Men's bras began to be sold in Tokyo

Sales of the world's first bra for men have started in the capital of Japan. This amazing news is reported by The Daily Mirror. Journalists write that the name of the new model of underwear for men is Kahei Oyasumi Bra, and it is intended for athletes to avoid sagging breasts under the influence of gravity.

Kaku Nishioka, the owner of a store that sells bras for men, explains to skeptics why this item of underwear is needed by the stronger sex. Nishioka argues that men know very little about their breasts and says that well-developed pectoral muscles, under the influence of gravity, begin to sag, as happens in women. That's why Kaku recommends the new Kahei Oyasumi Bra and advises men to wear a bra at night.

What’s interesting is that the design of the men’s “bust” is not very masculine - the detail of the toilet is designed in yellow-pink tones with an admixture of white and lemon colors. It is likely that if a couple has children, the daughter may appropriate the “bright little thing.” This “joy” for men costs about $30.