How to tan in a solarium until chocolate brown

How many solarium sessions do you need to get a quick tan?

First of all, you need to define the concept of “fast”. It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to get a uniform and deep tan in 1-2 sessions in any solarium.

Before visiting a solarium, be sure to consult your doctor whether you can sunbathe, as there are many contraindications for these procedures.

No matter how perfect the technology is, certain processes in the human body, including skin pigmentation, go on as usual. And if you try to speed up the tanning process, you risk burning your skin. However, in 5-10 solarium sessions it is quite possible to get the desired result.

What types of tanning beds are effective for quick tanning?

There are 2 types of solariums, differing in the lamps used in them. These are tanning systems that use:
— low pressure lamps;
- high pressure lamps.

In the first types, A- and B-radiation are produced. They tan a little slower, but they last longer on the skin. It is these solariums that are most preferable for fair-skinned people who are prone to sunburn. Tanning systems with high pressure lamps produce more A-rays, targeting melanin and rapidly oxidizing it. In such solariums you can get a rich tan faster, but it is advisable for dark-skinned people or those with a natural tan to visit them.

In addition, solariums are:
— horizontal;
— vertical;
- in the form of chairs.

The chairs also use a system with powerful A-rays, but usually those tanning in such solariums are people who only need to slightly change the skin color of visible parts of the body.

Vertical solariums are the most powerful in their radiation. Their session lasts no more than 10 minutes.

Ways to enhance your tan in a solarium

If you want to tan quickly enough without getting your skin burned, take care of it before visiting the solarium. Under no circumstances should you wear makeup or use any cosmetic products (including soap).

A few hours before tanning, remove dead skin cells by scrubbing your body. To quickly and evenly tan in a solarium, use special creams or lotions that are designed specifically for this procedure. However, be careful: you should not use tanning creams in the sun in a solarium.

How often can you visit the solarium?

It is not recommended to tan in a solarium more than 2 cycles per year. One course includes no more than 20 sessions. The amount of the latter and the time spent under the lamps depend on various factors: skin type, the presence of a natural tan, and the technical characteristics of the equipment.

You should attend treatments no more often than 2 days (48 hours) after your previous visit to the solarium so that your skin can recover and rest. To prevent premature aging, maintain moderation in creating an artificial tan.

  1. — protective pads;
  2. - moisturizing cream.

When planning a vacation in the south, you should consult a doctor about the wisdom of such a step. Sunbathing will not benefit those suffering from coronary heart disease, thyroid dysfunction and some skin diseases. It makes sense to prepare in advance the means that will help you safely endure the southern sun: a protective cream suitable for your skin type, clothes made of linen or cotton, and glasses with lenses that do not transmit ultraviolet radiation.

Tanning is a protective reaction of the body, in which, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the growth of melanin-containing epidermal cells is enhanced. However, the ability to produce this pigment is not the same in people belonging to different phototypes. People with very fair skin and blond or red hair are least protected from ultraviolet radiation. For a comfortable stay in the sun, people of this type are recommended to use a protective cream with a maximum Sun Protection Factor, or SPF. Fair-skinned brown-haired people or blondes without freckles who have some tendency to sunburn will benefit from a cream with an SPF index of thirty. For brown-eyed owners of dark skin, a protective product with an SPF value of within fifteen units is suitable, if the maximum value of this index for the selected line of cosmetics is sixty. Dark-skinned brunettes, as a rule, need a protective product with a minimum SPF value.

The intensity of ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth's surface increases as latitude decreases. If in a zone with a temperate climate there are from 100 to 150 milliwatts of ultraviolet radiation per square centimeter of the earth's surface, then in equatorial regions this value can reach 400 milliwatts. For a comfortable stay under the southern sun you will need a greater degree of protection. As a rule, when moving one degree of latitude towards the equator, it is recommended to increase the SPF index of the protective product by a couple of units.

Protective cream is applied to the skin half an hour before going to the beach. On a skin surface equal to the area of ​​the palm, you will need as much cream as will fit on the nail phalanx of the finger. When under the southern sun, it is worth updating the protective layer every two to three hours. It is better not to use decorative cosmetics and perfumes before going to the beach.

Morning and evening hours are considered the most suitable for acquiring a tan. It is not recommended to be in direct sunlight between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. The duration of tanning sessions should be increased gradually. For the first time, five minutes spent on the beach will be enough, preferably under an umbrella or awning, since tanning-causing ultraviolet rays can be reflected from the surface of the water, sand and surrounding objects. This radiation is reflected especially well from the white sand that is characteristic of a number of beaches in Australia, Spain, America and Greece.

Water transmits a fair amount of ultraviolet radiation. To avoid sunburn, before a long swim in the sea, you should apply a waterproof protective agent to your body, and after contact with water, dry your skin with a towel. After returning from the beach, you will need to wash off the protective product and use a moisturizer.

If you are a lover of tanned skin, but don’t know how to get a beautiful tan in winter, you may be reluctant to lie on the beach, or sunbathing is contraindicated, feel free to sunbathe in a solarium. But before you sign up for a session, you should consider the procedure itself in more detail, what rules and advice from experts exist, are there any contraindications, what to do if you need results quickly. If the words “I can’t tan in a solarium, what should I do?” - about you, then this article will give you answers to all your questions.

What is a solarium and how to tan in it

A solarium is a special chamber equipped with ultraviolet lamps that irradiate the skin in a dosed manner. Special additives that contain UV lamps prevent the emission of short ultraviolet waves, thereby protecting the epidermis from dangerous radiation.

It's up to you to sunbathe in a solarium or in the sun, but the tanning result will be in both cases. The only difference in choice is that in a solarium you can choose the intensity of the lamps based on your skin type, as well as the power based on what shade you want to get.

General rules: how and how much to sunbathe in a solarium

  1. You should consult your doctor before visiting;
  2. visits should be limited to 12 times/month;
  3. the session time should not exceed 12 minutes/day, if this is the first procedure - no more than 4 minutes;
  4. In just one year you can use 6 full courses of attendance;
  5. the interval between sessions should be at least a day;
  6. many cosmetic products contain substances that, penetrating under the surface, can behave unpredictably under
  7. exposure to UV rays, so you should not use cosmetics or toilet water before the procedure;
  8. After the session, you should not shower for 4 hours, as the dermis continues to produce melanin;
  9. the day before the session, you can do peeling so that the surface of the skin is smooth, without flaws;
  10. you should refrain from attending a session after cosmetic procedures that can injure the top layer of skin, also if you have open wounds.

How to tan in a solarium in a month according to skin type

Pale skin type. You don't have to worry about how long to tan. This skin type is not prone to tanning, either in the sun or artificially. However, you should not get too carried away with ultraviolet radiation; anyone can get burns.

Moderately fair skin type, brown hair. You should choose an average visiting schedule. It is worth starting with 5 minutes per session, with a break of 3 days. After darkening the skin, you can increase the time to 7 minutes, with the same interval of days.

Owners of velvety skin and dark hair. You can receive radiation without using sunscreen or sunscreen. You are guaranteed a chocolate shade in 5 visits. 12 minutes a day with an interval of up to 2 days is enough. There is no need to increase the dose.

Dark skin type, dark hair. You only need up to 7 sessions of 12 minutes per day. Usually the tan on such skin is quite persistent, so there is no need to repeat the course of visits.

How quickly can you tan in a solarium?

In order to quickly get a tan in a solarium, you should follow all the rules of the procedure. To the basic rules - how to quickly tan in a solarium without cream, you can add a couple more that will help you quickly get the desired skin tone:

  1. Be sure to consult with the administrator before choosing the type of procedure.
  2. Places where there are birthmarks or tattoos are best covered.
  3. Use bronzers, their effect is aimed at painting the upper layer of the epidermis.
  4. To tan as quickly as possible, you should use a vertical chamber.
  5. Attend treatments regularly. This will help you maintain your desired skin tone for as long as possible.

How to tan faster in a solarium: tips

To speed up tanning in a solarium, I recommend using special products. You can also use them to improve the effect. It is important to distinguish between tanning cosmetics, designed to accelerate the effect and protect the skin, and after, which consolidates the result by caring for the skin.

Please note that the product for quick tanning in a solarium must have a moisturizing effect. You should use this cream, lotion or oil both before and after the session.

How to tan evenly in a solarium and quickly achieve results? You can use a special cream scrub, it will help get rid of dead skin cells. Makes the skin even and smooth.

You can also use folk remedies for tanning in a solarium. Among the most famous is nutrition. It is enough to drink a glass of fresh carrot juice before attending a session for a quick effect and a more saturated shade. If you don't like carrots, you can drink a glass of natural cocoa, or a couple of pieces of chocolate half an hour before the session.

How to speed up and improve the quality of tanning

If you are interested in the topic of how to tan in a solarium until chocolate brown, you need to listen to the opinion of not only experts, but also dermatologists.

It is worth noting the importance of using special cosmetics before and after the session. This helps to accelerate the change in skin color, protects it from the harmful effects of UV radiation, prevents premature aging, and makes the tan more durable.

Doctors do not recommend using a cream with a cooling effect. It will make your skin less sensitive, increasing the likelihood of burns.

You should choose cosmetics from trusted brands that are designed specifically for this type of tanning.

Who are contraindicated for tanning in a solarium?

There are groups of people for whom both sun tanning and artificial tanning are contraindicated. Among them:

  1. Children. Their skin is very delicate and susceptible to UV radiation. Therefore, persons under 15 years of age are prohibited from attending procedures.
  2. Women carrying/nursing a child you can attend tanning treatments. The only thing is that no one can guarantee you a good result; there is a high risk of uneven pigmentation. It is better to avoid solarium in this position.
  3. People undergoing treatment antibiotics, complex hormones, you should avoid sunbathing.

People suffering from the following diseases should also avoid sunbathing:

  1. diseases of the heart and circulatory systems;
  2. bronchial asthma;
  3. intolerance or hypersensitivity to UV radiation;
  4. tuberculosis;
  5. excessive skin pigmentation.

Everyone decides for themselves how best to sunbathe: with ultraviolet light, or in the sun. You can get a bronze tan faster and safer in a solarium. You are given the opportunity to choose the intensity of the shade and the radiation power. At the beach, you can only control the tanning time. By listening to the advice and following all the rules, you will be able to tan well in the solarium, quickly and enjoy your tanned body for a long time.

A light shade of bronze always looks nice on the skin. In addition, ultraviolet rays promote the production of vitamin D, which cannot be obtained in any other way. But it is not always possible to go to the coast and enjoy the warm rays of the sun. Then a solarium comes to the rescue.

Before attending the procedure, it is necessary to eliminate possible risks, so you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications to artificial tanning:

  1. Hyperthyroidism;
  2. Unstable blood pressure;
  3. Problems of the epidermis (dermatitis, etc.);
  4. Mastopathy;
  5. Gynecological diseases;
  6. Asthma;
  7. Liver diseases;
  8. Oncological formations.

A visit to the solarium may not take place in cases where a woman is taking any hormonal medications, as well as antibiotics or diuretics. If there are no matches with the list of contraindications, you can safely move on to studying other important points.

A lasting and even tan is ensured not only by attending the procedure. Before going to the solarium, it is necessary to prepare the skin for this event:

  1. Hair removal should not be done a few days before the procedure. If you do not follow this advice, you risk developing flaky and inflamed skin.
  2. It is advisable to peel the epidermis. The absence of dead skin particles is the key to an even tan.
  3. It is strongly recommended not to shower immediately before visiting the solarium.
  4. On the day of the procedure, do not use decorative cosmetics or apply perfume to your skin. Failure to comply with the rules may result in the appearance of pigment spots.
  5. The first visit to the solarium should last no more than 5 minutes, and for people with very fair skin - no more than 3 minutes.

Also, you need to remember the rules of the procedure:

  1. You cannot wear contact lenses or glasses in the solarium;
  2. Eyes should be protected with special glasses, which are provided in every solarium;
  3. Use breast pads to avoid damaging your delicate skin.

A successful result is ensured with the help of additional cosmetics. They can be divided into three types: prolongators, developers and activators.

The first group of products is designed to prolong tanning. The most effective are creams and lotions with shea butter, coconut and aloe vera. Products with watermelon and agave extracts have also proven themselves to be effective. The use of this cosmetics is mandatory both before and after the procedure.

The second group is characterized by the rapid achievement of an intense skin tone. Products containing formic acid are excellent for this purpose. The tingle effect inherent in this substance accelerates the production of melanin, due to which the process of acquiring a bronze skin tone occurs many times faster. Such cosmetics are contraindicated for people with sensitive skin.

The third group of products is aimed at enhancing skin color. In fact, the vast majority of these cosmetics are bronzers, and their effects are usually too short-lived. Undoubtedly, with the help of such products you can change your skin color to chocolate in a few sessions, but the shade will turn pale in just a few days.

Many ladies want to become the owners of tanned skin in the shortest possible time, and therefore are ready to spend hours in the solarium. This action can only do harm. You can tan quickly and safely only if you follow the following rules:

  1. The first visits to the solarium should take place no more than 3 times a week; the number of procedures should be gradually reduced to one per week. In this case, the duration of tanning should gradually increase.
  2. A lot also depends on the choice of solarium. The vertical version is more effective than the horizontal one; it is this solarium that will ensure the most even distribution of ultraviolet rays on the skin. In addition, for hygienic reasons, a vertical solarium is much safer. You should also be more attentive to the power of the lamps - the duration of the procedure depends on this factor.
  3. Remember that an artificial tan does not last as long on the skin as a natural one. To maintain a bronze skin tone, you should minimize the harsh impact on the epidermis: do not use rough washcloths or exfoliate. Regular use of moisturizers is mandatory. And, if you have decided to shine with a chocolate tan all year round to the envy of your friends, then visit the solarium regularly (but not too often!).

Every girl wants to attract attention and look as if she has recently returned from vacation. Artificial tanning is one of the main assistants in this matter. If you follow certain rules, you can not only get an even and beautiful tan, but also maintain it for a long time.