-Метрия (-Meters)

Metria (Greek μετρία - measure, yardstick, size) (from Greek μετρον - measure) is a term denoting a set of measurements that have certain properties that allow you to perform calculations and obtain results.

Translated from Greek, the word “metria” means “measure”, “measurement”. The term “metric” is often used to mean “measurement system”, “size”.

The term “metry” is used in determining dimensions, determining the parameters of various objects and phenomena, for example, in metrology, architecture, physics, geometry, as well as in other sciences related to measurement and calculations.

Meaning of the word "metric":

  1. The science of dimensions, measurement systems, measures.
  2. The ability to correctly measure and determine the size of something.
  3. System of weights and measures.
  4. Size, degree of development of something.
  5. Size, measure of something (in a figurative sense).
  6. In music, a system of rhythmic figures.
  7. In architecture, a part of a building’s structure that forms its volume.
  8. In geometry - metric space.
  9. In linguistics, the size of a verse.
  10. In mathematics, the metric tensor.

Metrics is a suffix that is used to denote the measurement of some parameter, for example, length, weight, speed, etc. It comes from the Latin word “metrum”, which means “measure”.

For example, the word “metric” means “measurement of a meter,” and “meter” means “measurement of an area.” You can also come across the terms “metrics” (measuring time), “metering” (measuring length), “metering” (measuring weight), etc.

In some cases, metric can be used as a separate word, for example “pulse metric”, “blood pressure metric”, etc.

In addition, metric is used in various sciences, such as physics, mathematics, biology, etc., where it helps to measure the parameters of objects and phenomena.