
Methylergometrine, or methylergothiazemide, is a drug that is an effective stimulator of the uterine muscles. Its analogues are sergite, ergotine, microtonin, emetogen. In 1931 it was produced in Czechoslovakia. Since 1961, it has been produced both in tablets and ampoules - the concentration of the active substance is 0.2 mg/ml. One milliliter of solution contains from 0.12 to 0.3 mg of active substance. In terms of pharmacological action it is close to ergometrine, only there is no vasoconstrictor effect. Indicated for postpartum and post-abortion increased bleeding, especially when manually separating the placenta. Also used for uterine involution after childbirth. The effect of the drug appears after 30-60 minutes. Duration of action is from 5 to 12 hours. Indications for use are similar to those for ergometrine; Methylergometrine is superior to ergometrine in duration of action. However, methylerganome in high doses enhances the central effect of ergotamines.[1].

Indications for the use of methylergamethrin are postpartum and postoperative hemo