Methylene Blue Alcohol Solution

Today we will talk about such an antiseptic as “Methylene blue”. In the article we will analyze all aspects of this product: from the name and composition to indications for use and side effects.

Drug name

"Methylene blue" is a solution for external use. It is a clear liquid that may have a yellow tint. Several synonyms for this drug are known, but the most commonly used among them are “aqueous” and “methylenium blue.”

| Name of the drug | Description of the drug ---------------------------- Antiseptic, antifungal agent.

An aqueous solution of methylthiazolyl tetrathiocarbamate (methylene blue). Has antiseptic and fungistatic effects. Against burning skin inflammations and inflammatory diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug. The drug disrupts oxidative processes in the metabolic cycles of microorganisms, suppresses the growth and division of erythroderma, and activates skin protective factors. Blue color liquid of aqueous solution of methylene blue can change yellow color

A solution of methylene blue can also be in the form of tablets that contain the same active ingredient, but in higher concentration. Methylene blue tablets are an aspirin anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory agent.

Release form and composition Side effects Method of administration and dosage Interaction with other drugs Special instructions Storage conditions Shelf life Composition. All preparations contain one active substance - methylthiononium chloride, for example, an aqueous solution of methylene blue 0.1%. Indications Antibacterial and bacteriostatic action and its suppuration and tissue burns; conjunctivitis and eye irritation, burns of the cornea; skin and venereal diseases; trichomonas colpitis; treating children for scarlet fever or rubella; prevention of superinfection of postoperative lacerations. Contraindications Hypersensitivity to the components of the Methylene blue solution. 1% alcohol. Before use, you should consult your doctor. The dosage is selected individually, depending on the degree of infection and the general condition of the body. After applying the solution, do not wipe it off; you need to wash off the liquid after a while. If skin coloring after treatment with the drug persists for a long time, another remedy should be used. Avoid contact of the solution with the skin in the eye area and around the mouth. When treating acne, use the acne remedy Triclorazone and treat each of the acne elements with the solution. Like we have