Meningoencephalitis Mengo

Meningo-encephalitis Mmengo is an infectious disease. Unlike ordinary encephalitis, this disease causes changes not only in the brain, but also in the membranes of the spinal cord and brain.

In 1953, F. Mango, a neurologist from Turin, was struck by this disease. The patient infected other Italian residents, leading to an outbreak of this infection.

When F. Menderio became ill, he noticed that he had a high fever, headache and vomiting. Then his condition worsened sharply, and he was discharged from the hospital with a diagnosis of meningoencephalitis. Thus began the study of a new disease.

Meningo-encephalitis meningo affects the meninges. The mortality rate among patients is very high - about 80%. Most infections involve young children who have been weakened by another infection.