
Metanephros: developmental features and functions

Metanephros (or secondary kidney) is the final stage of development of the renal system in vertebrates, including humans. It begins to form at 5-6 weeks of embryo development and completes its development by the end of the second month of pregnancy.

The metanephros is a complex structure consisting of several components, including the renal cortex, medulla, and collecting tubules and ducts that connect the kidneys to the bladder. An important feature of metanephros is that it is the final stage of kidney development and remains in this state throughout a person's life.

The function of the metanephros is to filter the blood and remove waste products from it. The urine produced by the metanephros enters the ureters and is then excreted from the body through the bladder. In addition, metanephros plays an important role in regulating water and electrolytes in the body, controlling their levels in the blood.

Although the metanephros remains in this state throughout a person's life, it can be susceptible to various diseases, including infections, tumors and other pathologies. It is important to note that problems with metanephros can lead to serious problems with kidney function and harmful effects on a person's health.

Thus, the metanephros is an important organ that plays a key role in filtering the blood and removing waste from the body, as well as regulating water and electrolytes in the body. Therefore, it is important to monitor its condition and, at the first signs of a disorder, consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Metanephros (metanephros, lne; meta- + Greek nephros kidney) is a secondary, definitive, final, permanent, pelvic kidney. Metanephros is formed from mesonephros at 5-6 weeks of human intrauterine development. The ureter, calyces and pelvis of the permanent kidney develop from the metanephric duct. Metanephros functions throughout a person’s subsequent life after birth. Thus, metanephros is the final stage of kidney development, which becomes the main urinary organ in the human body.