Aloe vera for rosacea

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I have sensitive and fairly dehydrated skin (naturally combination). I noticed that most moisturizers for sensitive skin that contain natural ingredients (including Green Mama) include aloe vera gel, which acts as a natural moisturizer and also, as they say in the annotations, “soothes sensitive skin.” At the same time, I saw spider veins on the wings of the nose and read that if there are dilated vessels, then products with aloe are categorically not recommended as “irritating to the skin.” How to resolve this paradox - does aloe irritate the skin or soothe it, is it suitable for sensitive people or not? I tried one product with aloe, I liked the moisturizing effect, but I didn’t want to get rosacea.

And in your opinion, which Green Mama moisturizers are suitable for this type of skin?
Thank you

Evgenia Preobrazhenskaya
date 07/12/2009
time 01:25 Re: Sensitive skin, rosacea and aloe

The fact is that aloe has a good anti-inflammatory effect, so it quickly overcomes irritation and inflammation. Sensitive skin is characterized by redness and irritation, and aloe copes well with such troubles. At the same time, aloe stimulates blood circulation, so cosmetics with aloe are not recommended for rosacea. So it turns out that sensitive skin with rosacea is better to avoid products with aloe.

If we talk about the Green Mama assortment, then for combination sensitive skin with rosacea, the two-phase moisturizing cream “Plantain and Coltsfoot” is suitable. This cream is very light, it does not leave an oily sheen, while deeply moisturizing the skin, helping to soothe irritations and eliminate redness. Well-moisturized skin supports local immunity, therefore it is less vulnerable to external factors and, accordingly, less irritable.

Evgenia Preobrazhenskaya

Re: Re: Sensitive skin, rosacea and aloe

Thanks for the answer.

How can you independently distinguish the redness and inflammation characteristic of sensitive skin (sometimes it seems that if you touch it, a red spot appears) from signs of rosacea? (my whole family has such small vessels on the wings of the nose, but nowhere else.)

Evgenia Preobrazhenskaya
date 07/14/2009
time 06:23 Re: Re: Re: Sensitive skin, rosacea and aloe

Visually, inflammation and rosacea are different. The inflammations are usually round in shape, and they go away sooner or later. With rosacea, blood vessels clearly appear, they are prolonged, a network of blood vessels is visible, which, unfortunately, does not improve with time.

The most common skin disease is rosacea, which occurs due to dilation of blood vessels. Spider veins appear on the face and body, which do not cause inconvenience, but simply spoil the appearance and create psychological problems.

What is rosacea on the face?

Spider veins mainly appear in people with sensitive skin. They appear due to incorrectly selected cosmetics, hypothermia and stress. Fragile small blood vessels must be protected from aggressive environments. You should not stay in direct sunlight for a long time, use sunscreen, or wear hats that protect your skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

Everyone knows what rosacea on the face is, but it worries mainly women; men do not pay attention to minor defects in their appearance, so they are not even bothered to eliminate them. Representatives of the fair half of humanity mask this deficiency with foundation or turn to a cosmetologist for help.

Signs of rosacea

In order to solve the problem, it is necessary to restore the lack of moisture to dry skin. The epidermis contains fatty tissue, which creates a protective film on the surface of the skin. After washing with cosmetics, the skin dries and needs to be moisturized with a nourishing cream. If a person has sensitive skin, then he should avoid using aggressive cosmetics. It is better to wash your face with warm water, which will not affect the condition of the blood vessels.

Signs of rosacea can appear at any age except childhood. In order to get rid of spider veins, it is necessary to undergo ozone therapy, laser therapy or phototherapy; electrocoagulation is also very popular.

Causes of rosacea on the face

The quickest solution to this problem is a laser. With its help, you can narrow blood vessels in an hour and get beautiful skin without cosmetic defects. Laser therapy is absolutely harmless. After the procedure there are no scars, redness or bruises. If there are a lot of spider veins, you will have to repeat the procedure several times.

Causes of rosacea on the face in sensitive skin. How young and flawless the skin will be depends on many factors, including hereditary ones. Some people are already covered with wrinkles and age spots at the age of thirty, while others even at fifty have skin in perfect condition, with slight signs of aging.

How to get rid of rosacea at home?

If you don’t have the time or money to undergo laser therapy or phototherapy, you can try to get rid of spider veins at home. How to get rid of rosacea at home? There are a lot of recipes. One of the most popular and effective ways to get rid of spider veins is using cosmetic Vaseline and olive oil. It is necessary to mix Vaseline and olive oil in equal proportions, add a little vitamin C in liquid form and apply to the skin like a cream. There is no need to wash off the resulting mixture, but only do it enough to be enough for one time.

Diet for rosacea

What we eat affects not only our weight, but also the condition of our skin. Abuse of sweets, flour products, spicy and smoked foods, and alcohol cannot but affect the condition of the skin. If a person has sensitive skin, he should avoid such products. Or at least limit their consumption. A diet for rosacea involves eating fresh vegetables and fruits, it is better to steam meat and fish, and consume low-fat fermented milk products daily. Don’t forget about drinking water; you need to drink two liters of it every day.

Facial massage for rosacea

Many people know that the cream should be applied without rubbing, but with light tapping movements. But not everyone does this, because sometimes there is not enough time for it. Daily light self-massage will solve a number of cosmetic skin problems.

Facial massage for rosacea can also be done by a cosmetologist. This, of course, will be much more effective than self-massage. But it must be done regularly. After all, sensitive skin needs special care. You shouldn’t wait for your skin to deteriorate; no one has canceled preventive measures.

Cosmetics for skin with rosacea

The skin will glow if you take care of it properly. How to choose the right creams, lotions and face masks? A cosmetologist or dermatologist will answer this difficult question. Only together with a specialist can you determine what is worth spending money on and what funds to refuse. Cosmetics for skin with rosacea should not contain components that can cause irritation. It is desirable that it contains natural ingredients that have a gentle effect on the epidermis.

How to remove rosacea at home?

Cosmetologists recommend using anti-rosacea cream. If it is not possible to purchase this product, you can prepare its analogue. To do this, crushed Ascorutin tablets are added to the regular day cream. People with sensitive skin should not immediately apply cosmetics to their face. Before using them, it is necessary to test on the wrist.

How to remove rosacea at home? To get rid of the problem, you need to regularly make masks. A mask based on oils has proven itself well. To prepare it you will need a tablespoon of any vegetable oil, preferably olive, the same amount of lanolin and a little potato starch. The mask is applied to the face for fifteen minutes and then washed off with warm water. This mask can be done every day, especially during cold periods.

Vitamins for rosacea

In order to make blood vessels strong, you need to regularly consume vitamins. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C constricts blood vessels and is involved in the processing of procollagen into collagen. That is why vitamins for group C rosacea are necessary for people with this problem. If the body does not have enough vitamin K, the blood vessels become thinner, become brittle and quickly collapse under the influence of harmful factors.

Cream for rosacea on the face

There are many creams that can help women get rid of spider veins. One of the most popular is the cream for rosacea on the face “Bioderma Sensibio AR”. He helped many ladies in a matter of months. Its only drawback is that it gives the skin an oily sheen.

Cream bark for rosacea

Typically, cosmetologists prescribe special creams that are sold not in cosmetics stores, but in pharmacies or made to order by pharmacists. Cream Bark against rosacea improves immune processes, because it contains vitamin C, rutin and medicinal herbs. When using it, it is important to remember that the cream is not suitable for the skin in the cold season.

Diroseal cream for rosacea

A special cream “Avene Diroseal” will help get rid of spider veins, which not only heals the skin, but also gives it a matte effect. You can only use it at night because the cream makes the skin greenish. The cream should be prescribed by a doctor, since, for example, Diroseal cream for rosacea accelerates the process of skin renewal, and this is not always necessary in one case or another.

Ointment for rosacea

In the treatment of rosacea, not only creams, but also ointments are used. Cosmetologists recommend using Troxevasin ointment for rosacea, which contains mercury and ascorbic acid. Thanks to this ointment, the skin is moisturized, and the blood vessels become dense and elastic.

Heparin ointment for rosacea

Many people self-medicate, not trusting specialists to solve even cosmetic problems. Having read medical encyclopedias, they buy at the pharmacy what they need and don’t need, and then begin experiments, for which they later have to pay dearly. Heparin ointment for rosacea has long become popular not only because of its effectiveness, but also because of its cost. Cheap and effective - these are the main factors when solving any cosmetic problems for many people.

Troxevasin ointment for rosacea

The ointment can not only help, but also harm, so it cannot be prescribed independently without a medical education. Troxevasin ointment helps well against rosacea, but it can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Cuperosis: treatment at home with folk remedies

In order to solve cosmetic problems, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on salons and expensive cosmetics. It is enough to visit a good dermatologist and together with him create a skin care regimen.

Couperosis can be treated at home with folk remedies using chamomile, honey, aloe and other remedies. You can make masks, lotions, creams and so on.

Mask against rosacea at home

Masks will help get rid of spider veins. They can be made from oils, ointments, plants and honey. A mask against rosacea at home is made two hours before bedtime. It's easy to prepare. To do this, just dissolve two crushed Ascorutin tablets in green tea, mix it with black or white clay, add a little milk and apply on the face in two layers.

Couperosis oil

Face masks can be made with any vegetable oil. But cosmetologists still recommend using olive oil. It does not cause allergies and better moisturizes the skin. Couperose oil can be applied to the skin in its pure form. It is also recommended to add it to masks and creams.

Potatoes for rosacea

Potato juice contains a large amount of starch, which is practically what it consists of. I don’t use potatoes in their pure form for rosacea; they are added to masks with honey or olive oil.

Chamomile for rosacea

Pharmaceutical chamomile has an antiseptic effect, which is why its decoction is so valuable. Chamomile will help against rosacea if you make a decoction of it and wipe your face with it. You can also do steam baths.

Ice for rosacea

You can make ice from a decoction of medicinal herbs and wipe your face with it. If everything is done correctly and without fanaticism, then ice for rosacea not only trains the blood vessels and makes them more resistant to external influences, but also gives the skin a fresh, rested look. However, it all depends on the specific situation and skin condition. If your skin is sensitive or already has a lot of spider veins, ice will not only not help, but can also be harmful.

Honey for rosacea

Honey is a powerful natural medicine that is used in the treatment of many diseases. Honey for rosacea is added to masks; it is recommended to take it orally, unless, of course, you are allergic to it.

Aloe for rosacea

Aloe is a home doctor, which, like honey and onions, saves you from a huge number of ailments. Aloe for rosacea is suitable for everyone. After all, this plant rarely causes an allergic reaction and is used in the treatment of even very young children. Its healing juice is added to creams, masks and lotions.

Vinegar for rosacea

Table vinegar will help solve the problem of spider veins. In order for vinegar to help with rosacea, you need to dilute it in water and wipe your face with it. Essence is not suitable for this; it is too concentrated. But ordinary table vinegar 9 percent is quite suitable. However, do not forget about using a nourishing cream, which is applied after the procedure.

Green tea for rosacea

Green tea has long been considered a healthy drink. A cup of green tea will help satisfy your hunger. After all, high-quality green tea contains protein. As for solving cosmetic problems, it can be noted that green tea is used as a lotion for rosacea. It can also be used when breeding Ascorutin. Green tea gruel and Ascorutin are added to a cream or face mask.

It is necessary to monitor your health, and then the body will not present unpleasant surprises too often. A person who looks and feels healthy is considered beautiful. That is why it is necessary not to mask spider veins with foundation, but to treat them under the strict guidance of a good cosmetologist.

Couperosis or vascular network is the result of dilation of blood vessels that are located in the upper layer of the epidermis. It is especially unpleasant when they appear on the face, as it gives a person aesthetic discomfort. There may be several reasons for the appearance of such a mesh, including age. As a person ages, blood vessels become more fragile and brittle and lose their elasticity. They can no longer react so quickly to temperature changes and other unfavorable conditions and appear in the form of a cobweb-like mesh in the area of ​​the cheeks, wings of the nose, and chin.

How to get rid of rosacea, make this defect less noticeable, you can treat it with folk remedies and what remedies can be used for this at home.

The official medical name for rosacea is telangiectasia. It is not considered a dangerous disease. Many people want to remove the vein mesh for aesthetic reasons. Unfortunately, there is no medical treatment that can make them disappear forever. But there are ways to make them less noticeable and keep your skin condition under control.

Folk remedies for rosacea

The arsenal of folk remedies includes the use of herbs that help improve the condition of blood vessels, masks, the use of ointments and creams, lifestyle changes, and physical exercise.

Herbs for rosacea

There are quite a lot of herbs that can help cure rosacea on the face. Many of them are familiar and purchasing them will not be a problem.

Sage is a Mediterranean plant that grows well here too. It contains many useful components, including rosemary, oleic acid, triterpenes, tannins, essential oil and others.

These components give sage astringent, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. The astringent properties of sage tighten the pores of the skin, which is very useful in case of enlarged veins on the face. Anti-inflammatory properties relieve inflammation. These properties can be used not only for rosacea on the face, but also anywhere else.

The only contraindication is small children and pregnant women.

To prepare the decoction you need to take:

4 tablespoons sage

Boil water and brew sage. Leave for at least 10 minutes and strain. Add milk to the infusion. Use to wash your face several times a week until you get good results.

This herb contains essential oil that contains sesquiterpenes, tannins, and flavonoids. Thanks to them, yarrow has, like sage, good anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. It can be applied directly to the skin.

To prepare the infusion, take 5 tablespoons of the herb (or 5 sachets) and brew 250-300 ml of boiling water. Leave for 10-15 minutes and strain. Use to wipe and wash your face. After which you need to rinse your face with clean water.

Another common herb. It contains components that give it astringent, soothing, softening and anti-inflammatory properties. Its effect is so strong that it can compete with many pharmaceutical drugs, such as hydrocortisone, diclofenac, phenylbutazone.

To use plantain to treat rosacea, you need to make an oil that can be applied directly to the skin.

To prepare the oil, pour crushed plantain leaves into olive (or other vegetable) oil and leave in a warm place (possibly in the sun) for two weeks. Filter and apply the oil to the affected areas of the face, chin, nose or other parts of the body. Leave the oil for an hour and then wash off with warm water and soap.

Oak is a tree very famous for its medicinal properties. Tannins present in oak bark are of greatest importance for use in the treatment of rosacea. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.

There are various methods of using it, such as baths, poultices, topical lotions, etc. You can wipe your face with a decoction of oak bark, add it to your bath, or freeze cubes, which you can then use to wipe your face.

For the decoction, take about half a glass of oak bark and 350 ml of water. Boil water along with the oak bark and let it simmer at low simmer for 20-30 minutes.

Turn off the heat and strain. Use this decoction in any of the above ways.

Black walnut leaves

Black walnut leaves contain no less useful substances than the nut itself. Its leaves contain tannins, making them an effective astringent. They are also used for dandruff, itchy scalp, sunburn and other skin problems.

You can make cold compresses with a decoction of the leaves or use them as local medicinal baths. It should not be applied directly to the skin due to the carcinogenic and mutagenic properties imparted to it by the substance juglone, which belongs to the class of quinones.

To prepare the infusion, add 400-500 ml of water to black walnut leaves and boil for 10-15 minutes. Strain and apply topically to skin or add to bath. After use, be sure to wash your skin with soap and water.

Like oak bark, pine can also work wonders when used to treat dilated blood vessels. Pine is a coniferous and evergreen plant.

Pine bark contains oligomeric proanthocyanidin compounds, which are antioxidants. All plants that contain such compounds can be used to treat blood vessels. They improve blood circulation and restore blood vessels, making them more elastic.

You can buy ready-made pine extract at the pharmacy and apply it directly to the affected area.

Or cook it yourself at home. To do this, take a handful of pine bark and 12 glasses of water.

Rinse the bark with water and add 8 cups of water. Place on the stove and bring to a boil.

Cover with a lid and reduce heat. Cook over low heat until half of the liquid remains.

Strain and add 4 more cups of water to the remaining bark.

Boil again until about half of the liquid remains.

Strain and combine both decoctions. Place on the stove and boil to 1/4 of the original volume.

Cool and pour into a bottle. Store in a cool place.

Use to massage on skin.

Calendula, or more commonly known marigold, is a flower that can be found in every garden. It contains many different chemical compounds that give it powerful healing properties.

Preparations based on it can stop bleeding, relieve inflammation, and prevent tissue degeneration. It is also useful for enlarged pores, including varicose veins.

To get rid of rosacea, it can be used in two ways.

Grind a handful of petals to make a paste. Apply it to the skin and leave it until it dries. Remove the paste, but do not wash your face. Leave it like this overnight. In the morning, wash your face with mild soap.

The second way is to prepare an ointment. The ointment can be applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day and does not need to be washed off. To do this you will need:

2 handfuls of calendula flowers, leaves and stems

500 grams of fat or oil (coconut, shea or other)

Finely chop the raw materials.

Melt the pork fat and add the herbs to it.

As soon as the fat begins to boil, remove it from the heat and let it sit for at least a day.

Heat the mixture slightly and strain through cheesecloth.

Store in a jar with a lid.

Aloe or agave

Another common houseplant with medicinal properties.

It makes no difference whether to use agave or aloe vera to treat capillary mesh. Both of them have long been used in cosmetology to care for the skin, make it beautiful and healthy, prevent aging, and help get rid of pimples and blackheads.

The properties of aloe can be listed for a long time. To remove rosacea, agave can be used as follows.

  1. For anti-aging, mix 1 teaspoon aloe vera gel with 1/2 teaspoon olive oil and 1 teaspoon oatmeal. Apply the paste on your face and keep it for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
  2. To moisturize, use aloe leaf as is.
  3. For acne - Mix 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel with 2 or 3 drops of lemon juice. Mix this mixture and apply on your skin. Leave it overnight.

Aloe vera can also be used in hair care as it reduces dandruff and helps restore hair.

This flower is a natural antioxidant. When applied to the skin, it helps to normalize blood circulation in the capillaries and is used more often than others in cosmetology.

For small spider veins that are not pronounced, parsley can help. Prepare a decoction or infusion and use as cool compresses.

Blueberries can also help you get rid of vein veins quickly. It is traditionally used to treat poor circulation. This unique property of blueberries to improve blood circulation can be quite effective in getting rid of rosacea on the face and other parts of the body. It also contains tannins, proanthocyanidins, phenolic acid and flavonoids. In addition, blueberries strengthen blood vessels.

You can eat fresh or frozen berries, or buy dietary supplements with it.

A blood protein known as fibrin can build up in areas where your veins are damaged. This makes them more noticeable and visible. Ginger can easily reduce spider veins by breaking down the fibrin. In addition, ginger also increases blood circulation by lowering blood pressure. For best results, brew ginger tea 2-3 times a day.

Another natural remedy for removing vascular veins on the face can be Gingko Biloba. This herb is very useful for strengthening the tissues that form the walls of blood vessels. Sometimes extensive exposure to sunlight and the use of cosmetics and creams can weaken them and lead to damage to the veins and chronic venous insufficiency.

Although rosacea is not classified as a chronic venous insufficiency requiring emergency medical attention, but Gingko biloba can definitely help dilate them and thereby relax the blood vessels in the body to regulate blood flow. It also enhances tissue oxygenation along with improved blood circulation. This makes gingko biloba an excellent natural remedy for rosacea.

You can brew the herb or take it in the form of dietary supplements.

Masks for rosacea on the face

Face masks help normalize blood circulation in blood vessels, strengthen their walls and reduce redness. There are ready-made pharmaceutical masks. But you can make such masks at home.

Green tea mask

Soothes, effectively relieves inflammation, tightens pores and blood vessels.

Soak a napkin with brewed green tea and apply it to your face for 10-15 minutes.

Cucumber mask

Squeeze a teaspoon of cucumber juice and mix with a tablespoon (15 grams) of butter. Add 1 egg yolk. Mix well and apply on face for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Yeast mask

Take 3 tablespoons of yeast, diluted to the consistency of sour cream, and add 1 teaspoon of aloe juice to it. Mix and apply for 20 minutes.

Masks with medicinal herbs

The healing properties of aloe for rosacea have already been mentioned above. To make a mask with aloe juice, you need to tear off a leaf from the plant and wrap it in gauze. Place in the refrigerator for 6-7 days. Then break it in half and apply the juice to your face.

After rinsing, apply nourishing cream. During the mask, the skin may tingle. In two or three days this feeling will pass. In total, it is recommended to make at least 25 masks after one or two days.

A mask made from yarrow flowers, honey, cream, lemon juice and egg yolk helps get rid of the defect. If possible, take clover honey. You can use a chicken or quail egg. Puree fresh florets. You can use dried raw materials, but to do this they must first be steamed with boiling water. Take 2 tablespoons of plant material (mashed potatoes or steamed inflorescences) and add one teaspoon of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and add a teaspoon of cream, lemon juice and two egg yolks. Mix everything thoroughly again and apply to the skin. Keep for at least 10 minutes.

Mix Icelandic moss, birch leaves, chamomile flowers, plantain leaves, and hop cones in equal proportions. Take 3 tablespoons of the prepared mixture and brew with two glasses of boiling water. Leave to brew. Strain and use to wipe your face at least twice a day.

Prophylactic masks

As a preventive measure, masks made from natural fruits or vegetables are good for rosacea on the face. They need to be done 3-4 times a week.

Potato mask for rosacea

Peel one medium potato and grind in a blender. Add a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of warm milk to the puree. Stir and apply the mixture for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

You can make a mask from one potato by pureeing it in a blender or grating it on a fine grater. Apply the mask also for 15-20 minutes. You can add vegetable oil to mashed potatoes.

Grape juice mask

Beat one chicken egg with a tablespoon of fresh grape juice. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes or leave until completely dry. Rinse off with warm water.

Green tomatoes can be a good preventative against small capillary lines on the face. Cut a green tomato in half and apply its juice to your face. This will help restore blood flow and the defect will gradually disappear or become less noticeable.

Essential oils for rosacea

Essential oils contain many biologically active substances that can help get rid of rosacea. But you need to be very careful with them. Be sure to dilute in carrier oil.

Take 5 drops of grape seed or milk thistle oil and add 2 drops of rosemary essential oil. Rub this mixture onto the problem area 3 times a day.

Take 3 drops each of cypress and lemon essential oil. Dilute them in a tablespoon of peach oil. Apply this mixture twice daily.

Mix one tablespoon of rosehip oil with two tablespoons of jojoba oil. Add 9 drops of borage oil, 3 drops of lemon oil and 3 drops of cypress oil. Lubricate the area with the capillary mesh with the resulting mixture twice a day. It is recommended to store the medicinal mixture in the refrigerator in a dark bottle with a lid.

Carrot seed essential oil in combination with spinach essential oil and jojoba oil can be an effective remedy. Mix one teaspoon of carrot seed essential oil with one teaspoon of spinach essential oil and two teaspoons of jojoba oil. Apply a small amount of the mixture to a clean cloth or disc. Apply to the affected area. Leave the mixture on the skin for about 20-25 minutes. Then rinse off with cool water. Recommended to apply twice daily.

Avocado oil and sweet almond oil can be used as a base oil for diluting essential oils. The course of treatment with essential oils usually lasts from one and a half to two months. Then you need to take a break for a month and repeat the course again.

White clay for rosacea

Dilute white clay with water or a decoction of medicinal herbs. Add a few drops of chamomile tincture. Mix and apply the mixture to your face. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and then rinse off.

A white clay mask can be made together with ascorutin tablets. To do this, dilute white clay with green tea and add 5-6 crushed tablets of ascorutin. Mix and apply to face. Keep for 10 to 15 minutes. Then wash off.

Mask with aspirin for rosacea

Crush two aspirin tablets. Dilute them with one teaspoon of kefir. Mix everything well and apply to the face. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes.

For sensitive skin, this mask can be used as a gentle exfoliant, but should only be left on the face for a few minutes, as aspirin can irritate the skin, which in turn can worsen the condition.

Remember that a balanced diet, vitamins, fresh air, exercise and all kinds of masks are useful and even necessary. Especially when the skin ages. So start taking care of yourself now.

To get rid of rosacea, you should eat fresh, frozen or canned cherries every day.

To prevent this skin defect, all you can do is to review your lifestyle, maintain a normal weight, exercise regularly, add some spices to your diet that help improve blood circulation and reduce the appearance of blood vessels on the face.

Although rosacea does not cause serious harm to health and only causes problems with appearance, some people are at risk of further development of vascular diseases, including varicose veins.

You can try natural home remedies or consult a professional to solve your cosmetic problem.
