Why are there so many moles on a girl’s face?

A mole or nevus is a collection of pigmented cells. Moles have the shape of a small speck, mostly light brown in color. Throughout life, moles on the face and body can appear and disappear, so the formation of a new nevus is not a reason to panic.

Reasons for the formation of nevi

Many moles on the face are not a cause for concern, but a feature of human skin. The formation of nevi is due to the following reasons:

  1. genetic predisposition;
  2. endocrine disorders;
  3. hormonal changes in the body;
  4. exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  5. branching of capillaries;
  6. radioactive exposure;
  7. prolonged exposure to stress.


A mole is an area of ​​skin on which pigmented cells - melanocytes - are densely located. Essentially, this is a round spot in which a large amount of pigment has accumulated. In most cases, nevi do not pose a health risk.

Impaired pigment production can be caused by a number of internal and external factors. Genetic predisposition plays an important role in this. According to statistics, if parents have a lot of nevi on the skin, there is a high probability of pigmented spots appearing in the child. In this case, the child has both congenital moles on the face and those acquired with age.

Another reason for suddenly appearing moles is endocrine disorders and thyroid diseases. In this case, they talk about internal pathology, one of the symptoms of which is a violation of the distribution of pigment on the skin. The nevi themselves do not pose a health hazard, but endocrine disorders should be promptly identified and treated.

The amount of pigment produced is influenced by hormonal levels. Often the reasons for the appearance of moles lie in puberty, pregnancy or menopause. These conditions are characterized by hormonal imbalances, which can affect the accumulation of melanocytes on the skin. Thus, during pregnancy, women often experience an increase in the number of pigmented spots and nevi on the skin.


Another internal cause of suddenly appearing nevi is pathologies of the circulatory system, in which there is a rapid growth of capillaries close to the surface of the epidermis. In this case, they talk about a disease that requires timely treatment.

The appearance of moles can be caused by skin damage and exposure to environmental factors. There is a high probability of new spots appearing with prolonged exposure to sunlight. Damage to the skin can be caused by a sunburn, in the place of which a new mole subsequently forms.

The formation of nevi can also occur with prolonged radioactive exposure, including irradiation with X-rays. In this case, the formation of pigmented areas is associated with a special reaction of the epidermis to the influence of an external stimulus. If a mole appears after irradiation, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

The indirect cause of the appearance of benign neoplasms on the face can be prolonged stress, neurosis, depression and other disorders of the nervous system.

Thus, moles occur due to excess synthesis of melanin (the substance responsible for skin pigmentation) in a certain area of ​​the skin. An increase in pigment production can be caused by internal pathologies or exposure to external stimuli. Only a dermatologist can find out the cause and analyze possible risks, so if many moles appear, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

To find out why moles appear on the face, the doctor may refer the patient for additional examination. If any malfunctions in the body’s functioning are detected, you should undergo the recommended treatment.

Do nevi need to be removed?


Nevi can be removed for aesthetic reasons or for medical reasons.

If a patient considers a facial mole to be a cosmetic defect, it can be removed at a dermatologist's office. If the stain does not interfere or spoil the appearance, it is not necessary to remove it at all.

Nevi that pose a health risk must be removed. You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  1. change in spot size;
  2. inflammation, pain, itching and discomfort;
  3. bleeding or suppuration of a mole;
  4. change in the structure of the nevus;
  5. color change.

A safe mole always remains stable. It does not change in size and does not cause discomfort. Such a nevus does not remind you of itself in any way and does not interfere with everyday life.

Any sudden changes may indicate degeneration of neoplasm tissue. Although malignant degeneration of mole cells is rare, the risk of cancer cannot be discounted, so if any unusual symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor.

A conclusion about the safety of a nevus can only be made on the basis of a histological examination. To do this, the mole will have to be removed. After removal, the excised tissue is sent to the laboratory for further analysis.

It is important to remember that no qualified doctor will scrape a nevus for histological analysis.

As a result of such a biopsy, the integrity of the neoplasm is damaged, which in itself is unsafe and increases the risk of developing negative consequences.

The following methods are used to remove unwanted moles:

  1. surgical excision;
  2. freezing with liquid nitrogen;
  3. laser exposure;
  4. radio wave removal;
  5. exposure to electric current.

The method of removing the tumor depends on the location and size of the mole.

If further examination of neoplasm cells is necessary, surgical removal or laser burning is used. These methods of getting rid of moles allow you to obtain a sufficient amount of intact tissue for analysis.


Surgical removal is performed under local anesthesia. After numbing the treated area, the mole is simply cut out with a scalpel. In its place a wound is formed, on which sutures are applied. The stitches are removed after a few weeks. The removal procedure takes about half an hour. The method is not used to remove large nevi on the face due to the likelihood of scar formation.

Cryodestruction or removal with liquid nitrogen allows you to get rid of a cosmetic defect quickly and almost painlessly. The doctor applies a special composition to the tumor, which freezes and necrotizes the tissue. Then the mole is simply removed with a special tool. A small wound forms in its place, which heals within 7-10 days. Due to freezing, the removed tissue is unsuitable for histological analysis, so the method can be recommended for the removal of aesthetic defects.

A large mole on the face is removed using laser burning. This method has earned the greatest trust from patients due to its speed and effectiveness. The advantages of the procedure are painlessness and absence of scars after removal. Using a laser, the doctor burns out the body of the mole layer by layer. The whole procedure takes no more than ten minutes.

To remove nevi in ​​an adult, the radio wave method can also be used. The impact is carried out in a non-contact manner, as a result of which the procedure is absolutely painless. The method allows you to avoid the development of bleeding, since small capillaries are cauterized in the process. Radio wave removal does not leave scars or scars, the wound heals very quickly.

To speed up skin recovery after tumor removal, special ointments are used. It is also necessary to carry out antiseptic treatment of the resulting wound for several days.

It is recommended to remove emerging nevi if they interfere. Accidental damage can cause discomfort, bleeding and inflammation of the tumor. In addition, you should definitely consult a doctor if a previously removed mole reappears.

A mole or birthmark is a collection of skin cells that contain a particularly large amount of pigment. The medical name for such a mole is nevus. A birthmark can appear at any age; genetics, solar radiation, hormones and even viruses play a role. All these factors lead to the formation of birthmarks. For example, during pregnancy the number of moles increases, they darken and become more noticeable. During puberty, birthmarks also become more numerous. However, this is a normal process, there is nothing pathological in it, the main thing is that new moles do not degenerate into melanoma.

When a person is just born, there are no moles on his body (with rare exceptions) - or they are so small that they are difficult to see. During the growth process, cells overflowing with pigment increasingly “find each other”, and there are more nevi, their size also increases. At the same time, more of them appear on the face than on the body (based on the number per centimeter of skin area). Since birthmarks here are very noticeable, people decided that they do not arise by chance and are somehow connected with the personality of their owner and sometimes even his possible fate. What can a mole mean depending on the area of ​​the face in which it appears?

Mole on forehead

If the birthmark is located in the middle of the forehead above the bridge of the nose, it is called the “eye of Shiva” and speaks of a penchant for secret knowledge and mystical experiments. Girls with this mark have highly developed intuition; they anticipate events that are yet to occur. Married Indian women draw a bindi dot on this place, which in Hinduism is considered a sign of truth. A nevus on the forehead (not necessarily in the middle) also indicates that the person is “strong in spirit,” energetic, and has pronounced organizational skills. If the spot is located between the eye and temple, this indicates love. Coquettes of the 18th century, if they did not have their own mole here, glued an artificial “fly” to this place, showing “the product face to face.” The speck of fabric seemed to say to everyone around: “This woman is a very passionate person.” By the way, the front sight might not be round, and might not look like a mole at all - they were made in the shape of hearts, crescents, even tiny cupids. Men also wore flies, but less often than women.

Mole on the right side of the forehead Mole on the left side of the forehead
The girl will be purposeful, strong-willed, and it will not be so easy to lead her astray from her intended path. Bearers of moles in this area love to travel. For example, Angelina Jolie has such a mole. A man with a mole in this place is likely to be a careerist and a leader by nature. If a person finds a job he likes, then he will be accompanied by success, including material success. Out of place, such people are unhappy, everything falls out of their hands - but if they like what they do, then their career will take off. It is unlikely that they will be able to achieve everything without much effort, but if applied in the right direction, these efforts will be rewarded a hundredfold. Marion Cotillard has such a birthmark.

Mole on eyebrow

A birthmark above or directly on the eyebrow is a symbol of financial well-being. Periods of lack of money for such people are rare and short-lived; such moles love money and quickly return to their owners. If the mole is not visible, it’s okay, the main thing is that it is there. Such a speck is like a key to a bank safe. A nevus on the eyebrow on the right side foreshadows a cloudless family life, on the left it warns that a woman needs to be careful in marriage matters.

Mole on temple

The meaning of a mole on the temple is sensitivity, tenderness. Girls with birthmarks on their temples love heart-warming books and films and spend a sea of ​​handkerchiefs while watching or reading. The main thing is that everything ends well. A girl without a mole on her temple will set a neutral picture as her phone screensaver, while a girl with a birthmark will most likely have a photo of cute kittens or puppies as her phone wallpaper.

Mole under the eye

The owner of moles under the eye is an optimist who never loses heart. She is energetic and lucky, and these qualities help her a lot in life. It was about such women that “Time Machine” sang - “She goes through life laughing.” Positivity and energy are not the only qualities that attract people to such people. Women with a mole under the eye are very caring, they are ready to give their last shirt to their neighbor, and they do a lot of charity work. A striking example is Mother Teresa, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, famous defender of the suffering and disadvantaged. Another quality that is often found in people with a mole under the eye is iron endurance; no matter what happens around them, they continue to do their job.

Mole on the eyelid

Moles rarely appear on the eyelids, but if a girl has such a spot, most likely she is very emotional and cannot always restrain her emotions. Such people are straightforward; if they don’t like something, they talk about it right away; when under stress, they become very nervous and need additional support. Girls with nevi on their eyelids are demanding both of themselves and of those around them; they can criticize someone else’s work - and then, with the same fervor, look for shortcomings in their own. However, they are very sensitive and easily upset. For men, a mole on the eyelid, on the contrary, means that they know how to establish relationships with other people, maneuver in a sea of ​​contradictions, without forgetting about their own interests.

Mole in the corner of the eye

A birthmark in the corner of the eye indicates that a person (especially a man) is an owner, and this is especially evident in his personal life. Such people are jealous, their family life is unlikely to be cloudless - frequent quarrels are possible. Moles in this place are a sign that a person should work on his balance.

Mole on cheek

The location of a mole on the cheek is most often a sign of a talented person, perhaps a little quirky, easily carried away, sometimes so much so that it is difficult for him to stop in time. For example, Albert Einstein, a brilliant scientist, had many moles on his cheeks. People with such moles are cheerful, open and active, they are said to be the “life of the party”; here you can also remember Yuri Nikulin, the famous actor and no less famous clown.

Mole on right cheek Mole on left cheek
People with birthmarks on this side stand firmly on their feet and are not inclined to build sand castles. Between a bird in the hand and a pie in the sky, they will choose a tit. These are family people, they love and value their loved ones, and the physical side of marital relationships is also very important to them. Such people are emotional, they quickly light up, they can even raise their voice, but then they quickly cool down. Their relatives are usually aware of this feature and prefer to simply wait out the storm. The meaning of the mole here is giftedness; such people have special skills, which to others may sometimes seem like superpowers. In fact, they are not magicians at all, but rather masters of their craft. Moles on the left cheek are often found in talented musicians, singers, composers, artists, writers and other representatives of creative professions, both male and female. Sometimes such a mole can be a sign of imbalance.

Mole on the cheekbone

In this place, moles appear in good organizers and managers. A woman with a nevus on her cheekbone easily manages her children and her home, everything is on schedule, and since mom said it’s time for ballet, then it’s time for ballet, nothing can be done. No one questions the authority of such a mother. If the owner of a mole on her cheekbone has made some decision, she will not back down from it and will also persuade everyone around, starting with her own husband, to follow her. A mole on the cheekbone is a sign of an orator, a person who has the gift of persuasion.

Mole on the nose

Here, moles are usually located on cheerful girls who love to joke and laugh, this is especially true in those whose birthmarks are located right on the tip of the nose. A nevus on the right side of the nose speaks of determination and perseverance, on the left - a rich inner world that not everyone can appreciate. A mole on the bridge of the nose usually occurs in people of integrity who are not prone to excessive reflection. Such people usually know exactly what they want and what they will do with what they want if they get it. They cannot be called dreamers; they prefer to make a plan and act on it.

Mole under the nose

A nevus in this area means that a person is characterized by corrosiveness in the good sense of the word. If such people begin to understand something, then they try to get to the bottom of things, consider the situation from all possible sides and make the optimal decision. They make excellent consultants. Their friends always know who to turn to for help in a difficult situation. In addition, a mole under the nose usually indicates a broad outlook and openness to everything new. Such people love to travel and simply adore new experiences. One of the best gifts for a person with a mole under his nose is a trip to somewhere he has never been before.

Mole near lips

Owners of such moles are extremely attractive to the opposite sex. In ancient times, it was believed that a person with a mole on the lip (both a man and a girl) was kissed by the goddess of love herself and good luck would accompany him or her. Such people have many friends, they easily form relationships and are rarely lonely. Men adore girls with moles on their mouths (remember Marilyn Monroe!). At the same time, a mole near the lips is most often a sign of a monogamous person in both men and women (unless it is in the corner of the mouth, because the meaning of such a mark is a tendency to flirt). There are also many workaholics among such people; perhaps, love for work and love for a person are almost the same thing for them. Men with a mole near the lip line often work in leadership positions and are respected and appreciated by their colleagues. Such a spot is a sign of a kind and sympathetic person.

Mole on the chin

A strong, self-confident person, accustomed to achieving his goals - this is what can be said about a person with a nevus on his chin. Women with a birthmark in this place are romantic and sensual, reliable and sensible, and men are the real support of the family. Regardless of the gender of a person marked with a mole on the chin, he is characterized by a dislike of change; such people are conservative and do not like novelty too much, for fear of losing face in the dirt. They are hospitable hosts, their house is warm, cozy and always full of guests. However, there are also disadvantages to a mole on the chin - its owners are powerful and stubborn, and this can frighten those who are not yet accustomed to their strong character. A woman with a birthmark on her chin will not allow her husband or anyone else to decide anything for herself; she will push her opinion. “There are two opinions - the wrong one and mine” - this is definitely about her.

A mole on the chin is a sign of a person who will stop at nothing on the way to his goal. Women with this mark equally easily manage both their own family and a large company with many employees, without ever losing face. They do not like manipulation, preferring to resolve issues without unnecessary floridness.
Clusters of moles on the face can also be important. If the spots form a figure without corners, that is, a circle or an oval, this is a good omen; oddly enough, this also includes a triangle. A square or star from moles, on the contrary, can warn of upcoming difficulties in life. In any case, no matter where the mole is, no matter how it is located, its voice is nothing more than advisory. Ultimately, a person creates his own destiny.

Remember Cindy Crawford's famous mole? This has long been its calling card and distinctive feature. The supermodel admits that in her youth she was going to remove it. “It is known that a mole on the right is a sign of beauty. However, I have it on the left, and during my childhood this was considered a deformity, and because of this I got a lot of trouble from my peers.” © S. Crawford. Fortunately, the nevus remained in place, and Cindy Crawforth became what the world knows as a world-famous model with a mole that gives her charm and personality. But sometimes it happens that there are a lot of nevi on the face. Doctors are unanimous: if there are a lot of moles on the face, this is a sure sign that the human body is not in the best shape and requires consultation with a good specialist.

The appearance of moles on the face

Almost every person has birthmarks, or nevi. Their appearance, composition and arrangement are as unique as fingerprints. Nevi no longer cause such superstitious horror and religious hysteria as in ancient times. Then, if a midwife received a child and found a mole during examination of newborns, she was obliged to report this fact to the Holy Inquisition. “Devil's mark” - they called nevi back then. In later times, birthmarks were considered a blessing from above, and fortune telling by the location of a birthmark was a very popular pastime. They tried to determine a person’s character, his temperament and sexuality using moles. Noble ladies painted moles on their faces in the right places, thus conveying signs of their intentions for the evening to the men around them at balls and receptions.
For example, a mole above the lip in those days meant: “today I agree to everything.” Now people are completely calm about nevi. Tension is probably caused only by large tumors and their excessive quantity. If moles suddenly appear on a person’s face, and even in large numbers, he, of course, wants to find out why this happened and whether they can be removed.

Causes of moles

Today, there is a more logical explanation for the appearance of nevi on the skin. There is a scientific explanation for the appearance of nevi on the face and body. A mole is a congenital skin defect that a child receives during prenatal development. Further, as we grow older, a new formation is formed in this place, known to us as a nevus. Today, scientists are unanimous in their opinion: nevi are congenital and acquired.
What are acquired moles? These are nevi that have formed on the skin due to exposure to any negative factors. These include:

  1. Ultraviolet radiation. Any method of tanning, whether a natural tan obtained in the sun or an artificial tan from a solarium, is a potentially dangerous factor for human health. You need to be responsible for your health by staying as little as possible not only in the sun, but also in brightly lit places indoors, and if you really want to sunbathe, it’s better to do it in the morning or evening, when the sun’s rays are no longer so bright. In any case, it is important to know and remember: a tan, even one obtained by accident, simply because the face is not covered with a hat in the summer, sooner or later will definitely affect your health and beauty.
  2. If you have a lot of moles on your face, it may be heredity. It often happens that all generations of one family have nevi in ​​the same place. However, most moles appear in humans due to individual genetic characteristics.
  3. There is a theory that the appearance of nevi is preceded by injury or constant irritation of a certain area. Scratches, shaving, abrasions and burns. It is also believed that the appearance of nevi can be caused by tight clothing that fits tightly to the skin.
  4. Hormonal imbalances. Often moles appear in large numbers during pregnancy or puberty. If these two factors are excluded, then you should immediately contact an endocrinologist to find out the reasons for the appearance of multiple nevi and further treatment or removal.

Types of moles

Birthmarks come in different types and different origins:

  1. Angiomas. They are formed from overgrown capillaries or blood vessels, which is why they always have the same color: red. Such birthmarks are usually small or medium in size, soft to the touch, and painless on palpation. But red moles on the face definitely do not decorate a person.
  2. Hemangiomas. Nevi “on legs”. They look like small papillae hanging from the skin. They are somewhat reminiscent of a head of cauliflower: their structure is uneven and rough. They are considered potentially dangerous, since such moles can easily be injured by clothing or personal hygiene items. In addition, they are more likely than other nevi to transform into melanoma.
  3. Common, flat nevi. They occur more often than all others. Their presence does not cause any trouble; sometimes they even decorate the face, giving the owner charm and individuality.
  1. Convex nevi. Often cause inconvenience. They are also easy to injure, in addition, such moles become inflamed more often than others and also have the ability to degenerate into melanoma. If there are a lot of raised moles on the face, experts advise definitely getting rid of them.
  1. Blue nevus. These moles live up to their name. They range in color from light blue to blue-black. Extremely dangerous and must be removed immediately
  2. Giant nevi. They appear soon after the birth of a child and as the body grows, they can grow to gigantic sizes. The situation can be aggravated by the fact that such moles are susceptible to hairiness, and their surface can become uneven and rough. Such large moles on the face are definitely a serious cosmetic defect that requires removal.

Most nevi are completely safe for humans, but it is worth remembering that some of them are capable of degenerating into a dangerous disease - melanoma. Therefore, it is very important, especially if there are many moles, to observe them and track all changes in their appearance. In addition, it is important to monitor newly appeared spots, monitor their size and color. These simple recommendations may help you maintain your health and beauty. If a red mole on the face gradually grows and begins to reach a size of more than millimeters, an urgent consultation with an oncologist and dermatologist is required.

When to see a doctor

If suddenly you see the following signs on your nevi:

  1. The nevus became unevenly colored.
  2. Increases in size.
  3. Changed color.
  4. There is redness around the mole.
  5. The mole bleeds or becomes cracked.
  6. Started to change shape.
  7. Her skin pattern has changed.
  8. A raised mole on the face is itchy or painful.

An immediate visit to the doctor is required! He will conduct tests, and if the possibility of disease is excluded, then most likely you will still be asked to think about removing the nevi. The psychological factor plays a huge role here; many moles on the face are a cosmetic defect of the skin.

It is possible and probably necessary to remove such moles, but the work must be entrusted to a specialist in a highly qualified medical clinic. Only there will nevi be able to check their structure, composition and choose the most suitable method for their removal. It is strictly not recommended to get rid of a mole at home, as there is a high risk of its damage and further transformation into skin cancer, a malignant tumor or melanoma.
Well, in conclusion I would like to quote from the magazine: The Daily Mail
“At the beginning of her career in the late 80s, the mole on Crawford’s left cheek looked like a freckle - a neat, pencil-drawn spot that became the highlight of the aspiring model. Recently, a spectacular brunette appeared at a festival in London. The mole has grown greatly and protrudes above her lip so much that Cindy even tried to cover it with her hair.
“I wouldn’t like to talk about it, but the mole really worries me and the doctors,” Crawford said. “I get tested for cancer every year because of her.”
Doctors advised the woman to remove it. Not only can it become a malignant tumor, but it also greatly affects the color of Cindy’s skin.
“I have always taken care of my health, exercise regularly and eat right. I don’t smoke and the most I can afford to drink is a few sips of champagne. Therefore, the doctors’ verdict, of course, worried me. “I’ll think about what to do,” Crawford answered with a sad smile.”

A little magic

What do birthmarks on the face mean:

  1. On the forehead. A sign of intelligence, great intelligence and the ability to reason. A very good sign.
  2. Between the eyes: A very intelligent, well-adapted person who will achieve heights in his chosen field, will have a certain social position and will live a calm, comfortable life.
  3. At the edge of the eyebrow along the outer edge: activity, movement. There is no stability in this person; he always fights, despite the circumstances.
  4. Outwardly: shallow personality, easy, unburdensome relationships with members of the opposite sex, very talkative.
  5. Under the eye. Unfortunately, this mole means bad luck. For women, it can predict loneliness and childlessness.
  6. On the cheekbone. The character is strong, domineering, firm. But this person is disrespectful to people, stubborn and inconsiderate. He doesn’t know how to make friends, but he makes enemies easily and freely. For men, such a mole is an indicator of intelligence, and for women, on the contrary, it is an indicator of its absence.
On the cheek: a very charming person, a happy marriage, many children and excellent health. On the upper lip. This person has a penchant for bodily pleasures, a gourmet and a hedonist. They say that men with a nevus on their lip are the best cooks. On the chin. The man sticks his long nose everywhere. Curious, loves to gossip. But he is a bright and kind nature. On the ears. A nevus on the ears speaks of enormous vitality, the ability to set a goal and achieve it at any cost. In the upper part of the ear it will indicate that the person has a strong, high intelligence. In the center of the ear it will speak about the ability to love and a strong attachment to your family. On the earlobe - it will tell you that its owner is rich, prosperous and has strong-willed managerial qualities. At the end of the nose. You'll have to work a lot. But it will bring success and prosperity. On the neck. He will talk about a man as a bearer of feminine qualities (capricious, spoiled). And a woman with such a mole is strong-willed, with character, and a born leader. Convex moles on the face under the lower jaw. Sadness, problems with children, few pleasures in life.
In the middle of the eyebrow: aggression, both male and female.