Метод Ловсета (Lovset S Maneuver)

The Lovset S Manoeuvre method is a manipulation used in breech presentation of the fetus to facilitate the removal of arms and shoulders from the birth canal.

The essence of the method is as follows: after the birth of the head, when the torso is born up to the shoulder blades, and then the arms and shoulders hang in the pelvis, the obstetrician clasps the fetal chest with one hand, and his pelvis with the other, and carefully rotates the child’s torso 90 degrees. This leads to the fact that one shoulder becomes downward, closer to the exit from the birth canal, and the second - upward. After this, the obstetrician carefully pulls the fetal body downwards, due to which the lower shoulder is born, and the upper one slides along the bones of the mother’s pelvis and is also born.

This technique facilitates the birth of stuck shoulders and avoids complications associated with their difficult movement along the birth canal. The Loveset method is considered an effective and safe way to assist with breech presentation of the fetus.

The Lovset method or Lovset S-Manoeuvre is a technique that is used during childbirth with a breech presentation of the fetus to facilitate the removal of its arms and shoulders from the birth canal. This method was developed by Dr. Eric Lovsen in 1994.

What is this method? During labor, when the fetus is in the breech position, the physician may help the fetus rotate and apply traction to facilitate passage through the birth canal. To do this, the doctor uses his or her hands to rotate and apply traction to the fetus's torso, which can help avoid injury and speed up the birth process.

How it works? The doctor begins by placing one hand on the woman's abdomen and the other on the fetus's buttocks. Then he begins to turn and traction the fetal body in the direction opposite to its presentation. This can help reposition the fetus and improve its passage through the birth canal.

Advantages of the Loveset method. This method has several advantages over other methods used during childbirth. Firstly, it helps avoid injury to both the fetus and the mother. Secondly, this method can speed up the labor process and reduce the likelihood of needing a caesarean section. Third, it can reduce pain and discomfort for a woman during childbirth.

However, before using the Loveset method, it is necessary to consult a doctor to ensure that it is suitable for a particular woman and her pregnancy. In addition, the doctor must monitor the birth process and monitor the condition of the fetus and mother to avoid possible complications.

Thus, the Loveset method is an effective tool for facilitating labor in the breech position, helping to speed up the process and reduce the risk of injury to mother and baby. However, before using it, you should consult with a specialist to ensure its safety and effectiveness for your specific pregnancy and childbirth.

The Loveset method or S-shaped maneuver is one of the methods that is used in obstetrics to facilitate childbirth with a breech presentation. This method involves turning and traction of the fetus's torso during birth, which helps relieve pressure on the fetus's shoulders and arms and facilitate their passage through the birth opening.

The essence of the method is that the obstetrician turns and treats the fetal torso to help it take the correct position and reduce pressure on the arms and shoulders. This can be done using special tools such as forceps or a vacuum pump.

Benefits of the Loveset method include reduced pain and stress for the mother and fetus, and a reduced risk of injury to the baby. However, this method is not universal and may not be suitable for all cases. Therefore, before using the Loveset method, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will assess the risks and benefits of this method for a particular case.