
Mepivastesin is a local anesthetic that is used to provide anesthesia during various medical procedures such as oral surgery, tracheal intubation and bronchoscopy. It was developed in Germany and is manufactured by Espe.

Mepivastezin contains the active substance mepivacaine, which belongs to the group of amide-type local anesthetics. This means that it is highly effective and fast-acting, but may cause side effects such as headache, dizziness and speech problems.

Indications for the use of mepivastezin include local anesthesia for various oral procedures such as tooth extraction, dental implants and other surgical procedures. It can also be used for anesthesia during bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy.

However, before using mepivastezin, contraindications such as hypersensitivity to other amide anesthetics, advanced age, myasthenia gravis and liver dysfunction must be taken into account. In addition, side effects may include agitation, depression, headache and seizures.

Overall, mepivastesin is an effective and safe local anesthetic that can be used to provide anesthesia for a variety of medical procedures. However, before its use, a careful assessment of the risks and benefits for each patient is necessary.