Stretch marks in men treatment

Stretch marks or stretch marks are a specific pathology of skin tissue in the form of characteristic scars. Typically, such scar-like changes occur due to microtrauma of the epidermis due to a lack of collagen protein, which gives the skin elasticity. Sometimes the causes of stretch marks can be due to hereditary factors and certain endocrine diseases.

Many people believe that stretch marks are an exclusively female ailment that has nothing to do with the stronger sex. Let us immediately note that this opinion is erroneous and formed, most likely, because the resulting stretch marks cause women more cosmetic concerns than men.

Indeed, due to a number of factors related, first of all, to the function of childbirth, stretch marks in women form much more often than stretch marks in men. It is noteworthy that similar dynamics are also observed in childhood and adolescence: the results of statistical studies show that stretch marks occur more often in girls compared to the appearance of stretch marks in boys. However, men who take care of themselves are no less concerned about the problem of getting rid of stretch marks than women: every stretch mark is a cause for concern for them.

Causes of stretch marks in men

Striae in men can occur in various parts of the body.

  1. stretch marks on the stomach;
  2. stretch marks on legs;
  3. stretch marks on the thighs;
  4. stretch marks on the buttocks;
  5. stretch marks in the groin area;
  6. stretch marks on the back and other places where the skin and muscles are subject to particularly strong stress.

Below are the main causes of stretch marks in men.

  1. Physical inactivity and poor nutrition. Most often, stretch marks occur in men who lead a sedentary lifestyle, whose diet is replete with excessive amounts of foods rich in fats and carbohydrates. Which, in turn, leads to obesity and stretching of the skin under the pressure of fatty deposits.
  2. Rapid increase in muscle volume due to intense physical activity. As a rule, stretch marks form in men involved in bodybuilding and other activities associated with the constant movement of heavy objects. Anabolic steroids, which are popular among bodybuilders, also contribute to intense muscle growth. The growth of muscle mass should be controlled, otherwise stretching of the skin, its micro-tears and, as a result, the appearance of stretch marks cannot be avoided.
  3. Long-term treatment with hormonal drugs based on glucocorticosteroids (prednisolone, dexamethasone, etc.). Under their influence, specific obesity develops, accompanied by the appearance of stretch marks, not only in men, but also in the fair sex.
  4. Age-related changes in hormonal levels, which can lead to the appearance of stretch marks in teenage, mature and elderly men.
  5. Hereditary genetic predisposition. It has been scientifically established and confirmed by practice that children and grandchildren of people suffering from stretch marks are most susceptible to the appearance of stretch marks.
  6. A number of diseases of endocrine origin that can cause obesity with the concomitant development of stretch marks.

Treatment of stretch marks in men using COLLOST® gel

It is impossible to eliminate old stretch marks at home. Until recently, effective removal of these stretch marks in men was practiced only with the use of such serious cosmetic procedures as laser/chemical peeling or abdominal plastic surgery (excision). Such treatment of stretch marks is accompanied by pain and carries a certain degree of risk to the health of patients.

It was possible to radically improve the situation with getting rid of old stretch marks in men only after the introduction into cosmetology practice of such an innovative biomaterial as COLLOST® collagen gel based on natural collagen.

Collostotherapy is a currently widely used method that allows you to remove stretch marks in men without any problems. It consists in the fact that COLLOST® gel is administered intradermally by injection into the stretch area. Under the influence of COLLOST® gel on stretch marks, healthy tissue is restored.

Collagen gel COLLOST ® has the following main advantages.

  1. Safety. COLLOST ® gel is non-toxic. When using it to eliminate stretch marks in men, you don’t have to worry about undesirable consequences, and a preliminary test will help you avoid allergic manifestations.
  2. Comfort of use. Relieving men of stretch marks using COLLOST ® gel is a virtually painless cosmetic procedure.
  3. High performance. Injecting COLLOST® gel directly into stretch marks is the surest way to quickly achieve the expected result.

Judging by numerous reviews from patients and data from official tests, the removal of stretch marks in men using COLLOST® gel is superior in effectiveness to all other methods of cosmetic treatment of stretch marks.

Stretch marks appear no less often in men than in women. The stronger sex takes such skin changes calmly. Women try to remove them at an early stage. There are many reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the body. The presence of scars should not be ignored. A strong change in the skin affects the collagen composition of the entire body. You need to know where they come from and how they are treated.

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What are striae

Stretch marks do not appear on their own. The process of change occurs in the deep layers of the dermis. Fibroblast cells and fibroclasts are responsible for the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin. For various reasons, fibroblastic cells stop synthesizing collagen and are replaced by fibroclasts. These cells produce substances that have a detrimental effect on the metal protease. Metalprotease synthesizes two types of enzymes:

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  1. Collagenase;
  2. Elastase.

The destruction of these enzymes leads to the appearance of deep cracks in the dermis. The epidermis remains untouched. Long, uneven stripes appear on the skin, which have different colors. After a certain period of time, the scars acquire a white or bluish color.

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Causes of scars in the stronger sex

Stretch marks can appear for many reasons. The main factor influencing their appearance is large body weight. A sharp increase in weight in men leads to rapid stretching of the skin. Collagen and elastin do not have time to be produced, and stretch marks appear on the body. In men, the appearance of stretch marks is influenced by the following factors:

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    Taking corticosteroid medications;
  2. Weight gain;
  3. Strength training classes;
  4. Adolescence;
  5. Taking anabolic drugs.

Glucocorticosteroids have a negative effect on human body weight. You cannot stop taking these medications on your own. Treatment is prescribed by a specialist. Medicinal substances from this group belong to hormonal therapy. Corticosteroids have a negative effect on mast cells, which are responsible for metabolism and lipid transport. Long-term use of drugs disrupts metabolic function, cells begin to actively store fats. The patient's body weight is rapidly gaining.

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Weight gain can occur due to poor dietary habits. Eating fatty, fried foods and drinking beer leads to rapid weight gain. Under the influence of fatty tissue, the dermal layer in a man is destroyed. Stretch marks appear on his body.

Strength training is very beneficial. But they also have a negative side. Active sports and bodybuilding provoke a rapid increase in the muscle frame. Under the influence of muscles, the skin stretches. In athletes, stretch marks can appear on both the arms and legs. In some patients, stretch marks may appear on the face.

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Teenagers are especially susceptible to scarring. This period is characterized by a surge in hormonal levels. Muscles and organs in young people begin to grow rapidly. A sharp increase in height in boys provokes the formation of stretch marks. Striae in adolescence cannot be prevented.

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Men are sensitive to their figure. The desire to quickly acquire a beautiful body contour and pumped up muscles forces the stronger sex to take anabolic steroids. The drug stimulates the development of muscle mass in a short period. A rapid increase in body volume leads to the appearance of stretch marks throughout the body. Quitting anabolic steroids can affect weight gain. In both cases, anabolic steroids cause the formation of scar tissue.

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Stretch marks can also appear due to Marfan disease. An excess of the hormone cortisol occurs in the body of such patients. A large amount of this substance leads to fragility of the skin. A man with Marfan syndrome even develops stretch marks on his fingers.

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Signs of stretch marks


Stretch marks appear on the body unexpectedly. The following symptoms can predict their appearance:

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  1. Itching in certain areas of the body;
  2. Burning in the area of ​​injury.

The presence of itching in certain areas of the body in patients at risk indicates damage to the dermal layers of the skin. Then the man experiences a burning sensation. This symptom indicates rupture of collagen fibers. Fibers are responsible for the elasticity and strength of the skin.

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After two or three weeks, redness appears in the area. Redness indicates the presence of a wound in the dermis. The healing tissue forms the primary scar. The color of the stretch mark is red and blue at first. The blue color appears due to broken capillaries in the deep layers of the skin.

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The color of the stretch marks changes over time. The redness goes away over time. Blueness of the skin may remain. After a year, the stretch marks turn white. The white scar is already fully formed and can be treated.

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Scar Treatment Methods

Stretch marks can and should be removed from the body. They are of an aesthetic nature. Typically, stretch marks in men are localized on the abdominal region, thighs and arms. But in some patients, stretch marks can also be seen on the face. There are two main methods used to remove scars:

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  1. Surgical;
  2. Medication.

Surgical treatment of stretch marks is the most effective method of removal. Modern medicine offers several methods of mechanical removal. The laser method is popular. Scar removal is carried out under the influence of a laser. The cosmetologist applies a targeted effect to the area of ​​the body affected by stretch marks. When exposed to high temperatures, scar tissue dissolves. The procedure is repeated several times. When a thin patch of skin forms at the site of the stretch mark, the laser treatment is stopped. The rays stimulate the formation of collagen in the dermal layer. Healthy tissue forms in the cleaned area.

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Beauty salons offer scar resurfacing procedures. The stretcher has the shape of a notch. A long scar tightens the skin. Grinding is carried out using abrasive microparticles. Under the influence of pressure, the particles knock out the damaged epithelium. The damaged area becomes smooth. The disadvantage of the procedure is the prolonged redness of the damaged skin. The grinding method does not give a completely positive result. In daylight, the scar zone is visible to the naked eye.

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Cosmetologists widely use peeling with fruit acids. Acid is applied to the damaged area of ​​the man's body. After a certain time, a neutralizer is applied to the acid. The stretch marks become dry and the epithelium peels off. After neutralization, a special lotion is used that removes acid residues. The result of fruit peeling is noticeable on the third day after the procedure. On the first and second days, the stretch marks become red in color and become very flaky. The procedure is repeated until the stretch marks disappear completely.

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In recent years, mesotherapy has been gaining momentum all over the world. The method consists of puncturing the damaged tissue and introducing active oxygen into it. Doctors can perform mesotherapy using microneedles or a mesoroller. The stretch mark is pierced along its entire length. The drug is administered in small doses. Exposure to oxygen breaks down scar tissue.

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The patient's tissue nutrition improves. Mesotherapy stimulates the production of your own collagen. The procedure does not take much time. The patient can leave the office independently. A side effect is severe itching in the injection area. The itching disappears on the second day. The method gives positive results after 2-3 procedures. The stretch disappears completely.

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You can remove small stretch marks yourself at home. To do this, you need to visit the pharmacy and consult with a pharmacist. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a large selection of cosmetic creams for the treatment and prevention of stretch marks. Particular attention is paid to the cream - “Curiosin”. The cream can be used if there is a sufficient layer of scar tissue. Such striae should be at least six months old. Curiosin is applied to the stretch marks and rubbed in thoroughly. The duration of treatment can be up to three months. The drug is based on a substance that stimulates the work of phagocytes and macrophages. Zinc hyalurinate stimulates tissue renewal. The stretch is tightened by healthy epidermis.

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A man can also use cosmetic creams for pregnant women against stretch marks. There is a huge selection of such drugs. Two creams that have proven themselves to be particularly popular are:

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  1. "Mustela";
  2. "Avent cream for stretch marks."

Both creams are made from onion juice. They have a preventive and medicinal effect. "Mustela" effectively relieves irritation at the site of stretch marks and stimulates the production of collagen fibers. Men should not be embarrassed to buy such cosmetics. The effect of its use is visible after a month of constant use.

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Stretch marks are not a serious pathology, but rather an aesthetic flaw. A man should pay as much attention to his appearance as a woman. Treatment will not take much time, and the skin will be healthy.

Stretch marks on the skin are a common skin problem in both sexes, regardless of age. The defect is not dangerous, but can cause aesthetic discomfort.

Often the problem of stretch marks occurs in males. To know how to minimize the risk of developing them, you need to have an idea of ​​which groups of people are at risk and how best to treat stretch marks in each specific case.

Why do they appear?

There are many reasons that provoke the appearance of stretch marks on the body in men.

The main ones include:

  1. rapid increase in body weight;
  2. rapid growth in adolescence;
  3. taking corticosteroids;
  4. genetic predisposition;
  5. Marfan and Ehlers-Danlas syndromes;
  6. malfunction of the pancreas.

Taking medications based on corticosteroids helps preserve the immune system, stop inflammatory processes and have a regenerative effect.

With rapid weight gain, the epidermis may not be able to cope with the load and become injured, becoming covered with small stretch marks. A similar situation is observed in adolescents - due to an increase in the rate of growth in length, the skin becomes tense and stretches.

Genetic reasons are due to the assumption that if a similar disease was observed in a relative, the likelihood of its formation on the body of another person from the family increases.

In some cases, diseases of the pancreas, thyroid gland and pituitary gland can trigger the problem.

Marfan and Ehlers-Danlas syndromes can contribute to the manifestation of stretch marks - due to an increase in the production of the hormone cortisol, the bonds of the connective tissue of the skin are weakened, and damage occurs.

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There are several classifications of stretch marks, which can be used to determine the depth of the disease, its type and degree of oldness.

So, there are two types of striae based on color:

The white appearance of striae is observed on old scars, more than 6 months have passed since their appearance.

These are atrophic skin injuries associated with the appearance of connective tissue at the site of the stretch. Due to the fact that their appearance occurred a long time ago, correction of this type of violation is usually more expensive and difficult.

If the veins of the stretch marks are bright in color (the shade can vary from purple, red to dark purple). Such damage appeared recently - the color indicates that the fibers broke the day before.

The brightness of the scar is determined by the fact that at the time the stretch mark appears, there are a large number of vessels and capillaries in the stretched area. The larger the stretch mark, the brighter its color. Newly developed stretch marks can be treated much easier than old ones; sometimes even home therapy alone helps.

According to location, stretch marks are divided into:

  1. longitudinal (vertical);
  2. horizontal.

The appearance of type 2 stretch marks most often indicates hormonal imbalances in the body. That is why, before correcting imperfections, you need to visit an endocrinologist.

In men, vertical striae are rare, as they are most common among pregnant women. Their appearance on the skin can provoke rapid weight gain due to obesity or increased muscle mass in sports activities.

According to the type of stretch marks on the skin, scars are distinguished:

  1. scars (small formations on the skin of a pinkish color;
  2. filiform (whitish narrow thread-like stripes on the skin);
  3. longitudinal (stretch marks are located along the fibers of the epidermis).

Assess how long ago stretch marks appeared in a particular case. Possible by color of formation:

  1. up to a year it is colored,
  2. after a year it brightens with the acquisition of a pearlescent hue (this is especially effective for scar stripe stretching).

How to remove

On hands

Stretch marks on the arms of men are the most difficult to treat. If stretch marks appear on the forearm or shoulder, exercises with a barbell (push-ups from the chest, from behind the head, exercises with dumbbells in a standing position) are effective.

You can use any type of salon procedures (for example, chemical peeling or mesotherapy) and home masks if there are no contraindications.

On the stomach

Stretch marks on the abdomen are the most common in men.

Exercises that help prevent the formation of new ones and promote the removal of old ones. Aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles. It is effective to bring your legs to your stomach while sitting, and to lift them at the same time when lying down.

In the groin

Typically, inguinal stretch marks indicate a hormonal imbalance in the body - before treating such a defect, the cause of its appearance should be eliminated.

Many salon procedures are not recommended for use in the groin - therefore, for this dose it is better to use masks (including algae and honey), as well as pharmaceutical creams and ointments (after establishing the absence of hypersensitivity to the components and consulting with a specialist).

General methods for getting rid of stretch marks on the body of men


Medical methods of treating stretch marks involve a series of procedures to remove existing stretch marks and reduce the risk of new ones.

A popular treatment method is mesotherapy, for which a course of treatment is provided.

For each patient, the ratio of necessary drugs is individually selected, which are subsequently injected under the skin into the scar area with a pistol using a small syringe.

The amount of active substance administered is influenced by the patient’s health status, skin type, old age of stretch marks and the reasons why the formation appeared. 3-4 procedures are enough to show results.

Deep chemical peeling is one of the most effective treatment methods that can help permanently solve the problem of stretch marks.

However, the procedure has a number of contraindications and may not be used on all areas of the body. Typically, stretch marks are chemically removed from the facial area and abdomen.

During therapy, an acid of a certain concentration is applied to the prepared area of ​​skin.

The substance is able to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, which is a decisive factor in effectiveness - acids start the process of cell renewal from the inside.

Side effects of the procedure may include redness of the skin (lasts up to 48 hours after treatment) and sensitivity. However, minor stretch marks may disappear after the first peel.

The effect is achieved by removing the top layer of skin - this stimulates its enhanced renewal. Therapy for stretch marks with laser resurfacing works similarly.

Microdermabrasion is a new method of skin resurfacing.

The skin is polished with special microscopic crystals, which are placed in the tip of a hardware device under high pressure. The diamond tip does not require additional use of crystal structures.

Microdermabrasion is especially often used on areas of the skin where laser correction is contraindicated - for example, on the chest. The procedure helps to get rid of only recently appeared stretch marks.


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A number of folk remedies have proven themselves to be effective in the treatment of stretch marks. The action of such drugs is aimed at increasing skin tone and elasticity.

You can add several mummy tablets, previously dissolved in a small volume of water, to any body cream. The solution is mixed with cream and rubbed into the skin in areas where there are stretch marks. During breaks between rubbing honey, the mixture is stored in a cool, dark place.

The course of treatment should be at least 90 days when used 1 or 2 times a day.

Badyagi masks are effective in treating stretch marks on the hands. The powder of the substance is mixed with hydrogen peroxide to a paste-like state. The mixture is applied to areas with stretch marks for 10-15 minutes. For complete disappearance of stretch marks, 10-12 procedures may be sufficient.

Laminaria is used to wrap the skin against stretch marks. The algae is poured with warm water and, after swelling, applied to problem skin for 20 minutes. During this time, you can apply cling film to the skin to prevent the mixture from dripping and to create a thermal effect - this way, beneficial substances penetrate into the layers of the epidermis better.

Pharmacy products

Retinoid ointments based on vitamin A or similar substances have proven themselves to be effective in the prevention of stretch marks. Over-the-counter ointments are suitable for treating minor stretch marks.

The active substance accelerates skin regeneration and promotes the renewal of skin collagen fibers. The drug is especially effective on new stretch marks that have not yet become old.

Striae may not disappear completely from the ointment, but in almost all cases there is a reduction in the ear.

The use of such therapy is especially effective for stretch marks on the sides and back. The ointment is used strictly according to the instructions.

Oils can have a preventive effect:

They restore and moisturize damaged skin, stimulate regeneration and renewal of fibers.

Essential oils are always used diluted when added to oil or cream mixtures, as they have increased activity.

Esters stimulate blood circulation near the affected area of ​​the epidermis.

Vegetable oils soothe the skin. Oils are especially often used:

You can also use creams based on these oils.


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It is easier to prevent the appearance of stretch marks than to fight those that have already appeared. There are a number of simple recommendations that, if followed, will help a man minimize the risk of stretch marks.

These include:

  1. food quality control: the foods consumed should be varied and include a sufficient amount of amino acids, microelements and vitamins; if necessary, you can consume useful substances as part of complexes;
  2. increasing the proportion of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet;
  3. increasing the amount of water consumed daily;
  4. increasing the content of protein-rich foods in the diet;
  5. consuming sufficient quantities of tocopherol acetate, retinol acetate and ascorbic acid;
  6. preventive use of creams and ointments;
  7. regular exercise.

By following these rules, you can minimize the risk of stretch marks on any part of the body. The therapeutic effect of such measures increases with the additional use of preventive creams and applications.

Stretch marks are not a dangerous abnormality. The defect can only cause inconvenience of an aesthetic nature. At the same time, correct determination of the type of lesion, the reasons that caused it, as well as well-chosen therapy can minimize the consequences and rid a person of stretch marks completely.