Stupor Negative

One of the most common forms of speech disorders in children is dysphasia, or expressive language disorders. Dysphasia is the inability, for one reason or another, to pronounce a word correctly in accordance with the language of generally accepted communication. Several types of dysphasia can be distinguished. The most common are articulatory and vocative dysphasia. They manifest themselves equally in any form of speech

Stupor of the negativistic type is one of the most common mental disorders. It is characterized by the patient's reluctance to change his posture or accept new body positions. This can be caused by various reasons such as stress, anxiety, depression or even physical pain.

Attacks of negativistic stupors can occur suddenly and without warning. The patient may become motionless and not respond to the requests and words of the people around him. This condition may last for several minutes or hours.

One of the symptoms of this disorder is distorted perception of the environment. The person may feel confined and find it difficult to connect with other people. In such cases, it is necessary to help the patient change his perception and seek help from a specialist.

Treatment of negativistic attacks requires a comprehensive approach, including psychotherapy, medications and physical activity. An important role is played by the support of loved ones and concern for a healthy lifestyle.