
The Metathalamus is a part of the brain that is located at the back of the thalamus. It plays an important role in processing and transmitting information between different areas of the brain.

The metathalamus consists of two main parts - internal and external. The inner part is located in the center of the thalamus and contains many neurons that transmit information between different areas of the brain. The outer part of the metathalamus is located on the surface of the thalamus and serves to connect the metathalamus with other parts of the brain.

One of the main functions of the metathalamus is to process sensory information coming from the senses. It processes information received from the eyes, ears, nose, skin and other organs and transmits it to other areas of the brain for further processing.

In addition, the metathalamus is involved in the regulation of emotions and behavior. It receives information from different areas of the brain and regulates neuronal activity in other areas, which affects our mood, emotions and behavior.

Thus, the metathalamus plays an important role in our lives, providing information processing and regulating emotions and behavior.

The metathalamus is a section of the diencephalon, which in mammals occupies a small part of the posterior section of the fourth ventricle at the level of the anterior sections of the third cerebral ventricle. It is a large hilly brown structure. Weight 50-60 mg. Entry holes in