Preventing bags under the eyes

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. They reflect the inner beauty and health of a person. Often bags under the eyes (the cause, treatment and prevention of which will be discussed in this article)


Causes of swelling under eyes

There are many factors that cause puffiness in the eye area. First of all, it is necessary to exclude congenital changes in the structure of the skin under the eyes, for example, heredity. In all other cases, there are reasons for their appearance, by eliminating which, it is quite possible to get rid of the hated edema:

  1. Lack of sleep and stress – these are the most common reasons. If your daily sleep is less than 8 hours, and bad mood and depression are quite common, bags and dark circles will be your constant companions.
  2. Liquid, more precisely, its uncontrolled consumption. As you know, for a good metabolism, an adult should drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water. If the amount of liquid exceeds 3 liters, and the list of drinks consumed includes sweet, carbonated, low-alcohol drinks, then such a problem as removing bags under the eyes will not be long in coming.
  3. Spending a long time before TV screen or monitorcomputer not only affects vision, but also affects the skin around the eyes.
  4. Food with a high content of salt and seasonings contribute to the formation of swelling on the face and body. After all, it is salt that retains fluid in the body and inhibits the outflow of lymph.
  5. Health status can also be the primary source of such troubles as bags under the eyes. The reason (treatment, by the way, will depend on it) is hormonal imbalances, kidney and heart diseases, weakened immunity, etc.

How to get rid of bags under the eyes


The main problem of most people who struggle with facial swelling is lack of information. Many people try to limit themselves to water or apply large amounts of supposedly magical cosmetics. In most cases, such self-medication ends in failure: the bags add sagging skin or its unnatural shade. Therefore, first you need to establish the source of the defect. How to remove bags under the eyes (cause and treatment are interrelated) if their appearance is due to health problems? First of all, undergo a medical examination. Only an experienced specialist will tell you what exactly to pay attention to during treatment: it could be any internal inflammation, weakening of facial muscles or aging of the skin. The doctor can also recommend a diet, a vitamin-mineral complex, and restoration of water balance. Secondly, you should contact a cosmetologist. We often use cosmetics incorrectly. For example, some creams are not intended for the area around the eyes, as they retain liquid in the areas of application. Thirdly, pay attention to your lifestyle. Often the working day is spent at the computer, and the evening is spent watching TV. Take walks in the fresh air more often, try to sleep at least 8 hours, give up bad habits.


If swelling bothers you from time to time and is rather cosmetic in nature, then there are several proven ways to quickly eliminate it. For example, at night it is useful to apply cotton swabs soaked in strong tea leaves. To keep the skin under your eyes elastic and free from a painful tint, wipe it with ice in the morning and evening. It could be just frozen water or chamomile and mint infusions. A parsley mask helps a lot. To do this, fresh herbs need to be crushed in a blender and applied under the eyes. Cucumber also works well: you can cut it into rings or grate it and then leave it on your face for 10-15 minutes. Do not forget that the skin under the eyes is very thin and delicate, and therefore requires delicate care and handling.

Bags under the eyes: prevention

Prevention is never superfluous. Don't wait for swelling and dark circles under your eyes to appear: start taking care of your face as early as possible. First of all, select cosmetics according to your age and skin needs, make masks and compresses (for example, tea compresses), wipe the eye area with ice cubes from herbal decoctions or parsley.

Bags under the eyes can ruin even the most attractive face. It’s okay if you drank a lot of water the day before, didn’t get enough sleep, and found swelling in the morning. Those who are bothered by this problem quite often should definitely find out the cause and the right ways to get rid of bags under the eyes.

However, do not rush to get scared. Most often, this circumstance is a consequence of a certain lifestyle.


Reasons for appearance

The most common causes of swollen eyes are:

  1. Increased salt content in the body.
  2. Eating spicy food.
  3. Excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarettes.
  4. Long-term lack of sleep.
  5. Nervous tension, overwork.
  6. Excess sleep.
  7. Incorrect position while sleeping.
  8. Careless facial care.
  9. Lack of vitamin D in the body.
  10. Excessive fluid intake at night.
  11. Tears.
  12. Hereditary factor.
  13. Internal problems in the body.

However, as we have already said, if the problem is permanent, hidden, the reasons may be buried much deeper. This:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Violations of blood circulation and lymph flow.
  3. Allergic reactions to certain cosmetic components or products.
  4. Kidney diseases.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and maxillary sinuses.
  6. Acute respiratory diseases.
  7. Loss of elasticity of the skin associated with age-related changes.
  8. Postoperative period.


Methods for solving the problem

If the issue is purely cosmetic and temporary, getting rid of the bags quickly will not be difficult. At home they will help you:

  1. eyelid compresses;
  2. light massage;
  3. lotions;
  4. ice cubes;
  5. express methods (spoons in the freezer).
  6. masks (from raw potatoes, potatoes and parsley, cucumber, sour cream, honey, lemon).

Express method: cold spoons

As mentioned above, cold has a calming effect on bags under the eyes and relieves swelling. This is a very interesting, but at the same time reliable way to get rid of bags under the eyes at home. Take two spoons and cool them by placing them in the refrigerator or freezer. Apply to the swollen area. Keep it until the spoons get warm. Under the influence of cold, the eyelid tightens well.


Herbal compresses

You can quickly get rid of the effect of puffy eyes using home folk remedies. Chamomile, St. John's wort, string, calendula, mint, sage, oak bark, linden. They have a calming effect and improve blood microcirculation in the soft tissues under the eyes. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of herbs. Strain and cool. Soak cotton pads in the tinctures and apply to the area of ​​swelling.

Lemon juice lotions

Cool the lemon. Squeeze the liquid out of it. Soak cotton pads in it and apply to closed eyes. Hold for 10 minutes.

Tea lotions

You will need one used tea bag. Black, fruity, herbal - at your discretion. Cool it down by placing it in the refrigerator and apply it to each eye one at a time for 10-15 minutes. Or use brewed tea.


Horsetail lotions

Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of chopped and dried horsetail and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool and strain. Apply cotton pads soaked in the infusion around the eyes.

Birch leaf lotions

Young leaves are especially effective. They are not crushed, but simply filled with cold water. Leave for 7-8 hours. Make lotions and compresses and apply to areas of swelling.

Aloe vera lotions

Antioxidants and vitamin E contained in the plant have a beneficial effect on problem areas. Rub the skin around your eyes with aloe vera juice throughout the day, and very soon you will notice amazing results and quick relief from disfiguring bags.

Raw potatoes

Chilled potatoes make wonderful whitening masks. Dip cotton swabs into previously squeezed potato juice and apply to the swelling for 10 minutes.


Light massage

The massage is designed to improve blood flow to the skin, thereby stimulating the flow of oxygen into the tissues. The general relaxing effect that accompanies stroking has a good healing effect on swollen areas - it will strengthen the muscles of the eyelid and lift it.

Ice cubes

Ice copes well with the problem of swelling. Also helps remove bruises. You can use both regular mineral water and herbal cubes. Spend a few seconds, then apply to the problem area.

Honey mask

Folk remedies that are available to almost everyone will help you overcome dark circles under the eyes. Honey is a universal product and one of the best helpers in cosmetology. Apply a thin layer of it to the puffiness under your eyes. Leave for a while and rinse with warm water. Some recipes say that you can leave the honey mask under the eyes overnight.

Cucumber mask

For best results, use chilled cucumber. Cut into slices and apply to closed eyes for 15-20 minutes. Do this procedure three times a day.


Potato mask

Get rid of dark circles under the eyes using raw cold potatoes. Apply thick slices to the swollen area around the eyes. Hold for 15-20 minutes.

Sour cream and parsley mask

Chop the parsley, add sour cream, stir. Apply the paste to the area around the eyes. Keep for 20 minutes. Rinse off any remaining residue.

How to quickly get rid of bags in the morning?

It happens like this: everything is fine, there are no illnesses, but in the morning you wake up with swollen eyes. Of course, this problem needs to be solved urgently! Here are 5 ways you can overcome the bags that want to ruin your current appearance.

Of course, it all depends on the time you have during your morning preparations. Therefore, if time permits, use the tips described above: raw potatoes, cucumber, aloe, lemon, herbal infusions and ice cubes will partially or completely help get rid of the problem.

Concealing make-up

Cosmetics you will need:

  1. two concealers;
  2. matting powder;
  3. light pink blush;
  4. light shadows;
  5. lipstick in a delicate peach shade.

Properly applied makeup will help quickly hide the imperfections of puffiness and puffiness under the eyes. To be honest, it is quite difficult to hide dark circles under the eyes under a layer of regular foundation. They will still appear on the skin, while still having a purple tint. Therefore, it is better to use a good concealer for this purpose.

  1. We cover the bags. It should be applied in a thin layer. Ideally, it is better to have two concealers of different shades. The darker one is applied to the entire area of ​​swelling of the lower eyelid, the light one is applied only along the lower edge of the bags, so as not to shade the exact place where the shadow will fall.
  2. We focus on the upper eyelid. To do this, apply light pink blush on the cheekbones, namely from the middle of the cheek to the temple.
  3. There is no need to line the lower eyelid, but it is advisable to line the upper eyelid using a pencil. When finished, blend it out.
  4. Apply light shadows to the area under the eyebrows - highlight the upper eyelid.
  5. In makeup, give an important role to eyebrows. Place them beautifully, make sure they have a shape and are neat. In a word, your task is to focus your attention on them.
  6. Focus on beautifully curled eyelashes or soft, luscious lips.


Pharmacy products

If it turns out that your bags under the eyes are more likely a pathology, you should seek qualified medical help. It may be a good idea to visit a cosmetologist who will find the best solution to this issue for you and prescribe special medicinal cosmetics. This will make getting rid of circles easier and faster.

Angioprotective agents are usually used against swelling under the eyes: medicinal ointments, creams, etc. Troxevasin is a drug that quickly normalizes blood circulation and relieves swelling. They get rid of this problem with the help of hyaluronic acid, which is added to everyday cream. Heparin ointment - nourishes tissue cells, saturates with oxygen, as a result of which swelling recedes and the skin becomes elastic.


Preventing puffiness and bags under the eyes

  1. Take active care of your face.
  2. Use high-quality cosmetics without harmful additives.
  3. Reduce your salt intake.
  4. Drink more water to remove harmful substances and excess salt from the body.
  5. Get at least 8 hours of sleep.
  6. Eliminate bad habits.
  7. Eat right.
  8. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine.

You can get rid of bags under your eyes forever, the main thing is to pay due attention to yourself and your appearance.


Most people associate swelling of the eyelids with fatigue, malaise, bad habits and sitting for long periods in front of the TV screen. The cause of an unpleasant aesthetic effect is not always due to an incorrect lifestyle. It happens that a symptom hides a serious illness, so it is important to pay attention to your health and, if necessary, undergo a medical examination. If no pathologies are identified, you can fight this manifestation at home or contact a professional.

What are bags under the eyes

The protective function of the eyeball is performed by a layer of fatty tissue, which is held inside the eye socket by the skin of the eyelids. Previously, it was believed that bags under the eyes could occur in people due to stretching of the connective membrane: the eyelid, losing elasticity, becomes unable to retain fatty tissue inside. As a result, swelling occurs.

Recently, scientists have found that bags appear due to the growth of fatty tissue. Increasing in size, it is no longer able to fit in the eye socket and protrudes outward, stretching the skin. After waking up, the swelling becomes larger due to the accumulation of fluid. After a person begins to physically move, the flow of lymph and blood circulation are activated. As a result, the swelling quickly subsides. If the swelling has another reason for its appearance, then it persists permanently. This problem is typical for both women and men.


Congenital edema is difficult to remove. Long-term treatment will be required to combat this disease. Swelling around the eyelids can be a consequence of poor diet: eating too much salty food delays the removal of fluid from the body. As a result, swelling occurs. Dark circles can be due to one of the following reasons:

  1. low-quality cosmetics;
  2. chronic fatigue;
  3. drinking plenty of fluids before bed;
  4. lack of sleep;
  5. tears;
  6. watching TV or sitting at the computer for a long time;
  7. alcohol abuse;
  8. smoking;
  9. trauma, bruise, mechanical damage;
  10. respiratory diseases;
  11. genetic predisposition;
  12. pyelonephritis;
  13. pregnancy;
  14. hormonal disbalance;
  15. kidney problems;
  16. malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  17. thyroid diseases;
  18. inflammation of the maxillary sinuses;
  19. disturbances in the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  20. an allergic reaction, for example due to an insect bite;
  21. old age.


Remedies for bags under the eyes

If you wake up every morning with dark circles and puffy eyelids, it's worth getting a medical checkup. Perhaps the symptoms hide a malfunction in the body. If no disease is diagnosed, it is important to analyze your lifestyle: remove bad habits, get rid of insomnia, balance your diet, walk more in the fresh air, or choose the right cosmetic product.

Folk recipes

For traumatic edema, herbal lotions that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties are effective. This category includes linden, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, oregano, and aloe vera. The decoction should be at room temperature: hot and cold compresses can quickly aggravate the inflammatory process. In other cases, you can use folk remedies:

  1. Cucumber contains enzymes that help reduce swelling. To do this, the vegetable needs to be cut into thin slices or grated, then cooled in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Then apply it to the problem area for a while. A pleasant bonus from the procedure is skin rejuvenation and removal of oily sheen.
  2. Raw potatoes act instantly. To get rid of swelling, you need to take one tuber, rinse well, cut into slices and place on your eyelids. After 15 minutes, there will be no trace of swelling left.
  3. A black tea compress will restore freshness in 5 minutes. Soak a cotton pad in the tea leaves or take a wet tea bag and place it on your face.
  4. The aloe vera plant is beneficial for problem skin as it contains vitamin E and antioxidants. You can remove the bags within a day; you just need to wipe the skin around the eyes during the day. Additionally, this procedure will improve microcirculation and quickly rid the skin of excess fluid.
  5. A teaspoon of salt diluted in 1 glass of hot water will quickly restore the skin. To do this, you need to moisten cotton pads and place them on the eyelid. Keep until completely dry.
  6. Sage lotions are also effective in combating morning swelling; in addition, they have a beneficial effect on eyelashes.
  7. Boiled pumpkin pieces, applied for 15 minutes, will get rid of the problem.
  8. Ice is great for removing swelling on the face. To do this, you need to take ice cubes and, without stopping, move them over the area of ​​​​the swelling. At first it will be uncomfortable and cold, but when the skin “gets used to it”, apply ice for a few seconds. For the best effect, you can freeze not just water, but decoctions of herbs, such as chamomile, parsley or sage.

Cosmetical tools

To prevent bags under the eyes, it is important to regularly take care of your skin. There are a variety of drugs on the market aimed at combating wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. For daily use, an eye cream is suitable, the mandatory ingredient of which should be hyaluronic acid. It’s good if the composition includes elastin and collagen. This complex moisturizes, nourishes thin skin, gives elasticity, smoothness, and fights age-related changes. It is important to alternate creams with traditional recipes and not forget about massage.

The following cosmetics can remove morning defects:


You can remove bags under the eyes at home using pharmaceutical products. The effect of medications is aimed at enhancing the outflow of excess fluid, nutrition, strengthening the skin, and saturating the body with active compounds (elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid). A one-time use will provide quick results for several hours, and regular use will provide long-term results. The choice of treatment method depends on the cause of the swelling. The swelling may be allergic or inflammatory in nature.

  1. Patches for combating dark circles LUSERO or Extraplast Beauty. The composition includes extracts of aloe vera, green tea, ginseng, and red algae. The components instantly penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, moisturize and saturate with vitamins. The patch is glued to the dry skin of the eyelids so that there are no folds. Leave for 20 minutes, remove and apply cream. The patches can be used no more than 2 times a week: the skin stretches, which may result in wrinkles.
  2. Troxevasin is produced in a 40 g tube. The ointment is prescribed for varicose veins, but it also copes well with swelling on the face.
  3. Dioptigel makes the skin smooth, increases the tone and elasticity of the epidermis. It acts quickly, and with constant use it strengthens the skin of the eyelids. Available in a 10 ml tube.
  4. Zyrtec is an antihistamine that is used in the case of an allergic form of edema. Drops form: 10 ml bottle. Dosage - according to instructions.
  5. Suprastin is an antiallergic drug. Release form: tablets and solution for intravenous administration.
  6. Blepharogel eliminates itching, redness, and swelling. Recommended for preventive purposes. Release form: 15 ml bottle.
  7. Curiosin gel containing hyaluronic acid gives elasticity to epithelial and connective tissue. There will be no immediate effect from use, but with a systematic approach you can forget about swelling. The remedy for bags under the eyes is available in a 10 ml dropper bottle.
  8. RevitaLift Filler (L'Oreal) removes puffiness of the eyelids half an hour after application. The serum is available in a 16 ml bottle. Recommended for women over 40 years of age.
  9. Forse Vitale De-puffing Eye is suitable for allergy sufferers. Works instantly. The release form of the gel cream is a 15 ml jar.
  10. Veroshpiron is a diuretic that removes excess fluid from the body. The drug can be purchased in the form of tablets (25 mg) and capsules (50 mg, 100 mg).
  11. Age Defyning (Olay) is used before bedtime for prevention. The result is only possible with constant use. The gel is produced in a 15 ml jar.

Treatments for bags under the eyes

It is difficult to completely remove swelling of the eyelids (unless it is a mild form of manifestation, for example, from lack of sleep). If the problem is related to a malfunction of the cardiovascular or urinary system, then you should not count on a quick result, but set yourself up for long-term relief from the disease. In such a situation, swelling under the eyes can be slightly reduced, but completely removed only after comprehensive treatment.


To combat the unpleasant aesthetic effect, you can use the services of a professional who knows how to quickly remove bags under the eyes. Beauty salons offer an abundance of modern cosmetic procedures:

  1. Mesotherapy is based on the injection of active drugs, for example, hyaluronic acid, into the corrective area. After several sessions, the procedure not only relieves puffy eyes, but also rejuvenates the entire face. It is important to contact a professional when the first signs appear, otherwise it will be difficult to eliminate the problem.
  2. Lymphatic drainage is a massage using special equipment. As a result of the procedure, the movement of lymph and blood improves, the natural outflow of excess fluid from the body is activated, and metabolic processes are improved. To obtain the expected effect, a course of 10-15 sessions is required.
  3. Electrical stimulation is based on the impact of electrical impulses on problem areas. The course consists of 11-15 sessions with a frequency of 2-4 times a week.
  4. Dermatonia is a vacuum massage, the essence of which is to provide different pressure on the surface of the skin. This method allows you to retract tissue cells lying deep under the skin. The procedure lasts about an hour. To obtain the desired result, you must complete a course of 10 sessions 2 times a week.

Massage and gymnastics at home

A well-chosen set of exercises will refresh the skin, restore elasticity and firmness. For the procedure you will need a special eye cream. You can buy it or make it yourself from 25 g of unsalted butter, 1 teaspoon of ground walnuts and a few drops of lemon juice. The ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for no more than a week.

Massage for bags under the eyes includes the following steps:

  1. Apply the cream to your eyelids.
  2. Use the pads of your ring fingers to make light circular movements from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.
  3. Repeat 4-6 times.
  4. Perform light tapping of the upper and lower eyelids.

The result largely depends on the frequency of execution, the main thing is not to forget to do it. Massage treatments can complement special exercises well. The benefits of this kind of gymnastics are to restore tone to the circular muscles of the eye, enhance lymphatic drainage, get rid of accumulated fluid in the eyelid area, and improve visual acuity. For a simple warm-up you need:

  1. Close your eyes tightly and then open your eyes as wide as possible. Do 3-4 times.
  2. Move your gaze left, up, right and down. Repeat 2 times in one direction and then in the other direction.
  3. Blink continuously, then calmly close your eyes. Repeat after 10 seconds.
  4. Close your eyes for a second, quickly open and close again. Repeat 10 times.


How to wake up without bags under your eyes

If swelling on the face is just beginning to appear, it is necessary to take preventive measures. Timely measures will help to easily remove the problem. In order to wake up without bags under your eyes, you need:

  1. ventilate the room (fresh air improves metabolism);
  2. walk before bedtime;
  3. do exercises or other physical activity;
  4. go to bed no later than 23.00;
  5. do not drink liquid at night;
  6. eat a balanced diet: consume vitamin B, zinc, magnesium, selenium;
  7. limit salty and spicy foods;
  8. choose the right sleeping position (not facing the pillow);
  9. choose a quality night cream.



Arina, 35 years old Bags under the eyes appeared after sudden weight loss. I tried using folk remedies. Thus, a mask for bags under the eyes made from egg white gave a quick but short-term effect. As a result, I turned to a specialist who recommended mesotherapy based on Konjaktil. After a course of injections, the swelling became less.

Violetta, 40 years old There were no problems with swelling before. Now I wake up with bags under my eyes. I attribute this to age-related changes. I decided not to resort to drastic measures for now, but to try cosmetic products. I chose Age Defying. I've been using it for 2 weeks. There is no significant result yet, but, according to the manufacturer, improvement will occur in a month.

Galina, 34 years old It’s not always possible to go to bed on time. What you regret in the morning: bags under the eyes remind you of a late bedtime. In this case, ice cubes, oatmeal, cucumber slices or massage with metal spoons help me out. For prevention I use Green Mama cream - “Blueberries and plantain”, but even this does not help in an extreme situation.