Methyluracil ointment for bruises

Methyluracil ointment for wrinkles - a miracle from the pharmacy

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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It doesn’t matter how old a woman is - ten or sixty, the desire to be beautiful is inherent in them by nature itself. In youth it often seems that youth will last forever.

Your eyes will never stop shining after a sleepless night, your legs will never know what swelling is, and your skin will be as elastic as a baby.

The appearance of the first wrinkle is perceived as a personal catastrophe with all the standard consequences: fear and awareness of inevitable old age, worries, and then an irrepressible desire to stop and reverse this process.

All means are used: widely advertised creams and masks, aromatic oils, massages and special gymnastics. Often all these manipulations do not give the expected effect, and the result in the form of a new chain of unaesthetic wrinkles appears on the face.

A woman, in her desire to preserve her youth, buys fashion magazines, studies reviews, tries new, increasingly expensive products almost every day, causing a significant blow to her own budget.

Pharmacology in the fight against wrinkles

But there are long-proven methods that provide a chance to almost completely get rid of these age-related manifestations or significantly reduce their intensity.

Modern pharmaceuticals have in their arsenal many products that effectively cope with the first signs of aging. One of them is methyluracil ointment.

For wrinkles, this drug, developed to stimulate cellular regeneration processes, is not recommended by any therapist, but cosmetologists use it quite intensively.

With regular use of methyluracil, the result will immediately affect a noticeably younger face.

Indications for the use of methyluracil ointment and its side effects

Do not think that this drug was developed specifically to combat the inevitable signs of aging.

Important: The main medical indications for its use are wounds, burns, dermatitis, bone fractures, ulcers, boils.

The ointment is a powerful immunomodulator. It intensively affects skin tissue at the cellular level, stimulates metabolism and activates synthesis processes.

Thanks to this, the difficult healing process occurs painlessly and quickly.

It is not known who was the first to draw attention to the “side effects” that methyluracil has. It gets rid of wrinkles, especially the first ones, without difficulty, significantly reduces the depth and reduces the number of age-related ones.

After using the drug, thousands of women begin to look in the mirror with pleasure again. The skin smoothes out and becomes tender and soft, and the hated folds completely disappear.

And if there are any doubts about how effective methyluracil is against wrinkles, reviews on numerous women’s forums will help you convincingly part with them.

Read also about other pharmaceutical remedies for wrinkles around the eyes.

How to use the ointment

This medicine should be applied in a thin layer to previously cleansed and toned skin in the morning and evening.

It contains a methyluracil component, petroleum jelly and natural lanolin, for this reason the drug has a fairly dense texture.

However, this does not prevent it from being absorbed perfectly without leaving any oily residue.

The product can be used as a base for everyday makeup. We recommend reading how to hide wrinkles with makeup.

Important: Both doctors and cosmetologists do not recommend using methyluracil ointment for wrinkles for more than 15 days.

Reviews from those who have tried the drug indicate that this period allows one to really see positive dynamics. If there are deep wrinkles, the course can be repeated after a week.

Advantages of the drug

Among the obvious advantages of methyluracil are:

  1. safety (the ointment is made from proven components that have undergone many years of clinical trials)
  2. high efficiency (results appear after 2-3 days of use)
  3. availability (methyluracil can be purchased without a prescription at any pharmacy)
  4. acceptable price

When using this pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle product, you need to take into account the presence of medical contraindications and the possibility of allergic reactions.

For this reason, before starting use, you must thoroughly read the instructions.

According to the instructions, methyluracil ointment is a preparation for wound healing. In addition, the ointment is used in gynecology, for hemorrhoids, dry rhinitis, and diaper rash. For children, the ointment is used only after the age of three. Ointment is not prescribed for infants and nurseries. What can be treated with methyluracil ointment besides wounds?

Composition of methyluracil ointment


Methyluracil ointment is produced by pharmaceutical factories in the post-Soviet space. The base of the ointment is Vaseline. (or paraffin, lanolin). These formative substances do not have any medicinal effect. Some manufacturers add alcohols and macrogol to the ointment. Allergy sufferers need to know the list of additional substances, because they are the ones that cause allergic redness and rash.

The main active ingredient of the ointment is methyluracil.. It enhances tissue regeneration, treats inflammation and stimulates the production of immune bodies. Methyluracil is not a hormone. Therefore, the question whether methyluracil ointment is hormonal or not is posed incorrectly. The composition is not hormonal and is not addictive like other drugs containing hormones.

The ointment is available in tubes of 25 g (Russian Nizhpharm), or 15 and 30 g (Ukrainian manufacturer Darnitsa). The amount of methyluracil in the ointment is 10% (1 g of ointment contains 100 mg of active ingredient). Methyluracil ointment 10% is the only option produced by the pharmaceutical industry. There is no 1% methyluracil ointment and the question is incorrect: where is 5% methyluracil ointment used? The color of the ointment may vary (depending on the set of formative components and preservatives). From different manufacturers it may be white or light yellow, but this does not affect the medicinal properties of the drug.

Properties of methyluracil ointment

Methyluracil is a structural element nucleic acid, That's why its main effect is the acceleration of metabolism (nutrition) in cells and, as a result, increased tissue regeneration. As a result of normalization of nutrition, new cells are intensively formed and grown. In this case, existing wounds heal without scars or scars.

The healing effect is formed against the background of increased synthesis of protein cells. Therefore, methyluracin is also used as a sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass.

Methyluracil also inhibits the activity of enzymes that cause inflammation. Therefore, it limits inflammatory processes and reduces pain. Methyluracil not only reduces sensitivity, it removes the cause of pain and the swelling that accompanies it.

Note: when taken internally, methyluracil is a general strengthening and immunostimulating agent. In order to confirm this, let's look at the list of similar drugs. We will see a large list of immunostimulants of various effects - Immudon, Anaferon, Cycloferon, Galavit and others.

Methyluracil ointment: instructions for use

We provide information from the instructions for use. Methyluracil ointment is an external remedy for the treatment of any wounds. It reduces inflammation, swelling and pain. Let us briefly list what methyluracil ointment helps with:

  1. Hard-to-heal wounds of any origin (thermal and chemical burns, cuts, cuts, dermatitis and diaper rash, postoperative sutures, suppuration).
  2. Cracks in the anus (haemorrhoids).
  3. Protection of the skin from excessive trauma during medical procedures (irradiation, burning and cauterization).

What else is important to know about the ointment:

  1. The composition is compatible with antibiotics, antiseptics, sulfonamides.
  2. One use can consume 5-10 g of ointment. Which is about 1/5 to 1/3 of a tube.
  3. The ointment is used in the treatment of adults and children over 3 years of age. In this case, children use the ointment once a day. Adults – 2 times a day. Reducing the number of anointings in children ensures a gentle effect of therapy.

The versatility of the composition allows it to be used in various fields of medicine. Today, ointment with methyluracil is a composition for treatment, prevention and stimulation. It is used much more widely than expected during development.

Other forms of the drug: suppositories and tablets

In addition to the ointment composition, methyluracil is produced in the form of tablets and rectal suppositories. Rectal suppositories are used in the same way as vaginal suppositories. Which is better, methyluracil suppositories or ointment, tablets? The choice of drug form is determined by the disease. Here are the general rules when prescribing tablets, suppositories and ointments.


Tablets are indicated for general systemic treatment. They are prescribed when there is an insufficient number of leukocytes in the blood (which happens after chemotherapy and radiation). For anemia, poisoning and decreased platelets. For peptic ulcers and as a general tonic during (or after) treatment of infectious diseases, during the recovery period after any injuries (as a general tonic).


Suppositories – used for local treatment of hollow organs. For example, methyluracil suppositories are administered into the intestines for hemorrhoids and colpitis, ulcerative colitis and proctitis. And also inside the vagina for the healing of erosive formations, in the treatment of vulvitis. And also - after surgical gynecological interventions (for example, after removal of polyps).


Ointment is the most inexpensive option. It is in demand in the treatment of various skin injuries - burns, cuts, lacerations, suppuration, trophic ulcers. And also in gynecology - for postpartum sutures and ruptures. And also - when caring for bedridden patients - for the treatment of bedsores.

Treatment of any injuries: regeneration and recovery

The main effect of methyluracil is to accelerate tissue regeneration, which is in demand for any injuries. The ointment is an external preparation, therefore it is used to heal external injuries (wounds, cuts, burns, bedsores).

The greatest treatment effect is obtained if the ointment is applied to the wound for a long time and fixed with a bandage or plaster.

This dressing with methyluracil ointment should be changed periodically. If the wound is not infected and there is no pus, then the bandage is changed after 10-12 hours. Purulent wounds need to be washed more often. For them, the dressings are changed every 3-4 hours.

Between changing dressings, the wound must be treated with an antiseptic. (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine). In infected wounds, pus and dead tissue are carefully removed during washing. After that, ointment is applied directly over the wound and covered with a sterile bandage. This is how long-term non-healing wounds, abscesses (suppuration), and burns are treated.

Methyluracil ointment for burns prevents their infection and the formation of pus. Extensive damage to the skin due to a thermal or chemical burn is dangerous due to infection. Large burns often become inflamed and covered with a purulent crust. The antiseptic composition of the ointment allows pathogens to limit access to the open wound and prevent infection. Also, the composition of the ointment helps wounds heal without scars and scars.

Methyluracil ointment for scars is best used at the stage of wound healing. Stimulating regeneration allows you to avoid scars in case of extensive burns and deep cuts. If scars have already formed, the ointment will not be as effective.

Another type of skin injury is diaper rash. They form in bedridden patients and cause discomfort. Methyluracil ointment for diaper rash reduces the area of ​​inflammation, redness, irritation, relieves pain.

Methyluracil is also used for bruises. Especially with large areas of injury. Large bruises take a long time to resolve on their own. For quick healing, the bruise site is smeared with methyluracil 2-3 times a day.

Note: methyluracil can stimulate the regeneration of any tissue. It can accelerate the healing of bones during fractures, the restoration of muscles and ligaments when they are torn. However, this requires internal administration of the drug – methyluracil tablets. In this version (when taken internally), methyluracil enhances the processes of growth and regeneration throughout the body, and even in brain and blood cells.

Methyluracil ointment for children - treatment of runny nose


The instructions regulate the use of methyluracil in the treatment of children only after 3 years of age. Therefore, ointment is not used for infants.

For children over three years of age, methyluracil can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. What does the ointment do?

The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of the methyluracil composition make it possible to use it to treat bacterial infections. The ointment is applied to the nose for a severe runny nose with thick green discharge.. The green color and density of nasal mucus indicate the bacterial nature of the infection, for which methyluracil ointment in the nose will be a very effective treatment.

Note: methyluracil is not an antiviral substance, but can stimulate the immune system. Therefore, the composition of the ointment can also help with a viral infection (runny nose).

When else is methyluracil nasal ointment necessary? With constant dryness in the nose, so-called dry rhinitis is formed.. With it, snot does not flow from the nose, but blood periodically flows. This disease is an occupational disease of those who work in hot shops. The main cause of dry rhinitis is drying out of the mucous membranes in the nasal passages.

To treat the disease, the inside of the nose is lubricated with methyluracil ointment.. It softens the crusts and restores the nasal mucosa within a few days. The bleeding stops.


Methyluracil ointment is used in gynecology for the treatment of postpartum injuries. The ointment is applied over the external seams and covered with a pad (to prevent it from being absorbed into linen and clothing). To heal tears inside the vagina, you can apply the ointment directly to the inner walls with your finger or insert the ointment on a cotton swab. The duration of treatment is up to 7 days, the ointment is applied daily two (and sometimes three) times a day.

The composition of the ointment is used to prevent labor ruptures. 10 days before the expected date of birth, the ointment is applied to the perineum and inserted with a tampon into the vagina. These simple measures can reduce the risk of birth defects by 60-70% (according to statistics from European countries).

Methyluracil ointment is not used in gynecology for children. Let us remind you that according to the instructions, the age of children who can be treated with methyluracil is limited to 3 years. The child must be over three years old.

There is another pathology for which it is necessary to use an ointment with a regenerating effect. These are the so-called synechiae in girls. Synechia is a partial fusion of the labia minora. This defect forms a small pocket in which secretions accumulate. If pathogenic flora multiplies in the accumulation of secretions, inflammation results.

It can spread to neighboring organs of the genitourinary system. Which will lead to the need for treatment. Therefore, in case of synechia in a girl, it is recommended to separate the fused labia with your fingers and lubricate them with regenerating ointment (methyluracil). Methyluracil ointment for synechiae allows you to get rid of the physiological defect and prevent inflammation.

Methyluracil ointment for hemorrhoids

A common complication of hemorrhoids are fissures in the anus and bleeding hemorrhoids. They require antiseptic treatment and treatment. Otherwise, they become inflamed and form suppuration.

For external treatment of hemorrhoids, compositions with an antiseptic component are used. Methyluracil ointment has proven itself well; for anal fissures, its effectiveness has been tested over years of use for treatment.

For hemorrhoidal protrusions inside the rectum, suppositories are used. To treat external bumps - use ointment. How to use methyluracil ointment for hemorrhoids?

The composition is applied at night or in the morning after bowel movement. Before applying the ointment, the anus is washed and wiped until dry.

The effect of methyluracil ointment for fissures in the anus will be stronger, the more stable the treatment is.. Daily application of the ointment helps to avoid complications and periodic bleeding from the anus. Hemorrhoids themselves require systemic treatment - establishing blood flow and eliminating congestion in the veins of the anus.

Methyluracil ointment in dentistry

For gums, palate, tongue, and any mucous surfaces inside the mouth, it is better to use a gel composition. The ointment is poorly absorbed through the mucous membrane; most of the ointment is swallowed with saliva and does not have any effect. Methyluracil ointment for stomatitis is not the most effective medicine. There are more suitable drugs (Cholisal, Mundizal-gel).

Methyluracil ointment in cosmetology

One of the unexpected side effects of methyluracil was the anti-wrinkle effect. When treating wounds and pimples, it became noticeable that the composition of the ointment tends to smooth out small, shallow wrinkles. As for deep wrinkles, they do not disappear completely, but become less pronounced and not so noticeable.

For cosmetic purposes, methyluracil anti-wrinkle ointment is applied in a thin layer to the face. The composition has sufficient thickness and density, so the amount of ointment in the tube is enough for several days of use. The first results appear 4-5 days after the start of recovery. Can be used as a day cream or makeup base.

How does methyluracil ointment help against acne? This is where its anti-inflammatory effect comes into play. The effect of the ointment becomes noticeable after a couple of days from the start of use.


The ointment is also used in peeling. This cosmetic procedure is carried out mechanically or chemically. During the procedure, the top layer of skin with a large number of dead cells is removed. Which is accompanied by slight injury to the epidermis. To quickly restore the skin, making it smooth and elastic, methyluracil ointment is used. After peeling, it is applied immediately, and also added after - for 2-3 days, until the facial skin is completely restored.

Another procedure for which ointment with methyluracil is in demand is laser facial resurfacing.. As a rule, after laser resurfacing, the skin of the face becomes slightly inflamed and red. This redness goes away within two to three days. The use of methyluracil speeds up recovery. The redness will go away in less than a day after the procedure.

Methyluracil ointment: analogues

Side effects in the form of an allergic reaction occur quite rarely. The price of methyluracil ointment is also quite reasonable. Therefore, you have to look for analogues in the absence of a simple and affordable ointment in the pharmacy.

What does pharmaceuticals offer:

  1. Levomekol - ointment, which contains methyluracil and the antibiotic chloramphenicol. If necessary, successfully replaces methyluracil ointment. Combines regenerating and antibacterial effects.
  2. Altan - ointment with a different chemical composition, used to treat purulent wounds, periodontal disease.
  3. Bepanten - cream and ointment with dexapanthenol for long-term non-healing wounds and skin lesions.
  4. Calendoderm - ointment based on calendula flowers and leaves. Heals and prevents inflamed wounds.

In addition, pharmacies sell Voskopran dressing with methyluracil ointment, which according to the instructions is intended for the treatment of any wounds. It is a sterile dressing impregnated with wax (to limit the seepage of the ointment through the gauze). Methyluracil ointment is applied to the inner surface of the bandage. The low price of the drug and the absence of complications are the two main factors that attract many buyers to it.


I was prescribed methyluracil ointment after a cesarean section to quickly heal the suture and to avoid leaving a large scar.

The burn was treated with ointment. I scalded my hand and there was a wound next to the hand. There is no scar left.

Methyluracil ointment helps a lot against wrinkles. It’s not that they are completely gone, but the face really looks fresher and smoother.

We use methyluracil ointment for wounds, acne, ulcers, and burns. This is a product that should be on hand in your home medicine cabinet.

All information is provided for informational purposes. And it is not an instruction for self-treatment. If you feel unwell, consult a doctor.

One of the most popular ointments for bruises is Levomekol. Hematomas heal on their own, but this process is long and takes 2-3, sometimes 4 weeks. If you need to quickly heal a bruise, use healing products. Then its lifespan will be reduced by at least 2 times.


Levomekol is a safe drug that is used in various branches of medicine and can be used even during pregnancy and lactation, because its components do not penetrate the bloodstream.

The ointment has existed for more than 30 years, has been carefully studied and has received recognition in surgery, gynecology, veterinary medicine, dermatology, and dentistry.

Unusual ways of using the product are also known. For example, removing wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes.

Levomekol for bruises

Having Levomekol in your medicine cabinet, you don’t have to worry about abrasions, wounds, bruises, and swelling. The ointment fights the consequences of injuries due to its antimicrobial, dehydrating, regenerating, and anti-inflammatory effects. It is easy to use, since the consistency of the gel is as convenient as possible for application.


Levomekol cream effectively helps with bruises, bumps, contusions and abrasions. It is applied not only to disinfect the affected area. Levomekol relieves pain, swelling, and removes excess fluid.

The ointment also promotes rapid healing due to its dehydrating properties. Prevents the development of pathogenic microbes on the wound surface. At the same time, the healing process accelerates and bruises disappear faster.


The drug Levomekol contains 2 active components. The remaining ingredients act as auxiliary ones.

  1. Chloramphenicol is a synthetic antibiotic that inhibits peptidyl transferase, blocking protein production in bacteria. It has a bacteriostatic, antibacterial effect, destroying Proteus, Shigella, spirochetes, Escherichia coli, Haemophilus influenzae, Rickettsia, Salmonella, Serration, Yersinia, Proteus, anaerobic bacteria, penicillin-resistant strains.
  2. Methyluracil has photoprotective, anabolic, immunomodulatory, healing, reparative, anti-inflammatory effects. Stimulates the immune system, increasing the protective functions of the skin, and improves metabolism in the area.
  3. Polyethylene oxide 1500 and 400 is the base.
  4. Water is an auxiliary component.

The cost of Levomekol ointment is 36-82 rubles per 40 gram tube. May vary between pharmacies. Visit several to choose the best price.


Instructions for use

Methods of using Levomekol ointment differ depending on the situation. The drug is applied in a thin layer to the skin, left to dry or covered with a bandage, bandages, tampons are made, and injected with a syringe in a liquefied form.

Used as part of complex treatment of skin diseases, in proctology, gynecology.

  1. For dark circles under the eyes, wrinkles, blackheads, pimples, spots and other damage on the face, apply a thin layer of cream. The procedure is performed once a day for no more than 14 days.
  2. It is administered orally as a balm for bruises and swelling using a catheter under the supervision of a physician. Preheat the product to 37 degrees. This helps clear the wound of pus and destroy bacteria. This method is rarely used after severe injuries. The procedure is repeated during the first days of treatment.
  3. In gynecology and urology, cotton-gauze swabs soaked in Levomekol are used. They are made from a cotton cord and inserted rectally or vaginally at night for 8-12 days.
  4. To treat otitis and sinusitis, tightly wound gauze, lubricated with Levomekol, is placed. The course of treatment lasts no more than 14 days with 1-2 single uses.
  5. On large wounds, burns, abrasions, bruises, hematomas, apply the ointment generously, covering it with a sterile napkin. Fix it at the site of damage for 2-3 hours or overnight. Apply before the start of the granulation (healing) stage, no more than 6 days.


You should not apply Levomekol ointment if you have contraindications:

  1. should not be used by children under 3 years of age;
  2. there is an individual intolerance to the components;
  3. malignant neoplasms of the bone marrow;
  4. hemoblastosis;
  5. granulation stage of the wound (healing occurs on days 5-6);
  6. malignant neoplasms of lymphoid tissue;
  7. acute, chronic forms of leukemia.


It is also not recommended to continue using the product if symptoms such as:

  1. deterioration of health, weakness;
  2. swelling of the injury site;
  3. itching of the skin;
  4. burning;
  5. rash, redness, urticaria, dermatitis.


When applying Levomekol ointment for bruises, pay attention to the dosage. It is a maximum of 3 grams per day.


Cases of overdose of the drug have not been found, because the drug, often used externally, is not absorbed into the bloodstream. This ensures his safety.

Side effects

Side effects of Levomekol are rare, however, the manufacturer indicates them in the instructions for the ointment:

  1. an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by itching and redness of the skin;
  2. urticaria (unlikely).

The best ointments for bruises

  1. Vulnostimulin based on coriander, lavender oil, wheat extract accelerates healing and epithelization of wounds. It is used on open, infected, purulent wounds, abrasions, cuts, erosion, scratches, bruises.
  2. Indovazin is an anti-inflammatory, analgesic ointment. Relieves swelling, hyperemia, strengthens vascular walls. It is used for swelling after injuries, hematomas, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, bursitis, radiculitis, thrombophlebitis.


  1. Heparin ointment helps in the treatment of subcutaneous hematomas, as well as for vascular disorders. It relieves inflammation and has an antithrombic and analgesic effect. Can only be used on intact skin without abrasions.
  2. Voltaren gel eliminates pain, swelling, inflammation. According to the instructions, it is used for joint injuries, but is also effective against hematomas, promoting their rapid healing.
  3. Fastum gel relieves inflammation in tendons, muscles, and joints. Used as a remedy for bruises from injuries. According to the instructions, you cannot use it for more than 10 days.
  4. Lyoton cures thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, periphlebitis, mastitis, swelling, infiltrates, bruises, injuries, subcutaneous hemorrhages. Acts as an antithrombic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, anti-exudative agent. Activates the process of resorption of hematomas, blood clots, and edema.