);


  2. vertical (“angry wrinkles”).

Features of massage for wrinkles on the forehead after 40 years

Massage for wrinkles on the forehead becomes most relevant for women after 40 years of age. During this period, the skin undergoes significant age-related changes, affecting not only its appearance (the appearance of wrinkles, dryness, pallor), but also its internal properties (decreased elasticity, acute lack of vitamins, moisture).

Forehead massage after 40 years, aimed at getting rid of wrinkles, is preferably combined with weekly deep peeling.

This cosmetic procedure will remove the keratinized layers of the epidermis, which will make subsequent manipulations to maintain youth and beauty more effective.

At this age, women's skin becomes especially sensitive, which means massage movements should be as gentle as possible. It is important, with the help of a competent cosmetologist, to choose a cream that is suitable for your skin type, which can increase the effectiveness of the massage with constant use.

It is strictly not recommended to put pressure on the skin, stretch it, or carry out any other actions associated with severe deformation of the skin. The face should be as clean as possible of cosmetics.

The “beauty procedure” in question will best demonstrate its results if a woman, every day 2-3 hours before bedtime, starting from 3-5 minutes (later - 15-20 minutes), carefully, with light movements, “drives” the cream selected by a specialist into the skin, paying special attention to the frontal area.

Features of massage for wrinkles on the forehead after 50 years

The deterioration of the condition of the skin after 50 years is associated with hormonal changes in the female body caused by menopause. During this period, the production of estrogen and collagen is reduced to a minimum, which means inevitable withering and aging of the skin.

To maintain your appearance in good condition after 50 years, it is important, first of all, to take care of your health, in particular hormonal balance.

A professional gynecologist will prescribe the appropriate medications, a cosmetologist will select an age-appropriate cream, and the woman herself will only need to nourish her skin daily, deeply moisturize, massage and protect it from aggressive influences (mechanical cleansing, midday sun, solarium, and so on).

When performing a massage against wrinkles on the forehead at home, it is important to follow the basic rules for treating “fading” skin:

  1. make sure the integrity of the skin immediately before starting the procedure;
  2. do not stretch;


  3. don't push;
  4. do not rub;
  5. use moisturizing creams when working with “aging” skin.

Contraindications to massage for wrinkles on the forehead

Despite the apparent simplicity and harmlessness of forehead massage at first glance, this procedure has contraindications, neglecting which can cause irreparable damage to your appearance.

It is highly not recommended to manipulate the skin if you have:

  1. a large number of moles, warts;
  2. infectious diseases (eczema, herpes, etc.);
  3. low or high blood pressure;
  4. excessive “hairiness”;
  5. tumors, inflammation in and around the area of ​​the intended massage.

Preparing for a massage

  1. Preparing for a massage against wrinkles on the forehead first of all involves thoroughly disinfecting your hands. This is important, since microbes located on the extremities can provoke the occurrence of an inflammatory or infectious process if they come into contact with even the least damaged surface of the skin of the forehead.


  2. The next step is to cleanse your facial skin as much as possible using a specially selected cosmetic product. Next, it is advisable to dry the skin and “warm it up”. It is important to avoid rough contact with a towel when drying your face. The ideal option would be light pressing movements to help get rid of moisture on the face.
  3. You can “warm up” the skin using a “steam bath” or a “hot compress.” This stage is desirable due to the need to soothe the skin, leading to improved blood supply to epidermal cells. This fact is due to the dilation of blood vessels as a result of an artificial increase in body temperature.
  4. At the last stage of preparation for the treatment, a moisturizing cream selected by a cosmetologist is applied to the frontal area. A small amount of the substance must also be “scooped up” with your fingers and then proceed directly to the massage itself.

Types of massage for forehead wrinkles

Depending on the condition of the skin, a woman should choose the type of massage that is suitable specifically for her:

  1. cosmetic (classical effects on the skin with light stroking, tapping, etc.);


  2. acupressure (a deeper type of massage that improves the condition of the skin during age-related changes);
  3. Zogan (Japanese massage technique)
  4. hardware (using massagers - roller, roller, tablespoon).

Massage with olive, almond and apricot oils

Whatever the condition of the forehead skin undergoing home massage, it is highly recommended not to carry out any “dry” manipulations. In this cosmetic procedure, it is worth using moisturizing creams or special types of oils, for example, olive, almond, apricot.


These oils contain many polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins (B, C, E and others), which makes it indispensable for facial skin care. Due to their light texture and variety of beneficial microelements, the mentioned oils can be used to increase the elasticity of any skin type, without worrying about possible irritation or allergies.

To properly influence the skin with oils, it is important to know the basic sequence of actions:

  1. cleanse the skin;
  2. apply a thin layer of oil;
  3. Lightly “pat” the oil into the wrinkles on the frontal part;
  4. use circular massage movements to “work” the entire zone in the direction “from the center to the periphery”;
  5. use soft “smoothing” movements to massage the area of ​​greatest accumulation of wrinkles in the “along” direction;
  6. repeat each massage movement at least 7-10 times;
  7. After completing the massage, if necessary, remove excess oil from the face.

How to remove vertical wrinkles on the forehead

Massage for vertical, or as they are also called, frown lines on the forehead, implies a special focus on the impact of fingers on the skin of the face:

  1. with light “smoothing” movements, work the bridge of the nose in the direction of the eyebrows - “from bottom to top”;
  2. using “tapping” movements, “drive” the previously applied cream (oil) “from the center of the forehead to the temples”;
  3. placing two fingers on the bridge of the nose, pressing lightly, “smooth out” the wrinkles with straight or zigzag vertical movements towards the beginning of the hairline;
  4. Lightly pressing the skin on the temple with one hand, massage the middle part of the forehead with light circular movements.

It is important to perform each movement at least 10 times.

Massage against deep wrinkles on the forehead

To combat deep wrinkles, the most effective are:

  1. “hot” massage (light “tapping” movements on heated oil previously applied to the face);
  2. “stretching” wrinkles (by gently “pinching” the eyebrows, slightly “stretch” the skin of the forehead);
  3. Pressing your hand tightly to the bridge of your nose, make several straight “smoothing” movements across your forehead in different directions.

Basic technique of spoon massage on the forehead

  1. Dip tablespoons intended for massage into warm oil.
  2. “Walk” in a circular motion from the center of the forehead to the temples.
  3. Use light “presses” to work the area between the eyebrows.
  4. Make straight vertical movements from the eyebrows to the hairline, “tightening” the skin.


Massage against wrinkles on the forehead after 40, 50 years with a spoon is very simple and will help cope with skin stretching

To achieve maximum results, this massage is carried out for 5-15 minutes, at least 10 days in a row.

How to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead with acupressure

Shiatsu massage involves influencing special points on the forehead, stimulating lymph flow and blood flow.

UBetter skin nutrition helps smooth out wrinkles.

  1. Place your index finger above the center of the right eyebrow, placing it on the longitudinal line that visually divides the forehead into upper and lower parts.
  2. Place your middle and ring fingers next to each other. Gently massage the points.
  3. Place three fingers on the left eyebrow so that the index finger is at the end, closer to the temple, the middle one is in the center, and the ring finger is at the bridge of the nose. Lightly press the dots.
  4. With three “working” fingers, press on similar points (see point 3) of the right eyebrow, but moving them under the eyebrow (index - under the end of the eyebrow, closer to the temple; middle - in the center; ring - under the beginning of the eyebrow at the bridge of the nose).
  5. Massage the eyebrow area with force with three fingers.

This massage lasts no more than 5 minutes.

Zogan massage to eliminate forehead wrinkles

Japanese Zogan (Asahi) massage is used not only for cosmetic “smoothing” of wrinkles, but also for tightening the skin, eliminating circles under the eyes, and so on.

In the fight for smooth forehead skin, you should use the following techniques:

  1. With medium pressure, move three fingers from the center of the forehead to the temples.
  2. Without lifting the fingertips from the skin, from a point near the ears, make a downward movement towards the collarbones.


  3. Pressing firmly on the skin, use zigzag movements to “stretch” horizontal wrinkles from the center of the forehead to the temples.

The steps described above must be repeated at least 3 times.

Exercises after massage

  1. Open your eyes wide, raising your eyebrows, imitating extreme surprise. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Gently “pull” the skin of the forehead down with your fingers, while trying to raise the eyebrows, thereby creating resistance and tension in the frontal muscles. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  3. “Hug” your head, placing your thumbs at the back and your index fingers on your forehead. Move the skin to the center of the frontal part, while raising the eyebrows. Stay in the described position. Repeat the exercise 5 times.


  4. Raise your eyebrows with your fingers in the center. Simultaneously with changing their position, try to frown. Stay in this position. Change the direction of eyebrow movement and muscle tension. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

How often to massage

The duration and frequency of the massage depends on its technique and the individual characteristics of the skin. On average, after 40 years, the skin needs no more than 2 courses of intensive correction of 20 procedures per year. In addition, it is necessary to moisturize the skin daily and classically massage (with gentle pressure, massage in a circular motion) the area where wrinkles are particularly concentrated.

A forehead massage aimed at getting rid of wrinkles, carried out in compliance with all recommendations, will become an effective assistant in preserving women's youth and beauty.

Video about facial massage for wrinkles

Facial massage at home in 15 minutes:

Facial massage for wrinkles: