Cataract Membranous

Cataracta membranacea is a complex congenital eye defect characterized by the formation of a membrane, a dense transparent film or thread-like cord, on the anterior capsule of the lens. The incidence of cataracts does not exceed 3%. Hereditary multiple lesions, which can manifest as cataracts in newborns, are also possible. The diagnosis is made by an ophthalmologist during a direct examination of the child.

The causes of membranous cataracts usually include hereditary factors, adverse effects on the embryonic lens rudiment, tauriticopia and general toxoplasma infection in the last months of intrauterine development. Membrane localization often begins near the pupil. The formation of opacities is caused by a genetic defect in the formation and growth of lens protein. They can also occur as a result of certain medical procedures, such as being on an abortion machine or treating eye tumors with chemotherapy.

Symptoms of cataracts include loss of vision, frequent tearing, and failure to refract light after prolonged darkness or when exposed to various irritants. If the corneal epithelium is affected, children's eyes may develop a degree of corneal opacity, which can be treated with local corneal transplantation. When the depth of the pathological process is limited, the use of laser methods is required. In the case of a deep lens defect, a cataractotomy operation is indicated, where the affected remains are removed from the eye through an incision.

Treatment of cataracts consists of three stages: diagnostic, therapeutic - surgical and restorative. The main objectives of the first and second stages are to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe the necessary surgical treatment. The modern choice of techniques for surgery of the posterior segment of the eye is based on a number of basic principles: visualization of the posterior chamber during microsurgery, minimal damage to the intraocular nerve, minimal trauma to all structures of the eye. Surgical treatment of cataracts should be carried out under conditions of precise selection of the regimen, reliable control of the operation parameters and information preparation of the patient.