
Melanosermania is a pathological condition of the skin, which manifests itself in the form of uneven skin color. The first signs of the disease can be seen in adolescence. Melanodigerma is not an independent disease, but only one of the clinical manifestations of various diseases, including gastrointestinal pathologies, cancer

Melasma - what kind of disease is it?

Melanoderma or cutaneous melanosis is a group of diseases associated with excessive accumulation of melanin pigment in human skin and tissues of all mammals. As a result, a pigmented tumor is formed, the shade of which is usually darker than the natural color of the patient's skin.

This disease is not at all uncommon for the human population, but is considered one of the most recognizable and frightening pigment formations. It is worth knowing that this disease in most cases is detected in people with increased sensitivity to sunlight. As a rule, it is provoked by a syndrome called “pheochromocytoma”.

Skin pigmentation

In addition, risk factors include constant exposure to the sun, age and the presence of ectodermoid skin, and so on. Sometimes the cause of “future” melanosis can be heredity and certain diseases.

Most often, melanosis occurs on the skin of the mammary glands, face, neck and hands. The color of the tumor can be either light brown or black - it all depends on the individual specifics of the organism, as well as on the brightness of the lighting and the power of sunlight. At the same time, it is worth knowing in which case the presence of melasma is considered the norm, and for which patients it is a “far-fetched sentence.”

Melanism may be normal in the presence of small moles or freckles, which increase during periods of excessive sun activity and with excessive use of whitening creams or scrubs. This is explained by the need to adapt to new conditions. However, as the disease progresses, the size of melanodirma continues to increase, occupying large areas of the skin. If this pathology is not treated, over time the risk of cell degeneration increases, leading to the development of skin cancer.

Melanoderma is characterized by the presence of other symptoms similar to