Clear liquid after squeezing a pimple

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Dozens, if not hundreds of hygiene products appear every year. Manufacturers claim the effectiveness of their products and their ability to prevent any skin rashes. Despite this, skin problems are not decreasing, and dermatologists are in demand more than ever. For example, the same watery pimples often frighten people and literally put them into a stupor. What are the causes of these acne? Where do they appear? Are they treatable?

Causes of watery acne

Watery pimples, despite their similarity, can have a different nature. This is important, because future approaches to treatment depend on the cause of the disease. For example, allergic manifestations are cured in one way, and dyshidrosis or chickenpox in another.

So, water acne can occur for the following reasons:

Allergic dermatitis

Often, watery pimples appear due to allergic reactions to animals, chemicals, pollen or food. It is not difficult to identify such a problem. Allergic acne breaks out quickly and is extremely itchy. Antihistamines or special ointments can be used as therapeutic agents. It wouldn’t hurt to change your diet and go on a special diet. Be sure to visit an allergist who will determine the exact cause and prescribe treatment.


The main danger of the disease is its viral nature. Pimples appear, as a rule, on the lips, are very itchy and look like bubbles with liquid inside. Herpes is transmitted in one of two ways - contact or sexual. An infected person can carry the virus in the body for some time until the immunity weakens to a critical level. That’s when watery pimples will show themselves in all their “glory.” Treating herpes with improvised methods will not work, and the best option is to see a doctor.


A disease that is characteristic primarily of children. The main signs of the disease are water pimples on the body, high fever, weakness and sore throat. At first, the problem is localized in a small area, but if left untreated, it “spreads” throughout the body - in the abdomen, arms and legs. Only a doctor can diagnose chickenpox and prescribe treatment. As a rule, it all ends with taking antipyretic medications and the appearance of acne.


A disease in which the rash spreads to various parts of the body (including the face). The reason is blockage of the sebaceous glands and disruptions in their functioning. Most often, dyshidrosis occurs in people who have increased oily skin. First, the skin pores become clogged, then metabolic processes are disrupted, and a rash appears. To cure such acne you will need the help of a dermatologist.

Scabies mite

“Living animals” that can get on the skin through contact with another person or animal. It manifests itself as a rash with liquid inside and severe itching. If symptoms occur, you should immediately contact a dermatologist.

Molluscum contagiosum

A problem that, like herpes, is viral in nature. The mollusk is transmitted through household means. The problem is localized on the fingers. If you look closely, you can see a black dot inside the pimple.

The main mistake people make when such pimples appear is squeezing them out and scratching them. This behavior will only spread the problem. The best option is to go straight to the doctor.

Failures in metabolic processes

Doctors say that water pimples can break out for a simpler reason - when metabolic processes in the body are disrupted (for example, while taking hormonal medications).

Prickly heat

This is a type of disease that manifests itself as a rash on the legs and arms. The reason is excessive irritation and sweating of the skin. Blisters on the skin can burst over time and turn into pustules.

Features of treatment

When acne appears with liquid inside, you need to start by cleansing your body. As practice shows, this technique is one of the most effective, although it does not work immediately.

Review your diet, remove everything harmful from it and enrich it with foods high in minerals, vitamins and nutrients. To make your skin flawless, you should eat more fruits and vegetables, and eliminate everything fried and fatty. You can add dairy products to your diet twice a week.

A well-known remedy is aloe juice. All that is required is to tear off a small leaf, wash it well, wrap it in cling film and leave it to cool. After a while, the juice is squeezed out of the leaf, which is mixed with boiled water and used to treat problem areas. The frequency of the procedure is once a day. Within one to two weeks, acne goes away (unless, of course, it is viral in nature).

We must not forget another useful composition - calendula tincture. If you treat problem areas with it, water acne will go away much faster.

If the cause is an allergic reaction, then you can take Suprastin or Zyrtec. These drugs will relieve allergies without harm to the body.

Please note that treatment of watery acne will be effective only after visiting a doctor, determining the cause and prescribing proper treatment.


To avoid annoying acne, follow these guidelines:

  1. sunbathe more. It is believed that morning and evening sun has a positive effect on the skin and prevents the appearance of acne. The only thing here is that you need to know when to stop and not overuse “treatment”;
  2. use special scrubs. Remember that the use of such products after acne has erupted is prohibited. The use of a scrub is permissible only as a preventive measure. To prepare, just take a little sea salt, mix it with a few tablespoons of sour cream and apply to the skin;
  3. observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  4. get more rest;
  5. After acne appears, try not to contact others until the cause is identified.

Watery pimples on the face or body are always unpleasant and unsightly. But there is no need to panic. Use one of the tips given in the article and be sure to see a doctor.

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Watery pimples appear on the body: is it dangerous?

Decreased immunity, infection, stress - all these factors can trigger the appearance of watery acne on the body. They can be localized only on the wrists, on the back, on the face, or cover the entire body. Knowing the main reasons for the appearance of such pimples will help you get a preliminary idea of ​​a possible diagnosis.

What do water pimples on the body mean?

Pimples with clear liquid may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  1. herpes,
  2. streptoderma,
  3. mycosis (fungus),
  4. pemphigus,
  5. allergy,
  6. metabolic disease,
  7. scabies,
  8. chicken pox, measles, rubella and other “childhood” diseases of infectious etymology,
  9. neurodermatitis, etc.

This is not a complete list of possible diagnoses. All of the above diseases can affect the body of both adults and children. There are also diseases that are unique to children. So, if watery pimples appear on a baby’s body, it may be so-called newborn acne or diaper rash, which occurs due to being in a wet diaper for too long.

How to make a diagnosis?

If your pimples itch, you may have an allergy. If your temperature rises and you feel weak, you most likely have an infectious disease. However, there are quite a few possible reasons, and it is difficult to determine a specific one on your own.

For an accurate diagnosis, consult a dermatologist. A visual inspection may be sufficient. The doctor will make a diagnosis by assessing the size of the bubbles, the viscosity and color of their contents, and associated symptoms (itching, burning, fever, redness of the skin). The location of the rash also matters. So, herpes zoster appears mainly under the chest, on the sides and on the back, as if encircling the body - hence the name. With scabies, pimples often appear between the fingers. Mycosis, a fungal infection, occurs on the feet and between the toes.

In some cases, examination is not enough to make an accurate diagnosis. You need to take a blood test, take a skin scraping and consult with a more specialized specialist: an immunologist, a venereologist, an infectious disease specialist.

What to do if watery acne appears on the body?

  1. If the appearance of a rash is accompanied by fever, itching and burning of the skin, immediately call a doctor at home - you may have a contagious disease that is dangerous to others.
  2. If the rash is accompanied by severe itching, use special medications that soothe the skin: Triderm, Fenistil, etc.
  3. Before visiting a doctor, do not treat your skin with brilliant green, manganese solution or other skin-staining preparations. Changes in skin color prevent a correct diagnosis.
  4. The appearance of pimples with clear liquid on the body is not a case when you should self-medicate. Pemphigus, herpes infection, scabies and other diseases with such symptoms are treated in completely different ways. In one case, corticosteroid drugs are prescribed, in the other, antihistamines. To choose a treatment regimen, consult your doctor.

If watery pimples appear on the body, this may be a symptom of dangerous diseases. There are a lot of possible diagnoses, so don’t put off visiting your doctor.

What do pimples with clear liquid mean?

Pimples with liquid inside can be different. The most common option is ulcers. The pus that has not yet thickened is in a liquid state. Less common are convex bubbles with transparent liquid, which are quite large in size.

Pimples with liquid pus inside

Such pimples are easily recognizable; they have a white head, unlike flat pimples. It is in it that there is a white viscous liquid - pus. It is formed as a result of the inflammatory process. Because of this, the lower part is red. The appearance of such an abscess is the result of infection entering an ordinary, non-inflamed pimple. The fat accumulated there is an environment in which harmful microorganisms multiply very well. They cause inflammation. Pus is a substance made up of protective blood cells that die while fighting infection. You need to fight such acne with the help of antiseptics. The most important thing in this case is to relieve inflammation to prevent further formation of pus. You can use alcohol, but an alcohol solution of iodine is best. With it you can not only kill bacteria, but also speed up the release of pus in acne from the cream. After maturation and inflammation stops, this defect can be removed from the skin.

Pimples with fluid can be special formations that are somewhat incorrectly called pimples. They are of a different nature. They are also caused by bacteria. Most often it is staphylococcus. It does not live in the sebaceous glands, but in the entire skin, which in this area is subject to strong irritation. The vital activity of bacteria and the body’s fight against them lead to the formation of watery blisters up to five millimeters in diameter. When they burst, a wound is formed. Its surface constantly becomes wet, as liquid continues to be released. The area of ​​damage is constantly growing, and new pimples are forming around. This will continue for a very long time if treatment is not started. You can't do without a dermatologist here. He will prescribe a course of treatment, which will certainly include an antiseptic. Zinc ointment, sometimes mixed with an antibiotic, is often used for dermatitis. It needs to be applied to the crusts formed after the bubbles burst. Several sessions of ultraviolet irradiation are often prescribed.

Pimples that have fluid inside are always the result of inflammation. But, depending on the form of the disease, treatment methods are different, and in some cases the help of a specialist is necessary.

Pimples with clear liquid inside

Good day. About a year ago these pimples appeared on my toes. They spill out several at a time in one place and itch. They can be squeezed out, sometimes they burst on their own. Gradually it spread to the fingers and disappeared from the toes. During the whole winter they were practically non-existent, but now they have appeared again. as soon as they pass, the skin becomes rough and flaky. What is it and how to treat it? If I can send you a photo!

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Watery pimples appear on the body: is it dangerous?

Decreased immunity, infection, stress - all these factors can trigger the appearance of watery acne on the body. They can be localized only on the wrists, on the back, on the face, or cover the entire body. Knowing the main reasons for the appearance of such pimples will help you get a preliminary idea of ​​a possible diagnosis.

What do water pimples on the body mean?

Pimples with clear liquid may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

This is not a complete list of possible diagnoses. All of the above diseases can affect the body of both adults and children. There are also diseases that are unique to children. So, if watery pimples appear on a baby’s body, it may be so-called newborn acne or diaper rash, which occurs due to being in a wet diaper for too long.

Why do pimples appear on the toes, how to cure them

No one is immune from acne. These insidious formations appear on any part of the body and cause a lot of inconvenience.

Some simply spoil the appearance, others are signs of a serious illness. According to experts, acne can be divided into the following types:

  1. milia are small tubercles, not painful, unnoticeable in a calm state; comedones or blackheads – form in the pores, causing them to expand and increase in size. The main reason for its appearance is pollution. improper functioning of the sebaceous glands; papule – a small inflamed area on the skin; pustule - a pimple with pus; nodule - appears under the skin, becomes inflamed, increases in size, turns red, causes pain; blisters are clear rashes with liquid inside.

A common occurrence for everyone is acne on the face. They are a little alarming - on the hands. The appearance of tumors on the toes makes you worry. Clear, watery pimples often appear in this area. In some cases, this happens suddenly and disappears on its own.

In others, they spread to neighboring areas of the body and cause severe discomfort. Small pimples with watery contents inside itch very much, rupture, liquid comes out, and a red spot appears in place.

skin rashes in children.

What horror... what terrible diseases there are in the world. brrr..

But still a useful read, thanks! Especially about atopic eczema - both my boys suffer from it, we’ve already tried everything... I’m even ready to try hormonal ointment, but I don’t know which one...

All about chickenpox: how to get sick and how to treat

We don't vaccinate.

Chickenpox is a highly contagious acute infectious disease that occurs with a characteristic blistering rash. Children who attend kindergarten or school—places with large crowds of people—get sick more often.

The disease is caused by one of the herpes viruses. Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease. The virus is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person through airborne droplets. With a current of air, chickenpox can spread over long distances.

EGC - grapefruit seed extract or Immune Guard orally, depending on age

Topically: Tea Tree oil and Tea Tree cream


How to squeeze out a pimple?

Before we talk about how to squeeze out a pimple yourself, I would like to warn you about the possible consequences. When squeezing a pimple, there is a high probability of introducing an infection into the wound. In addition, when squeezing a pimple, you can seriously injure the skin, as a result of which a noticeable scar will subsequently form at the site of the squeezed pimple.

How to squeeze out pimples correctly

Only fully mature whiteheads can be squeezed out.

  1. Before squeezing a pimple, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Wipe the pimple itself and the skin around it with a cotton swab, generously moistened with vodka or calendula tincture.
  2. Heat the end of the needle over the flame of a lighter, or better yet, take a sterile needle from a disposable syringe.
  3. Using a needle, pierce the white dot located at the top of the pimple (do not insert the needle deep into the pimple).
  4. Place a piece of clean white cotton cloth over the pimple and squeeze the pimple through it (the cloth should be ironed with a hot iron before use). Do not apply significant force when doing this.
  5. After the pimple drains, clear fluid or blood will appear. Cauterize the resulting wound with calendula tincture.
  6. If blood or clear liquid does not appear from the wound, and pressure on the pimple becomes painful, then it is necessary to stop further squeezing and cauterize the wound with iodine.
  7. For several days, continue to cauterize the wound two to three times a day with calendula tincture. Do not pick off the crust that has formed at the site of the pimple, because This may result in a noticeable scar later on.
  8. Until the wound is completely healed, do not use foundation, powder or blush, as particles of decorative cosmetics getting into the wound will lead to its suppuration.
  9. After squeezing out a pimple, you can wipe your face with lotions containing salicylic acid several times a day. Such lotions not only disinfect the skin, but also cleanse it of dead epidermal cells, which prevents the appearance of new acne.

How to squeeze out a pimple that is not ripe

You should not try to squeeze out such pimples. Firstly, you won’t be able to do this painlessly. And, secondly, after squeezing out an immature pimple, scars, red spots, and scars remain in its place.

It is best to lubricate an immature pimple with iodine tincture or special drying ointments and gels.

Nowadays you can buy special products in pharmacies, using which you can get rid of acne in a couple of days. Such products eliminate the need to squeeze out pimples, and, therefore, minimize the risk of infection and the formation of scars at the site of pimples.

I have a red itchy pimple on my chin, when I pick it up, a clear liquid comes out and then a spot appears in its place - red and scaly. And this has been happening on the chin in the same place for a year now, it goes away and then goes around again - a pimple, a liquid, a scaly spot... It’s very unsightly, what is it? experts

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Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site

Boyko Inessa Borisovna

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Prokopenko Elena Alexandrovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Tell me what this is, I don’t know what to do anymore, but I went to the skin specialist, prescribed erythromecin to drink, and didn’t even take a smear.

Tell me what this is, I don’t know what to do anymore, but I went to the skin specialist, prescribed erythromecin to drink, and didn’t even take a smear.

some kind of dermatitis. try applying zinc ointment several times a day. The higher the concentration of ointment you find, the faster it will pass.

This is a common hormonal acne. Notice how it pops up before your period? Itches from inflammation.

some kind of dermatitis. try applying zinc ointment several times a day. The higher the concentration of ointment you find, the faster it will pass.

Let the beautician clean this place

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A pointed pimple pops up, pick off the tip, clear lymph comes out, and erosion with a crust appears. Itchy. Then the spot peels off, goes away, and then in the same place - again! It's been such nonsense for a year now (((((

This goes away, but the problem is that after two months it appears again in the same place, in the same place on the left side of the chin, and the rest of the skin is clear. It's been a vicious circle for a year now.

I had this when I was 17-18 years old, the skin was peeling + purulent pimples all over the body, from which fluid came out (not pus), but lymph, did not go away for a long time, it was in my diet, I ate very little and not the most correct diet I had one, then a subcutaneous pimple popped up on my chin, it didn’t squeeze out, it was peeling, it was just brewing, I pierced it with a needle from a syringe, a lot of pus came out, I smeared it with peroxide, everything went away and, in principle, from the age of 20 any acne went away, only during the PMS period blackheads do not appear especially a lot

Wipe 2 times a day with calendula tincture, costs about 30 rubles. and lubricate with Spasatel balm - 150 rubles or tea tree oil - 200 rubles.

if inside the pimples there is not pus, but a clear liquid, and they itch very much. then it's definitely dermatitis.

Girls, tell me what it is. all exhausted!! (((((((((((((((

Well, that means he comes out for the same reason
try anointing with pip cream

You have herpes simplex, what’s unclear here, but the liquid that is released is a virus. Bacterial nature will bring pus

try cleaning with a tonic based on probiotics and everything will be fine

Help. Everything itches, itches and droplets ooze from the skin. It's some kind of stain.

You have herpes simplex, what’s unclear here, but the liquid that is released is a virus. Bacterial nature will bring pus

Try chrisal tonic and zinc ointment

I have a red itchy pimple on my chin, when I pick it up, a clear liquid comes out and then a spot appears in its place - red and scaly. And this has been happening on the chin in the same place for a year now, it goes away and then goes around again - a pimple, a liquid, a scaly spot... It’s very unsightly, what is it?
My granny calls this thing “hoteynik”. It usually appears on a hormonal background, but may be due to stress or poor nutrition. Fatty foods if you eat often or fast food. It’s better not to touch such pimples, but to smear them, otherwise the stain may remain for life, like a crater. You can buy Levomekol, it removes pus (usually it is applied to some purulent boils). As soon as it is ripe, you carefully squeeze it out with cotton swabs and anoint it with peroxide or myrrh, but it’s better not to cauterize it, as this is basically what causes the crust to appear.

I have this too now. It’s terribly inconvenient, because the stain is on the floor of the chin, it’s embarrassing at school. Try bepannten, attach a piece of food and seal it with bandage. It seemed to help me

Russian balm helped the girls, I found a recipe here, it’s very simple! Melt butter and vegetable oil in half over a fire for 20 minutes, and put it in a jar, and take it 3 times a day by spoon and at night, too, everything went away! I also applied it to the stain itself! and everything went away like ruuoy, all the skin has been clean for two years t-t-t!

I have a red itchy pimple on my chin, when I pick it up, a clear liquid comes out and then a spot appears in its place - red and scaly. And this has been happening on the chin in the same place for a year now, it goes away and then goes around again - a pimple, a liquid, a scaly spot... It’s very unsightly, what is it?

on my penis it first formed like a pebble under the skin, and then it started to break out and now there is an abscess from which liquid is oozing, it has white spots (abscess), tell me what it is and what should I do

I have exactly the same story with a pimple, also on my chin, although for me it pops up right before the red days of the calendar, a recurrent deep subcutaneous pimple that never matures into a classic, easily squeezed out pimple. I tried all sorts of tonics, lotions, cleansers - it didn’t help, salt from the Dead Sea, salicylic / zinc paste - no good, tea tree oil - also no good (100% oil just dried out my skin, cosmetic 50% - no effect at all) , now for the third day I’ve been actively applying ichthyol ointment (Vishnevsky is also praised, but I haven’t tested it) - it didn’t draw out the pus for me, but it removed inflammation and redness very well (though it stinks terribly!!), but try it - maybe it will help you too

It needs to be peeled off and not with your nails, but with your fingertips, pressing hard, and pushing again. The blood that will flow out will be darker and with foulbrood. That's all. Then don't touch it.


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