Is it possible to make sheet masks every day?

Cosmetologists are sounding the alarm - fabric face masks could put them out of work!

History has seen many attempts by people to live forever, and at the same time, maintain youth and energy. Unfortunately, their attempts were unsuccessful. But cosmetology has significantly surpassed medieval alchemists in prolonging youth and beauty. Today it is impossible to surprise with Botox, mesotherapy or fillers. However, traditional remedies, carried through many years, should not be discounted. A good example is fabric face masks.

They come from the Far East: Japan, South Korea, China (these countries often compete for the title of origin of this method of care). Traditions in eastern countries are of great importance, so it is not surprising that beauty recipes that were used hundreds of years ago have been preserved here. For example, Japanese geishas daily used linens soaked in secret tinctures to achieve a porcelain skin tone, purity and tone.

The benefits and effectiveness of fabric face masks

The main feature of cloth face masks is deep hydration. Moisture is the main element of elastic skin. Without enough of it, the dermis becomes dull and withers, just like a flower. The advantages and benefits of fabric face masks are not just about moisturizing:

  1. increased skin regeneration;
  2. anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. tone alignment;
  4. elimination of fine wrinkles and smoothing out deep wrinkles;
  5. tonic effect;
  6. deep saturation with nutrients;
  7. adding additional collagen;
  8. eliminating fatigue and dullness of the skin;
  9. normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  10. whitening and removal of age spots.

It is important to know! All these positive effects are possible thanks to the serum with which the fabric is thoroughly impregnated. Each individual mask has its own active components, that is, it is not a complex therapy for skin problems. For different purposes, masks should be used based on different ingredients, which, when combined into a course, will collectively transform the skin.

The main components of fabric impregnation serum are:

  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. placenta;
  3. mucin (an element isolated from snail mucus);
  4. collagen;
  5. seaweed;
  6. extracts from medicinal herbs and plants (chamomile, lavender, aloe, ginseng, bamboo, green tea and others);
  7. vitamins E and A;
  8. care oils (olive, grape seed and others);
  9. bee products (royal jelly);
  10. fruit extracts (pomegranate, lemon, grapefruit and others);
  11. zinc;
  12. glycerol;
  13. vitamin C;
  14. coal;
  15. pearl;
  16. gold (colloidal);
  17. snake poison.

What tasks do they perform and who are they suitable for?

It is important to know! Fabric masks have a narrow focus of action. They usually combine no more than two actions. For example, hydration and nutrition, tone and even out skin tone.

To rejuvenate facial skin, use fabric masks containing hyaluronic acid, vitamins A and E, royal jelly, glycerin, seaweed, gold, placenta extract, mucin, and snake venom. Their effect smooths out wrinkles and restores elasticity by restoring elastin fibers, which are the basis of the muscle framework of the skin, and producing additional collagen.

For problem skin, the best fabric masks contain extracts from plants such as green tea, aloe, birch (tar), ginseng, and echinacea. Vitamin C and zinc also actively fight inflammation, blackheads and sebum (sebum).

Daily hydration and nutrition, evening out tone and giving the skin a healthy appearance are provided by components such as chamomile, lavender, aloe, hazelnut, hyaluronic acid, pomegranate, ginseng, and pearls. They heal and refresh the skin both before applying decorative cosmetics and after removing it.

It is important to know! Korean cosmetics and any other Asian cosmetics contain exotic ingredients. This distinguishes them from the European or American cosmetic market. This is what often causes allergic reactions after using this product. To prevent adverse effects on the skin, it is necessary to conduct a test. To do this, you need to cut off a small piece of cloth soaked in serum and apply it to the area behind the ear. Keep for at least 5-10 minutes. Next, you need to check the condition of the skin. If itching or rash occurs, further use is not possible.

How to use sheet masks correctly

Care products based on woven material have special application rules.

  1. Clean the surface of your face from makeup. Micellar water or regular washing with foam, soap or other product is suitable for this.
  2. For maximum cleansing, exfoliation is recommended. Some manufacturers indicate this in the instructions, and some even include such products in their masks.
  3. Apply a mask. To do this, you need to open the sealed package and straighten the mask, folded several times. Since the napkin is thoroughly soaked in serum, it is more convenient to apply it to your face while lying down. Be sure to straighten the fabric so that there are as few folds as possible. This is necessary for maximum contact of the product with the epidermis.
  4. To ensure that the mask remains intact and does not move out of place, you should not laugh or talk during use.
  5. Remove the mask and rub the remaining serum along the massage lines. The mask composition may also remain in the package. It can be used for massage after removal on the face and neck.

Instructions for using fabric masks may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. So, the amount of time you need to keep a fabric mask on your face may vary, but the average is 20 minutes.

It is important to know! Fabric masks do not require washing your face after use, since even after removal, the remaining composition is still absorbed, and there is no unpleasant sensation. An exception can be considered compositions with mucin (snail secretion), they leave a short-lived sticky effect. In this case, you can wipe your face with tonic.

The best sheet face masks

The cosmetic market today and 5 years ago are significantly different. In such a fairly short period of time, cloth masks have burst in and taken over some of this market. If previously among cosmetics European or American products were considered the most in demand and popular, now Asian products occupy a significant part. For example, according to user reviews, Korean ones are considered the best fabric masks. Japan is not inferior to South Korea. She is second in the list of top manufacturers of fabric face masks. The remaining places belong to China, Vietnam and Thailand.

According to statistics from many reviews and recommendations, a rating of the 10 best, Korean and not only, fabric face masks has become known. This list does not give gold, silver and bronze medals - all the winners are here.

  1. Tony Moly. Pureness 100. Effective against wrinkles and for moisturizing. Contains placenta and hyaluronic acid. The skin after this mask remains well-groomed for several days and does not require additional products even in winter.
  2. Japan Gals. Gold Essence Mask. It contains colloidal gold, the fine pollen of which acts as a conductor for hyaluronic acid, arbutin and vitamin C. Actively fights fine and deep wrinkles.
  3. Holika Holika. Hyaluronic Ac >We suggest you look at the best fabric face masks:

This is a rating of the best sheet masks for solving various skin problems. But since they all have a narrow spectrum of action (only moisturizing or only nutrition, etc.), cosmetologists recommend alternating masks.

It is important to know! It is recommended to use masks no more than 2 times a week. For comprehensive care, you can take a course of 10 masks, alternating different effects or 1 desired effect. Many manufacturers produce special sets of 5, 7 and 10 pieces.


1. Is it possible to make masks every day?

Many women in Korea use sheet and hydrogel masks every day - it's true, yes. Some people manage to do them twice a day! And we are just starting to get used not to the 1-2 times a week regimen, but to daily care. But it's worth it because regular self-care does magical things!

So masks can be done every day, but not cleansing ones.

If the mask formula contains antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, vitamins and niacinamide, feel free to use it every day.

But it’s better not to get carried away with exfoliating, lifting and pore-cleansing masks. Once or twice a week will be enough.

You can also use clay masks no more than 2 times a week, clay dries out the skin, if you apply it every day, the skin will become dehydrated, and the main trick is to not let them dry out (five to ten minutes is enough).

2. Should I cleanse my face before applying the mask?

Remember that every spa treatment should begin with cleansing the face - this way the components of the product will not settle on the skin and will begin to act. It is best to cleanse and apply toner + serum.

If you apply cleansing masks, the manufacturer even suggests using them to cleanse makeup, and this is indeed true. but you need to understand that the cleansing effect will be stronger on clean skin.

3. Is it possible to apply masks one at a time to achieve a super effect?

Yes, you can, but you need to make sure that the masks are different in action - For example, first use a cleansing mask, and on top of that a night moisturizing one. But in this way it will be difficult to understand which particular mask gave this amazing effect or, conversely, did not work. And it is better to combine masks of the same brand, so as not to cause allergies due to mixing different components.

4. Can the mask be applied to the skin around the eyes?

The skin around the eyes is thin, delicate and requires special care, so most masks should not be applied to the skin around the eyes. It is convenient to use patches in combination with a gold mask - you will mark the boundaries of the mask and additionally moisturize the skin.

5. Will my skin definitely not deteriorate if I use masks so often?

This myth was invented by those who unsuccessfully chose their masks and, as expected, were dissatisfied with the consequences.

Our managers will be happy to help you choose products for your skin type and your problems that need to be solved, determine your skin type, in general, everyone can understand the problem themselves, if there are no serious problems - breakouts, allergies, then yes, you need a cosmetologist. which will clearly indicate what your skin needs now.

But most often you can solve your problems with the help of cosmetics. For example, if there is flaking on your face or just a feeling of tightness, then, of course, you should not overuse deep cleansing masks (with the same clay or acids in the composition): this will only make it thinner and make it even more sensitive to the environment. Therefore, your goal is to exfoliate it a little, nourish it and add shine. Focus on the needs of your skin and the effect will not keep you waiting long! And our managers will select exactly what your skin needs.

6. Can masks be addictive?

Unlikely, but possible. Getting used to the mask can only occur if the skin is saturated with the ingredients included in the composition. This can be immediately understood, since there will be no effect after application.

So just put the mask aside for now and try applying it again in a few weeks. To prevent addiction, alternate between three or four different masks.

7. Are there any general rules for masks?

  1. Pre-test cosmetics for allergies.
  2. You need to apply the mask to previously well-cleaned skin (except for cleansing ones, and it is better to use rose water + serum + mask on top)
  3. Apply masks strictly along the massage lines (they should also be removed exclusively in this direction).
  4. Do not exceed recommended exposure time.
  5. Do not apply the mask to the area around the lips and around the eyes.
  6. After the mask, apply a care product suitable for this mask. But after using face masks, you can’t use decorative cosmetics for at least an hour and a half: powder and foundation will clog your pores, and all your work will go down the drain.

“Many women in Korea use sheet and hydrogel masks every day - that's true, yes. Some manage to make them twice a day,” says Christine Chang, co-founder of the Korean online store Glow Recipe. All the latest trends in care and makeup have come from the Korean market in recent years. True, we have only just begun to become friends with masks, so there are many concerns.

At first it will be difficult to switch from the “one mask per week” regime to the “daily routine”, but it is really worth it: for many, the skin noticeably thickens, redness and rashes become less noticeable or disappear altogether and, of course, the skin texture evens out. There are even beauty experiments with two masks a day for seven days. It's difficult, but beautiful skin is worth it.

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Children's magazine L'Officiel

It would be absolutely ideal if each mask was numbered or marked with the day of the week. But, alas, you will have to choose care individually. You can start with this routine: once or twice a week, make a cleansing mask (if you have dry skin, don’t), every other day, a mask for radiance, and a moisturizing mask every day (if you apply it in a thin layer, you can even sleep with it) .

Remember that every spa treatment should begin with cleansing the face - this way the components of the product will not settle on the skin and will begin to act. And don't overexpose the mask. Most of them can be kept on the face for no more than twenty minutes. Allowing the mask to dry completely on your face can dehydrate your skin. That is, you will get the opposite effect.

If the mask is applied in a thick layer, lie down and rest. If you continue to do your business, it will dry out and, due to its weight, stretch the skin.

If the mask formula contains antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, vitamins and niacinamide, feel free to use it every day. But it’s better not to get carried away with exfoliating, lifting and pore-cleansing masks. Once or twice a week will be enough. Clay masks can be used every day, but the main trick is to not let them dry out (five to ten minutes is enough).

Thanks to L’Oreal Paris, the whole world learned that masks can be combined and applied two or three at a time. This method will help satisfy the needs of different areas of the skin at once. Well, and an aesthetic moment: using the hashtag #multimasking, a lot of funny selfies and even body art have been posted on Instagram.

If multi-masking still doesn’t appeal to you, but you still want a super effect, apply several masks one at a time. This skin care system is promoted by the Kiehl’s brand. First, use a mask for radiance, then, for example, for restoration, or a deep cleansing mask, or a night moisturizing mask. There are many options.

This myth was invented by those who unsuccessfully chose their masks and, as expected, were dissatisfied with the consequences. “The main thing is to listen to yourself and the needs of your skin, and take them into account,” says Alexey Mironenko, Kiehl’s brand expert in Russia. Plus, be sure to consult a cosmetologist who will clearly indicate what your skin needs now. For example, if there is flaking on your face or just a feeling of tightness, then, of course, you should not overuse deep cleansing masks (with the same clay or acids in the composition): this will only make it thinner and make it even more sensitive to the environment. Therefore, your goal is to exfoliate it a little, nourish it and add shine. And so on.

Unlikely, but possible. “Addiction to the mask can only occur if the skin is saturated with the ingredients included in the composition. This can be immediately understood, since there will be no effect after application,” says Kristina Muslimova, spa trainer for the Aveda brand. So just put the mask aside for now and try applying it again in a few weeks. To prevent addiction, alternate between three or four different masks.