Meniere's Disease

Meniere's Disease

It is characterized by attacks of severe dizziness caused by periodically occurring painful changes in the inner ear. M.'s attacks b. accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sometimes tinnitus and hearing loss; During an attack, loss of balance occurs: the patient is unable to walk or even sit. At the end of the attack, the condition is usually normal, but this does not mean that recovery has occurred. M. is characterized by repetition of attacks, and sometimes they occur periodically (once a week, once a month, etc.).

Over the years, such patients' hearing gradually decreases and deafness may occur. Approximately the same phenomena occur with inflammation of the inner ear, damage to the brain, cerebellum and a number of other diseases. If these disorders appear, you should consult a doctor to find out the nature of the disease and eliminate its cause.

The sooner treatment is started, the better the result will be. The success of treatment largely depends on the patient's adherence to the diet, during which salt intake is sharply limited, vitamins are recommended, especially group B, contained in vegetables, fruits, pork liver, brewer's yeast, black bread and other products. A good result with M. is given by a special complex recommended by a doctor. exercises to train balance. Treatment classes physical education is carried out only in the interictal period. Sometimes special exercises performed by the patient in anticipation of an attack prevent its onset.

M. is more often observed in women aged 30 to 50 years. The reasons for it have not been established, but it has been noted that attacks of the disease can occur due to alcohol consumption, heavy meals, overwork, changes in barometric pressure, under the influence of kitchen odors, tobacco smoke, noise, exacerbation of rheumatism, etc.

Proper employment is of great importance in preventing attacks of M.: patients are freed from work in transport, at heights, in noisy environments, near moving machinery, as well as from work associated with prolonged travel.