Metaraminol (Metaramino)

Metaraminol (Metaraminot) is a sympathomimetic drug that stimulates alpha receptors; used to treat severe anaphylactic shock (see Anaphylaxis). Prescribed by injection. Trade name: aramin (Araminc).

Metaraminol belongs to the group of sympathomimetics - drugs that stimulate the sympathetic nervous system. In particular, metaraminol is an alpha-adrenergic receptor agonist, that is, it activates α1 and α2 adrenergic receptors.

The main indication for the use of metaraminol is the treatment of severe anaphylactic shock and collapse that develops with severe allergic reactions. Anaphylactic shock is dangerous due to a sharp decrease in blood pressure, which can lead to circulatory problems in vital organs. Metaraminol increases blood pressure due to its vasoconstrictor effect.

Metaraminol is administered intravenously in a slow stream or intramuscularly. The dose is selected individually depending on the patient's condition. Possible side effects from the cardiovascular system, in particular tachycardia. Metaraminol should be used with caution in patients with cardiovascular disease.

Thus, metaraminol is an effective drug for urgently increasing blood pressure during the development of anaphylactic shock, but requires careful dosage selection and monitoring of the patient's condition.

Metaraminol is a sympathomimetic drug that is used to treat anaphylaxis. It stimulates alpha receptors in the body, which leads to increased cardiac output and blood pressure.

Metaraminol is used as an injection and is prescribed by doctors to treat severe anaphylactic shock, when the patient experiences a sharp drop in blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythm.

In addition, metaraminol may be used to treat other conditions associated with cardiac dysfunction, such as myocardial infarction or heart failure. However, before using the drug, you must consult your doctor and follow his recommendations.

Overall, metaraminol is an effective drug for the treatment of anaphylaxis and other conditions associated with cardiac circulatory disorders. However, its use must be strictly controlled and carried out under the supervision of a physician.

What is Metaraminol?

Metaraminol or Metaraminot is a sympathomimetic drug that stimulates alpha receptors and is used to treat anaphylactic shock.

What is Metaraminol used for:

Anaphylaxis is an acute allergic reaction that can lead to shock and even death. In such cases, Metaraminol is prescribed to quickly restore blood circulation and reduce symptoms.

How Metaraminol works:

The drug stimulates alpha-adrenergic receptors, which are found in blood vessels, which leads to vasodilation and increased blood flow. This improves blood circulation and reduces tissue hypoxia.

In what forms is Metaraminol available:

Metaraminol is available as an injection.

For what diseases is Metaraminol used:

Severe anaphylactic shock.


Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Side effects:


Increased blood pressure.




Impaired consciousness.



Nausea and vomiting.



Skin rash.



Metaraminol is a first-generation sympathomimetic, with pharmacological properties close to adrenergic agonists, stimulates beta1- and alpha1-adrenergic receptors, and in high doses has a direct stimulating effect on beta2-adrenergic receptors. It has a positive inotropic effect and a pronounced positive chronotropic effect. Increases blood pressure, increases the frequency and strength of heart contractions, enhances metabolism and erythropoiesis, and increases the oxygen content in the blood. Causes expansion of coronary vessels and increases their blood flow, reduces peripheral vascular resistance.

Metaraminol: benefit or harm? Metaraminol is a mixed-action sympathomimetic. It stimulates alpha and beta adrenergic receptors. In this case, the effect of metaraminol on alpha-adrenergic receptors significantly predominates. In addition, it has an anticholinergic effect.

Metaraminol methyl sulfate is used to relieve systolic arterial hypotension in various age groups of patients, including newborns, children, adolescents, and adults. The drug can also be used to relieve seizures in case of poisoning with quinine, alkali

Metaraminol is a synthetic drug from the group of sympathomimetic amines that have a stimulating effect on alpha receptors. It is also a vasoconstrictor and bronchodilator. Many of the actions of the drug are similar to those of adrenaline, as well as the very small value for which it is used. It is used in the treatment of severe anaphylactic shock.

The medicine is prescribed by injection. The brand name of the medicinal substance is aramin. Dosages of the substance can range from 3 to 8 mg. Metaraminol is generally recommended for intravenous or subcutaneous administration. The rate of introduction of the drug into the patient’s body is determined by the doctor. In order to avoid overdoses, it is necessary to use doses within the recommended limits. The drug combines well with various medications, including narcotics. Can be used in pregnant women, but only under medical supervision. Side effects of the drug can cause heart rhythm disturbances.