Mercury Incandescent Lamp

A mercury incandescent lamp is a source of visible, infrared and ultraviolet light, which consists of a mercury tube and a tungsten filament. It is used for phototherapy, that is, treatment with light.

The lamp works based on a phenomenon known as luminescence. When ultraviolet radiation hits a tungsten filament, it begins to emit light. This light passes through a flask made of uviol glass and then hits a mercury tube where it is absorbed. This process produces visible light, which can be observed.

In addition, ultraviolet radiation that hits the tungsten filament can also penetrate the skin and reach internal organs. This allows the use of a mercury incandescent lamp to treat various diseases such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and others.

However, like any other type of treatment, mercury incandescent lamps should only be used under the supervision of a physician. In addition, they may cause some side effects such as headache, nausea and vomiting. Therefore, before using a mercury-incandescent lamp, you should consult your doctor.

A mercury incandescent lamp is one of the most common sources of radiation among people involved in medicine. It consists of two main parts: a mercury tubular burner filled with mercury vapor, and a tungsten spiral (incandescent), heated to the required temperature. More often

A mercury incandescent lamp is a source of visible red light (frankly speaking, our age does not have such parameters as, for example, incandescent lamps; everyone is already accustomed to seeing green light instead of red radiation) and a blue glow (to put it simply, bright and saturated in its form of a stream of light rays). You can often see these types of lamps at home among us. When treating inflammatory diseases and any others, we use lamps that have a characteristic composition of RN2 and RNbO4. Based on this, most of my acquaintances and friends use these types of lamps for treatment, they really help